Björn Sandén

Full Professor at Environmental Systems Analysis

Björn Sandén is professor of Innovation and Sustainability at the Division of Environmental Systems Analysis at Chalmers University of Technology. He conducts research, writes and teaches on topics such as climate and technology policy, life cycle assessment, technological innovation systems and industrial transitions. He has been involved in a range of studies on renewable energy and nanotechnology concerning how technology, economics and policy can interact to induce innovation and growth of environmentally benign technologies and how unsustainable pathways can be avoided. He works interdisciplinary and cooperates with sociologists and economists as well as chemists and physicists. He frequently lectures to a wide range of audiences and takes part in discussions and debates in newspapers, radio and TV.

Image of Björn Sandén

Showing 152 publications


Assessing Metal Use and Scarcity Impacts of Vehicle Gliders

Felipe Bitencourt de Oliveira, Anders Nordelöf, Maria Bernander et al
Circular Economy and Sustainability. Vol. 4 (3), p. 1851-1875
Journal article

Terminology for future-oriented life cycle assessment: review and recommendations

Rickard Arvidsson, Magdalena Svanström, Björn Sandén et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 29 (4), p. 607-613
Other text in scientific journal

On the functional and structural scope of technological innovation systems – A literature review with conceptual suggestions

Johnn Andersson, Kristina Hojcková, Björn Sandén
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 49
Review article

Prospective, Anticipatory and Ex-Ante – What’s the Difference? Sorting Out Concepts for Time-Related LCA

Rickard Arvidsson, Björn Sandén, Magdalena Svanström
Other conference contribution

Exploring automotive supplier data in life cycle assessment – Precision versus workload

Felipe Bitencourt de Oliveira, Anders Nordelöf, Björn Sandén et al
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol. 105
Journal article

A global super-grid: sociotechnical drivers and barriers

Kristina Hojcková, Helene Ahlborg, Björn Sandén
Energy, Sustainability and Society. Vol. 12 (1)
Journal article

Life-cycle impact assessment methods for physical energy scarcity: considerations and suggestions

Rickard Arvidsson, Magdalena Svanström, Simon Harvey et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 26 (12), p. 2339-2354
Journal article

The outcomes of directionality: Towards a morphology of sociotechnical systems

Johnn Andersson, Hans Hellsmark, Björn Sandén
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 40, p. 108-131
Journal article

Technological discontinuities and the climate transition in Europe: The role of policy in two traditions of economic thinking

Staffan Jacobsson, Björn Sandén
The European Union and the Technology Shift, p. 57-83
Book chapter

Photovoltaics in Sweden – Success or failure?

Johnn Andersson, Hans Hellsmark, Björn Sandén
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 143
Journal article

Prospective Life-Cycle Modeling of Quantum Dot Nanoparticles for Use in Photon Upconversion Devices

Sanna Wickerts, Rickard Arvidsson, Gregory Peters et al
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. Vol. 9 (14), p. 5187-5195
Journal article

Is peer-to-peer electricity trading empowering users? Evidence on motivations and roles in a prosumer business model trial in Australia

Sam Wilkinson, Kristina Hojcková, Christine Eon et al
Energy Research and Social Science. Vol. 66
Journal article

A crustal scarcity indicator for long-term global elemental resource assessment in LCA

Rickard Arvidsson, Maria Ljunggren, Björn Sandén et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 25 (9), p. 1805-1817
Journal article

Entrepreneurial use of context for technological system creation and expansion: The case of blockchain-based peer-to-peer electricity trading

Kristina Hojcková, Helene Ahlborg, Greg Morrison et al
Research Policy. Vol. 49 (8)
Journal article

Adoption of Systemic and Socio-Technical Perspectives in Waste Management, WEEE and ELV Research

Magnus Andersson, Maria Ljunggren Söderman, Björn Sandén
Sustainability. Vol. 11 (6)
Journal article

An agenda for sustainability transitions research: State of the art and future directions

Jonathan Koehler, Frank W. Geels, Florian Kern et al
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 31, p. 1-32
Journal article

