Alexandre Graell I Amat
Alexandre Graell i Amat is Professor with the Communication Systems group. His research interests are in the area of (modern) coding theory and cover a broad range of topics, including distributed storage, caching, and distributed computing, and optical communications.
Prof. Graell i Amat received the MSc degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, in 2001, and the MSc and the PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy, in 2000 and 2004, respectively. Previously to joining Chalmers in 2011, he was with ENST Bretagne, Brest, France, from 2006 to 2010, first as a Marie Curie Fellow and then as an Associate Professor.
Prof. Graell i Amat is Editor at Large for the IEEE Transactions on Communications. Previously, he served as Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Communications (2011-2016) and for the IEEE Communications Letters (2011-2013). He was the General Co-Chair of the 7th International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Iterative Information Processing, 2012, the Swedish Communication Technologies Workshop 2013, and the IEEE European School of Information Theory, 2016.
Prof. Graell i Amat is the recipient of the 2010 IEEE ComSoc Best Young Researcher Award for the Europe, Middle East, and Africa Region, and of a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship (2006-2008) by the European Commission. He is co-author of a paper that won the 2016 IEEE Sweden VT-COM-IT joint chapter best student conference paper award.

Showing 188 publications
Belief Propagation Decoding of Quantum LDPC Codes with Guided Decimation
Secure Aggregation Is Not Private Against Membership Inference Attacks
Unsourced Multiple Access With Common Alarm Messages: Network Slicing for Massive and Critical IoT
Threshold Saturation for Quantitative Group Testing with Low-Density Parity-Check Codes
On Local Mutual-Information Privacy
Blind Frequency-Domain Equalization Using Vector-Quantized Variational Autoencoders
Low-Density Parity-Check Codes and Spatial Coupling for Quantitative Group Testing
Age of Information in Slotted ALOHA With Energy Harvesting
Improving the Thresholds of Generalized LDPC Codes with Convolutional Code Constraints
Impact of Phase Noise on Uplink Cell-Free Massive MIMO OFDM
Index-Based Concatenated Codes for the Multi-Draw DNA Storage Channel
Soft-Information Post-Processing for Chase-Pyndiah Decoding Based on Generalized Mutual Information
Finite Blocklength Performance Bound for the DNA Storage Channel
Unsourced Multiple Access With Random User Activity
Achievable Information Rates and Concatenated Codes for the DNA Nanopore Sequencing Channel
Rateless Autoencoder Codes: Trading off Decoding Delay and Reliability
Concatenated Codes for Multiple Reads of a DNA Sequence
Finite-Length Scaling of SC-LDPC Codes With a Limited Number of Decoding Iterations
DSAG: A Mixed Synchronous-Asynchronous Iterative Method for Straggler-Resilient Learning
Blind Frequency-Domain Equalization Using Vector-Quantized Variational Autoencoders
CodedPaddedFL and CodedSecAgg: Straggler Mitigation and Secure Aggregation in Federated Learning
Irregular Repetition Slotted ALOHA Over the Binary Adder Channel
Error Floor Analysis of Irregular Repetition ALOHA
Frequency-domain digital predistortion for Massive MU-MIMO-OFDM Downlink
Unsourced Multiple Access for Heterogeneous Traffic Requirements
Generalized Spatially-Coupled Parallel Concatenated Codes With Partial Repetition
Computational Code-Based Privacy in Coded Federated Learning
Robust Performance Over Changing Intersymbol Interference Channels by Spatial Coupling
Straggler-Resilient Secure Aggregation for Federated Learning
Multi-Server Weakly-Private Information Retrieval
Symbol-Based Over-the-Air Digital Predistortion Using Reinforcement Learning
Model-Based End-to-End Learning for WDM Systems With Transceiver Hardware Impairments
Periodicity-Enabled Size Reduction of Symbol Based Predistortion for High-Order QAM
Experimental Demonstration of Learned Pulse Shaping Filter for Superchannels
Coded Slotted Aloha with Stopping Set Resolution: A Group Testing Approach
Coding for Straggler Mitigation in Federated Learning
Privacy-Preserving Coded Mobile Edge Computing for Low-Latency Distributed Inference
Low Complexity Joint Impairment Mitigation of I/Q Modulator and PA Using Neural Networks
Low-latency distributed inference at the network edge using rateless codes
On the Universality of Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes Over Intersymbol Interference Channels
Pruning and Quantizing Neural Belief Propagation Decoders
Massive Uncoordinated Access with Random User Activity
Quaternary Message Passing Decoding of LDPC Codes: Stability Analysis and Error Floor
Age of Information in Prioritized Random Access
Autoencoder-Based Unequal Error Protection Codes
Refined Reliability Combining for Binary Message Passing Decoding of Product Codes
Concatenated Codes for Recovery From Multiple Reads of DNA Sequences
Improving Age-of-Information in Distributed Vehicle Tracking
Threshold Computation for Spatially Coupled Turbo-Like Codes on the AWGN Channel
Generalized Spatially Coupled Parallel Concatenated Convolutional Codes with Partial Repetition
Analysis and Design of Partially Information- and Partially Parity-Coupled Turbo Codes
End-to-end Autoencoder for Superchannel Transceivers with Hardware Impairments
Over-the-fiber Digital Predistortion Using Reinforcement Learning
Dynamic Coded Caching in Wireless Networks
Spatially-Coupled Serially Concatenated Codes with Periodic Convolutional Permutors
Symbol-Based Supervised Learning Predistortion for Compensating Transmitter Nonlinearity
Privacy-Preserving Wireless Federated Learning Exploiting Inherent Hardware Impairments
The Capacity of Single-Server Weakly-Private Information Retrieval
On Doped SC-LDPC Codes for Streaming
Learned Decimation for Neural Belief Propagation Decoders
Pruning Neural Belief Propagation Decoders
Forward Error Correction for Optical Transponders
Private Edge Computing for Linear Inference Based on Secret Sharing
Residual Neural Networks for Digital Predistortion
On Product Codes with Probabilistic Amplitude Shaping for High-Throughput Fiber-Optic Systems
The Capacity of Single-Server Weakly-Private Information Retrieval
Finite-Length Scaling of Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes under Window Decoding over the BEC
MDS-Coded Distributed Caching for Low Delay Wireless Content Delivery
Private Information Retrieval in Wireless Coded Caching
One and Two Bit Message Passing for SC-LDPC Codes with Higher-Order Modulation
Improved Private Information Retrieval for Coded Storage From Code Decomposition
Coding for optical communications -- can we approach the Shannon limit with low complexity?
