Saroj Prasad Dash
Prof. Saroj Dash is leading the Spin and Quantum Devices group at Chalmers University of Technology. He holds a PhD degree in Physics from the Max Planck Institute (2007, Stuttgart, Germany) and postdocs at Uni. of Twente and Uni. of Groningen in the Netherlands. He has made pioneering contributions to Spintronic devices using 2D Quantum Materials, particularly focusing on spin transport and interactions in graphene, semiconductors, magnets, topological quantum materials and their hybrid structures. He recived Wallmarkska Prize 2023 by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for "groundbreaking research on spintronic devices using 2D quantum materials." He has dilivered over 100 plenary and invited talks at international conferences, colloquia, workshops, and schools. Prof. Saroj Dash leads a research group with 5 PhD students and 8 Postdocs. Saroj Dash’s research group investigates 2D quantum materials and their hybrid devices for electronic, spin, and quantum technologies. We fabricate nanoscale devices with graphene, semiconductors, magnets, superconductors, topological materials, and their heterostructure to investigate new physics and realize new device concepts. We aim to investigate unique properties by tailoring their crystal and time reversal symmetries, band structure design, tuning Berry curvature and quantum metrics, spin-orbit interactions, proximity-induced effects, and tunability by twist angle control of 2D materials, light, and gate voltages. The use of modern state-of-the-art device fabrication techniques and the development of new methods of materials growth, heterostructure preparation, and characterization of devices with a range of frequencies, temperatures, and magnetic fields are essential parts of our research. The goal is to exploit the spin and quantum properties of electrons in 2D materials and their hybrid structures for the integrating memory and logic devices, sensors, quantum technologies, and neuromorphic computing. 2D Topological Spin and Quantum Devices.
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Research topics
2D Quantum Materials and Devices.
Graphene and 2D materials for nanoelectronics, spintronics, and quantum technologies.
Spin-orbit Torque Memory Technology.
van der Waals heterostructures of 2D materials for proximity effects.
2D semiconductor for nanoelectronics and neuromorphic computing technologies.

Showing 92 publications
Halbach Array Induced Magnetic Field Alignment in Boron Nitride Nanocomposites
Ultranarrow Semiconductor WS<sub>2</sub> Nanoribbon Field-Effect Transistors
Signature of pressure-induced topological phase transition in ZrTe<inf>5</inf>
Room temperature nonlocal detection of charge-spin interconversion in a topological insulator
Large out-of-plane spin-orbit torque in topological Weyl semimetal TaIrTe<inf>4</inf>
Achieving Long-Range Arbitrary Uniform Alignment of Nanostructures in Magnetic Fields
Anomalies in the Dirac bands in the proximity of correlated electrons
All-2D CVD-grown semiconductor field-effect transistors with van der Waals graphene contacts
Transfer of 2D Films: From Imperfection to Perfection
A ferromagnetic Eu-Pt surface compound grown below hexagonal boron nitride
Ionotronic WS2 memtransistors for 6-bit storage and neuromorphic adaptation at high temperature
Bottom-Up Growth of Monolayer Honeycomb SiC
Spin-orbit torques in Co2MnGa magnetic Weyl semimetal thin films
Spin Logic and Emergent Spin Phenomena in 2D Materials Heterostructures
Revealing the band structure of ZrTe5 using multicarrier transport
Challenges and opportunities in 2D heterostructures for electronic and optoelectronic devices
Microwave Synthesized 2D Gold and Its 2D-2D Hybrids
Multifunctional Spin Logic Operations in Graphene Spin Circuits
Valley-exchange coupling probed by angle-resolved photoluminescence
Graphene and Beyond: Recent Advances in Two-Dimensional Materials Synthesis, Properties, and Devices
Charge to spin conversion in van der Waals metal NbSe<inf>2</inf>
Salt-assisted growth of monolayer MoS2 for high-performance hysteresis-free field-effect transistor
Disorder is not always bad for charge-to-spin conversion in WTe<inf>2</inf>