Challenges of recycling multiple scarce metals: The case of Swedish ELV and WEEE recycling

Magnus Andersson, Maria Ljunggren Söderman, Björn Sandén
Resources Policy. Vol. 63
Journal article

Prospective inventory modelling of emerging chemicals: The case of photonic materials

Rickard Arvidsson, Duncan Kushnir, Mathias Janssen et al
Abstracts book (SETAC Europe Annual Meeting). Vol. 29, p. 96-
Other conference contribution

Energy use and climate change improvements of Li/S batteries based on life cycle assessment

Rickard Arvidsson, Mathias Janssen, Magdalena Svanström et al
Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 383, p. 87-92
Journal article

Potential improvements of the life cycle environmental impacts of a Li/S battery cell

Rickard Arvidsson, Mathias Janssen, Magdalena Svanström et al
Other conference contribution

The limits of academic entrepreneurship: Conflicting expectations about commercialization and innovation in China's nascent sector for advanced bio-energy technologies

Jorrit Gosens, Hans Hellsmark, Tomas Kåberger et al
Energy Research and Social Science. Vol. 37, p. 1-11
Journal article

Three electricity futures: Monitoring the emergence of alternative system architectures

Kristina Hojcková, Björn Sandén, Helene Ahlborg
Futures. Vol. 98, p. 72-89
Review article

Environmental Assessment of Emerging Technologies: Recommendations for Prospective LCA

Rickard Arvidsson, Anne-Marie Tillman, Björn Sandén et al
Journal of Industrial Ecology. Vol. 22 (6), p. 1286-1294
Review article

Shaping factors in the emergence of technological innovations: The case of tidal kite technology

Johnn Andersson, Hans Hellsmark, Björn Sandén
Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 132, p. 191-298
Journal article

Are scarce metals in cars functionally recycled?

Magnus Andersson, Maria Ljunggren Söderman, Björn Sandén
Waste Management. Vol. 60, p. 407-416
Journal article

Systems Perspectives on Electromobility

Björn Sandén, Pontus Wallgren
Edited book

Improving the European Commission's analytical base for designing instrument mixes in the energy sector: Market failures versus system weaknesses

Staffan Jacobsson, Anna Bergek, Björn Sandén
Energy Research and Social Science. Vol. 33, p. 11-20
Journal article

Refining policies aimed at recycling of complex products

Magnus Andersson, Maria Ljunggren Söderman, Björn Sandén
Other conference contribution

Handling financial resource mobilisation in technological innovation systems - The case of chinese wind power

Kersti Karltorp, Siping Guo, Björn Sandén
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 142, p. 3872-3882
Journal article

Faster market growth of wind and PV in late adopters due to global experience build-up

Jorrit Gosens, Fredrik Hedenus, Björn Sandén
Energy. Vol. 131, p. 267-278
Journal article

Carbon nanomaterials as potential substitutes for scarce metals

Rickard Arvidsson, Björn Sandén
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 156, p. 253-261
Review article

The critical role of informed political direction for advancing technology: The case of Swedish marine energy

Johnn Andersson, Eugenia Perez Vico, Linus Hammar et al
Energy Policy. Vol. 101, p. 52-64
Journal article

Lessons from a century of innovating car recycling value chains

Magnus Andersson, Maria Ljunggren Söderman, Björn Sandén
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 25, p. 142-157
Journal article

Global innovation system life-cycles: country-level entry, innovation and leadership in wind turbine manufacturing

Jorrit Gosens, Björn Sandén, Fredrik Hedenus
The 8th International Sustainability Transitions Conference
Other conference contribution

Are scarce metals in cars functionally recycled? Extended supplementary material

Björn Sandén, Magnus Andersson, Maria Ljunggren Söderman

Mapping the content and fates of scarce metals in discarded cars

Magnus Andersson, Maria Ljunggren Söderman, Björn Sandén
Life Cycle Assessment and Other Assessment Tools for Waste Management and Resource Optimization
Paper in proceeding

Energy and resource use assessment of graphene as a substitute for indium tin oxide in transparent electrodes

Rickard Arvidsson, Duncan Kushnir, Sverker Molander et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 132, p. 289-297
Journal article


Björn Sandén, Mikael Odenberger
Edited book

Perspektiv på eldrivna fordon

Björn Sandén, Pontus Wallgren
Edited book

Are vehicles a source of secondary scarce metals?

