Kenneth Runesson

Showing 383 publications
Preface of the special issue: The joy of mechanics
Upscaling of chemo-mechanical properties of battery electrode material
Variationally consistent homogenisation of plates
Effects of lithium insertion induced swelling of a structural battery negative electrode
The Catalogue of Computational Material Models: Basic Geometrically Linear Models in 1D
Modeling and computational homogenization of chloride diffusion in three-phase meso-scale concrete
Grain boundary interaction based on gradient crystal inelasticity and decohesion
Performance of Bicontinuous Structural Electrolytes
Electro-chemo-mechanically coupled computational modelling of structural batteries
On periodic boundary conditions in Variationally Consistent Homogenisation of beams and plates
Unit cells for multiphysics modelling of structural battery composites
Viscoelastic substitute models for seismic attenuation caused by squirt flow and fracture leak off
Finite Element Simulation of the Performance of a Structural Electrolyte
Construction of macroscale yield surfaces for ductile composites based on a virtual testing strategy
A multiscale model for reinforced concrete with macroscopic variation of reinforcement slip
On error controlled numerical model reduction in FE2-analysis of transient heat flow
On the micro-to-macro transition of reinforcement slip in two-scale modelling
Ny metod för sprickmodellering i armerad betong
On configurational forces for gradient-enhanced inelasticity
Numerical model reduction with error control in computational homogenization of transient heat flow
Computational Homogenization of Seismic Attenuation in Fractured Rock
Computational homogenization of mesoscale gradient viscoplasticity
Assessment of a new class of implicit integration schemes for a cone-cap plasticity model
Computational homogenization of liquid-phase sintering based on a mixed variational format
Two-scale modelling of reinforced concrete
Computation of material forces based on a gradient-enhanced mixed variational formulation
Homogenization of coupled flow and deformation in a porous material
Error Controlled Use of the Taylor Assumption in Adaptive Hierarchial Modeling of DSS
FE2 Method for Coupled Transient Diffusion Phenomena in Concrete
On statistical strain and stress energy bounds from homogenization and virtual testing
Mesoscale modelling of crack-induced diffusivity in concrete
Computational modeling issues of gradient-extended viscoplasticity
A goal-oriented adaptive procedure for the quasi-continuum method with cluster approximation
A sequential-adaptive strategy in space-time with application to consolidation of porous media
On the evaluation of material forces in fracture mechanics
Weakly periodic boundary conditions for the homogenization of flow in porous media
Computational homogenization of diffusion in three-phase mesoscale concrete
A 3D/2D comparison between heterogeneous mesoscale models of concrete
A two-scale finite element formulation of Stokes flow in porous media
Tredimensionell modellering av betongens heterogena sammansättning
Goal - Oriented Error Control for the Quasi Continuum Method
Macroscopic diffusivity in concrete determined by computationalhomogenization
Homogenization of Stokes Flow in Porous Media
Goal-oriented adaptivity for the Quasi-Continuum method
On the computational homogenization of mesoscale gradient viscoplasticity
Determining effective diffusion properties of concrete through mesoscale analysis
Chloride transport in concrete modeled by the FE^2-method
Computational homogenization of uncoupled consolidation in micro-heterogeneous porous media
a posteriori error estimation and adaptivity for optimal steering of mechanical systems
A comparison of variational formats for porous media subjected to dynamic loading
Variationally consistent computational homogenization - Selected issues and applications
Assessment of homogenization errors in transient problems
A multi-scale method for modeling of moisture and chloride ion transport in concrete
On two-scale adaptive FE analysis of micro-heterogeneous media with seamless scale-bridging
Variationally consistent homogenization of seepage in porous media
Multiscale modeling of porous media
Strategies for planar crack propagation based on the concept of material forces
Computational homogenization based on a weak format of micro-periodicity for RVE-problems
Computational homogenization of coupled consolidation problems in micro-heterogeneous porous media
Application-specific error control for parameter identification problems
On adaptive control the of fine-scale accuracy in two-scale finite element analysis.
