Kristina Wärmefjord
Kristina Wärmefjord took her PhD 2011 and works within the research group of “Geometry Assurance & Robust Design”. Her main research focus is on variation simulation for non-rigid parts and methods to decrease the gap between simulated values and the real outcomes, i.e. increase the accuracy of non-rigid variation simulations. With an increased accuracy, quality can be improved, simulations can replace physical prototypes and costs can be reduced.
The work is done in close collaboration with a number of companies, mostly in automotive and aerospace industry.
Kristina is the assistant director of Wingquist Laboratory VINN Excellence Center and project leader for the projects “Smart Assembly” and “Virtual Robust Design and Simulation Methods”.

Showing 123 publications
Algorithm for Detecting Load-Carrying Regions Within the Tip Seat of an Indexable Cutting Tool
Simulating the Geometric Distortion of Remanufactured Parts Using the Inherent Strain Method
Simulation of variation for manual assembly when mis-constraining occurs
Datasets in design research: needs and challenges and the role of AI and GPT in filling the gaps
Robust Contact Computation in Non-Rigid Variation Simulation
Challenges and opportunities to advance manufacturing research for sustainable battery life cycles
Digital Twin-Based Clamping Sequence Analysis and Optimization for Improved Geometric Quality
Fixture Layout Optimization for Remanufacturing Using Directed Energy Deposition Process
A Simulation Study on the Effect of Layer Thickness Variation in Selective Laser Melting
Challenges in geometry assurance for composites manufacturing
Challenges in Geometry Assurance of Megacasting in the Automotive Industry
Robust Contact Modeling in Non-Rigid Variation Simulation
Evaluation of geometric tolerances using strain energy density
Efficient Joining Sequence Variation Analysis of Stochastic Batch Assemblies
A New Heat Source Model for Keyhole Mode Laser Welding
Model-based definition in computer aided tolerance analyses
Optimal part matching and joining sequence in non-rigid assemblies for improved geometric quality
Clamping force integrated computer aided tolerancing in composite assembly
Efficient joining sequence variation analysis of stochastic batch assemblies
Integrated Tolerance and Fixture Layout Design for Compliant Sheet Metal Assemblies
Critical joint identification for efficient sequencing
A Robust Design Perspective on Factors Influencing Geometric Quality in Metal Additive Manufacturing
Towards a digital twin setup for individualized production of fabricated components
Efficient spot welding sequence simulation in compliant variation simulation
Geometrical Variation Mode Effect Analysis (GVMEA) for Split Lines
Functional tolerancing of surface texture - A review of existing methods
Optimal design of fixture layouts for compliant sheet metal assemblies
Efficient spot welding sequence simulation in compliant variation simulation
Identification of variation sources for high precision fabrication in a digital twin context
Efficient Spot Welding Sequence Optimization in a Geometry Assurance Digital Twin
Individualizing Locator Adjustments of Assembly Fixtures Using a Digital Twin
Corrected capability studies with asymmetrical tolerances
Developing a selective assembly technique for sheet metal assemblies
Non-Rigid Variation Simulation for Ready-to-Assemble Furniture
Nonlinear Material Model in Part Variation Simulations of Sheet Metals
Influence of Selective Laser Heat Treatment Pattern Position on Geometrical Variation
An information and simulation framework for increased quality in welded components
Inspection Data to Support a Digital Twin for Geometry Assurance
Geometrical Variation from Selective Laser Heat Treatment of Boron Steels
Influence of Selective Laser Heat Treatment Pattern Position on Geometrical Variation
Minimizing weld variation effects using permutation genetic algorithms and virtual locator trimming
Geometrical Variations Management 4.0: towards next Generation Geometry Assurance
Tolerance analysis of surface-to-surface contacts using finite element analysis
Contact Variation Optimization for Surface-to-Surface Contacts
Minimizing Weld Variation Effects Using Permutation Genetic Algorithms and Virtual Locator Trimming
Efficient variation simulation of spot-welded assemblies
Toward a Digital Twin for real-time geometry assurance in individualized production
Using product and manufacturing system platforms to generate producible product variants
Development of a conceptual framework to assess producibility for fabricated aerospace components
Enabling reuse of inspection data to support robust design: a case in the aerospace industry
Variation Simulation of Dissimilar Materials Using Clip Fasteners
Controlling Geometrical Variation Caused by Assembly Fixtures
Joining in Nonrigid Variation Simulation
Welding of non-nominal geometries – physical tests
Virtual Geometry Assurance Process and Toolbox
Form Division for Welded Aero Components in Platform-Based Development
Variation simulation of stress during assembly of composite parts
Minimizing Dimensional Variation and Robot Traveling Time in Welding Stations
Tolerance plugin module in integrated design
Decoupled fixturing strategies for minimized geometrical variation during cutting of stamped parts
Method for Handling Model Growth in Nonrigid Variation Simulation of Sheet Metal Assemblies
Operator Related Causes for Low Correlation Between Cat Simulations and Physical Results
Simulation of the effect of geometrical variation on assembly and holding forces
An approach for producibility and DFM-methodology in aerospace engine component development
Prediction of geometrical variation of forged and stamped parts for assembly variation simulation
Aspects of fixture clamp modeling in non-rigid variation simulation of sheet metal assemblies
Simulation of Variation in Assembly Forces Due to Variation in Spot Weld Position
A Fixture Failure Control Chart For Variation Caused By Assembly Fixtures
The influence of spot weld position variation on geometrical quality
Robustness in aerospace components manufacturing and fabrication – a case study
Variation Control in Virtual Product Realization - A Statistical Approach
Variation Simulation of Spot Welding Sequence for Sheet Metal Assemblies
Combining Variation Simulation with Welding Simulation for Prediction of Deformation
Including Assembly Fixture Repeatability in Rigid and Non-Rigid Variation Simulation
A Measure of the Information Loss for Inspection Point Reduction
A Measure of the Information Loss for Inspection Point Reduction
Multivariate quality control and diagnosis of sources of variation in assembled products
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Showing 25 research projects
Digital synchronization of geometry data for efficient value chains (DigiSync)
Robust texture design for circular polymers 2 (ROPY2)
Geometrical robustness för mega casted aluminum part (GROMCAP)
Robust texture for circular polymers- ROPY
AI-based intelligent disassembly utilizing a Digital Twin (AIDDT)
Resilient manufacturing of composites (RECO)
Automatic quality assurance and root cause analysis in running production
MAXBATT Centre for Manufacturing Excellence - Battery Technology Products and Systems
Digital quality assurance for sustainable industry
Electric Aviation in Sweden (Elise part 2)
Analys med manikin för bättre geometrisk kvalitet vid manuell montering (AMIGO)
Digital value chain for geometry data management (DigiGeo )
TRALLA: Transport of Light Loads over Large Areas
Digital Twin for Geometry Assured Production
Data based automated manufacturing control of fabricated components
Konstruktion för tillverkning av flygmotorkomponenter
GeoVar: Non-rigid geometry variation for fabricated aero engine structure
Virtual demonstrators for parallel product and production system development
LOw COst Manufacturing and Assembly of Composite and Hybrid Structures (LOCOMACHS)
Design For Manufacturing – methods for improved aerospace components manufacturing
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