Huan Zhao Ternehäll
Visar 78 publikationer
THz Emission Studies on Semiconductor Alloy, InAsBi
Fabrication of nanowire growth templates by forming pinholes in SiOx on Si
Heterogeneous Integration of Terahertz Diode Circuits
Ultra Low Noise 600/1200 GHz and 874 GHz GaAs Schottky Receivers for SWI and ISMAR
Status and Progress of Schottky Technology Development for SWI and ISMAR
SWI 1200/600 GHz highly integrated receiver front-ends
Production of nano-holes patten on Si(111) by colloidal lithography for growth of InAs nanowires
Molecular Spectroscopy With a Compact 557-GHz Heterodyne Receiver
Effect of Buffer Quality on the Performance of InAs/AlSb Heterostructure Backward Tunneling Diode
Effect of bismuth on InAs films grown on GaAs substrates by MBE
Heterostructure integrated HBV-based frequency quintupler for 500 GHz
Low noise GaAs Schottky TMIC and InP HEMT MMIC based Receivers for the ISMAR and SWI Instruments
300 GHz to 1.2 THz GaAs Schottky membrane TMIC’s for next generation space missions
Sensitivity Analysis of TRL Calibration in Waveguide Integrated Membrane Circuits
Wafer bondig for integrated III-V frequency multipliers on silicon
Modeling of Sb-heterostructure backward diode for millimeter- and submillimeter-wave detection
Thermal Analysis of III-V HBV Diode Structures on InP, GaAs, Silicon and Diamond Substrates
Integrated diode technology for THz applications
Optical properties of InGaAsBi/GaAs quantum wells and InAsBi layer on GaAs substrate
Molecular spectroscopy with a compact 557 GHz heterodyne receiver
Novel Dilute Bismides for IR Optoelectronics Applications
Terahertz GaAs Schottky diode mixer and multiplier MIC’s based on e-beam technology
A 600 GHz Orthomode Transducer based on a Waveguide Integrated Wire Grid Polarizer
Modeling of Sb-Heterostructure Backward Diode for Millimeter- and Submillimeter-Wave Detection
Development of a 557 GHz GaAs monolithic membrane-diode mixer
Fabrication and DC characterization of InAs/AlSb self-switching diodes
Influence of waveguide width errors on TRL and LRL calibrations
Modeling of Sb-Heterostructure Backward Diode for Millimeter- and Submillimeter- Wave Detection
Integrated terahertz electronics for imaging and sensing
Optimization of MBE-grown AlSb/InAs High Electron Mobility Transistor Structures
Growth of dilute nitrides and 1.3 μm edge emitting lasers on GaAs by MBE
Submillimeter Wave S-Parameter Characterization of Integrated Membrane Circuits
Development of a Compact 557 GHz Heterodyne Receiver
Fabrication of novel unipolar nanodiodes in InAs/AlSb for microwave detection
Development of integrated submillimeter wave diodes for sources and detectors
VNA-Calibration and S-Parameter Characterization of Submillimeter Wave Integrated Membrane Circuits
340 GHz GaAs monolithic membrane supported Schottky diode circuits
Characterization of GaAs membrane circuits for THz heterodyne receiver applications
Parameter Extraction and Geometry Optimisation of Planar Schottky Diodes
Anisotropic transport properties in InAs/AlSb heterostructures
VNA-calibration and S-parameter characterization of submillimeter wave integrated membrane circuits
1.3 µm Dilute Nitride Edge Emitting Lasers on GaAs
Analysis of the High Frequency Spreading Resistance for Surface Channel Planar Schottky Diodes
A 1.31 μm GaInNAs Triple Quantum Well Laser with 13 GHz Small Signal Modulation Bandwidth
Dilute Nitrides and 1.3 μm GaInNAs Quantum Well Lasers on GaAs
13 GHz Bandwidth of 1.31 μm GaInNAs Triple Quantum Well Lasers
Schottky receivers and graphene for future THz electronics
Growth and Fabrication of 1.3-1.55 µm GaInNAs(Sb)/GaAs Quantum Well Lasers
1.3 µm GaInNAs Edge Emitting Lasers Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Growth and Characterization of GaInNAs by Molecular Beam Epitaxy Using a Nitrogen Irradiation Method
1.3 µm GaInNAs Edge Emitting Lasers on GaAs Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (invited paper)
Very Low Threshold Current Density 1.29 µm GaInNAs Triple Quantum Well Lasers Grown by MBE
High Performance 1.3 μm GaInNAs Quantum Well Lasers on GaAs
Dilute Nitrides and 1.3 µm GaInNAs/GaAs Quantum Well Lasers on GaAs (invited paper)
Very Low Threshold Current Density 1.292 µm GaInNAs Triple Quantum Well Lasers
Gain Measurement and Anomalous Decrease of Gain at Ground State for Quantum-Dot Lasers
Post-Growth and in situ Annealing on GaInNAs(Sb) and Their Application in 1.55 µm Lasers
Room Temperature Continuous Wave Operation 1.59 μm GaInNAsSb Quantum Well Lasers
High Performance of 1.55 μm Low-Temperature-Grown Resonant-Cavity-Enhanced Photodetector
1.55 μm GaInNAs Resonant-Cavity-Enhanced Photodetector Grown on GaAs
Room Temperature Continuous Wave Operation 1.3 μm InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots Lasers
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