Optimizing MDS Coded Caching in Wireless Networks with Device-to-Device Communication
Binary Message Passing Decoding of Product-like Codes
Symbol Message Passing Decoding of Nonbinary Low-Density Parity-Check Codes
Coded Slotted Aloha over the On-Off Fading Channel: Performance Bounds
Spatially coupled hybrid concatenated codes
Weakly-Private Information Retrieval
Achieving Maximum Distance Separable Private Information Retrieval Capacity With Linear Codes
Block-Diagonal and LT Codes for Distributed Computing With Straggling Servers
A Refined Scaling Law for Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes Over the Binary Erasure Channel
Symbol Message Passing Decoding of Nonbinary Spatially-Coupled Low-Density Parity-Check Codes
Energy-Efficient Soft-Assisted Product Decoders
Spatially coupled turbo-like codes: a new trade-off between waterfall and error floor
Private Information Retrieval From a Cellular Network With Caching at the Edge
A Droplet Approach Based on Raptor Codes for Distributed Computing with Straggling Servers
Asymmetry Helps: Improved Private Information Retrieval Protocols for Distributed Storage
Finite Length Analysis of Irregular Repetition Slotted ALOHA in the Waterfall Region
On Low-Complexity Decoding of Product Codes for High-Throughput Fiber-Optic Systems
Probabilistic Eigenvalue Shaping for Nonlinear Fourier Transform Transmission
Asymptotic Analysis and Spatial Coupling of Counter Braids
Code Constructions for Distributed Storage With Low Repair Bandwidth and Low Repair Complexity
Local Reconstruction Codes: A Class of MDS-PIR Capacity-Achieving Codes
Probabilistic Amplitude Shaping with Hard Decision Decoding and Staircase Codes
Improving the Decoding Threshold of Tailbiting Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes by Energy Shaping
Iterative Bounded Distance Decoding of Product Codes with Scaled Reliability
An MDS-PIR Capacity-Achieving Protocol for Distributed Storage Using Non-MDS Linear Codes
A Unified Ensemble of Concatenated Convolutional Codes
On Frame Asynchronous Coded Slotted ALOHA: Asymptotic, Finite Length, and Delay Analysis
Compressed Sensing in Wireless Sensor Networks without Explicit Position Information
Broadcast coded slotted ALOHA: A finite frame length analysis
A structured irregular repetition slotted ALOHA scheme with low error floors
Successive cancellation decoding of single parity-check product codes
On Achievable Information Rates for Coherent Fiber-Optic Systems with Hard Decision Decoding
Finite Length Weight Enumerator Analysis of Braided Convolutional Codes
Nonbinary Staircase Codes for Spectrally and Energy Efficient Fiber-Optic Systems
Private Information Retrieval in Distributed Storage Systems Using an Arbitrary Linear Code
Block-Diagonal Coding for Distributed Computing With Straggling Servers
Probabilistically-Shaped Coded Modulation with Hard Decision Decoding for Coherent Optical Systems
Spatially Coupled Turbo-Like Codes
Deterministic and Ensemble-Based Spatially-Coupled Product Codes
Unequal Error Protection in Coded Slotted ALOHA
Density Evolution and Error Floor Analysis for Staircase and Braided Codes
Linear Massive MIMO Precoders in the Presence of Phase Noise – A Large-Scale Analysis
Secure Repairable Fountain Codes
On the Information Loss of the Max-Log Approximation in BICM Systems
Asymptotic and Finite Frame Length Analysis of Frame Asynchronous Coded Slotted ALOHA
MDS-coded distributed storage for low delay wireless content delivery
Distributed Storage in Mobile Wireless Networks with Device-to-Device Communication
A Deterministic Construction and Density Evolution Analysis for Generalized Product Codes
Threshold Saturation for Nonbinary SC-LDPC Codes on the Binary Erasure Channel
Dispersion Compensation FIR Filter with Improved Robustness to Coefficient Quantization Errors
Density Evolution for Deterministic Generalized Product Codes with Higher-Order Modulation
All-to-all Broadcast for Vehicular Networks Based on Coded Slotted ALOHA
On Parameter Optimization for Staircase Codes
Power-Efficient Time-Domain Dispersion Compensation Using Optimized FIR Filter Implementation
Spatially-Coupled Codes for Optical Communications: State-of-the-Art and Open Problems
Large-Scale Analysis of Linear Massive MIMO Precoders in the Presence of Phase Noise
