Srdjan Sasic
Mer information om Srdjan Sasic finns på Chalmers engelska webbsidor.

Visar 148 publikationer
A comprehensive lift force model for deformable bubbles rising in moderate shear flows
How surface modifications enhance vertical falling film evaporation
The passive scalar spectrum of bubble-induced turbulence
Assessing passive scalar dynamics in bubble-induced turbulence using direct numerical simulations
The dry-to-wet transition of fiber networks-Return to mechanical stability
The passive scalar spectrum in turbulent bubble suspensions
The shear-induced lift force on freely moving and deformable bubbles
Development and calibration of a model for packed bed marine scrubbers aboard ocean-going vessels
A multiscale methodology for small-scale bubble dynamics in turbulence
Coalescence-induced jumping of microdroplets on superhydrophobic surfaces – A numerical study
The lift force on deformable and freely moving bubbles in linear shear flows
Assessment of hindered diffusion in arbitrary geometries using a multiphase DNS framework
Respiratory droplets interception in fibrous porous media
The Knudsen Paradox in Micro-Channel Poiseuille Flows with a Symmetric Particle
Solute transport and reaction in porous electrodes at high Schmidt numbers
Finite-volume method for industrial-scale temperature-swing adsorption simulations
A partitioned FSI methodology for analysis of sloshing-induced loads on a fuel tank structure
Water transport and absorption in pharmaceutical tablets – a numerical study
Nature–Inspired self–cleaning surfaces: Mechanisms, modelling, and manufacturing
Effects of bed aging on temperature signals from fixed-bed adsorbers during industrial operation
Pore trapping mechanisms in two-phase flows through fuel cells porous media
On the measuring of film thickness profiles and local heat transfer coefficients in falling films
Detailed simulations of heterogeneous reactions in porous media using the Lattice Boltzmann Method
The occurrence of meso-scale structures in bubbly flows
Characterization of force networks in a dense high-shear system
Experimental and numerical study of heat transfer in a large-scale vertical falling film pilot unit
Finely resolved numerical simulations of reactive flow in porous media
Multiscale rheophysics of nearly jammed granular flows in a high shear system
Design and performance optimization of gravity tables using a combined CFD-DEM framework
Assessment of pore diffusion in a micro-channel using an immersed boundary method
Packed-Bed Reactor Characterization of Steam-Regenerated Solvent Adsorbers for Raw-Gas Cleaning
State Estimation of the Performance of Gravity Tables Using Multispectral Image Analysis
On the dynamics of instabilities in two-fluid models for bubbly flows
Particle-level simulations of flocculation in a fiber suspension flowing through a diffuser
A numerical framework for bubble transport in a subcooled fluid flow
Dense granular flow in a bubbling fluidized bed as a viscoplastic fluid
On continuum modelling of dense inelastic granular flows of relevance for high shear granulation
On the formation of meso-scale structures in dispersed gas-liquid flows
Segregation phenomena in gravity separators: A combined numerical and experimental study
Ballistic deflection of fibres in decelerating flow
A study of the performance of pilot scale gravity sorters using a CFD-DEM computational framework
A Two-fluid/DQMOM Methodology for Condensation in Bubbly Flow
Two-fluid model analyses of instabilities and non-uniformities in bubbly gas-liquid flows
Statistical modelling of spray breakup processes in industrial gas-liquid flows
Studies of grain segregation patterns on a Destoner using a CFD-DEM approach
Fuel mixing in bubbling fluidized beds: an experimental and numerical study
CFD-DEM studies of grain segregation patterns on a conceptual destoner
Numerical investigation of instabilities in the two-fluid model for CFD simulations of LWRs
The crucial role of frictional stress models for simulation of bubbling fluidized beds
Formulation of stresses in dry granular flows
Studies of grain segregation patterns on a Destoner using a CFD-DEM approach
DNS of dispersed multiphase flows with heat transfer and rarefaction effects