Maria Ljunggren Söderman, Magnus Andersson, Björn Sandén
Other conference contribution

Perspektiv på förädling av bioråvara

Björn Sandén, Karin Pettersson
Edited book

Technological innovation systems in contexts: Conceptualizing contextual structures and interaction dynamics

Anna Bergek, M. Hekkert, Staffan Jacobsson et al
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 16, p. 51-64
Journal article

Can carbon nanomaterials help avoiding resource scarcity?

Rickard Arvidsson, Björn Sandén
International Society of Industrial Ecology’s biennial conference, 7-10 July 2015, University of Surry, England
Conference poster

Perspektiv på eldrivna fordon 2014

Björn Sandén, Pontus Wallgren
Edited book

Is graphene a ”wonder material” also from an environmental life cycle perspective?

Rickard Arvidsson, Duncan Kushnir, Björn Sandén et al
Abstract of Papers of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 247
Other conference contribution

5. Solceller

Björn Sandén
Teknologiska innovationssystem inom energiområdet: En praktisk vägledning till identifiering av systemsvagheter som motiverar särskilda politiska åtaganden, ER 2014:23, p. 121-164
Book chapter

Systems Perspectives on Renewable Power 2014

Björn Sandén
Edited book

Är de nya förnybara resurserna stora nog?

Björn Sandén, Linus Hammar, Fredrik Hedenus
Perspektiv på förnybar el 2014, p. 10-11
Book chapter

Systems Perspectives on Electromobility 2014

Björn Sandén, Pontus Wallgren
Edited book

Are renewable energy resources large enough to replace non-renewable energy?

Björn Sandén, Linus Hammar, Fredrik Hedenus
Systems Perspectives on Renewable Power 2014, p. 18-31
Book chapter

Perspektiv på förädling av bioråvara 2014

Björn Sandén, Karin Pettersson
Edited book

Energibalans och klimatpåverkan - en liten investering ger stor effekt

Björn Sandén, A. Arvesen
Perspektiv på förnybar el 2014, p. 18-19
Book chapter

Systems Perspectives on Biorefineries 2014

Björn Sandén, Karin Pettersson
Edited book

Scarce metals in Swedish end-of-life vehicle recycling

Magnus Andersson, Maria Ljunggren Söderman, Björn Sandén
Proceedings of Second Symposium on Urban Mining, Bergamo, Italy
Paper in proceeding

Energy balance and climate impact of renewable power: Is there cause for concern?

Björn Sandén, A. Arvesen
Systems Perspectives on Renewable Power 2014, p. 72-83
Book chapter

Policy and Path Formation in the Swedish Vehicle Recycling System

Magnus Andersson, Duncan Kushnir, Björn Sandén et al
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Sustainability Transitions, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Paper in proceeding

Behov av investeringar och kompetens - exemplet havsbaserad vind

Kersti Karltorp, Staffan Jacobsson, Björn Sandén
Perspektiv på förnybar el 2014, p. 31-32
Book chapter

Kommer brist på metaller att begränsa användningen av elfordon?

Maria Ljunggren Söderman, Duncan Kushnir, Björn Sandén
Perspektiv på eldrivna fordon 2014, p. 18-19
Book chapter

Framtiden för förnybar elproduktion

Björn Sandén
Perspektiv på förnybar el 2014, p. 6-7
Book chapter

Electrifying the automotive industry via R&D collaborations

Steven Sarasini, Björn Sandén, Magnus Karlström
Systems Perspectives on Electromobility 2013, p. 169-184
Book chapter

Assessing the Environmental Risks of Silver from Clothes in an Urban Area

Rickard Arvidsson, Sverker Molander, Björn Sandén
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment (HERA). Vol. 20 (4), p. 1008-1022
Journal article

The need for financial and human resources - the case of offshore wind power

Kersti Karltorp, Staffan Jacobsson, Björn Sandén
Systems Perspectives on Renewable Power 2014, p. 172-181
Book chapter

Vad är ett bioraffinaderi?

