Henrik Ström
Henrik Ström är biträdande professor i flerfasströmning. Hans forskningsaktiviteter rör modellering och simulering av flerfasströmning, reaktiv strömning och förtunnad strömning. Han arbetar på flera olika abstraktionsnivåer, från molekylär nivå upp till kontinuumnivå, och gärna i interdisciplinära samarbeten över traditionella ämnesgränser.

Visar 167 publikationer
A reduced order pseudochannelmodel accounting for flowmaldistribution in automotivecatalysis
A comprehensive lift force model for deformable bubbles rising in moderate shear flows
A reduced order pseudochannel model accounting for flow maldistribution in automotive catalysis
CFD simulation of soot generation during biomass gasification in a cyclone gasifier
How surface modifications enhance vertical falling film evaporation
Effective lateral dispersion of momentum, heat and mass in bubbling fluidized beds
Methodology for Reduced-Order Multichannel Modeling of a Catalytic Converter
Comprehensive kinetic modeling and product distribution for pyrolysis of pulp and paper mill sludge
The passive scalar spectrum of bubble-induced turbulence
Assessing passive scalar dynamics in bubble-induced turbulence using direct numerical simulations
Experimental evaluation of black liquor carbonation for carbon dioxide capture
Model-Based DoE for Multi-Channel Modeling of Exhaust Aftertreatment Systems
The dry-to-wet transition of fiber networks-Return to mechanical stability
The passive scalar spectrum in turbulent bubble suspensions
The shear-induced lift force on freely moving and deformable bubbles
Development and calibration of a model for packed bed marine scrubbers aboard ocean-going vessels
A novel coupling method for unresolved CFD-DEM modeling
A multiscale methodology for small-scale bubble dynamics in turbulence
Turbulent uniformity fluctuations in automotive catalysts – A RANS vs DES assessment
Numerical investigations of soot generation during wood-log combustion
Nanofluidic Trapping of Faceted Colloidal Nanocrystals for Parallel Single-Particle Catalysis
Transient Flow Uniformity Evolution in Realistic Exhaust Gas Aftertreatment Systems using 3D-CFD
Solids back-mixing in the transport zone of circulating fluidized bed boilers
Finite-size effects on heat and mass transfer in porous electrodes
The lift force on deformable and freely moving bubbles in linear shear flows
Computationally efficient coarse-graining XDEM/CFD modeling of fixed-bed combustion of biomass
Investigation of the soot formation during wood log combustion
Assessment of hindered diffusion in arbitrary geometries using a multiphase DNS framework
Om betydelsen av könsrelaterade variationer i förkunskaper för toppbetyg i programmering
Numerical simulation and analysis of multi-scale cavitating flows
The Knudsen Paradox in Micro-Channel Poiseuille Flows with a Symmetric Particle
Light-Off in Plasmon-Mediated Photocatalysis
Solute transport and reaction in porous electrodes at high Schmidt numbers
Grid-independent Eulerian-Lagrangian approaches for simulations of solid fuel particle combustion
Operando detection of single nanoparticle activity dynamics inside a model pore catalyst material
Finite-volume method for industrial-scale temperature-swing adsorption simulations
CFD-DEM simulation of biomass pyrolysis in fluidized-bed reactor with a multistep kinetic scheme
Pyrolysis Simulation of Thermally Thick Biomass Particles Based on a Multistep Kinetic Scheme
Light my fire but don’t choke on the smoke: Wellbeing and pollution from fireplace use in Sweden
Lithium-Ion Battery Pack Modelling for Electric Vehicles in Mining Applications Using GT-AutoLion
A fast-solving particle model for thermochemical conversion of biomass
Effects of bed aging on temperature signals from fixed-bed adsorbers during industrial operation
Experimental study on the flow field of particles deposited on a gasoline particulate filter
Pore trapping mechanisms in two-phase flows through fuel cells porous media
Analysis of the flow field from connection cones to monolith reactors
Modeling fixed-bed pellet combustion of fuels with varying ash contents
A nanofluidic device for parallel single nanoparticle catalysis in solution
Detailed simulations of heterogeneous reactions in porous media using the Lattice Boltzmann Method
The occurrence of meso-scale structures in bubbly flows
Finely resolved numerical simulations of reactive flow in porous media
Catalytically Active Pd–Ag Alloy Nanoparticles Synthesized in Microemulsion Template
Characterization of Particulate Matter and the Capture Efficiency in Open Metal Substrates
Small-scale CHP system based on a micro-gas turbine - overall concept
Control of the solids retention time by multi-staging a fluidized bed reactor
Maximizing the quality and utility of computer-aided quizzing
Assessment of pore diffusion in a micro-channel using an immersed boundary method
Packed-Bed Reactor Characterization of Steam-Regenerated Solvent Adsorbers for Raw-Gas Cleaning
