Aleksandar Matic

Visar 181 publikationer
Halbach Array Induced Magnetic Field Alignment in Boron Nitride Nanocomposites
Electrochemical Signatures of Potassium Plating and Stripping
Achieving Long-Range Arbitrary Uniform Alignment of Nanostructures in Magnetic Fields
Phase-separated polymer blends for controlled drug delivery by tuning morphology
Ionic Liquids as Cathode Additives for High Voltage Lithium Batteries
Painting Taylor vortices with cellulose nanocrystals: supercritical spectral dynamics
Toward Operando Characterization of Interphases in Batteries
Morphology evolution of electrodeposited lithium on metal substrates
Multiscale X-ray imaging and characterisation of pharmaceutical dosage forms
Electro-Chemo-Mechanical Failure Mechanisms of Solid-State Electrolytes
Ion Dynamics and Nanostructures of Diluted Ionic Liquid Electrolytes
Polysulfide Speciation and Migration in Catholyte Lithium−Sulfur Cells
PRISMA: A Robust and Intuitive Tool for High-Throughput Processing of Chemical Spectra
Visualization of Dissolution‐Precipitation Processes in Lithium–Sulfur Batteries
High-Energy and Long-Lifespan Potassium–Sulfur Batteries Enabled by Concentrated Electrolyte
Screening of hydrogen bonds in modified cellulose acetates with alkyl chain substitutions
Lithium electrodeposition for energy storage: filling the gap between theory and experiment
High-frequency dynamics and test of the shoving model for the glass-forming ionic liquid Pyr14-TFSI
Structure and dynamics of highly concentrated LiTFSI/acetonitrile electrolytes
Pressure and Temperature Dependence of Local Structure and Dynamics in an Ionic Liquid
Design of a Multifunctional Interlayer for NASCION-Based Solid-State Li Metal Batteries
Charge storage mechanism of α-MnO2 in protic and aprotic ionic liquid electrolytes
Structural evolution of disordered LiCo(1/3)Fe(1/3)Mn(1/3)PO(4)in lithium batteries uncovered
Density scaling of structure and dynamics of an ionic liquid
Effect of Nitrogen Doping on the Performance of Mesoporous CMK-8 Carbon Anodes for Li-Ion Batteries
Electrochemical Behaviour of Nb-Doped Anatase TiO2 Microbeads in an Ionic Liquid Electrolyte
Designing Highly Conductive Functional Groups Improving Guest-Host Interactions in Li/S Batteries
Charge storage mechanism of alpha-MnO2 in protic and aprotic ionic liquid electrolytes
Highly Stable Fe3O4/C Composite: A Candidate Material for All Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries
Stable Li metal anode by crystallographically oriented plating through in-situ surface doping
Designing a Safe Electrolyte Enabling Long‐Life Li/S Batteries
V2O5 Cryogel: A Versatile Electrode for All Solid State Lithium Batteries
Stable ionic-liquid-based symmetric supercapacitors from Capsicum seed-porous carbons
Free-Standing 3D-Sponged Nanofiber Electrodes for Ultrahigh-Rate Energy-Storage Devices
Achieving enhanced ionic mobility in nanoporous silica by controlled surface interactions
A high-power and fast charging Li-ion battery with outstanding cycle-life
Aggregation behavior of aqueous cellulose nanocrystals: the effect of inorganic salts
Formation and relaxation kinetics of starch-particle complexes
Role of organic solvent addition to ionic liquid electrolytes for lithium-sulphur batteries
The effect of lithium salt doping on the nanostructure of ionic liquids
Role of organic solvent addition to ionic liquid electrolytes for lithium–sulphur batteries
Polysulfide-containing Glyme-based Electrolytes for Lithium Sulfur Battery
A structural study of LiTFSI-tetraglyme mixtures: From diluted solutions to solvated ionic liquids
Coordination and interactions in a Li-salt doped ionic liquid
Effect of Water on the Local Structure and Phase Behavior of Imidazolium-Based Protic Ionic Liquids
Neutron sources: Road maps of no use to some physicists
Liquid 1-propanol studied by neutron scattering, near-infrared, and dielectric spectroscopy
In-situ gelled electrolyte for lithium battery: Electrochemical and Raman characterization
Road maps of no use to some physicists
Nano-fibrous polymer films for organic rechargeable batteries
Ionic liquids for energy applications
Silica/alkali ratio dependence of the microscopic structure of sodium silicate solutions
2,3,6,7,10,11-Hexamethoxytriphenylene (HMTP): A new organic cathode material for lithium batteries
Selective growth of double-walled carbon nanotubes on gold films
A statistical model of hydrogen bond networks in liquid alcohols
A New Class of Ionic Liquids: Anion Amphiprotic Ionic Liquids
1H NMR study of the hydrogen dynamics in the (NaS)xGe(OH)4-x*y H2O ceramic proton conductors