Thore Berntsson, Björn Sandén, Lisbeth Olsson et al
Perspektiv på förädling av bioråvara 2014, p. 8-9
Book chapter

Assessing renewable power

Björn Sandén
Systems Perspectives on Renewable Power 2014, p. 6-8
Book chapter

Om elektromobilitet

Björn Sandén, Pontus Wallgren
Perspektiv på eldrivna fordon 2014, p. 6-7
Book chapter

Perspektiv på förnybar el 2014

Björn Sandén, Mikael Odenberger
Edited book

Prospective Life Cycle Assessment of Graphene Production by Ultrasonication and Chemical Reduction

Rickard Arvidsson, Duncan Kushnir, Björn Sandén et al
Environmental Science & Technology. Vol. 48 (8), p. 4529−4536-4536
Journal article

Teknikpolitiska lärdomar

Staffan Jacobsson, Björn Sandén
Teknologiska innovationssystem inom energiområdet. ER 2014:23.
Book chapter

Assessing biorefineries

Björn Sandén, Fredrik Hedenus
Systems Perspectives on Biorefineries 2014, p. 6-17
Book chapter

Systems Perspectives on Biorefineries 2013

Björn Sandén, Karin Pettersson
Edited book

How to make policy-relevant life cycle assessments of future products? Lessons learned from nanomaterials

Rickard Arvidsson, Duncan Kushnir, Björn Sandén et al
6th International Conference on Life Cycle Management, Gothenburg, 25-28 August
Paper in proceeding

Review of Potential Environmental and Health Risks of the Nanomaterial Graphene

Rickard Arvidsson, Sverker Molander, Björn Sandén
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment (HERA). Vol. 19 (4), p. 873-887
Review article

Will metal scarcity limit the use of electric vehicles?

Maria Ljunggren Söderman, Duncan Kushnir, Björn Sandén
Systems Perspectives on Electromobility 2013, p. 76-89
Book chapter

Systems Perspectives on Electromobility 2013

Björn Sandén
Edited book

Is there a "crystal ball"? Assessing environmental life cycle impacts of new nanomaterials

Rickard Arvidsson, Duncan Kushnir, Björn Sandén et al
7th International Society for Industrial Ecology Biennial Conference, 25-28 June, Ulsan, South Korea
Paper in proceeding

Assessing electromobility

Björn Sandén
Systems Perspectives on Electromobility 2013, p. 6-9
Book chapter

The time dimension and lithium resource constraints for electric vehicles

Duncan Kushnir, Björn Sandén
Resources Policy. Vol. 37 (1), p. 93-103
Journal article

Ogenomtänkt teknikneutralitet

Christian Azar, Björn Sandén
Upplyst eller utfryst - en antologi om den svenska elmarknaden. E ON
Book chapter

Explaining regime destabilisation in the pulp and paper industry

Kersti Karltorp, Björn Sandén
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 2, p. 66-81
Journal article

Material Constraints for Concentrating Solar Thermal Power

Erik Pihl, Duncan Kushnir, Björn Sandén et al
Energy. Vol. 44 (1), p. 944-954
Journal article

Systems Perspectives on Biorefineries 2012

Björn Sandén
Edited book

Assessing biorefineries

Björn Sandén, Fredrik Hedenus
Systems Perspectives on Biorefineries 2012, p. 6-15
Book chapter

What is a biorefinery?

