Kristoffer Andersson
Showing 79 publications
A W-Band Single-Chip Receiver in a 60 nm GaN-on-Silicon Foundry Process
E/W-Band CPW-based Amplifier MMICs Fabricated in a 60 nm GaN-on-Silicon Foundry Process
Design Method for Quasi-Optimal Multiband Branch-Line Couplers
Investigation of Push-Pull Microwave Power Amplifiers Using an Advanced Measurement Setup
Accurate Phase-Noise Prediction for a Balanced Colpitts GaN HEMT MMIC Oscillator
Noise temperature of an electronic tuner for noise parameter measurement systems
Fast Multi Harmonic Active Load-Pull
Fast Multiharmonic Active Load–Pull System With Waveform Measurement Capabilities
Oscilloscope based two-port measurement system using error-corrected modulated signals
Concurrent Dual-Band GaN-HEMT Power Amplifier at 1.8 GHz and 2.4 GHz
Multi-band/Multi-mode and Efficient Transmitter Based on a Doherty Power Amplifier
Branch-Line Coupler Design Operating in Four Arbitrary Frequencies
Design of a Concurrent Dual-Band 1.8-2.4-GHz GaN-HEMT Doherty Power Amplifier
On the large-signal modeling of High Power AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
Highly linear 1-3 GHz GaN HEMT low-noise amplifier
Highly linear gallium nitride MMIC LNAs
Extraction of an Electrothermal Mobility Model for AlGaN/GaN Heterostructures
Combined TiN- and TaN temperature compensated thin film resistors
Electrothermal Access Resistance Model for GaN-Based HEMTs
Uncertainties in small-signal equivalent circuit modeling
Semi-physical nonlinear circuit model with device/physical parameters for HEMTs
Design and characterization of a highly linear 3 GHz GaN HEMT amplifier
Large-signal waveform acquisition of pulsed signals
High-Efficiency Power Amplifier
High efficiency RF pulse width modulation with tunable load network class-E PA
Using the Best Linear Approximation to Model the Nonlinear Behavior of Supply Modulated Amplifiers
High efficiency power amplifier design using switch mode optimized transistor models
Highly efficient GaN-HEMT power amplifiers at 3.5 GHz and 5.5 GHz
Extending the Best Linear Approximation to Characterize the Nonlinear Distortion in GaN HEMTs
An X-Band AlGaN/GaN MMIC Receiver Front-End
On the Compact Equivalent Circuit Modeling
Design of a Highly Efficient 2–4-GHz Octave Bandwidth GaN-HEMT Power Amplifier
Characterization of Electro-Thermal Effects in GaN Based HEMTs
On the Large Signal Evaluation and Modeling of GaN FET
A tuneable probe for noncontacting microwave measurements
Transient Simulation of Microwave SiC MESFETs With Improved Trap Models
A highly efficient 3.5 GHz inverse class-F GaN HEMT power amplifier
TiN thin film resistors for monolithic microwave integrated circuits
Multi-line TRL calibration compared to a general de-embedding method
Influence of Passivation Oxide Properties on SiC Field-plated Buried Gate MESFETs
Active Harmonic Load-Pull using LSNA
An Inverse Class-F GaN HEMT Power Amplifier with 78% PAE at 3.5 GHz
Characterization Setup for Device Level Dynamic Load Modulation Measurements
Thermal Study of the High-Frequency Noise in GaN HEMTs
Statistical Estimation Techniques for De-embedding and Equivalent Circuit Modeling
Characterization of the temperature dependent access resistances in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
Output Power Density and Breakdown Voltage in Field-Plated Buried Gate Microwave SiC MESFETs
Influence of Field Plates and Surface Traps on Microwave Silicon Carbide MESFETs
An AlGaN/GaN HEMT-Based Microstrip MMIC Process for Advanced Transceiver Design
A Single-Ended Resistive $X$-Band AlGaN/GaN HEMT MMIC Mixer
GaN Device and MMIC development at Chalmers
On-wafer network analyser uncertainty estimation
SiC Varactors for Dynamic Load Modulation of High Power Amplifiers
Thermal characterization of the intrinsic noise parameters for AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
Electro-thermal simulations of a microwave 4H-SiC MESFET on high purity semi-insulating substrate
Design and Fabrication of 4H-SiC RF MOSFETs
Improvement of Oscilloscope Based RF Measurements by Statistical Averaging Techniques
An SiC MESFET-based MMIC process
SiC MESFET with a Double Gate Recess
High power-density 4H-SiC RF MOSFETs
Large-Signal Modelling and Comparison of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs and SiC MESFETs
A highly linear double balanced Schottky diode S-band mixer
Fabrication and characterization of field-plated buried-gate SiC MESFETs
High Power Density 4H-SiC RF MOSFETs
Statistical estimation of the propagation constant in multiline calibrations
The Chalmers microstrip SiC MMIC Process
Fabrication of high power-density SiC MOSFETs
A general procedure for extraction of bias dependent dynamic self heating model parameters
An empirical table based HBT large signal model
Widebandgap resistive FET mixers and statistical estimation of small-signal model parameters
Statistical Estimation of small signal FET model parameters and their covariance
C-Band Linear Resistive Wide Bandgap FET Mixers
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