Håkan Johansson
Håkan Johansson är biträdande professor i mekaniska system vi avdelningen för dynamik. Håkans huvudsakliga forskningsintresse är beräkningsmetoder för att analysera styrda mekaniska system. Dessa beräkningsmetoder används för att utveckla system för tillståndsövervakning, att förbättra prestanda med hjälp av optimeringsverktyg samt för att identifiera okända parametrar eller laster. Dessa metoder har tillämpats på bl.a. vindturbiner, tunga fordons drivlinor och vågutbredning i mjuk biologisk vävnad.

Visar 97 publikationer
Size optimization of a tripod-shaped support structure for weight-efficient offshore wind turbines
Mitigation of transient torque reversals in indirect drive wind turbine drivetrains
Model-Based Remote Health Monitoring of Ballast Conditions in Railway Crossing Panels
Transient torque reversals in indirect drive wind turblnes
A numerical study on the safety belt-to-pelvis interaction
Condition Monitoring of Railway Crossing Geometry via Measured and Simulated Track Responses
Site-specific analysis of on wind turbines in complex terrain: A case study
Multibody dynamic modelling of a direct wind turbine drive train
Analysis of wind turbines under harsh operation conditions
Vibration dynamics in non-linear dual mass flywheels for heavy-duty trucks
A Priori Assessment of Adipose Tissue Mechanical Testing by Global Sensitivity Analysis
Failure modes and optimal performance of a generic synchronizer
Global Sensitivity Analysis of High Speed Shaft Subsystem of a Wind Turbine Drive Train
Multibody dynamic modelling of a direct wind turbine drive train
Dynamics and Pareto Optimization of a Generic Synchronizer Mechanism
Modeling the mechanical behavior of adipose tissue
On multi-objective topology optimization and tracing of Pareto-optimal structures
Modelling of Heavy Vehicle Transmission Synchronizer using Constrained Lagrangian Formalism
Constrained Lagrangian Formulation for Modelling and Analysis of Transmission Synchronizers
Review on wind turbines with focus on drive train system dynamics
Vibration dynamics of a wind turbine drive train high speed subsystem: Modelling and validation
Statistical analysis of fatigue loads in a direct drive wind turbine
Statistical analysis of fatigue loads in a direct drive wind turbine
A posteriori error estimation of target control problems: Weak formulation of inequality constraints
A two-scale finite element formulation of Stokes flow in porous media
Homogenization of Stokes Flow in Porous Media
Load identification for a rolling disc: finite element discretization and virtual calibration
Wind turbine drive train vibration with focus on gear dynamics under nondeterministic loads
a posteriori error estimation and adaptivity for optimal steering of mechanical systems
a posteriori error estimation and adaptivity for optimal steering of mechanical systems
Multiscale modeling of porous media
Application-specific error control for parameter identification problems
Variationally consistent homogenization of seepage in porous media
A posteriori error computation for optimal steering of mechanical systems
Computational modeling of the interlamellar spacing in pearlitic steel
A posteriori error computation for optimal control of mechanical systems
A posteriori error estimation and adaptivity for target control problems
Optimal control of mechanical systems: a posteriori error computation and adaptivity
Application-Specific Error Control in Inverse Identification
Beräkningsinriktad matematikutbildning för maskinteknikprogrammet på Chalmers
Estimation of model errors in the calibration of viscoelastic material models
Error control for the coupled identification-simulation problem
Identification of viscoelastic relaxation spectra with error control
A strategy for input estimation with sensitivity analysis
Error-Controlled Identification of Viscoelastic Relaxation Spectra
Calibration of a porous visco(hyper)elastic model applied to brain tissue
Calibration of a class of non-linear viscoelasticity models with adaptive error control
Parameter identification with sensitivity assessment and error computation
Calibration of a large strain poro-viscoelastic model for brain tissue
Calibration of a biphasic model relevant to human brain tissue
Modeling and Calibration of Brain Tissue as Biphasic Porous Medium
A Mass Transport Model for Drying Wood under Isothermal Conditions
Identification of viscoelastic relaxation spectra from quasi-static test data
Estimation of model and discretization errors in parameter identification problems
Error Computation for Parameter Identification Problems
Sensitivity Analysis and Error Computation for Parameter Identification in Viscoelasticity
Parameter Identification for constitutive models with sensitivity assessment and error estimation
Numerical determination of diffusion coefficients in wood using data from CT-scanning
Adaptive Finite Elements for Parameter Identification: Application to Viscoelasticity
Calibration of a Nonlinear Elastic Composite With Goal-Oriented Error Control
Adaptive Finite Elements in Time: Application to Parameter Identification in Viscoelasticity
Calibration of the Bergström-Boyce model: Explicit expressions
Parameter identification in constitutive models via optimization with a posteriori error control
Calibration of a nonlinear viscoelasticity model with sensitivity assessment
A Mass-Transport Model for Drying Wood under Isothermal Conditions
A strategy for load identification with sensitivity analysis
Parameter Identification with Sensitivity Assessment for Rate-dependent Constitutive Relations
Aspects on Computational Meso-Macro-Scale Constitutive Modeling
Parameter identification for constitutive models with error control
Computational Constitutive Calibration for Groundwater Flow
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Visar 8 forskningsprojekt
Mot digitala tvillingar av människokroppen för individanpassad säkerhet
AI-driven begränsad optimal styrning för bi-manuell lokomanipulation
Skadeverkan mot byggnad av markvibrationer från sprängning – Numerisk modellering.
Control of singularity-induced vehicle motion during low-speed driving
Demonstrating the value of blade strain gauges for efficient wind tubine operations
Site-specifika analysmetoder för att förutsäga och öka livstiden för vindturbiner
Modellbaserad tillståndsövervakning av växlar och korsningar (CHARMEC TS21)
Utveckling av ramverk för modellprediktioner med felkontroll med tillämpning på mänsklig fettvävnad