Hans-Olof Andrén
Min forskning avser mikrostrukturen hos främst metalliska material, som jag studerar med högupplösande mikroskopi och mikroanalys. Huvudmetoder är elektronmikroskopi och atomsondstomografi, och avsikten är att förstå hur mikrostrukturen utvecklas vid materialframställning och användning, och hur den bestämmer materialets egenskaper. Jag studerar verktygsmaterial (hårdmetall, nötningssbeständiga skikt), varmhållfasta stål och zirkoniumlegeringar. Jag samarbetar nära med forskare inom atomistisk modellering (prof. Göran Wahnström, Fysik och prof. Itai Panas, Kemi och kemiteknik).
Visar 116 publikationer
Formation of pure zirconium islands inside c-component loops in high-burnup fuel cladding
Facet identification in textured polycrystalline coatings by EBSD-aided SEM trace analysis
Solute Concentrations in the Matrix of Zirconium Alloys Studied by Atom Probe Tomography
CrN–NbN nanolayered coatings for enhanced accident tolerant fuels in BWR
Creep of un-doped and Cr-doped WC-Co at high temperature and high load
Comparing CrN and TiN Coatings for Accident-Tolerant Fuels in PWR and BWR Autoclaves
CVD TiAlN coatings with tunable nanolamella architectures
Characterization of as-deposited cold sprayed Cr-coating on Optimized ZIRLO™ claddings
Effects of gas flow on detailed microstructure inhomogeneities in LPCVD TiAlN nanolamella coatings
Analyzing Boron in 9-12% Chromium Steels Using Atom Probe Tomography
Chromium segregation at phase boundaries in Cr-doped WC-Co cemented carbides
The effect of iron on dislocation evolution in model and commercial zirconium alloys
Mechanistic insights into the transformation processes in Z-phase strengthened 12% Cr steels
Atom probe study of MX to Z-phase transformation in Z-phase strengthened 12%Cr steels
Core-Shell Structure of Intermediate Precipitates in a Nb-Based Z-Phase Strengthened 12% Cr Steel
Microstructure of Z-Phase Strengthened Martensitic Steels: Meeting the 650°C Challenge
Atom probe tomography of interfaces in ceramic films and oxide scales
A new 12% chromium steel strengthened by Z-phase precipitates
Tantalum and niobium based Z-phase in a Z-phase strengthened 12% Cr steel
Barrier oxide chemistry and hydrogen pick-up mechanisms in zirconium alloys
Deformation mechanisms in a WC–Co based cemented carbide during creep
Nanostructure of a cubic BN cutting tool material
Direct observation of hydrogen and deuterium in oxide grain boundaries in corroded Zirconium alloys
The Influence of Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Machinability of a Prehardened Mold Steel
Oxidation Mechanism in Zircaloy- 2—The Effect of SPP Size Distribution
Tin clustering and precipitation in the oxide during autoclave corrosion of Zircaloy-2
Microstructure characterization of two Z-phase strengthened 12%chromium steels
Redistribution of alloying elements in Zircaloy-2 after in-reactor exposure
Oxidation induced localized creep deformation in Zircaloy-2
Effect of copper addition on the toughness of new Z-phase strengthened 12% chromium steels
Reduction of multiple hits in atom probe tomography
Chemistry of binder phase grain boundary in WC-Co based cemented carbide
Hydrogen analysis in APT: Methods to control adsorption and dissociation of H2
Atom probe tomography of oxide scales
Origin and effect of lateral cracks in oxide scales formed on zirconium alloys
Enrichment of Fe and Ni at metal and oxide grain boundaries in corroded Zircaloy-2
Effect of Boron on Carbide Coarsening at 873 K (600°C) in 9 to 12 pct Chromium Steels
APT analysis of WC-Co based cemented carbides
Microstructure of a Creep-Resistant 10 Pct Chromium Steel Containing 250 ppm Boron
Microstructure evolution of a Z-phase strengthened 9-12% Cr steel
Quantitative APT analysis of Ti(C,N)
Grain and phase boundary segregation in WC-Co with TiC, ZrC, NbC or TaC additions
Methods of quantitative matrix analysis of Zricaloy-2
Quantitative atom probe analysis of carbides
Transition Metal Solubilities in WC in Cemented Carbide Materials
Effects of laser pulsing on analysis of steels by atom probe tomography
Effect of workpiece sulphur content on the degradation of a PCBN tool material
On the black oxide colour of zirconium alloys
Grain and phase boundary segregation in WC-Co with small V, Cr or Mn additions
Initial study on Z-phase strengthened 9-12% Cr steels by atom probe tomography
Binder phase grain size in WC-Co-based cemented carbides
Reduction of carbide grain growth in WC-VC-Co by sintering in a nitrogen atmosphere
Detailed microstructure of a cBN based cutting tool material
Characterisation of WC-Co with cubic carbide additions
Microstructure development during tempering of the hot-work tool steel Uddeholm QRO 90 Supreme
Effect of V, Cr and Mn additions on the microstructure of WC-Co
Analysis of interfaces in WC-Co with cubic carbide additions
Characterization of WC-(V,W)C-Co made from pre-alloyed (V,W)C
The microstructure of the affected zone of a worn PCBN cutting tool characterised with SEM and TEM
Microstructural Evolution during Creep of Alloy 800HT in the Temperature Range 600 ºC to 1000 °C
Precipitation in maraging and martensitic chromium steels – what can we learn using 3-DAP and EFTEM
A study on Z-phase nucleation in martensitic chromium steels
The influence of sintering in nitrogen gas on the microstructure of a WC-VC-TiC-Co hardmetal
Creep resistant high boron 9-12% chromium steels for steam power plants
Microstructure of a high boron 9-12% chromium steel
A comparisom of the microstructures of WC-VC-TiC-Co and WC-VC-Co cemented carbides
Fine grained sintered cemented carbides containing a gradient zone
Microstructure of a high boron chromium steel for steam turbine applications
Early stages of phase separation using three-dimensional atom probe and atomistic modelling
On spinodal decomposition in the Co-W system
New developments with C-Mn-Ni high strength steel weld metalsPart B, Mechanical properties
An EFTEM study on Z-phase nucleation in martensitic chromium steels
Effect of TaC on plastic deformation of WC-Co and Ti(C,N)-WC-Co
Effect of Sigma2 grain boundaries on plastic deformation of WC-Co cemented carbides
New developments with C-Mn-Ni high strength steel weld metals, Part A Microstructure
Fine grained sintered cemented carbides containing a gradient zone
Effect of sigma-2 grain boundaries on plastic deformation of WC-Co cemented carbides
Mechanism for beneficial effect of boron addition on creep resistance of 9-12% chromium steels
Mechanisms of plastic deformation of WC-Co and Ti(C,N)-WC-Co
Fine grained sintered cemented carbides containing a gradient zone
Conventional and tomographic atom probe investigations of secondary-hardening carbides
Effect of grain boundary geometry on plastic deformation in WC-Co
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Visar 4 forskningsprojekt
Design av en ny generation 12 % kromstål
Z phase strengthened steels for ultra-supercritical power plants (Z-ULTRA)
Mechanisms of hydrogen uptake in zirconium alloys
Mekanismer för väteupptag i zirkoniumlegeringar