Thore Berntsson, Björn Sandén, Lisbeth Olsson et al
Systems Perspectives on Biorefineries 2012, p. 16-25
Book chapter

Particle flow analysis. Exploring Potential Use Phase Emissions of Titanium Dioxide nanoparticles from Sunscreen, Paint and Cement

Rickard Arvidsson, Sverker Molander, Björn Sandén
Journal of Industrial Ecology. Vol. 16 (3), p. 343-351
Journal article

Ödesdigert slöseri med silver

Rickard Arvidsson, Sverker Molander, Björn Sandén
Svenska Dagbladet (SvD)
Magazine article

Policy intervention and technical change in mature industry: The Swedish pulp and paper industry and the biorefinery

Kersti Karltorp, Björn Sandén
Conference proceedings from World Renewable Energy Congress 2011
Paper in proceeding

Multi-level energy analysis of emerging technologies: a case study in new materials for lithium ion batteries

Duncan Kushnir, Björn Sandén
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 19 (13), p. 1405-1416
Journal article

Substance Flow Analysis of Novel Compounds: The Case of Graphene

Rickard Arvidsson, Sverker Molander, Björn Sandén
6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology, Berkley, California, June 7-10, 2011.
Conference poster

Challenges in Exposure Modeling of Nanoparticles in Aquatic Environments

Rickard Arvidsson, Sverker Molander, Björn Sandén et al
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment (HERA). Vol. 17 (1), p. 245-262
Journal article

Impacts of a Silver-Coated Future - Particle Flow Analysis of Silver Nanoparticles

Rickard Arvidsson, Sverker Molander, Björn Sandén
Journal of Industrial Ecology. Vol. 15 (6), p. 844-854
Journal article

Att värna viktig metall är inte alarmism

Rickard Arvidsson, Sverker Molander, Björn Sandén
Svenska Dagbladet (SvD)
Magazine article

The elusive quest for technology-neutral policies

Christian Azar, Björn Sandén
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 1 (1), p. 135-139
Journal article

The Environmental Risks of Silver in Clothes

Rickard Arvidsson, Sverker Molander, Björn Sandén
Creating Successful and Sustainable Societies - Capabilities, resources and trust. The Adlerbert Research Foundation Jubilee Conference
Conference poster

Tracing nanomaterial hotspots in a changing world

Rickard Arvidsson, Sverker Molander, Björn Sandén
20th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting, Seville, Spain, 23-27 May 2010
Other conference contribution

Fate modeling of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in the water compartment by colloid chemistry

Rickard Arvidsson, Sverker Molander, Björn Sandén
1st International Conference on the Environmental Implications and Applications of Nanotechnology, June 9-11, 2009, Amherst, U.S.A.
Other conference contribution

The fate of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in the water compartment

Rickard Arvidsson, Sverker Molander, Björn Sandén
SETAC Europe 19th Annual Meeting, 31 May-4 June, 2009, Göteborg, Sweden
Conference poster


Rickard Arvidsson, Sverker Molander, Björn Sandén et al
4th International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials, 6-9 September, Vienna, Austria
Other conference contribution

Assessment of the impact of a market formation programme on the Swedish PV innovation system

Björn Sandén, Staffan Jacobsson, Linus Palmblad et al
DIME International Conference “Innovation, sustainability and policy” 11-13 September, Bordeaux.
Other conference contribution

Exploring technology paths: The development of alternative transport fuels in Sweden 2007–2020

Karl Hillman, Björn Sandén
Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 75 (8), p. 1279-1302
Journal article

Energy Requirements for production of carbon nanoparticles

Duncan Kushnir, Björn Sandén
Journal of Industrial Ecology. Vol. 12 (3), p. 360-375
Journal article

Solar Solution: The next industrial revolution

Björn Sandén
Materials Today. Vol. 11 (12), p. 22-24
Journal article

Time and scale in Life Cycle Assessment: the case of fuel choice in the transport sector

Karl Hillman, Björn Sandén
International Journal of Alternative Propulsion. Vol. 2 (1), p. 1-12
Journal article

Environmental Impact of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles – Applying Life Cycle Thinking and Risk Assessment for Swedish Conditions