Criteria for deterministic single-photon emission in two-dimensional atomic crystals
Unconventional Charge–Spin Conversion in Weyl-Semimetal WTe2
Two-dimensional spintronic circuit architectures on large scale graphene
Observation of charge to spin conversion in Weyl semimetal WTe2 at room temperature
Observation of surface dominated topological transport in strained semimetallic ErPdBi thin films
Charge-spin conversion signal in WTe2 van der Waals hybrid devices with a geometrical design
Electrically Controlled Spin Injection from Giant Rashba Spin-Orbit Conductor BiTeBr
Magnetic proximity in a van der Waals heterostructure of magnetic insulator and graphene
Electrically controlled spin-switch and evolution of Hanle spin precession in graphene
Manipulation of exciton and trion quasiparticles in monolayer WS2 via charge transfer
Surface dominated magnetotransport in Bi<inf>2</inf>Te<inf>2.15</inf>Se 0.85 topological insulator
Tailoring emergent spin phenomena in Dirac material heterostructures
Origin and evolution of surface spin current in topological insulators
1D ferromagnetic edge contacts to 2D graphene/h-BN heterostructures
Hall sensors batch-fabricated on all-CVD h-BN/graphene/h-BN heterostructures
Spin-Polarized Tunneling through Chemical Vapor Deposited Multilayer Molybdenum Disulfide
Spintronics with Graphene and van der Waals Heterostructures
Electrical gate control of spin current in van der Waals heterostructures at room temperature
Gate-tunable Hall sensors on large area CVD graphene protected by h-BN with 1D edge contacts
Spin transport in two-dimensional materials and van der Waals heterostructures
Cold cathode emission studies on topographically modified few layer and single layer MoS2 films
Room Temperature Electrical Detection of Spin Polarized Currents in Topological Insulators
Low Schottky Barrier Black Phosphorus Field-Effect Devices with Ferromagnetic Tunnel Contacts
Tunnel Magnetoresistance with Atomically Thin Two‐Dimensional Hexagonal Boron Nitride Barriers
Long distance spin communication in chemical vapour deposited graphene
Graphene spintronics: the European Flagship perspective
High Performance Molybdenum Disulfide Field Effect Transistors with Spin Tunnel Contacts
Spin transport and precession in graphene measured by nonlocal and three-terminal methods
Enhanced Tunnel Spin Injection into Graphene using Chemical Vapor Deposited Hexagonal Boron Nitride
Anomalous scaling of spin accumulation in ferromagnetic tunnel devices with silicon and germanium
Surface Energy Engineering for Tunable Wettability through Controlled Synthesis of MoS2
Spintronics with graphene-hexagonal boron nitride van der Waals heterostructures
Thermal creation of electron spin polarization in n-type silicon
Efficient Spin Injection into Silicon and the Role of the Schottky Barrier
Silicon spintronics with ferromagnetic tunnel devices
Anisotropy of spin polarization and spin accumulation in Si/Al2O3/ferromagnet tunnel devices
Initial stages of growth of iron on silicon for spin injection through Schottky barrier
24. Initial stages of growth of iron on silicon for spin injection through Schottky barrier
19. Electrical spin injection into moderately doped silicon enabled by tailored interfaces
Oscillatory spin-polarized tunnelling from silicon quantum wells controlled by electric field
Silicon spintronics at room temperature
Electrical creation of spin polarization in silicon at room temperature
21. Magnetic tunnel contacts to silicon with low-work-function ytterbium nanolayers
26. Subsurface enrichment of Co in Si (100) at initial stages of growth at room temperature
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Showing 9 research projects
Spintronics with Topological Quantum Material and Magnetic Heterostructures
Graphene Core Project 3 (Graphene Flagship)
Topology and Magnetism in Novel Quantum Materials
Graphene Core Project 2 (Graphene Flagship)
Spin kommunikation i Dirac Material heterostrukturer
Graphene Core Project 1. Graphene-based disruptive technologies (Graphene Flagship)
Inducerade Spin Strukturer i var der Waals Heterostrukturer
Silicon Spintronics at Room Temperature
Silicon Spintronics at Room Temperature (SILICONSPIN)