Jan Carlsson
Visar 161 publikationer
Common-Mode Impedance of an Electric Motor and the Impact of Material and Geometry Uncertainties
System Identification of Electromagnetic Devices Based on Full-Wave Computations
Evaluation of a Random Line-of-Sight Over-the-Air Measurement Setup at 28 GHz
Accurate and Efficient Crosstalk Analysis by Full-wave Computations and System Identification
Frequency Selective Surfaces for Electromagnetic Shielding of Pocket-Sized Transceivers
Robust Connectivity With Multiple Directional Antennas for Vehicular Communications
Impact of Azimuthal Antenna Pattern Sampling and Variation on Throughput Measurements
Test Zone Verification Procedures in a Random-LOS Measurement Setup
A Simple Method for Robust Vehicular Communication with Multiple Nonideal Antennas
A numerical analysis of the random-LOS measurement accuracy for vehicle applications
Evaluation of a simplified Random-LOS measurement setup for characterizing antennas on cars
Reverberating Dreams - the Story of an OTA Chamber
Reverberation chamber for OTA measurements: The history of a dream!
In memory of Professor Per-Simon Kildal
Measured LTE Throughput for SISO, SIMO and MIMO in Polarization-Random-LOS
Investigation of mode stirring with plate on platform in a reverberation chamber
Requirements and test methods for vehicular antenna systems supporting cooperative ITS applications
Combined LTE and IEEE 802.11p Antenna for Vehicular Applications
Overview of state-of-the-art OTA measurements of wireless devices in reverberation chamber
Utilizing Two-Ray Interference in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications
Revisiting the Complex Correlation in a MIMO System
Evaluation of V2X Antenna Performance Using a Multipath Simulation Tool
New Approach to OTA Testing: RIMP and pure-LOS as Extreme Environments & a Hypothesis
Definition of Antenna Diversity Gain in User-Distributed 3D-Random Line-Of-Sight
Investigation of the Distribution of the Random LOS Component in a Reverberation Chamber
On OTA test in the presence of Doppler spreads in a reverberation chamber
EuCAP 2013 in Gothenburg, Sweden: "An Impressive Success"
OTA Testing in Multipath of Antennas and Wireless Devices With MIMO and OFDM
Diversity Gains in Random Line-Of-Sight and Rich Isotropic Multipath Environment
Antenna Research at CHASE – Chalmers Antenna Systems Excellence Centre
Comparisons of different methods to determine correlation applied to multi-port UWB eleven antenna
Spatial correlations of incremental sources in isotropic environment such as reverberation chamber
Estimation of Average Rician K-factor in Reverberation Chamber
About Random LOS in Rician Fading Channels for MIMO OTA Tests
Determination of maximum doppler shift in reverberation chamber using level crossing rate
About measurements in reverberation chamber and isotropic reference environment
On diversity performance of two-element coupling element based antenna structure for mobile terminal
Characterization of small antennas for hearing aids by several measurement techniques
Multipath emulator for Simulation of wireless terminals' performance
Compact Formulas for Diversity Gain of Two-Port Antennas
Comparison of diversity gains of wideband antennas measured in anechoic and reverberation chambers
Compact formulas for diversity gain of two-port antennas
Numerical study of position stirring and frequency stirring in loaded reverberation chamber
Circuit based optimization of radiation characteristics of single and multi-port antennas
Measuring Performance of 3GPP LTE Terminals and Small Base Stations in Reverberation Chambers
Können Störaussendungen von Bussystemen durch symmetrischen Betrieb vollständig vermieden werden
Method for Circuit Based Optimizations of Radiation Characteristics of Multi-Port Antennas
Degradation of MIMO-capacity due to correlation and efficiency of practical antennas
Optimization of antenna diversity gain by combining full-wave and circuit simulations
EMC aspects of development of data bus systems in vehicles
Comparison of different loading configurations and numerical models of reverberation chambers
Susceptibility analysis of a wireless car safety related system
Activities on terminal antennas in ACE2
Numerical study of different loading configurations and stirring methods of reverberation chambers
Effective Radiated Power Measurements in Reverberation Chamber
Numerical Simulation of Vehicle Data Buses
Numerical Study of Position and Frequency Stirring in Loaded RC
Maximizing the effective diversity gain of two parallel dipoles by optimizing the source impedance
Investigation and Circumvention of Standing Wave Phenomena on Ground Reflection Antenna Test Ranges
On the Radiated Emission of Balanced Bus Systems
Benchmarking of facilities for small terminal antenna measurements
Comparison of efficiency measurement methods for small antennas
Numerical modelling of reverberation chamber using method of moments and Ewald summation
The Safe Communication Platform
Numerical Study of a PIFA Mounted on a Car Compared to Measurements
Round Robin test of active and passive small terminal antennas
A method of moments solution of a 2D reverberation chamber using G1DMULT and asymptotic extraction
FEM-FDTD Hybrid Simulation of a PIFA inside a Car – Compared to Measurements
Numerical study of mode stirring in reverberation chambers using moment method and Ewald summation
EMEC - An EM simulator based on topology
Comparison of different numerical modeling techniques for reverberation chamber: Initial 2D study
Characterization of Antennas and Wireless Terminals in Loaded Reverberation Chambers
Benchmarking of small terminal antennas measurement facilities
Improved procedure for measuring efficiency of small antennas in reverberation chambers
Accuracy of radiation efficiency measurements in a reverberation chamber
Investigation of the Coupling to a Wire Inside a Box With Apertures by Means of FDTD Simulations
Influence of a Slot on the Induced Current in a Wire Inside a Conducting Box with a Square Aperture
SPICE models of barrier compared to measured data
An approach to the generation of SPICE models feasible for EMC problems
Characterization of terminal antennas in reverberation chambers: Methods and results
A new method to measure radiation efficiency of terminal antennas
Measurements of terminal antennas' performance in multimode Reverberations chambers
Simulated behaviour of fully anechoic rooms for measurement of radiated emissions
Investigations of methods to simulate the electrical environment in vehicles
A simple method to compute crosstalk on printed circuit boards
Computation of EMC Properties of Slots and Printed Circuit Boards
A method of moments program for analysis of printed circuit boards
A Computer Code for Predicting Radiation from Printed Circuit Boards
Transmission through corrugated slots
The use of corrugations to reduce transmission through slots
The use of corrugations to reduce transmission through slots
Analysis of corrugated soft edges to reduce scattering from gaps between reflecting panels
Application of artificially soft surfaces to reduce the leakage through slots
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