Rickard Arvidsson, Sverker Molander, Björn Sandén
3rd International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials, Birmingham University, Birmingham, UK, September 15-16, 2008
Conference poster

Nanoteknik i våra hem

Björn Sandén, Sverker Molander, Martin Hassellöv et al
Miljöforskning. Vol. 2008 (3), p. 24-25
Magazine article

Cumulative causation in biofuels development: a critical comparison of the Netherlands and Sweden

Karl Hillman, Roald Suurs, Marko Hekkert et al
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. Vol. 20 (5), p. 593-612
Journal article

'Legitimation' and 'development of positive external economies':two key processes in the formation phase of technological innovation systems

Anna Bergek, Staffan Jacobsson, Björn Sandén
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. Vol. 20 (5), p. 575-592
Journal article

Solen - din nya stora elleverantör

Björn Sandén
Svenska Dagbladet (3 oktober), p. 5-
Magazine article

Early birds - trapped in a cage? Interpretation and organisation of nanotechnology in Sweden 1984-2006

Hans Fogelberg, Björn Sandén
EuroNanoForum 2007. Nanotechnology in industrial applications, Düsseldorf 19-21 June, 2007
Other conference contribution

Standing the test of time: Signals and noise from environmental assessments of energy technologies

Björn Sandén
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. Vol. 1041, p. 183-189
Paper in proceeding

Understanding reflexive systems of innovation: An analysis of Swedish nanotechnology discourse and organisation

Hans Fogelberg, Björn Sandén
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. Vol. 20 (1), p. 65-81
Journal article

Early birds – trapped in a cage? Interpretations and organisation of nanotechnology in Sweden 1984-2006

Hans Fogelberg, Björn Sandén
EuroNanoForum 2007. Düsseldorf, June 19-21., p. 233-234
Paper in proceeding

Positive and negative feedback in consequential life cycle assessment

Björn Sandén, Magnus Karlström
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 15 (15), p. 1469-1481
Journal article

Energy Balance of Carbon Nanoparticle Applications: A Technology Assessment of Production and Use Systems

Björn Sandén, Duncan Kushnir
EuroNanoForum, Düsseldorf June 19-21
Paper in proceeding

Standing the test of time: Signals and noise from environmental assessments of energy technologies

Björn Sandén
LCA of Energy, Energy in LCA. SETAC Europe 14th LCA Case Studies Symposium, Göteborg, December 3-4, p. 197-200
Paper in proceeding

Sprinters versus long-distance runners: How does policy-made markets pick actors and technology winners?

Björn Sandén, Kerstin Åstrand
7th Nordic Environmental Social Science Research Conference, Göteborg, Sweden, 15-17 June
Other conference contribution

LCA of Emerging Technologies: A Methodological Framework

Björn Sandén, Karl Jonasson, Magnus Karlström et al
LCM 2005 - Innovation by Life Cycle Management. Vol. 1, p. 37-41
Other conference contribution

Energy analysis of batteries in photovoltaic systems Part I. Performance and energy requirements

Carl Johan Rydh, Björn Sandén
Energy conversion and management. Vol. 46, p. 1957-1979
Journal article

Competition and co-evolution among contenders: The development of alternative transport fuels in Sweden 1974-2004

Björn Sandén, Karl Jonasson
4th European Meeting on Applied Evolutionary Economics (EMAEE)
Other conference contribution

Time and Scale in LCA: Case Study on Biofuels

Karl Jonasson, Björn Sandén
LCM 2005 - Innovation by Life Cycle Management. Vol. 1, p. 501-505
Other conference contribution

Exploring technology paths: The development of alternative transport fuels in Sweden 2005-2020

Karl Jonasson, Björn Sandén
4th European Meeting on Applied Evolutionary Economics (EMAEE)
Other conference contribution

Energy analysis of batteries in photovoltaic systems Part II. Energy return factors and overall battery efficiencies

Carl Johan Rydh, Björn Sandén
Energy Conversion and Management. Vol. 46 (11-12), p. 1980-2000
Journal article

