Carlos Natalino Da Silva
Carlos Natalino is a Researcher with the Optical Networks Unit. His research focuses on network automation and on the challenges and opportunities for application of machine learning in the network automation context. In particular, over the past years, he has been researching how to leverage machine learning for optical network design and operation, in problems such as resource efficiency (e.g., spectrum) and physical layer security. Carlos has been involved in several national and international projects funded by research bodies in EU and Brazil. He has also been involved in teaching computer programming courses in Brazil and Sweden. He is an IEEE and Optica member.

Showing 91 publications
Optimizing telemetry forwarding for distributed failure recovery in packet-optical networks
AI/ML-Based State-of-Polarization Monitoring in Optical Networks: Concepts and Challenges
Towards Efficient Confluent Edge Networks
Optical Networking Gym: an open-source toolkit for resource assignment problems in optical networks
Joint Fragmentation- and QoT-Aware RBMSA in Dynamic Multi-Band Elastic Optical Networks
Proactive Relocation for Survivable Cloud Services
Towards Explainable Reinforcement Learning in Optical Networks: The RMSA Use Case
AI/ML-as-a-Service for optical network automation: use cases and challenges [Invited]
DRL-Assisted Dynamic QoT-Aware Service Provisioning in Multi-Band Elastic Optical Networks
Explainable Reinforcement Learning: Towards Trustworthy Autonomous Network Operations
Performance tradeoffs of general-purpose digital hardware and application-specific analog hardware
IntentLLM: An AI Chatbot to Create, Find, and Explain Slice Intents in TeraFlowSDN
Analyzing Ultra-Low Inter-Core Crosstalk Fibers in Band and Space Division Multiplexing EONs
Programmable Filterless Optical Networks: Architecture, Design and Resource Allocation
Trade-Offs in Implementing Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with TAPI-Based Streaming Telemetry
Asynchronous Federated Split Learning
Hyperaccelerated Power Optimization in Multi-Band Elastic Optical Networks
Reinforcement Learning for Power Management in Low-margin Optical Networks
ML-Assisted Optimal Power and GSNR Estimation in Multi-band Elastic Optical Networks
A Cost Assessment Methodology for User-Centric Distributed Massive MIMO Architectures
Analysis and Mitigation of Unwanted Biases in ML-based QoT Classification Tasks
Reliable and efficient RAR-based distributed model training in computing power network
TAPI-based Telemetry Streaming in Multi-Domain Optical Transport Network
Demonstrating the Benefits of Service-Aware Pod Autoscaling with Shared Resources
Cascading-failure-Aware Disaster Recovery in Optical Cloud Networks
Machine-Learning-as-a-Service for Optical Networks: Use Cases and Benefits
Machine-Learning-as-a-Service for Optical Network Automation
P5: Event-driven Policy Framework for P4-based Traffic Engineering
P4-based Telemetry Processing for Fast Soft Failure Recovery in Packet-Optical Networks
Optical Network Automation and Programmability for 6G: State-of-the-Art, Vision, and Challenges
Scalable and Efficient Pipeline for ML-based Optical Network Monitoring
DRL-based RMSCA for SDM Networks with Core Switching in Multi-Core Fibres
Benefits of Pod dimensioning with best-effort resources in bare metal cloud native deployments
A Flexible and Scalable ML-Based Diagnosis Module for Optical Networks: A Security Use Case
Proactive Spectrum Defragmentation Leveraging Spectrum Occupancy State Information
Microservice-Based Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Loop for Optical Networks
Linear Regression vs. Deep Learning for Signal Quality Monitoring in Coherent Optical Systems
Feedforward Neural Network-Based EVM Estimation: Impairment Tolerance in Coherent Optical Systems
Root Cause Analysis for Autonomous Optical Network Security Management
Machine learning for network security management, attacks, and intrusions detection
DeepDefrag: A deep reinforcement learning framework for spectrum defragmentation
Fast signal quality monitoring for coherent communications enabled by CNN-based EVM estimation
Deep Learning Assisted Pre-Carrier Phase Recovery EVM Estimation for Coherent Transmission Systems
Scalable Physical Layer Security Components for Microservice-Based Optical SDN Controllers
Spectrum Anomaly Detection for Optical Network Monitoring using Deep Unsupervised Learning
Storage Protection with Connectivity and Processing Restoration for Survivable Cloud Services
Network automation: challenges, enablers, and benefits
A GPU-assisted NFV framework for intrusion detection system
Autonomous Security Management in Optical Networks
The Optical RL-Gym: an open-source toolkit for applying reinforcement learning in optical networks
Structural Methods to Improve the Robustness of Anycast Communications to Large-Scale Failures
Availability-Guaranteed Service Function Chain Provisioning with Optional Shared Backups
Forecasting power load curves from spatial and temporal mobile data
Machine Learning for Cognitive Optical Network Security Management
Machine Learning for Optical Network Security Management
Network Slicing Automation: Challenges and Benefits
Functional Metrics to Evaluate Network Vulnerability to Disasters
Design of Programmable Filterless Optical Networks
Root Cause Analysis for Autonomous Optical Networks: A Physical Layer Security Use Case
A Heuristic Approach for the Design of UAV-Based Disaster Relief in Optical Metro Networks
Network-wide localization of optical-layer attacks
Content placement in 5G‐enabled edge/core datacenter networks resilient to link cut attacks
Machine Learning for Optical Network Security Monitoring: A Practical Perspective
Enhancing optical network security with machine learning
Infrastructure upgrade framework for content delivery networks robust to targeted attacks
Demonstration of Machine-Learning-Assisted Security Monitoring in Optical Networks
Reinforcement Learning for Slicing in a 5G Flexible RAN
Machine Learning Methods for Slice Admission in 5G Networks
One-Shot Learning for Modulation Format Identification in Evolving Optical Networks
Energy- and fatigue-aware RWA in optical backbone networks
Cost Benefits of Centralizing Service Processing in 5G Network Infrastructures
Microservice-Based Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Loop for Optical Networks
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Showing 8 research projects
Resilient Remote Environment Emulation for Human-to-Machine Communications
Efficient Confluent Edge Networks (ECO-eNET)
Photonic-Assisted Hardware for Reservoir Computing (BRAIN)
Secured autonomic traffic management for a Tera of SDN flows (TeraFlow)
Automation of Network edge Infrastructure & Applications with aRtificiAl intelligence, ANIARA
Smart City Concepts in Curitiba - low-carbon transport and mobility in a digital society