Marina Papatriantafilou
Earlier with the Max-Planck Inst. for Computer Science, Saarbruecken and CWI, Amsterdam, Ph.D. degree from the Computer Science and Informatics Dept., Patras Un.. Member of Network of National Contacts ACM-WE NeNaC.
Research interests: efficient and robust parallel, distributed, stream data processing and applications in multiprocessor, multicore and distributed, cyberphysical (communication, energy, production, vehicular) systems; synchronization, consistency, fault-tolerance.

Visar 187 publikationer
Geographical Peer Matching for P2P Energy Sharing
On the Semantic Overlap of Operators in Stream Processing Engines
Nona: A Framework for Elastic Stream Provenance
Cost-Optimization for Win-Win P2P Energy Systems
PARMA-CC: A Family of Parallel Multiphase Approximate Cluster Combining Algorithms
FORTE: an extensible framework for robustness and efficiency in data transfer pipelines
IP. LSH. DBSCAN : Integrated Parallel Density-Based Clustering Through Locality-Sensitive Hashing
Efficient and scalable geographical peer matching for P2P energy sharing communities
Research Summary: Deterministic, Explainable and Efficient Stream Processing
Proposing a framework for evaluating learning strategies in vehicular CPSs
The Impact of Synchronization in Parallel Stochastic Gradient Descent
ASAP.SGD: Instance-based Adaptiveness to Staleness in Asynchronous SGD
Towards data-driven additive manufacturing processes
STRETCH: Virtual Shared-Nothing Parallelism for Scalable and Elastic Stream Processing
pi-Lisco: parallel and incremental stream-based point-cloud clustering
Erebus: Explaining the Outputs of Data Streaming Queries
Time- and Computation-Efficient Data Localization at Vehicular Networks' Edge
ScaleJoin: a Deterministic, Disjoint-Parallel and Skew-Resilient Stream Join
MAD-C: Multi-stage Approximate Distributed Cluster-combining for obstacle detection and localization
Consistent lock-free parallel stochastic gradient descent for fast and stable convergence
Lachesis: A Middleware for Customizing OS Scheduling of Stream Processing Queries
Benefits of small-size communities for continuous cost-optimization in peer-to-peer energy sharing
Ananke: A Streaming Framework for Live Forward Provenance
Small-Scale Communities Are Sufficient for Cost- and Data-Efficient Peer-to-Peer Energy Sharing
DRIVEN: A framework for efficient Data Retrieval and clustering in Vehicular Networks
The role of event-time order in data streaming analysis
PARMA-CC: Parallel Multiphase Approximate Cluster Combining
BES: Differentially Private Event Aggregation for large-scale IoT-based Systems
TinTiN: Travelling in time (if necessary) to deal with out-of-order data in streaming aggregation
Intrusion Detection in Industrial Networks via Data Streaming
Delegation sketch: A parallel design with support for fast and accurate concurrent operations
Demo Abstract: Haren: A Middleware for Ad-Hoc Thread Scheduling Policies in Data Streaming
Streaming Piecewise Linear Approximation for Efficient Data Management in Edge Computing
MindTheStep-AsyncPSGD: Adaptive Asynchronous Parallel Stochastic Gradient Descent
Co-Evaluation of Pattern Matching Algorithms on IoT Devices with Embedded GPUs
Continuous Monitoring meets Synchronous Transmissions and In-Network Aggregation
Adaptive Stream-based Shifting Bottleneck Detection in IoT-based Computing Architectures
Querying Large Vehicular Networks: How to Balance On-Board Workload and Queries Response Time?