Effect of Lithium Salt on the Stability of Dispersions of Fumed Silica in the Ionic Liquid BMImBF4
Phase behaviour, transport properties, and interactions in Li-salt doped ionic liquids
Electrochemical properties of lithium polymer batteries with doped polyaniline as cathode material
Improving the stability of an organic battery with an ionic liquid-based plymer electrolyte
Concentration- and pH-dependence of highly alkaline sodium silicate solutions
Conformational evolution of TFSI− in protic and aprotic ionic liquids
Aggregation, ageing and transport properties of surface modified fumed silica dispersions
Using Neutron Spin-Echo To Investigate Proton Dynamics in Proton-Conducting Perovskites
An Imidazolium based ionic liquid electrolyte for lithium batteries
Synthesis and Characterization of a cross-linkable polylactic acid based resin
Quasielastic neutron scattering of hydrated BaZr0.90A0.10O2.95 (A = Y and Sc)
Short-range structure of proton-conducting perovskite BaInxZr1-xO3-x/2 (x=0-0
O-H wag vibrations in hydrated BaInxZr1-xO3-x/2
Crystal structure and proton conductivity of BaZr0.9Sc0
Proton conduction in Perovskite Oxide BaZr0.5Yb0.5O3-δ Prepared by Wet Chemical Route
Structure of Proton-Conducting Alkali Thio-Hydroxogermanates
Location of deuteron sites in the proton conducting perovskite BaZr0.50In0.50O3-y
A study on the state of PWA in PVDF-based proton conducting membranes by Raman spectroscopy
Neutron Diffraction and Far-Infrared Spectroscopy of Proton Conducting Alkali Thio-hydroxogermanates
Structural study and proton conductivity in Yb-doped BaZrO3
A structural study on ionic-liquid-based polymer electrolyte membranes
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Physical properties of polymer proton conducting membranes based on a protic ionic liquid
Proton conductivity and low temperature structure of In-doped BaZrO3
Structural analysis of PVA-based proton conducting membranes
Temperature Dependent Infrared Spectroscopy on Proton Conducting Alkali Thio-Hydroxogermanates
New evidence of light-induced structural changes detected in As-S glasses by photon energy dependent
The Debye-Waller factor approaching the glass-transition temperature in phosphate glasses
Structural Study and Proton Conductivity of BaZr0.90Ga0.10O2.95
Vibrational properties of proton conducting double pervoskites
Energy-dependence of light-induced changes in g-As45S55 during recording the micro-Raman spectra
Vibrational Properties of Protons in Hydrated BaInxZr1-xO3-x/2
Structure and functionality of PVdF/PAN based, composite proton conducting membranes
Frequency dependent conductivity of single alkali and mixed alkali phosphate glasses
Crystal-like nature of acoustic excitations in glassy ethanol
Signatures of a drying SiO2(H2O)x gell from Raman spectroscopy and quantum chemistry
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Visar 34 forskningsprojekt
Utveckling av Li-metall solid-state batteriteknologi genom designade gränsytor
SPIRIT Pilotprojekt - Etablering av en nationell "Teknikparksfunktion"
Battery Interface Genome - Materials Acceleration Platform - BIG-MAP
Advanced materials for rechargeable potassium-sulfur batteries
Fristående kolelektroder för nästa generations batterier med hög energitäthet
Graphene Core Project 3 (Graphene Flagship)
Hållbara materiallösningar för nästa generations batterier med hög kapacitet
Next Generation energy storage, part 2
Avbildning av nanostrukturen hos farmaceutiska formuleringar med avancerade röntgentekniker
Advanced characterization of new insulation materials for next generation of HVDC power cables
FORMAX-portalen - access till avancerade röntgenmetoder för skogsindustrin
Li-Svavelteknologi för energilager
Innovationsarena Idrott, Teknik och Hälsa (ITH)
Avancerat forskningskoncept för Litiumsvavelteknologi
Sveriges Neutronforskarskola - SwedNESS
Förstudie om forskning och utvecklingsmiljö ForMAX vid forskningsanläggningen MAX IV
Utveckla nationell plattform för långsiktigt samarbete med skogsindustri
ESS & MAX IV: Cross Border Science and Society
Energi OCH Effekt: Hybridsuperkondensatorer
Universella egenskaper hos mjuka material: Hur styr interaktioner och längdskalor egenskaperna?
Exploring future energy storage systems for construction applications
Nya komponenter och koncept för polymera bränsleceller till fordon
Decorated farmhouses in Hälsingland - a holistic study of a world heritage cultural site.
Universal behavior of structure and dynamics of soft matter systems
Nästa generation batterier för hybrid- och elfordon
Lithium Sulfur Superbattery Exploitating Nanotechnology (LISSEN)
Litium-svavel batterier - en hållbar teknologi för energilager med stor kapacitet