Andreas Hellström
Andreas Hellström är universitetslektor vid avdelningen Service Management and Logistics. Han är också verksam inom samverkansplattformen CHI.
Hans forskningsintressen:
- improvement science
- implementation
- sustainable healthcare delivery;
- design and improvement of healthcare processes;
- patient engagement/empowerment/co-creation;
- process orientation
- knowledge exploration and exploitation;
- organizational learning;
- organizational change;
- creation and dissemination of management ideas;
- action research and collaborative research

Visar 77 publikationer
Action researchers as “orchestrators” of co-innovation: a theoretical and methodological framework
Networks for healthcare delivery: a systematic literature review
Kan en berättelse bota cancer?
User involvement and value co-creation in well-being ecosystems
Kraftens hus - social innovation av och för cancerberörda
Dis/value in co-production, co-design and co-innovation for individuals, groups and society
Småskaliga live case för att integrera livslångt lärande och arbetslivsanknytning
From “Invented here” to “Use it everywhere!”: A Learning health system from bottom and/or top?
Advancing Digital-Physical Relational Primary Healthcare: Four Triadic Perspectives
Inter-organizational relations: Citizen-centered resource integration in times of complexity
The roles of quality departments and their influence on business results
Multi‐actor Resource Integration: A Service Approach in Public Management
Collaborative Public Management: Coordinated Value Propositions among Public Service Organisations
Post-New Public Management in Public Healthcare: Recycled, Hybridized, Paradigmatic?
Social Innovation in the Welfare System
Assessing eHealth initiatives: Do theoretical frameworks matter in practice?
’Patient Ping-Pong’: Creating value through resource integration
Value-based healthcare translated: A complementary view of implementation
Beyond sickcare: Collaborative value creation emphasizing health in healthcare
Whole System in the Room: Toward Systems Integration in Healthcare
Alternative value configuration models in healthcare and its effect on professional fulfillment
Zooming out: Inter-organizational collaboration and resource integration for improving healthcare
A Value-Based Taxonomy of Improvement Approaches in Healthcare
Sustainability in healthcare organizations
Editorial: Why a special issue on healthcare action research?
The complexity of using value as driver for improvement in psychosis care
After a Decade of Action Research: Impactful Systems Improvement in Swedish Healthcare
An Emerging Science of Improvement in Health Care
A Physician-Led, Learning-Driven Approach to Regional Development of 23 Cancer Pathways in Sweden
System-Wide Change in Cancer Care: Exploring Sensemaking, Sensegiving, and Consent
Among Fumblers, Talkers, Mappers and Organizers - Four applications of process orientation
En läkarledd och lärandefokuserad strategi för regional utveckling av 28 cancerprocesser i Sverige
Sensegiving across professional borders: readiness for system-wide change in cancer care
The path to sustainability in health care: Exploring the role of learning microsystems
Process Management as a Contagious Idea: a Contribution to Røvik’s Virus-Inspired Theory
A Physician-Led and Learning-Driven Approach to Regional Development of 23 Cancer Pathways
Patient Safety Learning Audits: Towards organizational learning for improved safety
Trade unions and action research
Kvalitetschefen under luppen i svensk forsknigsstuide
The role of quality managers in contemporary organisations
Lessons from Sweden’s first large-scale implementation of Six Sigma in healthcare
Management by Dialogue – Developing Integrated Sustainable Healthcare
Process management in healthcare: investigating why it's easier said than done
Applying Process Management in Healthcare –Investigating Implementation Difficulties
A Large Scale Implementation of Six Sigma at the Skaraborg Hospital Group
The Agenda of Quality Managers
Quality Management and Business Results: The Role of the Quality Department
Are you viewing, mapping or managing your processes?
One idea, four applications: process orientation in Swedish health care
It Don’t Mean a Thing if it Ain’t Got that Swing: The Initiator’s Attraction to New Management Ideas
Among Fumblers, Talkers, Mappers, and Organizers: Four applications of process orientation
När processidén möter verkligheten
Conceptions of Process Management: An Analysis of the Discourse in the Management Literature
Adopting Process Management - the Importance of Recognizing the Organizational Transformation
Becoming Process-Oriented: A study on organizational transformation
Perceptions of Improvement Work in Swedish Health Care: Implications for Improvement Practices.
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Visar 13 forskningsprojekt
Utveckling av sjukhusvård i hemmet: systeminnovation som främjar implementering av medtechlösningar
sensLab Fas 3 - prototyp: invånarinitierad monitorering förjämlik uppkopplad hälsa
SMILLA: Småskaliga live case för att Integrera LivslångtLärande och Arbetslivsanknytning
Patienten som innovationsledare i välfärdssystemet
Omställningen av sjukvård i Västra Götalandsregionen
Kunskapsspridning om innovation och förnyelse inom hälso- och sjukvård
Innovations- och förnyelseförmåga inom och mellan vårdgivare
Aktionsforskning rörande utveckling mot en mer patientfokuserad cancervård
Digital Environment for Cognitive Inclusion (DECI)
Explore and exploit - of the need for ambidextrous capabilities in healthcare organizations
Mot en mer patientfokuserad och sammanhållen cancervård