Model-Adaptive Variationally Consistent Homogenization of Transient Heat Flow
Modeling of polycrystals with gradient crystal plasticity: A comparison of strategies
Computational homogenization of uncoupled consolidation in micro-heterogeneous porous media
Modellering och simulering av fukt- och kloridjonstransport i betongens mikrostruktur
Variationally consistent computational homogenization of transient heat flow
A posteriori error computation for optimal steering of mechanical systems
On the role of material dissipation for the crack-driving force
Computational modeling of gradient hardening in polycrystals
Multiscale Modeling of Sintering of Hard Metal
Propagation of a single crack under RCF conditions using the concept of material forces
On energetic changes due to configurational motion of standard continua
On adaptive bridging in two-scale finite element analysis of micro-plasticity
A posteriori error computation for optimal control of mechanical systems
On the Computation of the Crack-Driving Force in Elastic-Plastic solids
Adaptive bridging of scales in material modeling based on model and discretization error control
On a time-sequential adaptive strategy in FE-analysis for the visco-plasticity problem
A posteriori error estimation and adaptivity for target control problems
On the sensitivity of the rate of global energy dissipation due to configurational changes
A study of multiple crack interaction at rolling contact fatigue loading of rails
Configurational Forces Derived from the Total Variation of the Rate of Global Dissipation
On the fine-scale accuracy in adaptive two-scale computations
On the adaptive use of the taylor assumption in computational homogenization of thin sheets
On the modelling of gradient hardening in crystal (visco)plasticity
On an adaptive scale-bridging finite element approach in the presence of micro-plasticity
Multiscale modeling of fatigue in nodular cast iron
Computational modelling of inelastic polycrystals with internal lengthscales
gradient theories of large deformation anisotropic plasticity
Efficient formulation of RVE-problems with application to nodular cast iron
Simulation of internal erosion in road structures
Gradient crystal plasticity approaches for computational modeling of
Computational homogenization for quasistatic poromechanics problems
Coupled simulation of wave propagation and water flow in soil induced by high-speed trains
Adaptive multiscale modeling of quasistatic poromechanics problems based on scale separation
Remarks on the thermodynamics of configurational changes
Computational Homogenization of Transient Heat Conduction
Application-Specific Error Control in Inverse Identification
Towards computational modeling of grain size dependence in microstructure models of polycrystals
Assessment of acceleration modelling for fluid-filled porous media subjected to dynamic loading
On the link between discretization and higher order homogenization of elastic-plastic composites
Adaptive Bridging of Scales in Continuum Modeling Based on Error Control
Optimization strategy in the development process with application to cast components
Estimation of model errors in the calibration of viscoelastic material models
Error control for the coupled identification-simulation problem
Towards computational modelling of grain size dependence in microstructure models of polycrystals
On the seamless bridging of scales in material modeling of a composite
The seamless bridging of scales in material modeling of a composite based on adaptive error control
Simulation of Road Structures Subjected to Dynamic Loading
Identification of viscoelastic relaxation spectra with error control
Calibration of a porous visco(hyper)elastic model applied to brain tissue
Error-Controlled Identification of Viscoelastic Relaxation Spectra
Simulation of inelastic deformation in road structures due to cyclic mechanical and thermal loads
Parameter identification with sensitivity assessment and error computation
Elastoplastic fracture mechanics with application to fatigue crack propagation in rails
On the modeling of grain size dependent behavior of polycrystals
Discrete crack modelling in a new X-FEM format with emphasis on dynamic response
Time-sequential adaptive technique for the visco-plasticity problem
Calibration of a class of non-linear viscoelasticity models with adaptive error control
Error control and time-sequential adaptive technique for the visco-plasticity problem
The seamless bridging of scales in material modeling based on adaptive error control
