Maria Ljunggren

Visar 103 publikationer
Future Critical Raw Material Flows: A Circular Economy Approach to the EU Car Fleet
Product Lifetime in Life Cycle Assessment of Circular Strategies
Reducing primary critical raw materials through battery reuse & recycling in mining electrification
When is repair environmentally beneficial? The case of high-voltage electric motors
Metal requirements for road-based electromobility transitions in Sweden
Battery as a service: Analysing multiple reuse and recycling loops
Investigating circular strategies for a battery-as-a-service case
Insights from applying different assessment methods for metals resource use
Repair for high-voltage electric motors energy efficiency vs resource use?
Mapping and testing circular economy product-level indicators: A critical review
The resource potentials of circular loops: a case study of batteries in the mining sector
What do product-level circular economy indicators measure?
Testing product-level indicators for a more circular economy
What circular economy measures fit what kind of product?
A crustal scarcity indicator for long-term global elemental resource assessment in LCA
Explore - Exploring the opportunities for advancing vehicle recycling industrialization
Adoption of Systemic and Socio-Technical Perspectives in Waste Management, WEEE and ELV Research
A Swedish comment on ‘review: the availability of life-cycle studies in Sweden’
ORAMA Project - D6-6 Technical Final Report and Recommendations
Challenges of recycling multiple scarce metals: The case of Swedish ELV and WEEE recycling
Effects on metal resource use from reusing laptops - A comparison of impact assessment methods
Refining policies aimed at recycling of complex products
Prospecting Secondary Raw Materials in the Urban Mine and mining wastes (ProSUM) - Final Report
ProSUM: Prospecting secondary Raw Materials in the Urban Mine and Mining Wastes
Are scarce metals in cars functionally recycled?
Ekonomisk analys av nya styrmedel för hanteringen av svenskt avfall C299
Lessons from a century of innovating car recycling value chains
Environmental Assessment of Possible Future Waste Management Scenarios
Circular Economy as a Means to Efficient Use of Scarce Metals
Are scarce metals in cars functionally recycled? Extended supplementary material
Policy Instruments towards a sustainable waste management
What makes solutions within the manufacturing industry resource efficient?
Mapping the content and fates of scarce metals in discarded cars
Integrated economic and environmental assessment of waste policy instruments
Waste flow studies, D4.1, Prospecting Secondary raw materials in the Urban mine and Mining waste
Framework for analysing resource-efficient solutions
Economic and environmental optimization of waste treatment
Are vehicles a source of secondary scarce metals?
Scarce metals in Swedish end-of-life vehicle recycling
Användning och återvinning av potentiellt kritiska material. Kunskapsöversikt
Kommer brist på metaller att begränsa användningen av elfordon?
Policy and Path Formation in the Swedish Vehicle Recycling System
Screening the losses of critical materials in ELV management
Policy instruments towards a sustainable waste management
Will metal scarcity limit the use of electric vehicles?
Economic optimization of waste treatment and energy production in Denmark
Challenges when performing economic optimization of waste treatment: a review
Utvärdering av förändrad demontering och återvinning av uttjänta fordon i Sverige - förstudie B2068
Modelling to assess policy instruments in waste management
Goda exempel på förebyggande av avfall. Idébok för en mer hållbar produktion och konsumtion
Policy instruments for a more sustainable waste management
Återanvändning som alternativ till återvinning – exemplet Kretsloppsparken i Göteborg
Förebygga avfall med kretsloppsparker. Analys av miljöpåverkan
Challenges when performing economic optimization of waste treatment
Turning old into new – the environmental benefit of preventing waste at a municipal recycling park
Potential för ökad materialåtervinning av industriavfall och hushållsavfall
Strategic waste management planning in a Swedish region
Including indirect environmental impacts in waste management planning
Recovering energy from waste in Swedena systems engineering study
A Systems Engineering Approach to National Waste Management
Modelling national solid waste management
A systems engineering approach to national solid waste management
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Visar 16 forskningsprojekt
Hållbarhetsdynamiken i batterivärdekedjor för industrin till 2050
Nexus för cirkulär design: sammanfoga hållbar produktutveckling, användarbeteende och miljöpåverkan.
FutuRaM Future Availability of Secondary Raw Materials
MAXBATT Centre for Manufacturing Excellence - Battery Technology Products and Systems
Anticipating metal scarcity challenges in mobility transitions
Mistra REES (Resource-effective and efficient solutions) phase 2
LCA modelling of electric drivetrain components
CRITICALity Lifelong Learning Course (CritiCalc )
Optimising quality of information in RAw MAterials data collection across Europe (ORAMA)
Elmaskiner för fordon i en cirkulär ekonomi
Mistra REES – Resource-Efficient and Effective Solutions
Prospecting Secondary Raw Materials in the Urban Mine and Mining Waste (ProSUM)
Realize: Realizing resource-efficient recycling of Vehicles