Probabilistic Handshake in All-to-all Broadcast Coded Slotted ALOHA
Repair Scheduling in Wireless Distributed Storage with D2D Communication
Threshold Saturation for Spatially Coupled Turbo-like Codes over the Binary Erasure Channel
A Family of Erasure Correcting Codes with Low Repair Bandwidth and Low Repair Complexity
Analysis of Spatially-Coupled Counter Braids
Dispersion Compensation Filter Design Optimized for Robustness and Power Efficiency
Impact of Forward Error Correction on Energy Consumption of VCSEL-based Transmitters
Error Floor Analysis of Coded Slotted ALOHA over Packet Erasure Channels
Using Short Synchronous WOM Codes to Make WOM Codes Decodable
Joint phase noise estimation and data detection in coded multi-input-multi-output systems
Spatially Coupled Turbo Codes: Principles and Finite Length Performance
An Introduction to Distributed Channel Coding
On Noisy ARQ in Block-Fading Channels
Optimized Bit Mappings for Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes over Parallel Binary Erasure Channels
Green Communication via Power-optimized HARQ Protocols
Improving soft FEC performance for higher-order modulations via optimized bit channel mappings
Braided Convolutional Codes: A Class of Spatially Coupled Turbo-Like Codes
Proving Threshold Saturation for Nonbinary SC-LDPC Codes on the Binary Erasure Channel
Minimum Pseudoweight Analysis of 3-Dimensional Turbo Codes
Distributed Compressed Sensing for Sensor Networks with Packet Erasures
Spatially-Coupled LDPC Codes for Decode-and-Forward Relaying of Two Correlated Sources over the BEC
A Low-Complexity Detector for Memoryless Polarization-Multiplexed Fiber-Optical Channels
Nonbinary Spatially-coupled LDPC Codes on the Binary Erasure Channel
Constellation Optimization in the Presence of Strong Phase Noise
Design of APSK Constellations for Coherent Optical Channels with Nonlinear Phase Noise
Making WOM Codes Decodable using Short Synchronous WOM Codes
On the Equivalence of TCM Encoders
HARQ Feedback in Spectrum Sharing Networks
Asymptotically optimal trellis coded modulation systems
Analysis and Design of Tuned Turbo Codes
Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes for Two-User Decode-and-Forward Relaying'
Constellation Optimization for Coherent Optical Channels Distorted by Nonlinear Phase Noise
Two-level HARQ for turbo coded cooperation: System retransmission gain and optimal time allocation
On ARQ-Based Fast-Fading Channels
Power allocation in repetition time diversity hybrid automatic repeat request feedback
On the Minimum Distance Properties of Weighted Nonbinary Repeat Multiple-Accumulate Codes
Distributed Serially Concatenated Codes for Multi-Source Cooperative Relay Networks
Performance Analysis of 3-D Turbo Codes
Pseudocodewords of linear programming decoding of 3-dimensional turbo codes
MIMO systems for turbo coded cooperation over orthogonal and non-orthogonal channels
Error probability bounds for decode-and-forward relaying with two correlated sources
Unifying Analysis and Design of Rate-Compatible Concatenated Codes
A general structure for rate-compatible concatenated codes
On the design of rate-compatible serially concatenated convolutional codes
Analysis and Design of Concatenated Codes
Design of Rate-Compatible Serially Concatenated Convolutional Codes
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Showing 16 research projects
Energy-efficient massive random access for real-time distributed autonomous systems
Reliable and Secure Coded Edge Computing
Enhanced Security and Privacy for Wireless Federated Learning (SP4WFL)
INnovation and excellence in massive-scale COMmunications and information processING - INCOMING
Enhancing Iterative Receivers with Spatial Coupling
Reliable Uncoordinated Medium Access for Critical Low-Latency Communication
Coding for terabit-per-second fiber-optical communications (TERA)
Coding for Optical communications In the Nonlinear regime (COIN)
Rethinking Distributed Storage for Data Storage and Wireless Content Delivery
Distributed storage based on sparse-graph codes
Energy-efficient optical fibre communication
Spatially Coupled Turbo-Like Codes
MIMO-BICM: Fundamentals, Analysis, and Design
Signal Recovery: Compressed Sensing meets Coding Theory
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