Calibration of a large strain poro-viscoelastic model for brain tissue
Calibration of a biphasic model relevant to human brain tissue
The seamless bridging of scales in continuum modeling based on error control
Modeling and Calibration of Brain Tissue as Biphasic Porous Medium
Space-time finite elements for a simplified thermo-metallurgical problem relevant to casting
Gradient crystal plasticity as part of the computational modelling of polycrystals
RVE computations with error control and adaptivity: the power of duality
Crack Propagation in Linear Elasticity Based on the Concept of Material Forces
Error control and adaptivity in space-time for poromechanics problems
Estimation of model and discretization errors in parameter identification problems
On the implementation of plane stress in computational multiscale modeling
On the implementation of plane stress in computational multiscale modeling
Computational aspects on multiscale modeling of polycrystallines with gradient crystal plasticity
Error Computation for Parameter Identification Problems
A rate-dependent cohesive crack model based on anisotropic damage coupled to plasticity
Time-sequential error control and adaptivity in space-time for poro-mechanics problems
Adaptive computational meso-macro-scale modeling of elastic composites
Modeling the Grain Size Effect using Gradient Hardening and Damage in Crystal (Visco) Plasticity
Modeling the Grain Size Effect using Gradient Hardening and Damage in Crystal (Visco) Plasticity
On the modeling of evolving anisotropy and large strains in pearlitic steel
Sensitivity Analysis and Error Computation for Parameter Identification in Viscoelasticity
On the algorithmic tangent stifness for error-controlled computational homogenization
Parameter Identification for constitutive models with sensitivity assessment and error estimation
Parameter identification in constitutive models via optimization with a posteriori error control
Calibration of a nonlinear viscoelasticity model with sensitivity assessment
Adaptive Finite Elements for Parameter Identification: Application to Viscoelasticity
Adaptive meso-scale modeling with application to dissipative material behavior
Calibration of the Bergström-Boyce model: Explicit expressions
Calibration of a Nonlinear Elastic Composite With Goal-Oriented Error Control
Optimization of Cast Components in the Development Process
Adaptive Finite Elements in Time: Application to Parameter Identification in Viscoelasticity
Combined Discretization and Model Errors in Computational Meso-Macro-Scale Material Modeling
Cohesive crack model with anisotropic damage and its implementation in an improved xfem format
Adaptive meso-macro-scale modeling in solid mechanics
Modeling and discretization errors in computational plasticity
Consistent time-cycle approximation for cyclic material deformation
Parameter Identification with Sensitivity Assessment for Rate-dependent Constitutive Relations
Gradient hardening and damage in crystal (visco)plasticity
Adaptive meso-macro-scale elastic-plastic material modeling
Efficient Space-time FE for a Simplified Thermo-metallurgical Problem Relevent to Casting
Consistent time-cycle approximation for cyclic plasticity coupled to damage
Computational modeling of inelastic large ratcheting strains
Error control and adaptivity in space-time of poromechanics problems
Meso-macro-scale constitutive modeling with error control
Error controlled meso-macro-scale material modeling and computation
Modeling growth of small cracks in a polycrystal
Gradient hardening and damage in crystal (visco)plasticity
A model framework for anisotropic damage coupled to crystal (visco)plasticity
Adaptive strategies and error control for computing material forces in fracture mechanics
Aspects on Computational Meso-Macro-Scale Constitutive Modeling
Parameter identification for constitutive models with error control
Space-time finite elements and an adaptive strategy for the coupled thermoelasticity problem
A mixed variational formulation for rve-computations
Anisotropic damage with the MCR-effect coupled to plasticity
Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis and Applications to Welded Structures
Computational modeling of large inelastic ratchetting strains
Nonlinear computations with applications to welded structures
Constitutive modeling of cold compaction and sintering of hardmetal
Computational Constitutive Calibration for Groundwater Flow
Time finite elements and error computation for (visco)plasticity with hardening or softening
