Jonas Fredriksson
Jonas Fredriksson is Professor of Mechatronics in the division of Systems- and Control. With a PhD in control engineering and a thesis on automotive powertrain control, Jonas is involved in research projects related to hybrid electric vehicles, vehicle dynamics, automotive powertrain control and active safety. He leads and supervises research and education up to graduate level and teaches a range of subjects within the area of mechatronics.
Jonas is also Vice Head of the Department Electrical Engineering with responsibility for doctoral education.

Showing 125 publications
Effects of External Tire Heating on Rolling Resistance Energy Consumption
Motion resistance modelling and validation in winter conditions with varying air drag
Experimental Validation of Yaw Stability Control Strategies for Articulated Vehicle Combinations
Optimization-Based Coordination of Automated and Human-Driven Vehicles in Confined Sites
A Stochastic Theory of Longitudinal Dynamics and Energy Consumption of Road Vehicles
Yaw Stability Control of Vehicles Using a Slip Polytope Validated with Real Tests
Optimal Thermal Management, Charging, and Eco-driving of Battery Electric Vehicles
Energy Efficient Optimization-Based Coordination of Electric Automated Vehicles in Confined Areas
Prediction-Uncertainty-Aware Threat Detection for ADAS: A Case Study on Lane-Keeping Assistance
Intention-Aware Lane Keeping Assist Using Driver Gaze Information
Charge Planning and Thermal Management of Battery Electric Vehicles
Safety Monitoring of Neural Networks Using Unsupervised Feature Learning and Novelty Estimation
Computationally Efficient Algorithm for Eco-Driving Over Long Look-Ahead Horizons
Optimization based coordination of autonomous vehicles in confined areas
Design of a Robust Load-dependent Steering Controller for Improved High Capacity Vehicle Safety
Electric Vehicle Eco-driving under Wind Uncertainty
On Automated Vehicle Collision Risk Estimation using Threat Metrics in Subset Simulation
Gain-scheduled H Controller Synthesis for Actively-steered Longer and Heavier Commercial Vehicles
Time Optimal and Eco-Driving Mission Planning under Traffic Constraints
Inertial Navigation and Position Uncertainty during a Blind Safe Stop of an Autonomous Vehicle
A Safety Monitoring Concept for Fully Automated Driving
Air-management and fueling strategy for diesel engines from multi-layer control perspective
Collision Avoidance: A Literature Review on Threat-Assessment Techniques
Predictive velocity control in a hilly terrain over a long look-ahead horizon
Vehicle Independent Road Resistance Estimation Using Connected Vehicle Data
Cooperative energy management of electrified vehicles on hilly roads
Design of tyre force excitation for tyre–road friction estimation
Trajectory planning with miscellaneous safety critical zones
Vehicle Independent Road Segment Resistance Estimation
Validation of Collision Frequency Estimation Using Extreme Value Theory
Lane Change Maneuvers for Automated Vehicles
If, When, and How to Perform Lane Change Maneuvers on Highways
Worst Case Analysis of Automotive Collision Avoidance Systems
An improved dual Newton strategy for scenario-tree MPC
Robust Lateral Control of an A-double combination via H∞ and Generalized H2 Static Output Feedback
Longitudinal and Lateral Control for Automated Yielding Maneuvers
Rule-based highway maneuver intention recognition
Longitudinal and lateral control for automated lane change maneuvers
A control matching model predictive control approach to string stable vehicle platooning
Reliable Vehicle Pose Estimation Using Vision and a Single-Track Model
Verification of Collision Avoidance Systems using Reachability Analysis
A Control Matching-based Predictive Approach to String Stable Vehicle Platooning
Coordination of Actuators for an A-double Heavy Vehicle Combination
Performance Improvement for A-double Combination by introducing a Smart Dolly
Evaluation of Dynamical Behaviour of Long Heavy Vehicles Using Performance Based Characterstics
Coordination of actuators for an A-double heavy vehicle combination using control allocation
Pedestrian Detection using Augmented Training Data
A generic controller for improving lateral performance of heavy vehicle combinations
