Martin Andersson

Visar 135 publikationer
Gold Nanorods as Photothermal Antibacterial Materials
Silica-embedded Gold Nanoparticles Analyzed by Atom Probe Tomography
Oxidation of a zirconium nitride multilayer-covered knee implant after two years in clinical use
Photothermal Properties of Solid-Supported Gold Nanorods
Lyotropic liquid crystal elastomers for drug delivery
Atomically Resolved Interfacial Analysis of Bone-Like Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles on Titanium
Clinical investigation of use of an antimicrobial peptide hydrogel wound dressing on intact skin
Protein-coated nanostructured surfaces affect the adhesion of Escherichia coli
Cross-linked lyotropic liquid crystal particles functionalized with antimicrobial peptides
Electroactive Covalent Organic Framework Enabling Photostimulus-Responsive Devices
High-resolution structure of a fish aquaporin reveals a novel extracellular fold
Antimicrobial Peptide-Functionalized Mesoporous Hydrogels
Adsorption of Fibrinogen on Silica Surfaces-The Effect of Attached Nanoparticles
Non-destructive characterisation of dopant spatial distribution in cuprate superconductors
Tough Ordered Mesoporous Elastomeric Biomaterials Formed at Ambient Conditions
Adhesion of Escherichia Coli to Nanostructured Surfaces and the Role of Type 1 Fimbriae
Effect of silica nano-spheres on adhesion of oral bacteria and human fibroblasts
Atom Probe Tomography for 3D Structural and Chemical Analysis of Individual Proteins
Antibiofilm elastin-like polypeptide coatings: functionality, stability, and selectivity
Magnetic and mechanical effects of Mn substitutions in AlFe <inf>2</inf> B <inf>2</inf>
Cubosomes for topical delivery of the antimicrobial peptide LL-37
Peptide-Loaded Cubosomes Functioning as an Antimicrobial Unit against Escherichia coli
Osseointegration effects of local release of strontium ranelate from implant surfaces in rats
Transformation of amorphous calcium phosphate to bone-like apatite
Liquid crystalline particles for delivery of antimicrobial peptides
Curvature-dependent effects of nanotopography on classical immune complement activation
Bioinspired Structural Hierarchy within Macroscopic Volumes of Synthetic Composites
The bone-implant interface of dental implants in humans on the atomic scale
Bacterial biofilm elimination using gold nanorod localised surface plasmon resonance generated heat
Shape-dependent antibacterial effects of non-cytotoxic gold nanoparticles
In Situ Gold Nanoparticle Gradient Formation in a 3D Meso- and Macroporous Polymer Matrix
Biomimetic Synthesis of Nanostructured Calcium Phosphates
Protein-Containing Lipid Bilayers Intercalated with Size-Matched Mesoporous Silica Thin Films
Engineered protein coatings to improve the osseointegration of dental and orthopaedic implants
The effect of alendronate on biomineralization at the bone/implant interface
Meso-Ordered PEG-Based Particles
Mesoscopically Ordered Bone-Mimetic Nanocomposites
Using QCM-D to study the adhesion of human gingival fibroblasts on implant surfaces
Role of nanoscale confinement on calcium phosphate formation at high supersaturation
Experimental evaluation of implant surface chemistry
Ex vivo alendronate localization at the mesoporous titania implant/bone interface
Peptide-induced formation of a tethered lipid bilayer membrane on mesoporous silica
Localized controlled drug delivery from mesoporous implants
Morphological control of calcium phosphate nanostructures using lyotropic liquid crystals
Atomically resolved tissue integration
Biofilm formation on nanostructured hydroxyapatite-coated titanium
In vitro evaluation of human fetal osteoblast response to magnesium loaded mesoporous TiO2 coating.
Surface structure and mechanical properties of impaction-modified Y-TZP
Characteristics of 2 Different Commercially Available Implants with or without Nanotopography
The influence of nano hydroxyapatite coating on osseointegration after extended healing periods
Porcelain bonding to titanium with two veneering principles and two firing temperatures
Osteogenesis-inducing calcium phosphate nanoparticle precursors applied to titanium surfaces
Surface Characterization and Clinical Review of Two Commercially Available Implants
Spontaneously formed nanostructures on titanium surfaces.
In vivo biomechanical stability of osseointegrating mesoporous TiO2 implants
Improved QCM-D signal-to-noise ratio using mesoporous silica and titania
Nano Hydroxyapatite-coated Implants Improve Bone Nanomechanical Properties
Formation of Bone-like Nanocrystalline Apatite Using Self-Assembled Liquid Crystals
Pore Spanning Lipid Bilayers on Mesoporous Silica Having Varying Pore Size
Liquid crystal templating of nano-calcium phosphates
An in vitro evaluation of mesoporous titania implants
Genetic Responses to Nanostructured Calcium-phosphate-coated Implants.
Analysis of staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm formation on nanostructured hydroxyapatite surfaces
The effect of hydroxyapatite nanocrystals on early bone formation surrounding dental implants.
In vitro response to mesoporous TiO2 thin films loaded with alendronate and raloxifene
Osseointegration of mesoporous implants
Effects of nanosized hydroxyapatite coatings on osseointegration
Pore spanning lipid bilayers on mesoporous silica having varying pore size
In situ analysis of multispecies biofilm formation on customized titanium surfaces.
In vivo stability of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles coated on titanium implant surfaces.
Nanostructured coatings on implant surfaces
Biomimetic nanocrystalline apatite resembling bone
Vesicle Adsorption on Mesoporous Silica and Titania
Vesicle adsorption on mesoporous silica and titania
Surface characterization of commercial oral implants on the nanometer level.
Use of Self-Assembled Surfactants for Nanomaterials Synthesis
Nano hydroxyapatite structures influence early bone formation
Bone reaction to nano hydroxyapatite modified titanium implants placed in a gap-healing model
Effect of hydroxyapatite and titania nanostructures on early in vivo bone response
Differences in catalytic properties between mesoporous and nanoparticulate platinum
Detection of single ion channel activity on a chip using tethered bilayer membranes
Silver Nanoparticle Formation in Microemulsions Acting Both as Template and Reducing Agent
Ag/AgCl Loaded Ordered Mesoporous Anatase for Photocatalysis
The binary phase behavior of short-chain PDMS-b-PEO diblock copolymers in aqueous solution
Self-Assembling Surfactant Aggregates for Synthesis of Nanomaterials
Student Paper: HaskellDB Improved
Oxidation of self-organized nonionic surfactants
Formation of Calcium Carbonate in Liquid Crystalline Phases
Macroscopic Alignment of Silver Nanoparticles in Liquid Crystalline Templates
Self-Assembling Surfactant Aggregates for Synthesis of Nanomaterials
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Visar 8 forskningsprojekt
4D Microscopy of biological materials by short pulse terahertz sources (MIMOSA)
Nature`s Finest Water Purification
Unik skalbar process som möjliggör hållbart användande av naturens finaste vattenrening.
Strukturbestämning av Membranproteiner med Atomsondstomografi
Utveckling av filter för energieffektiv och tillgänglig produktion av dricksvatten från havsvatten.
NanoSphere: Center för interaktions- och riskstudier i Nano-Bio-Geo-Sociotekno-sfära gränsytor