Johan Woxenius
Visar 119 publikationer
Shipping in the EU emissions trading system: implications for mitigation, costs and modal split
The Shipper's Perspective on Slow Steaming - Study of Six Swedish Companies
Costs, not SECAs make RoRo steam slow
Urban freight-parking practices: The cases of Gothenburg (Sweden) and Delhi (India)
Slow steaming as part of SECA compliance strategies among RoRo and RoPax shipping companies
Slow Steaming and Competitiveness of European Short Sea RORO Shipping
Shipper strategies for coping with slow-steaming in deep sea container shipping
Urban Freight-Parking Practices: The Cases of Gothenburg (Sweden) and Delhi (India)
Review of port-city interactions, keynote speech
Slow steaming from shippers' perspective
Slow steaming from the shippers’ perspective
Sea Shuttle Concept in North-Eastern Europe
The consequences of the extended gap between curiosity-driven and impact-driven research
Slow steaming från varuägarnas perspektiv
Sustainability via Short Sea Shuttle Concept
Modelling modal choice effects of regulation on low-sulphur marine fuels in Northern Europe
The 4 A’s of Sustainable Logistics
Development of the Short Sea Shuttle Concept
Approach for handling heterogeneous goods in intermodal freight networks - revisited
Measuring efficiency in transport networks - an operational tool
Utilising more of the loading space in intermodal line trains – measures and decision support
Directness as a key performance indicator for freight transport chains
Comparing maritime containers and semi-trailers in the context of hinterland transport by rail
Information flows supporting hinterland transportation by rail: Applications in Sweden
Information Flows Supporting Hinterland Transport: Applications in Sweden
Establishing intermodal terminals
Flexibility vs. specialisation in European short sea shipping
Innovation drivers and barriers in intermodal freight transport
The dry port concept: connecting container seaports with the hinterland
Options for increasing transport efficiency in urban freight distribution: do more with less
The impact of urban freight transport: a definition of sustainability from an actors perspective
Intermodal road-rail transport in the European Union
The Concept of Smart Freight Transport Systems – the road haulier’s perspective
Challenging the lead time issues in global supply chains
Measures for increasing the loading space utilisation of intermodal line train systems
Intermodal freight transport network designs and their implication for transhipment technologies
Time perspectives on intermodal transport of consolidated cargo
Possibilities to transfer goods from road to rail to and from the ports of Karlskrona and Gdynia
Towards a ”Smart Growth” Strategy for Sustainable Development
Intermodal Versus Unimodal Road Freight Transport - A Review of Comparisons of the External Costs
Modelling operational decision-making in freight transport chains
Temporal elements in the spatial extension of production networks
Organisation of Swedish dry port terminals, A report in the EU Interreg project SustAccess
Koldioxid - en ödesfråga för godstransporterna
Torrhamnar - Lösningen på mångas problem?
Trafikslagsövergripande databas för godstransporter
Järnvägar och avfallstransporter - vilken roll kan järnvägen spela för avfallshanteringen?
Time perspectives on Intermodal transport of consolidated cargo
A Swedish intermodal transport service based on line-trains serving freight forwarders
Verkstadsindustrins logistik - en innovationssystemanalys
The Dry Port Concept - Connecting Seaports with their Hinterland by Rail
Developing intermodal transport for small flows over short distances
Intermodala transporter och SJ/Green Cargos utvecklingsprojekt Lättkombi
The Dalecarlian Girl - Evaluation of the implementation of the Light-combi concept
An Industry Analysis of Express Freight from a European Railway Perspective
Terminals as part of the Swedish Transport System - an overview
Urban impact of new production philosophies for intermodal freight transport
Trafikslag i samverkan: Järnvägsforskning på Transportteknik på Chalmers
Idépromemoria för hållbar tillväxt i innovationssystemet för godstransport och logistik
The organisation of the European Intermodal road/rail freight Transport Industry
Forskning för framtida kombitrafik
Approach for Handling the Increased Complexity of European Intermodal Freight Flows
Forskning pågår: Hur skall kombitrafiken kunna utvecklas?
The Dalecarlian Girl - Evaluating the implementation of the light-combi concept
A scenario for future European intermodalism
Redesigning an introductory course in transportation with a diversified student base
Development of Small-Scale Intermodal Freight Transportation in a Systems Context
Evaluation of small-scale Intermodal Transshipment Technologies
Terminals - a Barrier for Intermodality?
Information Flows Along Integrated Transport Chains
Att överbrygga trösklar vid införandet av nya transportsystem
Thresholds for Implementing New Technology in Multimodal Freight Transport Networks
Development of New Technologies for Integrated Transport Chains in Europe
Trösklar vid införandet av nya transportsystem
Behov av forskning om kombinerade transporter
A combined approach to technology
Combined Transport Transshipment Technology Trends in Europe
Combined Transport in Scandinavia - state-of-the-art and outlook
Combined Transport in the Perspective of the Hauliers
Groupage of Goods and Information in Systems for Combined Transport
Flexibility versus Specialisation - on the Controllability of Combined Transport Systems
System and Functional Requirements for RoRo Cassettes in Multimodal Transport
System and Functional Requirements for RoRo Cassettes in Multimodal Transport
The Production System of Swedish Domestic Combined Transport
Modelling European Combined Transport as an Industrial System
Constraints Experienced in a Direct Distribution System when Safety Mechanisms are Removed
Railway Organization: A Preliminary Appraisal of the Swedish Model
Five Traffic Designs in Combined Transport Systems - A Theoretical Discussion
Railway Organisation - A Preliminary Appraisal of the Swedish Model
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