Lars Ulander
Lars Ulander är professor i radarfjärranalys. Hans forskning är inriktad på radar, speciellt signal- och databehandling för syntetisk aperturradar (SAR) i olika tillämpningar. Hans forskning har resulterat i nya radarsystem och ny kunskap om SAR och markavbildning på VHF-och UHF-banden. Han är en av förslagsställarna till BIOMASS-missionen som är under utveckling av europeiska rymdstyrelsen (ESA). Målsättningen med BIOMASS är att årligen producera globala kartor av skogens biomassa. BIOMASS kommer att bli den första SAR-satelliten på UHF-bandet (432-438 MHz) och uppskjutning planeras till 2025. Han leder också forskningen med BorealScat som undersöker hur radarreflektiviteten från boreal skog påverkas av väder- och fuktighetsvariabler. BorealScat utnyttjar en tomografisk radar installerad på ett 50 m högt torn (läs mer på

Visar 202 publikationer
Sensitivity of P- and L-band SAR Tomography to Above-Ground Biomass in a Hilly Temperate Forest
Implementation of a coherent real-time noise radar system
SLAINTE: A SAR mission concept for sub-daily microwave remote sensing of vegetation
Borealscat-2: Backscatter Measurements of Forest Water Dynamics
Prediction of Hemi-Boreal Forest Biomass Change Using Alos-2 Palsar-2 L-Band SAR Backscatter
Development and Initial Evaluation of the Tower-based Borealscat-2 P- and L-Band Tomographic SAR
Experimental Evaluation of Moving Target Compensation in High Time-Bandwidth Noise Radar
Experimental Analysis of a Clutter Suppression Algorithm for High Time-Bandwidth Noise Radar
Bistatic noise radar: Demonstration of correlation noise suppression
Factorized Geometrical Autofocus for UWB UHF-band SAR with a GPS-supported Linear Track Model
Mapping tree height in burkina faso parklands with tandem-x
Biomass Level-2 Products - Part II: Processing Schemes and AGB Estimation Results from Campaign Data
Temporal Characteristics of P-band Tomographic Radar Backscatter of a Boreal Forest
Evaluating P-Band TomoSAR for Biomass Retrieval in Boreal Forest
Interferometric Ground Cancellation for Above Ground Biomass Estimation
National Forest Biomass Mapping Using the Two-Level Model
Airborne SAR for Calibration of P-Band Tower Radar
SAR Processing Without a Motion Measurement System
BIOMASS L2 Prototype Processor : Current Status
Measurements of Sea Surface Currents in the Baltic Sea Region Using Spaceborne Along-Track InSAR
Factorized Geometrical Autofocus at UHF-band
Calibration of a Ground-Based Array Radar for Tomographic Imaging of Natural Media
Using Sentinel-1 Ocean Data for Mapping Sea Surface Currents Along the Southern Norwegian Coast
The European Space Agency BIOMASS mission: Measuring forest above-ground biomass from space
On the Sensitivity of TanDEM-X-Observations to Boreal Forest Structure
Forest Biomass Retrieval from L-Band SAR Using Tomographic Ground Backscatter Removal
Wind direction ambiguity removal using along-track InSAR: A case study
Evaluating spaceborne L-band pol tomo SAR for forest biomass retrieval based on airborne SAR data
SAR processing UWB VHF data without a motion measurement system
Unveiling the Complex Structure of Tasmanian Temperate Forests with Model-Based Tandem-X Tomography
Multiport vector network analyzer radar for tomographic forest scattering measurements
Interferometric Ground Notching of SAR Images for Estimating Forest Above Ground Biomass
National forest mapping of stem volume using TanDEM-X
Modeling and Detection of Deforestation and Forest Growth in Multitemporal TanDEM-X Data
Temporal survey of P- A nd L-band polarimetric backscatter in boreal forests
SAR processing without a motion measurement system
Passive synthetic-aperture radar for detection of ground vehicles
Analysis of a ground target deployment in an airborne passive SAR experiment
Mapping and modeling of boreal forest change in TanDEM-X data with the two-level model
Experiences from large-scale forest mapping of Sweden using TanDEM-X data
Measurements of forest biomass change using L- and P-band SAR backscatter
Time series of P- and L-band forest backscatter from BorealScat
Airborne passive SAR imaging based on DVB-T signals
Simultaneous passive SAR imaging and detection of airborne targets
Phase calibration of TanDEM-X ATI-SAR data for sea surface velocity measurements
Testing C-band convoy mission for forest monitoring
Wind-wave effect on ATI-SAR measurements of ocean surface currents in the Baltic Sea
Estimation of Forest Stem Volume using ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 Satellite Images
An Efficient Solution to the Factorized Geometrical Autofocus Problem
Simulated biomass retrieval from the spaceborne tomographic Saocom-CS mission at L-band