Fatigue crack initiation based on simulations on the mesoscopic scale
Model Errors and Adaptivity in Constitutive Modeling
A framework for hyperelasto-plasticity with kinematic hardening and anisotropic damage
Goal-oriented error control for large strain viscoplasticity
Model errors in computational meso-macro-scale constitutive modeling
Theory and numerics of localization in a fluid-saturated elastoplastic porous medium
Anisotropic damage coupled to plasticity, Modeling based on the effective configuration concept
Integration and calibration of a plasticity model for granular materials
Strategies for goal-oriented a posteriori error estimation in elastic fracture mechanics
Structural Mechanics at Chalmers, 1954 - 2002
Strategies for computing goal-oriented a posteriori error measures in non-linear elasticity
Anisotropic damage modeling based on mesomechanical simulations
Anisotropic damage coupled to plasticity: modelling based on the effective configuration concept
A framework for hyperelasto-plasticity with kinematic hardening and anisotropic damage
Integration and calibration of a plasticity model for granular materials
Goal-oriented error control in space-time for (visco)plasticity with damage
On error control and adaptivity for computing material forces in fracture mechanics
Finite deformation analysis of geomaterials
A Class of Thermo-Hyperelastic-Viscoplastic Models for Porous Materials: Theory and Numerics
Strategier för generell felkontroll i FEM tillämpat på hyperelasticitet
Strategies for goal-oriented a posteriori error measures in nonlinear elasticity
Space-time finite elements and adaptive strategy for the coupled poroelasticity problem
Computational modeling of high cycle conditioning of coarse-sized granular materials
Modeling and Numerical Issues in Hyperelasto-plasticity with Anisotropy
On the simulation of microhardness at large strains using a gradient theory of plasticity
On the simulation of microhardness at large strains using a gradient theory of plasticity
Large strain plasticity coupled to anisotropic damage based on the fictitious configuration concept
Goal-oriented error control in time for (visco)plasticity with damage
Computation of goal-oriented error measures in space-time finite elements for viscoplasticity
Combined tension and shear fracture and slip of interfaces in cementitious composits
Modeling of solid stage sintering of hardmetals using a mesomechanics approach
Bifurcation results for plasticity coupled to damage with MCR-effect
Space-time finite elements and adaptive strategy for the coupled poroelasticity problem
An adaptive FE-algorithm for gradient theory of plasticity with coupling to damage
Integration and calibration of a plasticity model for granular materials
On Localization in Thermo-Elastoplastic Solids Subjected to Adiabatic Conditions
A model for elastic-plastic pressure sensitive materials subjected to large deformations
Adaptive Strategy for the Coupled Thermoelasticity Problem Using Space-Time Finite Elements
Adaptive strategy for the coupled thermoelasticity problem using space-time finite elements
A comparison of viscoplasticity formats and algorithms
Efficient integration technique for generalized viscoplasticity coupled to damage
Object-oriented approach to hyperelasticity
Parameter estimation for a viscoplastic damage model using a gradient-based optimization algorithm
Localization in Hyperelasto-Plastic Porous Solids Subjected to Undrained Conditions
Localization properties of a frictional material model based on discontinuous approximation
Element-Embedded Localization Band based on Regularized Strong Discontinuity
Element-embedded localization band based and regularized displacement discontinuity
Implicit integration and consistent linearization for yield criteria of the Mohr-Coulomb type
Utveckling av verktyg för optimering av silodesign : Ett nordiskt samarbeteprojekt (in Swedish)
Discontinuous Displacement Approximation for Capturing Plastic Localization
Discontinuous Displacement Approximation for Capturing Plastic Localization
Properties of Incremental Solutions for Dissipative Material
Properties of Incremental Solutions for Dissipative Material
Formulation and Implementation of Conditions for Frictional Contact
Formulation and Implementation of Conditions for Frictional Contact
Characteristics of Constitutive Relations in Soil Plasticity for Undrained Behavior
Discontinuous Bifurcation in a Nonassociated Mohr-Material
Modelling of the Behavior of Dry Sand by an Elasto-Plastic 'Fuzzy Set' Model