The economic and institutional rationale of PV subsidies

Björn Sandén
Solar Energy. Vol. 78 (2), p. 137-146
Journal article

Near-term technology policies for long-term climate targets—economy wide versus technology specific approaches

Björn Sandén, Christian Azar
Energy Policy. Vol. 33, p. 1557-1576
Journal article

Transforming the Energy System--the Evolution of the German Technological System for Solar Cells

Staffan Jacobsson, Björn Sandén, Lennart Bångens
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. Vol. 16 (1), p. 3-9
Journal article

Technology, policy and climate change

Christian Azar, Björn Sandén, Thomas Sterner
New academy review. Vol. 3, p. 91-97
Journal article

Technology path assessment for sustainable technology development

Björn Sandén
Innovation: management, policy and practice. Vol. 6, p. 316-330
Journal article

Rethinking Life Cycle Assessment of Emerging Technologies

Björn Sandén
Workshop on Life Cycle Analysis and Recycling of Solar Modules – The “Waste” Challenge, 18-19 March, Brussels, Special publication No. I.04.48, EC DG JRC, Institute for Environment and Sustainability
Other conference contribution

Time and Scale in Life Cycle Assessment: The Case of Fuel Choice in the Transport Sector

Karl Jonasson, Björn Sandén
Vehicles Alternative Fuel Systems & Environmental Protection (VAFSEP 2004), p. 140-145
Other conference contribution

Är fem tusen myror bättre än fyra elefanter: om den mjuka energin och vart den tog vägen

Björn Sandén
Krävs energi i samhällsplaneringen / Gösta Blücher (red.), p. 107-118
Book chapter

Selecting and assessing demonstration projects: the case of fuel cells and hydrogen systems in Sweden

Magnus Karlström, Björn Sandén
Innovation: management, policy and practice. Vol. 6, p. 286-293
Journal article

Höj ambitionen för solcellerna

Björn Sandén, Staffan Jacobsson
Dagens Industri (23 November)
Magazine article

Global energy scenarios meeting stringent CO2 constraints - cost effective fuel choices in the transportation sector

Christian Azar, Kristian Lindgren, Björn A. Andersson
EnergyPOlicy. Vol. 31 (10), p. 961-976
Journal article

Technology and Policy for Sustainable Development

Allan Larsson, Christian Azar, Thomas Sterner et al

Distributed power generation versus grid extensions: An assessment of solar photovoltaics for rural electrification in Northern Ghana

Jonas Nässén, J. Evertsson, Björn A. Andersson
Progress in Photovoltaics. Vol. 10 (7), p. 495-510
Journal article

Materials for the Global Environment: Waste Mining in the 21st Century.

Robert U. Ayres, John Holmberg, Björn A. Andersson
MRS Bulletin. Vol. 26 (6), p. 477-480
Journal article

Metal resource constraints for electric vehicle batteries.

Björn A. Andersson, Ingrid Råde
Transportation Research Part D. Vol. 6, p. 297-324
Journal article

Requirement for metals of electric vehicle batteries.

Ingrid Råde, Björn A. Andersson
Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 93 (1-2), p. 55-71
Journal article

Monitoring and assessing technology choice: the case of solar cells

Björn A. Andersson, Staffan Jacobsson
Energy Policy. Vol. 28, p. 1037-1049
Journal article

Material availability for large-scale thinn-film photovoltaics.

Björn A. Andersson
Progress in Photovoltaics. Vol. 8, p. 61-76
Journal article

Materials constraints in a global energy scenario based on thin-film solar cells

Björn A. Andersson, Christian Azar, John Holmberg et al
Energy. Vol. 23, p. 407-411
Journal article

On material constraints for new energy technologies

Björn A. Andersson
Licentiate thesis

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Showing 17 research projects


Projecting future sodium-ion battery production and use

Rickard Arvidsson Environmental Systems Analysis
Julia Brunke Environmental Systems Analysis
Björn Sandén Environmental Systems Analysis
Area of Advance Energy