Factorized Geometrical Autofocus: On the geometry search
Forest Biomass Retrieval from BioSAR 2010 P-band SAR Data using a Regression-Based Model
Estimation of Forest Biomass From Two-Level Model Inversion of Single-Pass InSAR Data
Estimation of Forest Height and Canopy Density From a Single InSAR Correlation Coefficient
Detection of Thinning and Clear-Cuts using TanDEM-X Data
Mono- and Bistatic UHF-Band SAR Measurements of a Hemi-Boreal Forest
A polarimetric model of topographic effects on P-band forest backscatter
VHF/UHF bistatic and passive SAR ground imaging
Retrieval and Quality Assessment of Wind Velocity Vectors on the Ocean With C-Band SAR
P-band Polarimetric Model of Vertical Tree Stems on Sloping Ground
Estimation of Boreal Forest Biomass from Two-Level Model Inversion of Interfermetric TanDEM-X Data
Autofocus and analysis of geometrical errors within the framework of fast factorized back-projection
Suppression of Clutter in Multichannel SAR GMTI
Factorized Geometrical Autofocus for Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing
Measurements of Forest Biomass Change Using P-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Backscatter
Impulse response function for ultra-wideband SAR
Polarimetric-interferometric boreal forest scattering model for BIOMASS end-to-end simulator
Two-Level Forest Model Inversion of Interferometric TanDEM-X Data
Model-Based Biomass Estimation of a Hemi-Boreal Forest from Multitemporal TanDEM-X Acquisitions
Digital Canopy Model Estimation from TanDEM-X Interferometry using High-Resolution Lidar DEM
Modelling of TanDEM-X Measured Forest Height from Small Footprint Lidar Data
Boreal Forest Biomass Mapping with P-band SAR Backscatter
The BIOMASS mission retrieval algorithms: Results from recent campaigns
Forest biomass and the science of inventory from space
Measurements of forest change using P-band SAR backscatter
The science and measurement concepts underlying the BIOMASS mission
Estimation of forest variables using TanDEM-X data in combination with a high resolution DEM
BIOMASS end-to-end mission performance assessment
Biomass retrieval of boreal forest for the satellite P-band synthetic-aperture radar BIOMASS
A Hybrid Model for Polarimetric and Interferometric P-band SAR Modelling of Forests
L- and P-band backscatter intensity for biomass retrieval in hemiboreal forest
Impact and modeling of topographic effects on P-band SAR backscatter from boreal forests
Parametric and non-parametric forest biomass estimation from PolInSAR data
Biomass Retrieval Algorithm Based on P-band BioSAR Experiments of Boreal Forest
The BIOMASS mission: Mapping global forest biomass to better understand the terrestrial carbon cycle
Retrieval and assessment of sub-mesoscalewind velocity vectors with Synthetic Aperture Radar
BIOSAR 2010 - A SAR campaign in support to the BIOMASS mission
BIOMASS End-to-End performance Simulator
The BIOMASS mission – an ESA Earth Explorer candidate to measure the biomass of the Earth’s forests
K&C Science Report – Phase 1, Detection of deforestation in Swedish forest
Topographic Correction for Biomass Retrieval from P-band SAR Data in Boreal Forests
Fast Factorized Back-Projection for Bistatic SAR Processing
Detection of Moving Targets by Focusing in UWB SAR-Theory and Experimental Results
RFI Suppression In Ultrawideband SAR Using Adaptive Line Enhancer
Design of Optimum Weighting Functions for LFM Signals
Clear-Cut Detection in Swedish Boreal Forest Using Multi-Temporal ALOS PALSAR Backscatter Data
Comparison of L- and P-band biomass retrievals based on backscatter from the BioSAR campaign
Measurements of Faraday Rotation Using Polarimetric PALSAR Images
Signatures of ALOS PALSAR L-Band Backscatter in Swedish Forest
Evaluating VHF-Band SAR Autofocus Algorithms using a Forest Backscatter Model
Investigations on forestry applications in Sweden using ALOS PALSAR
Mapping and monitoring clear-cuts in Swedish forest using ALOS PALSAR satellite images
ALOS PALSAR calibration and validation activities in Sweden
Validating backscatter models for CARABAS SAR images of coniferous forests
Modeling of change detection in VHF- and UHF-band SAR
First Results on VHF-band SAR Imaging using Circular Tracks
Bistatic Experiment with Ultra-Wideband VHF-band Synthetic-Aperture Radar
Swiss Airborne Monostatic and Bistatic Dual-Pol SAR Experiment at the VHF-Band
Review of polarimetric indicators for forest characterisation over several sites
Detection of clear-cuts using ALOS PALSAR satellite images
First results from a bistatic VHF SAR experiment
Effects of Forest Biomass and Stand Consolidation on P-Band Backscatter
