Stig Franzén
Visar 47 publikationer
Field operational tests (FOTs) – (still) the ultimate answer to impact assessment?
AEOLIX Living Labs Operational ImpactsAssessment
D2.5. KPIs and Evaluation Criteria. Deliverable to the AEOLIX project.
D17.3. Eco-Driving Assistance. Guidelines for Ergonomic Design of Eco-Driving Assistance HMIs
D6.1. Impacts monitoring, dynamic asessment and evaluation. Deliverable to the AEOLIX project.
Living Labs: a forum for enabling co-creation between multi-disciplinary actors in the workplace?
Gothenburg Experimentation Contribution. Deliverable D6.1.3. to the OPTICITIES project
Field Operational Tests (FOTs) - The ultimate answer to impact evaluation?
TeleFOT/Deliverable D2.1.2/Contribution to the revised FESTA Handbook
Widening the use of the FOT methodology. Development based on experiences from the TeleFOT project
Information Services in Urban Transportation. Status, Impact and Trends
TeleFOT/Deliverable D2.2.2/Testing and Evaluation Stratyegy II
TeleFOT/Deliverable D1.7 Evaluation plans
Telefot: First Achievements and Results from FOTs on Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles
FESTA Handbook Version 3 (FOT-NeT/Deliverable D3.1 Revision of the FESTA Handbook)
TeleFOT - First results in assessing the impacts of aftermarket and nomadic devices
An analytical toolbox for the transportation process applied in the context of urban freight
EBSF/WP2.2 Driver ergonomics/Deliverable D2.2.4 Test report and general recommendations
TeleFOT, field operational tests of aftermarket nomadic devices in vehicles, early results
Special Issue - selected papers from the 16th World Congress on ITS
SMARTFREIGHT/Deliverable D6.1 Summary of proof of concepts and verification of ICT solutions
SMARTFREIGHT/Deliverable D7.1 Impact analyses on urban freight (incl. deployment issues)
TeleFOT/Deliverable D2.5.1 Functions specification, version 2.0
SMARTFREIGHT/Delieverable D7.2 Generic findings on urban transport and a future outlook
EBSF/Internal Report D1.2.2 Report on the results of the gap analysis of the use of software tools
TeleFOT: D2.2.1. Test and Evaluation Strategy
Realtid ur ett organisationsperspektiv: motiv, införande, effekter
EBSF/D2.2.1 Appendix Part A: R&D Projects in the filed of ergonomics & bus driver workplace
Utvärdering av pilotprojekt med Kvällsdistribution i Stockholms innerstad (Östermalm) 2005-2006
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Visar 2 forskningsprojekt
Architecture for EurOpean Logistics Information eXchange (AEOLIX)
SIDVI-Safe and Integrated Driver-Vehicle Interface