Mats Winroth
Visar 130 publikationer
Sustainability with a Cost Perspective – Driving the Industry to Embrace Sustainable Thinking
Digital organisational readiness: experiences from manufacturing companies
Sustainable manufacturing in Industry 4.0: an emerging research agenda
Additive manufacturing from the sustainability perspective: proposal for a self-assessment tool
Digitalization for sustainable production: exploring the use of digital maturity models
Production Management and Smart Manufacturing from a Systems Perspective
Developing capabilities for Sustainable Operations Management
A life cycle approach to business performance measurement systems
The future of industrial robot business: Product or performance based?
Review of a performance measurement system at shop-floor level
Sustainability performance indicators at shop floor level in large manufacturing companies
International production networks in the automotive industry: Drivers and enablers
Differences on automation practices in wooden single-family houses manufacturing: Four case studies
Sustainable and resource efficient business performance measurement systems - The handbook
Performance indicators at different organisational levels in manufacturing companies
Present state analysis of BPMS in large manufacturing companies
Sustainable production indicators at factory level
Manufacturing strategy investigation - Application of the STRATEGO-tool
Levels of Automation in the wood product industry: A case study
Coordinating external manufacturing of product modules
Industrial timber house building - levels of automation
Strategic consensus on manufacturing strategy content: including the operators' perceptions
Current situation analysis: Manufacturing challenges in woodworking sector
Manufacturing strategy frameworks suitable for SMEs
Managing Dynamics in Corporate Networks
Sustainable Operations Management; from concept to action
The use of a manufacturing strategy tool and the role of national culture
Indicators of sustainable production - A survey among Swedish manufacturing industry
Usability of a manufacturing strategy framework developed for SMEs
Development of a manufacturing strategy framework for SMEs
Combining internal and external manufacturing product modules
Development of a manufacturing strategy tool useful to SME - An interactive approach
The role of contextual factors for manufacturing strategy formulation in SMEs
Strategic Consensus in SMEs: Behavioral Operations Perspective on Manufacturing Strategy
Managing product customization by modularization
Manufacturing strategy formulation process - evidence from SMEs
Strategies for sustaining manufacturing competitiveness: Case studies of Australian firms
A longitudinal study of Swedish manufacturing: eight short cases
Requirements on manufacturing strategy frameworks for SMME
Kalmar Industries Supplier Network
Knowledge Management in the Cross-Cultural Organisation
A tentative comprehensive manufacturing strategy framework adapted to the requirements in SME
Production-related Staff's Perception of Manufacturing Strategy at a SMME
Sustainable indicators at factory level – a framework for practical assessment
Organizational Comprehension of Manufacturing Strategy - A Case Study of a SMME
A lean perspective on servitization of manufacturing
Manufacturing strategies supporting competitiveness in SMME
Manufacturing supporting strategies in SMME
Achieving Sustainable Production through Increased Utilization of Production Resources
Sustaining local manufacturing: a longitudinal study of Swedish companies
Produktionsstrategi – En viktig förutsättning för utveckling av effektiv produktion
Introducing environmental concerns in manufacturing strategies
Managing dynamics in corporate networks
Aligning manufacturing strategy and levels of automation: A case study
Why is there a mismatch between operation times in the planning systems and the times in reality?
Hållbar produktion kan skapas genom ökad utnyttjandegrad
Rethinking the platform approach in automotive industry
The great information rift - The mismatch between data in MRP/ERP systems and reality
Lean vs. Green manufacturing: Similarities and differences
A Manufacturing Strategy Perspective on Lean and Green Manufacturing
Linking manufacturing strategy implementation to levels of automation
Embedding Levels of Automation in Manufacturing Strategy
Implications from introducing sustainability in manufacturing strategies
Levels of Automation in Manufacturing
Classification of Competitive Priorities in Small and Medium sized Manufacturing Enterprises
Manufacturing Characteristics of Subcontractor SMME:s - an Empirical Study
Strategic Automation – Refinement of Classical Manufacturing Strategy
Dynamics of sourcing - Strategic implications of outsourcing and insourcing
Linking manufacturing strategy implementation to levels of automation
The content and process of automation strategies
Factory-in-a-Box–Solutions for availability and mobility of flexible production capacity
Considering design demands of a proactive assembly system: a position paper
Automation strategies: existing theory or ad hoc decisions?
Manufacturing competition through the Factory-in-a-Box concept
Corporate Manufacturing Network – From Hierarchy to Self-Organizing System
Automation Strategies - Requirements on the Strategy Process
The industry´s view on automation in manufacturing
Controlling Levels of Automation – A model for identifying manufacturing parameters
Automation strategies - refinement of manufacturing strategy content
Performance Measurement Systems for SME in Collaborative Settings
The content and process of automation strategies
Collaborative manufacturing networks – A study of success factors
Effektiv produktion på låda med Factory-in-a-Box
Automation Strategies Existing Theory or Ad Hoc Solutions?
Choosing Levels of Automation in Production Systems: Finding Critical and Supportive Factors
A Tentative Framework for Analyzing Integration in Collaborative Manufacturing Network Settings
On Manufacturing Strategies - Competing Through Inter-organizational Collaboration
How different is Sweden from Mexico? A continuous improvement survey comparison
Outsourcing vs. Collaboration in Manufacturing Networks – From a manufacturing strategy perspective
Manufacturing Networks: Critical Factors to Successful Collaboration
Manufacturing strategies: A survey among medium sized enterprises in Sweden
Localization of Manufacturing – A Systematic Framework
Manufacturing Strategies – Congruence Of Manufacturing Processes Within A Supply Chain
Project Course within Assembly-NET
Analysis of the congruence between manufacturing strategy and production system in SMME
Manufacturing Networks: Identification of Success Factors
Slutrapport I forskningsprojektet: Utveckling av produktiva monteringssystem
Aspects On Manufacturing Strategy: A Case Study At Saab Automobile, Sweden
Analysis of the congruence between manufacturing strategy and production system in SMME
Manufacturing strategies: A survey among medium sized enterprises in Sweden
Fordism, Sociotechnical Systems, Toyodism and Future Systems
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Visar 3 forskningsprojekt
SMART PM - Sustainable Manufacturing by Automated Real-Time Performance Management
Sustainable Resource Efficient Business Performance Measurement Systems (SuRE BPMS)
STRATEGO - Produktionsstrategier som stöd för konkurrenskraft i SMME