Erik Haglund
Visar 64 publikationer
102Gbps PAM-2 over 50m OM5 Fiber using 850nm Multimode VCSELs
High-power single transverse and polarization mode VCSEL for silicon photonics integration
VCSEL modulation speed: Status and prospects
Error-free 850nm to 1060nm VCSEL links: Feasibility of 400Gbps and 800Gbps 8λ-SWDM
Power Efficient Modulation Formats for Error-Free VeSEL MMF Links
1060 nm VCSELs for long-reach optical interconnects
Optimum VCSEL Apertures for High-Speed Multimode Fiber Links
Vertical-Cavity Silicon-Integrated Lasers by Bonding and Transfer Printing
850 nm hybrid vertical cavity laser integration for on-chip silicon photonics light sources
Polybinary Coding for Low Complexity High Speed Error-Free VCSEL-MMF Links
Ultra-thin VCSELs based on monolithic subwavelength high-index contrast surface gratings
Multi-wavelength VCSEL arrays using high-contrast gratings
Silicon-integrated short-wavelength VCSELs
1060 nm single-mode vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser operating at 50 Gbit/s data rate
High-Speed VCSELs for OOK and Multilevel PAM Modulation
VCSEL modulation capacity: Continued improvements or physical limits?
Hybrid vertical-cavity laser integration on silicon
Error-Free 100Gbps PAM-4 Transmission over 100m Wideband Fiber using 850nm VCSELs
Wavelength Control of VCSELs using High-Contrast Gratings
1060 nm single and multimode VCSELs for up to 50 Gb/s modulation
VCSEL design and integration for high-capacity optical interconnects
1060 nm VCSEL for up to 40 Gbit/s Data Transmission
High-Speed VCSELs with Strong Confinement of Optical Fields and Carriers
Optimal parameters of monolithic high-contrast grating mirrors
GaAs High-Contrast Gratings with InGaP Sacrificial Layer for Multi-Wavelength VCSEL Arrays
Impact of Bonding Interface Thickness on the Performance of Silicon-Integrated Hybrid-Cavity VCSELs
Demonstration of post-growth wavelength setting of VCSELs using high-contrast gratings
30 GHz bandwidth 850 nm VCSEL with sub-100 fJ/bit energy dissipation at 25-50 Gbit/s
High speed 850 nm VCSEL with 30 GHz modulation bandwidth
Demonstration of post-growth wavelength control of VCSELs using high-contrast gratings
High Speed VCSELs and VCSEL Arrays for Single and Multicore Fiber Interconnects
Integration of GaAs-based VCSEL array on SiN platform with HCG reflectors for WDM applications
VCSELs for High-Speed, Long-Reach, and Wavelength-Multiplexed Optical Interconnects
High-contrast gratings for WDM VCSEL arrays
Quasi-single mode VCSELs for longer-reach multimode fiber optical interconnects
20 Gbit/s data transmission over 2 km multimode fibre using 850 nm mode filter VCSEL
High speed 850nm VCSELs for >40Gb/s transmission
22 Gb/s error-free data transmission beyond 1 km of multi-mode fiber using 850 nm VCSELs
High-speed 850 nm VCSELs operating error free up to 57 Gbit/s
High-speed, high-temperature VCSELs for optical interconnects
850 nm datacom VCSELs for higher-speed and longer-reach transmission
High-Speed 850-nm VCSELs Operating Error-Free Beyond 50 Gbit/s
High-Speed Oxide Confined 850-nm VCSELs Operating Error-Free at 40 Gb/s up to 85 degrees C
High-speed 850 nm VCSELs with 28 GHz modulation bandwidth for short reach communication
High-Speed 850 nm Quasi-Single Mode VCSELs for Extended Reach Optical Interconnects
Quasi-Single Mode VCSELs for Longer-Reach Optical Interconnects
High-speed lasers for optical interconnects
Reducing the spectral width of high speed oxide confined VCSELs using an integrated mode filter
25 Gbit/s transmission over 500 m multimode fibre using 850 nm VCSEL with integrated mode filter
High speed VCSELs for optical interconnects
Integrated MEMS-Tunable VCSELs Using a Self-Aligned Reflow Process
Mode-filtered semiconductor lasers enable longer-reach optical interconnects
High-speed tunable and fixed-wavelength VCSELs for short-reach optical links and interconnects
Integrated MEMS-tunable VCSELs for reconfigurable optical interconnects
High-speed 850 nm VCSELs with 28 GHz modulation bandwidth
High-speed 850 nm VCSELs with 28 GHz modulation bandwidth operating error-free up to 44 Gbit/s
20 Gbit/s error-free operation of 850 nm oxide-confined VCSELs beyond 1 km of multimode fibre
High speed VCSELs for short reach communication
Singlemode tunable VCSELs with integrated MEMS technology
Low Spectral Width High-Speed VCSELs
Integrated Tunable VCSELs With Simple MEMS Technology
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