Stig Franzén
Visar 47 publikationer
Field operational tests (FOTs) – (still) the ultimate answer to impact assessment?
AEOLIX Living Labs Operational ImpactsAssessment
D2.5. KPIs and Evaluation Criteria. Deliverable to the AEOLIX project.
D17.3. Eco-Driving Assistance. Guidelines for Ergonomic Design of Eco-Driving Assistance HMIs
D6.1. Impacts monitoring, dynamic asessment and evaluation. Deliverable to the AEOLIX project.
Living Labs: a forum for enabling co-creation between multi-disciplinary actors in the workplace?
Gothenburg Experimentation Contribution. Deliverable D6.1.3. to the OPTICITIES project
Field Operational Tests (FOTs) - The ultimate answer to impact evaluation?
TeleFOT/Deliverable D2.1.2/Contribution to the revised FESTA Handbook
TeleFOT/Deliverable D2.2.2/Testing and Evaluation Stratyegy II
Widening the use of the FOT methodology. Development based on experiences from the TeleFOT project
Information Services in Urban Transportation. Status, Impact and Trends
TeleFOT/Deliverable D1.7 Evaluation plans
FESTA Handbook Version 3 (FOT-NeT/Deliverable D3.1 Revision of the FESTA Handbook)
Telefot: First Achievements and Results from FOTs on Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles
EBSF/WP2.2 Driver ergonomics/Deliverable D2.2.4 Test report and general recommendations
TeleFOT - First results in assessing the impacts of aftermarket and nomadic devices
An analytical toolbox for the transportation process applied in the context of urban freight
Special Issue - selected papers from the 16th World Congress on ITS
TeleFOT, field operational tests of aftermarket nomadic devices in vehicles, early results
SMARTFREIGHT/Deliverable D7.1 Impact analyses on urban freight (incl. deployment issues)
TeleFOT/Deliverable D2.5.1 Functions specification, version 2.0
SMARTFREIGHT/Delieverable D7.2 Generic findings on urban transport and a future outlook
SMARTFREIGHT/Deliverable D6.1 Summary of proof of concepts and verification of ICT solutions
EBSF/Internal Report D1.2.2 Report on the results of the gap analysis of the use of software tools
TeleFOT: D2.2.1. Test and Evaluation Strategy
Realtid ur ett organisationsperspektiv: motiv, införande, effekter
EBSF/D2.2.1 Appendix Part A: R&D Projects in the filed of ergonomics & bus driver workplace
Utvärdering av pilotprojekt med Kvällsdistribution i Stockholms innerstad (Östermalm) 2005-2006
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Visar 2 forskningsprojekt
Architecture for EurOpean Logistics Information eXchange (AEOLIX)
SIDVI-Safe and Integrated Driver-Vehicle Interface