Lars Öhrström
Lars Öhrström är professor i oorganisk kemi och specialiserar sig på hur metalljoner interagerar med andra molekyler. Hans forskning inriktar sig i huvudsak på syntes och förståelse för koordinationskemiska nätverksföreningar, nya material av potentiell betydelse för ”grön” och uthållig kemiteknik med tillämpningar inom katalys och gaslagring. Öhrström är sedan 2007 engagerad inom International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) och medlem av Nationalkommittén för kemi. Han medverkar regelbundet i Chemistry Worlds (Royal Society of Chemistry) populärvetenskapliga podradiosändningar.

Visar 171 publikationer
Photophysical Ion Dynamics in Hybrid Perovskite MAPbX3 (X=Br, Cl) Single Crystals
Tuning the topology of a 2D metal-organic framework from 2D to 3D using modulator assisted synthesis
Salt efflorescence on leather objects from the Vasa ship
Synthesis of Metal-Organic Frameworks through Enzymatically Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate
Chiral Lanthanum Metal-Organic Framework with Gated CO2 Sorption and Concerted Framework Flexibility
A unified topology approach to dot-, rod-, and sheet-MOFs
An improved water-harvesting cycle
A Robust and Biocompatible Bismuth Ellagate MOF Synthesized Under Green Ambient Conditions
Cyclometalation of lanthanum(iii) based MOF for catalytic hydrogenation of carbon dioxide to formate
Bringing IUPAC to Southern Africa
Det där periodiska systemet, hur ska vi tänka på det?
Natural and synthetic metal oxalates-a topology approach
Signerat: När USA:s president inte får som han vill
Global Engagement in Science: The University’s Fourth Mission?
The Rhubarb Connection and Other Revelations: The Everyday World of Metal Ions
Conformational chiral polymorphism in cis-bis-triphenylphosphine complexes of transition metals
Kemisten som lurade nazisterna på tungvattnet
Periodiska systemet kan ge ny succé́, Krönika
Framework Chemistry Transforming our Perception of the Solid State
The Perks and Perils of Trespassing – The Making of The Last Alchemist In Paris
Four new synthetic elements approved
Designing, Describing and Disseminating New Materials by using the Network Topology Approach
Mechanochemical Immobilisation of Metathesis Catalysts in a Metal-Organic Framework
Teaching of chemical bonding: a study of Swedish and South African students' conceptions of bonding
Vem styr egentligen grundutbildningen?
Enhanced Synthesis of Metal-Organic Frameworks on the Surface of Electrospun Cellulose Nanofibers
Let’s talk about MOFs—Topology and terminology of metal-organic frameworks and why we need them
Metal-ligand bond lengths and strengths: are they correlated? A detailed CSD analysis
Terminology of Metal-Organic Frameworks and Coordination Polymers (IUPAC recommendations 2013)
Network topology approach to new allotropes of the group 14 elements
2,3,6,7,10,11-Hexamethoxytriphenylene (HMTP): A new organic cathode material for lithium batteries
IUPAC to Update Terminology and Nomenclature Rules
Network and graph set analysis
Topological studies of three related metal-organic frameworks of GdIII and 5-nitroisophthalate
Coordination polymers, metal-organic frameworks and the need for terminology guidelines
The coordination polymer poly[(μ3-3-aminocarbonylpyrazine-2-carboxylato-κ3N1:O2:O2')silver(I)]
Anionic zinc-trimesic acid MOFs with unusual topologies: Reversible hydration studies
Coordination Polymers and Metal Organic Frameworks: Terminology and Nomenclature Guidelines
Synthesis, X-ray structure and anti-corrosion activity of two silver(I) pyrazino complexes
Network analysis of bicyclo 3.3.1 nonanes: the diol, the dione and the acetal
1D and 2D FeII Azide Coordination Polymers with Ferromagnetic Canting
Anordning för skydd mot laserstrålning
A unique example of a high symmetry three- and four-connected hydrogen bonded 3D-network
Can DFT calculations help the molecular designer to construct molecule based magnetic materials?
The pedagogical implications of using MatLab in integrated chemistry and matehamatics courses
New homogeneous and alternating Mn(II)-azido 1D systems
How to prepare master students in chemical and bioengineering for the unknown future
Integration of mathematics/numeric analysis with chemistry/chemcial engineering.
A (10,3)-b net by sulfate hydrogen-bonded biimidazolate complexes
Årets nobelpris i kemi till katalytisk syntes av spegelbildsmolekyler
Spin distributions, ring conformations, and spiroconjugation in "phosphaverdazyl" radicals
Why and how can mathematics improve the learning in chemistry and chemical engineering?
Fe-catecholate and Fe-oxalate vibrations and isotopic substitution shifts from DFT quantum chemistry
Protonation of pi-alkene-rhodium(I) complexes leads to sigma-alkyl-rhodium(III) - an NMR study
Protonation of pi-alkene-rhodium(I) complexes leads to sigma-alkyl-rhodium(III) - an NMR study
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Visar 11 forskningsprojekt
Snabb detektion av kemiska stridsmedel
Hybrid freestanding metal-organic framework-nanocellulose filters removes PFAS fro drinking water
Metal-Organic Frameworks and Restarting Crystallography in West Sweden
Metallorganiska ramverksföreningar: syntes, topologi, katalys och magnetism
Metallorganiska ramverksföreningar för katalys och metallåtervinning
Koordinationskemiska nätverksföreningar och molekylär ingenjörskonst i kristallfas