Jan Weiland
Visar 154 publikationer
Predictive modeling of NSTX discharges with the updated multi-mode anomalous transport module
Global scaling of the heat transport in fusion plasmas
Full-orbit and drift calculations of fusion product losses due to explosive fishbones on JET
Drift wave theory for transport in tokamaks
Measuring fast ions in fusion plasmas with neutron diagnostics at JET
Overview of the JET preparation for deuterium-tritium operation with the ITER like-wall
Microtearing Modes in Low Collisionality NSTX Discharges
Scenario development for the observation of alpha-driven instabilities in JET DT plasmas
Electron acceleration in a JET disruption simulation
Light impurity transport in JET ILW L-mode plasmas
Observation of enhanced ion particle transport in mixed H/D isotope plasmas on JET
Toroidal drift modes driven by the magnetic drift resonances
Inter-ELM evolution of the edge current density in JET-ILW type i ELMy H-mode plasmas
Equilibrium reconstruction at JET using Stokes model for polarimetry
Integrated modelling of H-mode pedestal and confinement in JET-ILW
The role of zonal flows in reactive fluid closures
TAE stability calculations compared to TAE antenna results in JET
MHD spectroscopy of JET plasmas with pellets via Alfvén eigenmodes
Modelling of JET hybrid plasmas with emphasis on performance of combined ICRF and NBI heating
Effects of nitrogen seeding on core ion thermal transport in JET ILW L-mode plasmas
Efficient generation of energetic ions in multi-ion plasmas by radio-frequency heating
Overview of the JET results in support to ITER
Microtearing modes in tokamak discharges
On the normalization of transport from ITG modes
Excitation of Zonal Flows by Ion temperature gradient Modes excited by the Fluid Resonance
Reversal of particle flux in collisional-finite beta tokamak discharges
Transition from a coherent three wave system to turbulence with application to the fluid closure
Thermal instabilities in drift wave turbulence
Zonal flows near marginal stability in drift wave transport
Simulations of the L-H transition dynamics with different heat and particle sourses
Simulations of the L-H transition on experimental advanced superconducting Tokamak
Physics basis of Multi-Mode anomalous transport module
Overview of the JET results with the ITER-like wall
Inward particle transport at high collisionality in the EAST tokamak
Nonlinear fluid equations for fully toroidal electromagnetic waves for the core tokamak plasma
Different Ways of Describing Plasma Dynamics
Kinetic Description of Low Frequency Modes in Inhomogeneous Plasma
Instabilities Associated with Fast Particles in Toroidal Confinement Systems
On the physics description of fusion plasmas i
Low Frequency Modes in Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields
Fluid Description for Low Frequency Perturbations in an Inhomogeneous Plasma
Kinetic Descriptions of Low Frequency Modes Obtained by Gyroaveraging
On the physics description of fusion plasmas II
Transport, Overview and Recent Developments
Permittivity of Plasma in Random Fields of Moderate Intensity
Comparison of Edge and Internal Transport Barriers in Drift Wave Predictive Simulations
Ion heat transport studies in JET
Two-fluid Analysis of the Geodesic Acoustic Mode in Tokamaks
Effects of flow shear on the correlation length of drift wave turbulence
Overview of toroidal momentum transport
Fluid Closure, Theory, Relations to Particle Pinches, Fluid Resonances
Main stabilization mechanisms in the barrier of the H-mode
Plasma physics: Turbulence at a pinch
JET Rotation Experiments towards the Capability to Predict the Toroidal Rotation Profile
Electromagnetic effects on toroidal momentum transport
Fluid and Kinetic Modelling on Timescales Longer than the Confinement Time in Bounded Systems
Non-Markovian Effects in Drift-type Turbulence
PTRANSP: Predictive Integrated Tokamak Modeling
Symmetry breaking effects of toroidicity on toroidal momentum transport
Turbulent Transport in Fusion Plasmas, Effects of Toroidicity and Fluid Closure
Multi-mode modeling of toroidal momentum confinement in tokamaks
Collisionless trapped electron and ion temperature gradient modes in an advanced tokamak equilibrium
Non-Markovian effects in turbulent diffusion in magnetized plasmas
Improved model for transport driven by drift modes in tokamaks
Integrated Modeling Simulations of Toroidal Momentum Transport in Tokamaks
Nonlinear Excitation of Zonal Flows and Geodesic Acoustic Modes in the Edge of Tokamak Plasmas
Resistive edge mode instability in stellarator and tokamak geometries
Relaxation in Plasmas with Several Types of Free Energy
Influence of radio frequency ponderomotive force on anomalous impurity transport in tokamaks
Study of collisionless TE and ITG modes in an ITER-like equilibrium
Influence of RF fields on anomalous impurity transport in tokamaks
Anomalous impurity transport in tokamaks in the presence of RF fields
Symmetry breaking effects on toroidal momentum transport
Particle Trapping and Non-Resonant Interaction in a Problem of Stochastic Acceleration
Influence of magnetic shear on impurity transport
Predictive simulations of toroidal momentum transport at JET
On advanced fluid modelling of drift wave turbulence
Critical Gradient Response of the Weiland Model
Toroidal and poloidal momentum transport studies in JET
Progress on Anomalous Transport in Tokamaks, Drift Waves and Nonlinear Structures
Toroidal and poloidal momentum transport studies in tokamaks
Influence of magnetic shear on impurity transport
On advanced fluid modelling of drift wave turbulence
Plasma rotation and momentum transport studies at JET
Particle Pinches in Fluid and Kinetic Descriptions
Impurity transport in ITER-like plasmas
Zonal flow generation in collisionless trapped electron mode turbulence
Investigation of electron heat pinch in ASDEX-Upgrade
Impurity transport in ITER-like plasma
Fully predictive time-dependent transport simulations of ITB plasmas in JET
Anomalous momentum transport due to drift-waves in tokamaks
Heat pinches in electron-heated tokamak plasmas: theoretical turbulence models vs. experiments
Excitation of Zonal Flows and Fluid Closure
Drift Wave Transport Scalings Introduced by Varying Correlation Length
Effects of Temperature Ratio on JET Transport in Hot Ion and Hot Electron Regimes
Collisionality and Shear Dependences of Density Peaking in JET and Extrapolation to ITER
Effect of Poloidal Rotation on the Dynamics of thew ITBs and Transport in JET Plasmas
Anomalous Particle Transport in DT Plasmas
Particle diffusion in external field of random Langmuir waves: short and long times
Progress in the theory of anomalous transport in tokamaks, drift waves and nonlinear structures
JETTO Simulations of Te/Ti Effects on Plasma Confinement
Stochastic acceleration in peaked spectrum
Electromagnetic Effects on quasilinear turbulent particle transport
Diffusion in velocity space caused by strong random fields
Predictive modelling of electron temperature modulation experiments in JET L and H mode plasmas
Progress in Transport Modelling of Internal Transport Barrier Plasmas in JET
Analytical Eigenvalue Solution for ηi Modes of General Modewidth
Anomalous particle and impurity transport in JET and implications for ITER
Physics of Transports in Tokamaks
Shear, temperature gradient and collisionality dependences of particle pinches in JET
Progress in Understanding Heat Transport at JET
Effects of temperature ratio on JET transport in hot ion and hot electron regimes
Self-Consistent Theory of Zonal Flows in Ion Temperature Gradient Turbulence
Zonal flow generation in ITG turbulence
Effects of cross-sectional elongation on the resistive edge modes
Effects of non-circular tokamak geometry on ion-temperature-gradient driven modes
Transport due to ion-temperature-gradient-driven magnetic drift modes
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