Balázs Adam Kulcsár
Balázs Kulcsár is with Automatic Control research group. His main research focuses on intelligent transportation systems design, traffic (flow) modeling for control, Linear Parameter Varying systems, and failure diagnostics. Balázs is a member of the project Transport Area on Advance, which aims to achieve leading competence in our future green, safe, and efficient transport systems.

Showing 97 publications
Minimum-Delay Opportunity Charging Scheduling for Electric Buses
Personalized Dynamic Pricing Policy for Electric Vehicles: Reinforcement learning approach
The Traffic Reaction Model: A kinetic compartmental approach to road traffic modeling
Collaborative electric vehicle routing with meet points
A GREAT Architecture for Edge-Based Graph Problems Like TSP
Intelligent vehicles and Smart transportation
Integrated Charging Scheduling and Operational Control for an Electric Bus Network
Mean-square exponential stabilization of coupled hyperbolic systems with random parameters
Deep Q-learning: a robust control approach
Conflict-free Charging and Real-time Control for an Electric Bus Network
Data-driven distance metrics for kriging - Short-term urban traffic state prediction
A Predictive Chance Constraint Rebalancing Approach to Mobility-on-Demand Services
Incremental Exponential Stability of the Unidirectional Flow Model
Back-Pressure Traffic Signal Control in the Presence of Noisy Queue Information
Distributed eco-driving control of a platoon of electric vehicles through Riccati recursion
Can AI Abuse Personal Information in an EV Fast-Charging Market?
Parameter and density estimation from real-world traffic data: A kinetic compartmental approach
Incident indicators for freeway traffic flow models
Short-term traffic prediction using physics-aware neural networks
Dynamic Stochastic Electric Vehicle Routing with Safe Reinforcement Learning
Bilevel optimization for bunching mitigation and eco-driving of electric bus lines
A Game Approach for Charging Station Placement Based on User Preferences and Crowdedness
On the Interpretability of Regularisation for Neural Networks Through Model Gradient Similarity
Robust H-infinity Position Control for Vehicle Steering
Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Machine Learning for Energy Prediction
A Platoon Regulation Algorithm to Improve the Traffic Performance of Highway Work Zones
Pro-social control of connected automated vehicles in mixed-autonomy multi-lane highway traffic
Set-based multi-objective control of metered ramps at ring road junctions
Public transport trajectory planning with probabilistic guarantees
Emergency vehicle lane pre-clearing: From microscopic cooperation to routing decision making
Induced L2-gain computation for rational LPV systems using Finsler's lemma and minimal generators
Hierarchical Control of Electric Bus Lines
Network-Level Optimal Control for Public Bus Operation
Altruistic Control of Connected Automated Vehicles in Mixed-Autonomy Multi-Lane Highway Traffic
Energy-aware predictive control for electrified bus networks
Passivity analysis of rational LPV systems using Finsler's lemma
Energy consumption estimation integrated into the Electric Vehicle Routing Problem
Freeway Traffic Jam Mitigation via Connected Automated Vehicles
Optimally combined headway and timetable reliable public transport system
Optimal headway merging for balanced public transport service in urban networks
Robust tracking controller design for active dolly steering
On the convergence of driver centric zone pricing for traffic networks
Network traffic flow optimization under performance constraints
Electric vehicle routing problem – a nested two level approach
Variable speed limit design based on mode dependent Cell Transmission Model
Optimal headway and schedule control of public transport buses
Distributed ramp metering - a constrained discharge flow maximisation approach
Distributed LPV state-feedback control under control input saturation
Traffic flow optimization with QoS constrained network admission control
Traffic incident aware coordination of ramp meters
Distributed dynamic output feedback control for discrete-time linear parameter varying systems
Traffic aware electric vehicle routing
Safety and efficiency analysis of HCT-Traffic flow indicators
Switching CTM for mode dependent travel delay minimisation
Set-theoretic analysis of the isolated ramp metering problem
Coordinted risk aware ramp metering
Back Pressure Traffic Signal Control with Fixed and Adaptive Routing for Urban Vehicular Network
Distributed LPV State-Feedback Control with Application to Motorway Ramp Metering
Single-Region Robust Perimeter Traffic Flow Control
Traffic-adaptive Signal Control and Vehicle Routing Using a Decentralized Back-pressure Method
Fault Estimation for Discrete Time LPV Systems under Noisy Scheduling Measurements
Freeway traffic incident reconstruction – A bi-parameter approach
Distributed control of traffic flow in motorways
Impulse response parameter based internal model control for discrete-time LPV systems
Robust real-time control for urban road traffic networks
Incident parameter scheduled freeway traffic control - A ramp meter approach
Incident description in METANET model
Mean-square optimal control of Linear Parameter Varying systems
Cooperative driving for best road network capacity
Constrained Freeway Traffic Control via Linear Parameter Varying Paradigms
Integrated robust control/fault diagnosis design for LPV systems under input constraints
Dynamic relaxation in hyperbolic conservation law for incident traffic flow modeling
Robust inversion based fault estimation for discrete-time LPV systems
Robust Inversion Based Fault Estimation for Discrete-Time LPV Systems (vol 57, pg 1581, 2012)
Freeway ramp metering: an LPV set theoretical analysis
Linear Parameter Varying Identification of Freeway Traffic Models
Uncertainty modeling and robust control in urban traffic
On the similarity state transformation for Linear Parameter-Varying systems
Robust servo control of a novel type 1 diabetic model
Robust cautious data driven control with guaranteed mean square stability
Unknown input reconstruction for LPV systems
Parameter-dependent modeling of freeway traffic flow
Induced L2 norm improvement by interpolating controllers for discrete time LPV systems
Yaw Control via Combined Braking and Steering
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Showing 32 research projects
The Game of Own: exploring the impact of charging stations ownership on the potential of V2G
Digital Twin for Energy Prediction
ERGODIC: Combined passenger and goods transportation in suburb traffic
E-Laas: Energy optimal urban Logistics As A Service
ARC: Aerodynamic Parameter estimation for Subscale Aircraft
FEAT: Fleet management for efficient and sustainable electric micromobility systems
LEAR: Robust LEArning methods for electric vehicle Route selection
Learning in Stochastic Traffic Networks
RHEA: Demand-supply asymmetRy mitigation witH modular Electric bus plAtforms
Robustly and Optimally Controlled Training Of neural Networks II (OCTON II)
STOchastic Traffic NEtworks (STONE)
Real-Time Robust and AdaptIve Learning in ElecTric VEhicles (RITE)
Using data analytics for smart loading zones management in cities
Platform for analysis and modeling of future traffic systems
Robustly and Optimally Controlled Training Of neural Networks I (OCTON I)
TSIM: Simulation, analysis and modelling of future efficient traffic systems
Public transit shared mobility - connected and safe solutions
Smart indoor logistics (SIL): technology, business, and acceptance
ServiCe OPtimization of charging station for Electrified vehicles
OPerational Network Energy managemenT for electrified buses (OPNET)
EL FORT - Optimering av elfordonsflotta i Real-Tid - (Fas 2)
Autonomous and Connected Trucks for Electric Distribution (ACTED)
Creating a core-enabler for evaluating scenarios of mixed vehicular traffic
Safety aware vehicular routing using on-car sensors
Kapacitetsanalys busståg - förstudie
Analys av High Capacity Transports säkerhet och effektivitet genom trafikflödeshinder