MAD-C: Multi-stage Approximate Distributed Cluster-Combining for Obstacle Detection and Localization
Continuous Distributed Monitoring in the Evolved Packet Core
Mimir - Streaming operators classification with artificial neural networks
DRIVEN: a Framework for Efficient Data Retrieval and Clustering in Vehicular Networks
Haren: A Framework for Ad-Hoc Thread Scheduling Policies for Data Streaming Applications
GeneaLog: Fine-grained data streaming provenance in cyber-physical systems
Viper: Communication-layer determinism and scaling in low-latency stream processing
Shared-object system equilibria: Delay and throughput analysis
GeneaLog: Fine-Grained Data Streaming Provenance at the Edge
LoCoVolt: Distributed Detection of Broken Meters in Smart Grids through Stream Processing
eChIDNA: Continuous Data Validation in Advanced Metering Infrastructures
Viper: A module for communication-layer determinism and scaling in low-latency stream processing
Continuous and parallel LiDAR point-cloud clustering
Geometric Monitoring in Action: a Systems Perspective for the Internet of Things
Performance modeling of stream joins
Multiple Pattern Matching for Network Security Applications: Acceleration through Vectorization
Maximizing determinism in stream processing under latency constraints
Lock-Free Concurrent Data Structures
Linearizable Wait-Free Iteration Operations in Shared Double-Ended Queues
Understanding the data-processing challenges in Intelligent Vehicular Systems
Shared-object system equilibria: Delay and throughput analysis
Detecting Non-Technical Energy Losses through Structural Periodic Patterns in AMI data
Highly concurrent stream synchronization in many-core embedded systems
BES - Differentially Private and Distributed Event Aggregation in Advanced Metering Infrastructures
Multi-agent distributed method for dynamic power system rebalancing
Harnessing the unknown in advanced metering infrastructure traffic
Online and scalable data validation in advanced metering infrastructures
Of concurrent data structures and iterations
ScaleJoin: a Deterministic, Disjoint-Parallel and Skew-Resilient Stream Join
ScaleJoin: a Deterministic, Disjoint-Parallel and Skew-Resilient Stream Join
A Consistency Framework for Iteration Operations in Concurrent Data Structures
Shared-object System Equilibria: Delay and Throughput Analysis
A study on data de-pseudonymization in the smart grid
STONE: A streaming DDoS defense framework
METIS: a Two-Tier Intrusion Detection System for Advanced Metering Infrastructures
Data-Streaming and Concurrent Data-Object Co-design: Overview and Algorithmic Challenges
Deterministic Real-Time Analytics of Geospatial Data Streams through ScaleGate Objects
Concurrency, parallelism, asynchrony and life
Evaluating passive neighborhood discovery for Low Power Listening MAC protocols
Brief announcement: Concurrent data structures for efficient streaming aggregation
Online Temporal-Spatial Analysis for Detection of Critical Events in Cyber-Physical Systems
Concurrent Data Structures in Architectures with Limited Shared Memory Support
Cybersecurity and Data Management in the Smart Grid
Enhancing Concurrent Data Structures with Concurrent Iteration Operations
When Smart Cities meet Big Data
METIS: A two-tier intrusion detection system for advanced metering infrastructures
Managing your Trees: Insights from a Metropolitan-Scale Low-Power Wireless Network
Scalable group communication supporting configurable levels of consistency
Analysis of the Impact of Data Granularity on Privacy for the Smart Grid
A Study of the Behavior of Synchronization Methods in Commonly Used Languages and Systems
Concurrent Data Structures for Efficient Streaming Aggregation
Bridging Physical and Digital Traffic System Simulations with the Gulliver Test-Bed
STONE: A stream-based DDoS defense framework
Managing your Trees: Insights from a Metropolitan-Scale Low-Power Wireless Network
On Using the Gulliver Platform for Bridging Physical and Digital Traffic System Simulations
Cybersecurity in the Smart Grid
Lock-free Concurrent Data Structures
Algorithms and Data Handling Towards Adaptive and Robust Electricity Networks
A greedy algorithm for the unforecasted energy dispatch problem with storage in smart grids
Cooperative driving for best road network capacity
Electric vehicles and intermittent electricity production
Off-the-wall: Lightweight Distributed Filtering to Mitigate Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
Adaptive distributed b-matching in overlays with preferences
A greedy algorithm for the unforecasted energy dispatch problem with storage in Smart Grids
Gulliver: A test-bed for developing, demonstrating and prototyping vehicular systems
Physarum-inspired self-biased walkers for distributed clustering
Autonomous TDMA Alignment for VANETs
Remote control of smart meters: friend or foe?