Interaction platform for research on system transformation

Anna Bergek Environmental Systems Analysis
Hans Hellsmark Environmental Systems Analysis
John Holmberg Physical Resource Theory
Björn Sandén Environmental Systems Analysis
Johan Holmén Physical Resource Theory 2


Understanding innovation practices for inclusive and sustainable energy services

Samuel John Unsworth Environmental Systems Analysis
Helene Ahlborg Environmental Systems Analysis
Björn Sandén Environmental Systems Analysis
GENIE, Chalmers Gender Initiative for Excellence

1 publication exists

Anticipating metal scarcity challenges in mobility transitions

Björn Sandén Environmental Systems Analysis
Anders Nordelöf Environmental Systems Analysis
Maria Ljunggren Environmental Systems Analysis
Rickard Arvidsson Environmental Systems Analysis

1 publication exists

Resistans och effekt - om smarta elnät för de många människorna

Björn Sandén Environmental Systems Analysis
Kamprad Family Foundation


Boosting research on sustainable battery technologies

Magdalena Svanström Environmental Systems Analysis
Patrik Johansson Condensed Matter Physics
Britt-Marie Steenari Nuclear Chemistry
Björn Sandén Environmental Systems Analysis



Björn Sandén Environmental Systems Analysis
Swedish Energy Agency


Making Sense of the Megajoules: Improving Energy Use Calculations in Life Cycle Assessment of energy carriers used for vehicle propulsion

Magdalena Svanström Environmental Systems Analysis
Simon Harvey Energy Technology
Björn Sandén Environmental Systems Analysis
Rickard Arvidsson Environmental Systems Analysis

1 publication exists

LCA as a tool for the development of energy-efficient future cars

Björn Sandén Environmental Systems Analysis
Anne-Marie Tillman Environmental Systems Analysis
Anders Nordelöf Environmental Systems Analysis
Felipe Bitencourt de Oliveira Environmental Systems Analysis
Swedish Energy Agency
Volvo Cars

2 publications exist

LCA som ett verktyg för utveckling av framtida energieffektivare bilar

Björn Sandén Environmental Systems Analysis
Swedish Energy Agency


Koordinering av FoEs – Forskarskola Energisystem

Björn Sandén Environmental Systems Analysis
Swedish Energy Agency


Kompetenscentrum för innovation och hållbar samhällsomställning

Björn Sandén Environmental Systems Analysis
Kamilla Kohn Rådberg Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Region Västra Götaland


National challenges for industrialising energy technology in global innovation systems

Björn Sandén Environmental Systems Analysis
Johnn Andersson Environmental Systems Analysis
Mats Lundqvist Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Hans Hellsmark Environmental Systems Analysis
Swedish Energy Agency

4 publications exist

New networks of power: on the emergence, diffusion and impact of alternative electricity system architectures

Björn Sandén Environmental Systems Analysis
Mikael Odenberger Energy Technology
Verena Heinisch Energy Technology
Kristina Hojcková Environmental Systems Analysis
Swedish Energy Agency

5 publications exist

Strategic innovation agenda for Solar electricity

Björn Sandén Environmental Systems Analysis


Photon Fission & Fusion: Beyond the Limits of Conventional Solar Energy Technologies

Bo Albinsson Physical Chemistry
Björn Sandén Environmental Systems Analysis
Fredrik Johansson Organic Chemistry
Duncan Kushnir Environmental Systems Analysis
Damir Dzebo Physical Chemistry
Maria Abrahamsson Physical Chemistry
Kasper Moth-Poulsen Polymer Technology
Victor Gray Polymer Technology
Jerker Mårtensson Organic Chemistry
Swedish Energy Agency


Realize: Realizing resource-efficient recycling of Vehicles

Derek Diener Environmental Systems Analysis
Björn Sandén Environmental Systems Analysis
Anne-Marie Tillman Environmental Systems Analysis
Maria Ljunggren Söderman Environmental Systems Analysis
Magnus Andersson Environmental Systems Analysis
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (Mistra)

1 publication exists
There might be more projects where Björn Sandén participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.