Bistatic VHF and UHF SAR for urban environments
Detection of forest changes using ALOS PALSAR satellite images
ALOS PALSAR Calibration and Validation Results from Sweden
Topographic and Number Density Effects in Forest Observations with P-band SAR
Mapping of Wind-Thrown Forests Using VHF/UHF SAR Images
Estimation of forest stem volume using ALOS PALSAR satellite images
Faraday rotation measured in polarimetric PALSAR images compared with theoretical expectations
Stem volume estimation for boreal forest using ALOS PALSAR
A challenge problem for detection of targets in foliage
Mapping of wind-thrown forests using the VHF-band CARABAS-II SAR
Multi-pass and multi-date at P and L bands: Ground penetration and change detection
Fast Factorised Backprojection Algorithm for Processing of Microwave SAR Data
Automatic Detection of Wind-Thrown Forest in VHF SAR Images
Bistatic clutter suppression in low-frequency SAR
Fast Factorised Backprojection Algorithm for Processing of SAR Data
ALOS Calibration and Validation Activities in Sweden
LORAM - A SAR/GMTI Data Collection Campaign
VHF/UHF Ultra-Wideband SAR Measurements of Forests
Measurements on individual trees using multiple VHF SAR images
Radar experiment addressing ground target detection based on VHF SAR data
Bistatic ultra-wideband SAR for imaging of ground targets under foliage
Measurements at tree level using CARABAS-II
Mapping of Wind-thrown Forests in Southern Sweden Using Space- and Airborne SAR
Remote Sensing at the Department of Radio and Space Science, Chalmers University of Technology
Employing UAVs to augment ISR capabilities
LORA - a new airborne imaging radar sensor
Low VHF-band backscatter from coniferous forests on sloping terrain
Bistatic SAR simulations for imaging of ground targets under foliage
Mapping and monitoring forest stem volume using CARABAS
SAS processing using a polar version of fast factorised back-projection
Estimation of Forest Stem Volume in Sloping Terrain Using CARABAS-II VHF SAR Data
Fast back-projection SAR processing using precision interpolation kernels
VHF-band SAR for detection of concealed ground targets
Performance of VHF-band SAR change detection for wide-area surveilllance of concealed ground targets
Performance Simulation of Spaceborne P-Band SAR for Global Biomass Retrieval
Applications of Low-Frequency SAR: Final Project Report, ESA Contract No. 16115/02/NL/MM
Automatic Segmentation of Multiple VHF-Band SAR Images to Improve Stem Volume Retrieval
Combining various ISR assets to create a common and complete ground picture
Simulation of a Spaceborne Low-Frequency SAR for Global Biomass Assessment
A production line for forest stem volume measurements from VHF SAR data
Synthetic-aperture radar processing using fast factorized back-projection
Stem volume retrieval at stand level using multiple low-frequency SAR images
Forest stem volume estimation using high-resolution lidar and SAR data
Simulations of Ground Moving Target Indication in an Ultra-Wideband and Wide-Beam SAR System
Jammer Suppresson in an Ultra-Wideband and Widebeam SAR System
RCS of dipoles used for SAR calibration
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Visar 31 forskningsprojekt
Advanced Radar Sensor Front-end Modules and Solutions for Increased Road Safety
Etablera samband mellan trädens vatteninnehåll och satellit-SAR i boreal skog
Mätning av skogens vitalitet med radarfjärranalys
Satellitbaserade observationer av småskalig dynamik vid havsytan
Kan granbarkborreangrepp på skog upptäckas i tidsserier med radarmätningar?
Mark- och trädfuktighet och deras inverkan på radarsignalen från skog
Tomosense: Technical Assistance for Airborne Measurements during the Tomographic Sensing Experiment
L-and P-band Tomography Synergies
Kompakt och högpresterande SAR i autonoma flygfarkoster
BIOMASS level 2 implementation study
Forest biomass and biomass change with spaceborne SAR
Tower-based radar and geophysical measurements during the BorealScat experiment
C-band Convoy Satellite Campaign
Väderstation för tidsserieanalys av radarspridning från skog
Understanding ocean surface dynamics with satelite data
Skattning av skoglig biomassa och biomassaförändring med satellitburen SAR
TangoSat – Study of L- and P-band SAR Tomography Synergies
Radar remote sensing of sea ice in the Polar regions
3D Forest Parameter Retrieval from TanDEM-X Interferometry
Retrieval of wind with spaceborne SAR for polar oceans and coastal regions
Retrieval of forest biomass and biomass change with spaceborne SAR
3D Forest Parameter Retrival from Tandem-X Interferometry
Measurements of sea surface currents to benefit Swedish GMES marine core services