Physarum-inspired self-biased walkers for distributed clustering
Adaptive Distributed b-Matching in Overlays with Preferences
A lock-free algorithm for concurrent bags
On Communication Effectiveness of DoS-Resilient Adaptive Port Hopping
Adaptive overlay construction through dynamic distributed matching with preferences
Mapping Systems Security Research at Chalmers
A Lock-Free Algorithm for Concurrent Bags
CluB: A Cluster Based Framework for Mitigating Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
Gulliver: a test-bed for developing, demonstrating and prototyping vehicular systems
Application of the graph theory in managing power flow in future electric networks
Off-the-wall: Lightweight Distributed Filtering to Mitigate Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
Overlays with preferences: Approximation algorithms for matching with preference lists
NBmalloc: Allocating Memory in a Lock-Free Manner
Mitigating Distributed Denial of Capability Attacks Using Sink Tree Based Quota Allocation
Unstructured overlay networks with guarantees
Distributed routing algorithms to manage power flow in agent-based active distribution network
Chameleon-MAC: Adaptive and Self-* Algorithms for Media Access Control in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
CluB: A Cluster Based Method for Mitigating Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
Efficient and Reliable Lock-Free Memory Reclamation Based on Reference Counting
Analyzing Protocols for Media Access Control in Large-Scale Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (invited talk)
Overlays with preferences: Approximation algorithms for matching with preference lists
A Least-Resistance Path in Reasoning about Unstructured Overlay Networks
Relocation Analysis of Stabilizing MAC Algorithms for Large-Scale Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Multiword atomic read/write registers on multiprocessor systems
Relocation Adaptive and Stable MAC Algorithm for Large-Scale and Highly Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
A least resistance path to the analysis of unstructured overlay networks
LFthreads: a lock-free thread library
LYDIAN: An Extensible Educational Animation Environment for Distributed Algorithms
LFthreads: A lock-free thread library
Self-tuning reactive diffracting trees
Efficient Self-tuning Spin-locks Using Competitive Analysis
Lightweight Causal Cluster Consistency
Practical and Efficient Lock-Free Garbage Collection Based on Reference Counting
Lightweight Causal Cluster Consistency
Efficient and Reliable Lock-Free Memory Reclamation Based on Reference Counting
LFthreads: A lock-free thread library or "Blocking without locking"
Reactive Spin-locks: A Self-tuning Approach
Lightweight Causal Cluster Consistency
Dynamic and fault-tolerant cluster management
Reactive Spin-locks: A Self-tuning Approach
Dynamic and fault-tolerant cluster management
Allocating memory in a lock-free manner
Allocating memory in a lock-free manner
Self-tuning Reactive Distributed Trees for Counting and Balancing
Lightweight Causal Cluster Consistency
Multi-word Atomic Read/Write Registers on Multiprocessor Systems
Multi-word Atomic Read/Write Registers on Multiprocessor Systems
Principles of Distributed Systems, 7th International Conference
Distributed Long-Lived List Colouring: How to Dynamically Allocate Frequencies in Cellular Networks
Distributed Long-Lived List Coloring: how to dynamically allocate frequencies to cellular networks
Self-Stabilization in Wait-Free Shared Memory Objects
Distributed Frequency Allocation Algorithms for Cellular Networks: Trade-offs and tuning strategies
Wait-free handshaking using rainbow colouring
LYDIAN: An Educational Animation Environment for Distributed Algorithms and Protocols
Towards a Library of Distributed Algorithms and Animations
Randomized Naming Using Wait-Free Shared Variables
Wait-free Snapshots in Real-time Systems: Algorithms and their Performance
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Visar 25 forskningsprojekt
Relaxed Semantics Across the Data Analytics Stack (RELAX-DN)
SESBC TANDEM: Intelligent hantering av energidata och beslutsfattande i realtid
AutoSPADA (Automotive Stream Processing and Distributed Analytics) OODIDA Phase 2
INDEED: Information and Data-processing in Focus for Energy Efficiency
Skalbarhet och kvalitetskontroll i AM -- Big Data och ML i tillverkningsprocesser
ADAPT: Adaptive DigitAl Power sysTems
Safety in automated driving (ADS): modelling interaction between road-users and automated vehicles
BADA - On-board Off-board Distributed Data Analytics
Molnbaserade produkter och produktion (FiC)
Transformera byggnadsenergi och resursförbrukning på campus
Examine –- Extracting useful information out of data in AMI networking
Storskalig dataanalys från Internet of Things för att möjliggöra framtidens hållbara stad
Utvecklande av dataalgoritmer för nätverk för att stärka anpassningsbarhet och robusthet i elnät
CRitical Infrastructure Security AnaLysIS (CRISALIS)
Lastbalansering och klustring i storskaliga overlay-nät
Finkornig synkronisering och minneskonsekvens i parallelprogrammering