Computational optimization of catalyst distributions at the nano-scale
Reactor modeling assessment for urea-SNCR applications
On the dynamics of instabilities in two-fluid models for bubbly flows
Development of innovative small(micro)-scale biomass-based CHP technologies
On the Robustness of Two-Phase Flow Models for Bubbly Flows
Dense granular flow in a bubbling fluidized bed as a viscoplastic fluid
Characterization of Particulate Matter and the Capture Efficiency
On the formation of meso-scale structures in dispersed gas-liquid flows
Two-fluid model analyses of instabilities and non-uniformities in bubbly gas-liquid flows
Deposition, reduction and transformations of diesel particulate matter in a novel open substrate
Statistical modelling of spray breakup processes in industrial gas-liquid flows
Fuel mixing in bubbling fluidized beds: an experimental and numerical study
Numerical investigation of instabilities in the two-fluid model for CFD simulations of LWRs
Characterization of Particulate matter and the capture efficiency in open metal substrates
Design of an integrated dryer and conveyor belt for woody biofuels
Möjligheter och utmaningar inom CFD av fastbäddförbränning
DNS of dispersed multiphase flows with heat transfer and rarefaction effects
Experimental validation of particulate matter (PM) capture in open substrates
Modelling of Particulate Matter Transformations and Capture Efficiency
On the validity of the two-fluid model for simulations of bubbly flow in nuclear reactors
Capture of Automotive Particulate Matter in Open Substrates
Dispersion aspects of NH3-delivery strategies for NH3-based SCR systems
Capture of automotive particulate matter in open substrates
Direct numerical simulations of heat and momentum transfer in dispersed multiphase flows
Modelling of particulate matter transformations and capture efficiency
Heat transfer effects on particle motion under rarefied conditions
Single particle modelling for implementation into CFD
A computationally efficient particle submodel for CFD-simulations of fixed-bed conversion
A multiphase DNS approach for handling solid particles motion with heat transfer
Turbulent operation of diesel oxidation catalysts for improved removal of particulate matter
The role of thermophoresis in trapping of diesel and gasoline particulate matter
Ökad askmängd - hur påverkas förbränningen?
Development of a particle submodel for CFD-simulations of fixed-bed combustion
Heat and mass transfer in automotive catalysts - the influence of turbulent velocity fluctuations
Eulerian modelling of the formation and flow of aggregates in dissolved air flotation
Numerical simulations of the interaction between a settling particle and a rising microbubble
Modeling and Simulation of a Urea-Spray for Automotive Urea-SCR Applications
A novel multiphase DNS approach for handling solid particles in a rarefied gas
Modelling of urea gas phase thermolysis and theoretical details on urea evaporation
Modeling Aspects of the Injection of Urea-Spray for NOx Abatement for Heavy Duty Diesel Engines
Numerical Simulations of Solid Particle Motion in Rarefied Flow Using VOF
Design of automotive flow-through catalysts with optimized soot trapping capability
Choice of urea-spray models in CFD simulations of urea-SCR systems
Simulations of Trapping of Diesel and Gasoline Particulate Matter in Flow-through Devices
Eulerian-Lagrangian modeling of particle motion in exhaust gas aftertreatment systems
Simulations of trapping of diesel particulate matter in a metallic substrate with protrusions
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Visar 25 forskningsprojekt
Migrering, mixning och modulering i reaktiva Brownska system av godycklig geometrisk komplexitet
Fler kvinnliga studenter med toppbetyg - eliminering av könsskillnader i inledande programmering
Robust enzymatic and microbial conversion and valorization of bio refinery side streams, part 2
Digital twin of the new multi-burner test facility at Chalmers power central
Vattenhantering i Anion Exchange Membrane Bränsleceller
Modellering av avgasefterbehandlingssystem för noll-utsläpp
Växelverkan mellan mikro- och makroprocesser i batterifordon
Noll-emissioner från stadstrafik
Electrochemically assisted syngas fermentation
Moderna vedkaminer med låg effektavgivning och låga emissioner
System-level optimization of Lithium-ion batteries for improved range of operation
Förstå och modellera turbulens skapad av bubblor
Partikelutsläppsfria vedkaminer
Belagda värmeväxlare som självrengörande produktgaskondensorer
Optimering och energieffektivisering av gasreningsprocesser för indirekt förgasning
En kontinuummodell för Brownsk rörelse i förtunnande gas-partikelflöden
Utveckling av innovativa tekniker för småskalig kraftvärme från biobränslen
Generisk förbränningsforskning: GEN-CECOST
Omvandling av biobränsle i fast bädd
Utveckling av innovativa tekniker för småskalig kraftvärme från biobränslen (MiniBioCHP)