Staffan Toll
Visar 74 publikationer
Melt spinning of conducting polymeric composites containing carbonaceous fillers
Anisotropic and tension-compression asymmetric model for composites consolidation
Modelling multiple scales in composites manufacturing
Modelling the consolidation of partially impregnated prepregs
Computational modelling of dissipative open-cell cellular solids at finite deformations
The Effect of Fiber Diameter Distribution on the Elasticity of a Fiber Mass
A micropolar theory for the finite elasticity of open-cell cellular solids
Two phase continuum modelling of composites consolidation
Hyperelastic Constitutive Models for Consolidation of Commingled Yarn Based Composites
Micromechanics of a compressed fiber mass
Press forming of commingled yarn based composites: The preform contribution
Constitutive models for consolidation of commingled yarn based composites
An approach to model dissipative open-cell cellular solids at finite deformation
On the modelling of open-cell cellular solids subjected to high compressive deformations
Micromechanical model of a dissipative open-cell cellular solid
Fibre suspension rheology: effect of concentration, aspect ratio and fibre size
Micro-mechanical model of a viscoplastic open-cell foam
Homogenisation of general continua
Process rheology of composites
A model for short-range interactions in fibre suspensions
Micro-mechanical model of a viscoplastic open-cell foam
Finite element model for axisymmetric consolidation of thermoplastic composite materials
Hydrostatic consolidation of fibre composites
Liquid permeability of an anisotropic fiber web
Micromechanical model of a hyperelastic open-cell foam
Micromechanical model of a viscoplastic open-cell foam
Process rheology of fibre composites
Process modeling of composites using two-phase porous media theory
Study of geometry effects in torsional rheometry of fibre suspensions
Modelling of residual stresses and warpage in sandwich injection moulding
Modelling press forming of fibre composites using two-phase continuum theory
Geometry effects in torsional rheometry of fibre suspensions
Modelling of composites forming processes using multi-phase continuum theory
Measurement of the permeability tensor of highly compressed fibre beds
A triaxial rheometer for soft compressible solids
A solution technique for longitudinal Stokes flow around multiple cylinders
Elongational rheology of fibre suspensions
Mechanics of felts with mixed diameter fibres
Finite element modelling of delamination progression under mixed mode loadings
Geometry effects in cone-plate rotational rheometry of fibre suspensions
Permeability of felts: Modelling
Longitudinal flows in arrays of parallel fibres
Mechanics of the squeeze flow of planar fibre suspensions
Fiber-fiber interaction in concentrated suspensions: disperse fibers
Micromechanical constitutive equations for fibre suspensions
Fluid mechanics of aligned concentrated fibre suspensions
A triaxial rheometer for soft compressible solids
Packing mechanics of fibre reinforcements
The elastic stress in a fibre network impregnated with molten polypropylene
A technique for the measurement of interaction in concentrated fibre suspensions
A Stokesian solution to the hydrodynamic interaction in aligned concentrated fibre suspensions
Compressibility of a fibre network of mixed fibre diameters
Residual stress build-up in thermoset films cured below their ultimate glass transition temperature
Sliding plate rheometry of a concentrated planar fibre suspension
Constitutive modelling of non-local and non-Newtonian anisotropic fibre suspensions
The two-way interaction between anisotropic flow and fiber orientation in squeeze flow
Local and nonlocal rheological equations for fibre reinforced power law melts
A model for the consolidation of aligned thermoplastic powder impregnated composites
Elastic compression of a fibre network
Measuring the thermal expansion of polymers and composites by speckle pattern interferometry
Residual stress build-up in thermoset films cured above their ultimate glass transition temperature
On surface energy effects in composite impregnation and consolidation
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