Safety Verification of Automated Driving Systems
Bundle adjustment using single-track vehicle model
Implementation of active steering on longer combination vehicles for enhanced lateral performance
Reachability Analysis of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Controller
A Receding Horizon Approach for Designing String Stable Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
Towards Integrated Design of Plant/Controller With Application in Mechatronics Systems
Using Augmentation Techniques for Performance Evaluation in Automotive Safety
A methodology and a tool for evaluating hybrid electric powertrain configurations
A tool for generating optimal control laws for hybrid electric powertrains
Performance Evaluation Method for Mobile Computer Vision Systems using Augmented Reality
Automatic Simplification of Hybrid Powertrain Models for Use in Optimization
Hybrid powertrain concept evaluation using optimization
Lateral stability control of a long heavy vehicle combination by active steering of the towed units
Using future path information for improving the stability of an over-actuated vehicle
Traction and braking of hybrid electric vehicles using control allocation
Real-Time 3D Hand Interaction: Optimization and Complexity Reduction
Traction and Braking of Hybrid Electric Vehicles using Control Allocation
Vehicle simulation studies on active safety systems performed on Chalmers Vehicle Simulator
Brake Blending for Hybrid Electric Vehicles using Control Allocation
Erfarenheter från kandidatarbetesprojekt i mekatronik
Coordination of Vehicle Motion and Energy Management Control Systems for Wheel Motor Driven Vehicles
Tangible User Interface for Chemistry Education: Comparative Evaluation and Re-Design
Robust tracking control of a class of uncertain nonlinear systems: A backstepping approach
Improved Driveability of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle using Powertrain Control
Tabletop Interaction: Research Alert
Evaluating hybrid electric and fuel cell vehicles using the capsim simulation environment
Tangible User Interface for Chemistry Education: Visualization, Portability, and Database
Evaluation of a generic vehicle motion control architecture
Model-Based Energy Management Control for a Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Sliding Mode Control for Traction Control by Brake Intervention
Wheel Force Distribution for Improved Handling in a Hybrid Electric Vehicle using Nonlinear Control
Internal Model Control for Traction Control by Fuel Injection Intervention
Active Engine Control for Gearshifting in Automated Manual Transmissions
Local Optimal Backstepping Control with Integral Action applied to Air-to-Fuel Control
Estimating Exhaust Manifold Pressure in a Turbocharged Diesel Engine
Powertrain Control for Active Damping of Driveline Oscillations
Backstepping Control with local LQ performance applied to a Turbocharged Diesel
Nonlinear Control of a Turbocharged Diesel Engine for Powertrain Control Applications
Nonlinear Control applied to Gearshifting in Automated Manual Transmissions
Modelica Usage in Automotive Problem at Chalmers
Nonlinear control of turbocharged diesel engines : an integrated powertrain control perspective
A Powertrain Control Module for a Heavy Duty Truck with VGT Diesel Engine and Fixed Ratio Gearbox
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Showing 15 research projects
Charging and trip planning of electric vehicles (CHARGE)
Utility and trust oF Electric vEhicLes (U-FEEL)
Torque vectoring for energy-efficient and safe electric vehicles
Modelling and control of complex AWD BEV architectures
Distributed Motion Control for Multi-Trailer Vehicles
High Capacity Vehicles with ELectrically PropellEd Dolly (HELPED)
Förbättrad säkerhetseffekt av kollisionsundvikande styrande system, del 2.
STEP- Sustainable Transport Electric Propulsion
Optimal energy management in miscellaneous traffic
Multi-CORE - Multi-level COntrol for Robust integrated vehicle Energy management
Förbättrad säkerhetseffekt av kollisionsundvikande styrande system
Tidseffektiv RobUSt verifiering av auTonoma fordon - teori och MEtoder (TRUST-ME)
Torque Sensing for Vehicle State Estimation