Tomas Bryllert

Visar 104 publikationer
Implementation of a coherent real-time noise radar system
Terahertz radar observes powder dynamics for pharmaceutical manufacturing
Harnessing Frequency Diversity for Improved Holographic Imaging Systems
Experimental Evaluation of Moving Target Compensation in High Time-Bandwidth Noise Radar
Experimental Analysis of a Clutter Suppression Algorithm for High Time-Bandwidth Noise Radar
Imaging experiments with a 340-GHz FMCW radar and frequency-diverse holograms
Terahertz radar sensing for real-time monitoring of powder streams
A Submillimeter-Wave FMCW Pulse-Doppler Radar to Characterize the Dynamics of Particle Clouds
Radar-based measurements of the solids flow in a circulating fluidized bed
Bistatic noise radar: Demonstration of correlation noise suppression
340 GHz FMCW pulse-Doppler radar to characterize the dynamics of particle clouds
Reliability assessment of GaAs and InP THz mixers and frequency multipliers fabricated on 3" wafers
A 110-170 GHz transceiver in 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS technology for FMCW applications
220-GHz imaging radar with 1 Hz frame rate using an array of homodyne transceivers
Status and Prospects of High-Power Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Frequency Multipliers
A Broadband THz Waveguide-to-suspended Stripline Loop-probe Transition
Optomechanical System Design for Dual-Mode Stand-Off Submillimeter Wavelength Imagers
Heterogeneous Integration of Terahertz Diode Circuits
Compact 340 GHz homodyne transceiver modules for FMWC imaging radar arrays.
A 220 GHz 3D imaging radar with sub-cm(3) voxel resolution for security applications
Ultra Low Noise 600/1200 GHz and 874 GHz GaAs Schottky Receivers for SWI and ISMAR
A 220 GHz 3D imaging radar with sub-cm voxel resolution for security applications
Status and Progress of Schottky Technology Development for SWI and ISMAR
On the development of a quasi-optical system for short and long range standoff imagers
A 474 GHz HBV Frequency Quintupler Integrated on a 20 µm Thick Silicon Substrate
SWI 1200/600 GHz highly integrated receiver front-ends
Heterogeneous integration of terahertz electronics
Monolithically-Integrated Millimetre-Wave Wavelet Transmitter With On-Chip Antenna
Molecular Spectroscopy With a Compact 557-GHz Heterodyne Receiver
Reliability Assessment of Mixers, Multipliers and Low Noise Amplifiers for Space Applications
Sub-millimeter wave diode transceivers
Heterostructure integrated HBV-based frequency quintupler for 500 GHz
Low noise GaAs Schottky TMIC and InP HEMT MMIC based Receivers for the ISMAR and SWI Instruments
Silicon Integrated HBV Frequency Multipliers
Single Flange 2-port Design For THz Integrated Circuit S-parameter Characterization
Slot-Coupled Millimeter-Wave Dielectric Resonator Antenna for High-Efficiency Monolithic Integration
300 GHz to 1.2 THz GaAs Schottky membrane TMIC’s for next generation space missions
Wafer bondig for integrated III-V frequency multipliers on silicon
Thermal Analysis of III-V HBV Diode Structures on InP, GaAs, Silicon and Diamond Substrates
Analytical Extraction of a Schottky Diode Model from Broadband S-parameters
Integrated diode technology for THz applications
Integrated 200–240-GHz FMCW Radar Transceiver Module
Molecular spectroscopy with a compact 557 GHz heterodyne receiver
Silicon Integrated InGaAs/InAlAs/AlAs HBV Frequency Tripler
Terahertz GaAs Schottky diode mixer and multiplier MIC’s based on e-beam technology
High Efficiency and Broad-Band Operation of Monolithically Integrated W-Band HBV Frequency Tripler
Development of a 557 GHz GaAs monolithic membrane-diode mixer
Geometry Optimization of THz Sub-harmonic Schottky Mixer Diodes
Monolithic HBV-Based 282-GHz Tripler With 31-mW Output Power
A 175 GHz HBV Frequency Quintupler With 60 mW Output Power
Integrated III-V Heterostructure Barrier Varactor frequency tripler on a silicon substrate
Integrated terahertz electronics for imaging and sensing
Development of planar schottky diodes
HBV MMIC frequency tripler and quintupler for high power THz applications
Submillimeter Wave S-Parameter Characterization of Integrated Membrane Circuits
Development of planar THz Schottky diodes
A 340 GHz CW non-linear imaging system
A broadband heterostructure barrier varactor tripler source
340 GHz GaAs monolithic membrane supported Schottky diode circuits
Characterization of GaAs membrane circuits for THz heterodyne receiver applications
Development of integrated submillimeter wave diodes for sources and detectors
Development of a HBV tripler for 0.6 THz
VNA-Calibration and S-Parameter Characterization of Submillimeter Wave Integrated Membrane Circuits
Time-delay multiplexing of two beams in a terahertz imaging radar
Development of a 0.6 THz HBV frequency tripler
Confocal ellipsoidal reflector system for a mechanically scanned active terahertz imager
A monolithic 280 GHz HBV frequency tripler
An experimental 210 GHz radar system for 3D stand-off detection
A 210 GHz radar system for 3D stand-off detection
VNA-calibration and S-parameter characterization of submillimeter wave integrated membrane circuits
Analysis of the High Frequency Spreading Resistance for Surface Channel Planar Schottky Diodes
Investigation of passivation methods for HBV diodes
High power W-band monolithically integrated tripler
Compact 340 GHz Receiver Front-Ends
High power compact multiplier sources and imaging applications
Development of a Compact 340 GHz Receiver Front-End
Compact frequency sources using high-order multipliers
Schottky receivers and graphene for future THz electronics
Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Quintuplers for Terahertz Applications
High Power Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Quintupler Sources for G-Band Operation
Terahertz technology and applications
A 0.2-W Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Frequency Tripler at 113 GHz
Development of high power HBV multipliers for millimeter wave applications
Terahertz generation by multiplication
0.24 W F-Band Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Frequency Tripler
Optimum barrier thickness study for the InGaAs/InAlAs/AlAs heterostructure barrier varactor diodes
Vertical wrap-gated nanowire transistors
High Efficiency HBV Multipliers
A High-Power Frequency Tripler for 100 GHz
High efficiency W-band HBV Tripler and Device Reliability Studies
HBV tripler with 21% efficiency at 102 GHz
Vertical high-mobility wrap-gated InAs nanowire transistor
Design of High Power Heterostructure Barrier Varactor based Multipliers for the W-band
Optimum Barrier Thickness Study for the Heterostructure Barrier Varactror Diode
Design, Fabrication and characterisation of High Power HBV Diodes
The design and realisation of a high-power HBV multiplier source for THz-applications
High power HBV multipliers for F- and G- band applications
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Visar 3 forskningsprojekt
Gasification of Biomass, part 2
HBV components for space initial definition