On the continuum modeling of dense granular flow in high shear granulation
On continuum modeling using kinetic-frictional models in high shear granulation
Rheological properties of dilute suspensions of rigid and flexible fibers
Influence of an SN solver in a fine-mesh neutronics/thermal- hydraulics framework
On the validity of the two-fluid model for simulations of bubbly flow in nuclear reactors
Numerical investigation of fiber flocculation in the air flow of an asymmetric diffuser
A Study of Fuel Particle Movement in Fluidized Beds
A study of a flexible fiber model and its behavior in DNS of turbulent channel flow
A model to estimate the size of aggregates formed in a Dissolved Air Flotation unit
Description and validation of a flexible fiber model, implemented in a general-purpose CFD code
Direct numerical simulations of heat and momentum transfer in dispersed multiphase flows
Heat transfer effects on particle motion under rarefied conditions
Eulerian-Eulerian-Lagrangian Simulation of Fuel Mixing in Fluidized beds
Simulation of Fuel Mixing in Fluidized Beds using a Combined Tracking Technique
A multiphase DNS approach for handling solid particles motion with heat transfer
Turbulent operation of diesel oxidation catalysts for improved removal of particulate matter
The role of thermophoresis in trapping of diesel and gasoline particulate matter
Heat and mass transfer in automotive catalysts - the influence of turbulent velocity fluctuations
Eulerian modelling of the formation and flow of aggregates in dissolved air flotation
Numerical simulations of the interaction between a settling particle and a rising microbubble
A novel multigrid technique for lagrangian modeling of fuel mixing in fluidized beds
A novel multiphase DNS approach for handling solid particles in a rarefied gas
Time-series analysis of pressure fluctuations in gas-solid fluidized beds - A review
Dynamics of fibres in a turbulent flow field – A particle-level simulation technique
Numerical Simulations of Solid Particle Motion in Rarefied Flow Using VOF
Setting Up a Numerical Model of a DAF Tank: Turbulence, Geometry, and Bubble Size
A novel multigrid approach for Lagrangian modeling of fuel mixing in fluidized beds
Design of automotive flow-through catalysts with optimized soot trapping capability
A Novel Multigrid Approach for Lagrangian Modeling of Fuel Mixing in Fluidized Beds
Dynamics of fibres in a turbulent flow field - a novel particle-level simulation technique
Derivation, Simulation and Validation of a Cohesive Particle Flow CFD Model
A Novel Cohesive Particle Flow Model for Dense Particulate Flows
Characterization of fluid dynamics of fluidized beds by analysis of pressure fluctuations
Inlet boundary conditions for the simulation of fluid dynamics in gas-solid fluidized beds
Some aspects of CFD modelling for circulating fluidized bed converters
Time-frequency investigation of different modes of bubble flow in a gas-solid fluidized bed
Revisiting the analysis methods for pressure fluctuation signals measured in fluidized beds
Parametric modelling of time series of pressure fluctuations in gas-solid fluidized beds
Fluid Dynamics of Fluidized Bed Reactors: Experiments and Simulations with System Interactions
Fluctuations and waves in fluidized bed systems; The influence of the air supply system
Dynamics of gas-solid fluidized beds - inclusion of the air supply system
Influence of the air supply system on the fluid dynamics of a gas solid fluidized bed
Interaction between a fluidized bed and its air-supply system: Some observations
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Visar 13 forskningsprojekt
Processförändringars inverkan på värmeöverföring och inkrustering i svartlutsindunstarna
Inverkan av munskydd vid luftburna pandemier from ett strömningsmekaniskt perspektiv
Förstå och modellera turbulens skapad av bubblor
Belagda värmeväxlare som självrengörande produktgaskondensorer
Laserinducerad kristallisation. En ny generation av kontinuerliga kristallisatorer
Optimering och energieffektivisering av gasreningsprocesser för indirekt förgasning
En kontinuummodell för Brownsk rörelse i förtunnande gas-partikelflöden
Energieffektiv fallfilmsindunstning genom strukturerade värmeytor