Numerical Simulation of Plastic Localization using FE-mesh Realignment
Discontinuous Bifurcations of Elastic-Plastic Solutions at Plane Stress and Plane Strain
Finite Element Simulation of Localized Plastic Deformation
Finite Element with Inner Softening Band
Properties of Discontinuous Bifurcation Solutions in Elasto-Plasticity
Integration of Constitutive Equations in Soil Plasticity under Undrained Conditions
Acceleration Waves in Elasto-Plasticity
Finite Element Simulation of Localized Plastic Deformation
Finite Element Analysis of Progressive Failure in Long Slopes
Characteristics and Computational Procedure in Softening Plasticity
Finite Element Analysis of Progressive Failure in Long Slopes
A boundary element formulation in finite deformation plasticity using implicit integration
A Computer Program for FE-analysis of Progressive Failure in Long Slopes
SLOPESTAB : A Computer Program for FE-analysis of progressive Failure in Long Slopes
Characteristics and computational procedure in softening plasticity
Analysis and integration of a three-invariant plasticity model for granular materials
A note on non-associated plastic flow rules
On the stability of frictional materials
Integration in computational plasticity
FE-calculation of progressive failure in long clay slopes
PRIVEC A tool for the management of arrays in a hierarchic data structure in primary memory
SITU General Manual for a Programming System which is SImple To Use
Implicit integration of elastic-plastic relations with reference to soils
Characteristics and computational procedure in softening plasticity
On the use of the boundary element method for elastoplastic large deformation problems
SITU-FRAME-E2-V1 - A Computer Program for second order analysis of plane frames with static loads
Adaptive computer methods in structural mechanics
Implicit integration of elastoplastic relations with reference to soils
SITU-FLOW-G - A computer program for groundwater flow which is simple to use
Numerical technique in plasticity including solution advancement control
Finite element modelling of the gravitational flow of a granular material
The efficiency of partially penetrating vertical drains
A displacement method for elastic- plastic cohesive soil with softening
The efficiency of partially penetrating vertical drains
The efficiency of non-penetrating vertical drains
On the behaviour of natural slopes with emphasis on progressive failure
Stability analysis of natural slopes in clay by use of the finite element method
Stability and progressive failure of natural slopes - A simple approach
Finite element analysis of elastic-plastic layered soil using discrete Fourier series expansion
On mixed and displacement finite element methods in perfect elasto-plasticity
Efficient finite element analysis of 3D consolidation
Exact finite layer method for the plane strain consolidation of isotropic elastic layered soil
Features facilitating the development of the program package SITU for computer aided design purposes
Seepage interaction in sand and clay
Design and generation of programs for interactive PRE-FEM-POST processing
PRISEC - A tool for the data management in FORTRAN-programs
On the behaviour of natural slopes in clay
Interaction problems in soil structure mechanics with material nonlinearity
PRISEC-VERSION 1, A tool for the data management in FORTRAN-programs
Energy transport and storage in earth analyzed by the finite element method
Groundwater hydrology problems with emphasis on approximate computer solutions
Interaction problems in soil-structure mechanics with material nonlinearity
GEOFEM-G, Computer program for ground water seepage including confined aquifer analysis
Finite element analysis of ground water flow and settlements in aquifers confined by clay
Some geomechanical and geohydrological problems analyzed by the finite element method
Några geotekniska och geohydrologiska problem analyserade med finit elementmetod
Computer implementation of non-linear finite element analysis applied to some geotechnical problems
An initially anisotropic yield criterion for clay
Finita elementmetodens tillämpning inom geomekanik
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Showing 7 research projects
Computational modeling of the electrochemical actuation of a class of carbon fiber composites
Numerical model reduction for computational homogenization of polycrystals
A Strategy for Adaptive Scale-Bridging in Computational Material Modeling
Multiscale modelling of reinforced concrete structures