Thomas Rylander
Thomas Rylander är biträdande professor i forskargruppen Signalbehandling.

Visar 119 publikationer
Modelling of Thick Conducting Wires with Macro Basis Functions
Macro Basis Functions for Efficient Analysis of Thick Wires in the MoM
Common-Mode Impedance of an Electric Motor and the Impact of Material and Geometry Uncertainties
Scattering Analysis of Thick Wires with the MoM using Macro Basis Functions
Exact-Kernel Thin-Wire MoM with Geometric Representation by Bezier Curves
System Identification of Electromagnetic Devices Based on Full-Wave Computations
Neural Networks for the Estimation of Low-Order Statistical Moments of a Stochastic Dielectric
A Möbius Transform Approach for Improved MIMO Frequency Domain Identification
Cavity resonator sensor and temporal signals analysis for object detection in granular flows
Accurate and Efficient Crosstalk Analysis by Full-wave Computations and System Identification
Compressed Sensing Applied to Non-Ideal Microwave Measurements in Metal Enclosures
An improved quadrature error estimate for nearly-singular MoM integrals
Design of Safe Wireless Power Transfer Systems for Electric Vehicles
Matched filter for microwave-based detection of dielectric objects in powders
Quadrature error estimation for MoM matrix entries
Results in quadrature error estimation for weak near-singular MoM integrals
Convex optimization of measurement allocation for magnetic tracking systems
Microwave measurement system for dispersive dielectric properties of densely packed pellets
System Identification and Tuning of WPT Systems
Microwave Measurement System for Detection of Dielectric Objects in Powders
Higher-order brick-tetrahedron hybrid method for Maxwell's equations in time domain
Estimating Scatterer Positions using Sparse Approximation
Higher-order hybrid method for curl-conforming elements on tetrahedrons and bricks
Microwave Resonator Sensor for Detection of Dielectric Objects in Metal Pipes
Optimization of sensor positions for a quasi-magnetostatic inverse problem
Higher-Order Finite Element Solver for Maxwell’s Equations
A multi-scale electromagnetic model of pacemaker lead heating in MRI
A Microwave Measurement System for Measurement of Dielectric Properties
Global monitoring of fluidized-bed processes by means of microwave cavity resonances
Sensor selection in magnetic tracking based on convex optimisation
Sensitivity Optimization for Electromagnetic Measurement Systems by Sensor Selection
Microwave Measurements for Metal Vessels
Inverse scattering for a closed cavity equipped with microwave antenna sensors
Convex optimization of sensor positions for organ-positioning during radiotherapy
Modeling of a multi-scale electromagnetic problem: pacemaker lead heating in MRI
Model reduction for inverse scattering problems
Electromagnetic Modeling of Pacemaker Lead Heating During MRI
Optimal measurements in magnetic tracking for organ-positioning during radiotherapy
Monolithic Multi-Scale Modeling of MR-Induced Pacemaker Lead Heating
Fisher information analysis and preconditioning in electrical impedance tomography
Reconstruction of metal protrusion on flat ground plane
Determination of model order for inverse scattering applications
A Finite Element Method Approach to the Finite-Difference Time-Domain Scheme with Cut Cells
MR-induced heating of pacemaker leads: Modeling and simulations
Gradient-based shape optimisation of conformal array antennas
Optimization of sensor placement in magnetic tracking
Shape optimization of conformai array antennas
Shape Optimization of Conformal Array Antennas
Shape optimization of the total scattering cross section for cylindrical scatterers
Comparison of blockage widths of ideally hard cylinders of different cross-sectional shapes
A linear nonconforming finite element method for Maxwell's equations in two dimensions
Shape and excitation optimization for conformal array antennas
Shape and material optimization of total radar cross section for antenna struts
Shape Optimization of Total Radar Cross Section for Antenna Struts
Analysis of 3-D shape estimation using bistatic multi-channel radar systems
Reducing Sidelobes from Blocking Struts by Metamaterials Cloaking and Shape Optimization
Finite element methods with stable hybrid explicit-implicit time-integration schemes
Modeling of electric and magnetic losses by a stable hybrid with explicit-implicit time-stepping
A higher-order finite element method with an explicit higher-order time integration scheme
Numerical evaluation of near-singular integrals on curvilinear triangular domains
Design of Inductors Using Efficiently-Calculated Sensitivities of the Admittance Matrix
A quasi-planar incident wave excitation for time-domain scattering analysis of periodic structures
A broad frequency band analysis of conformal array antennas
Some issues in online assessment
Advances in FEM-FDTD hybrid methods
Optimization of Frequency Selective Surfaces
A quasi-planar incident wave excitation for time-domain scattering analysis of periodic structures
Shape and materials optimization to reduce RCS for antenna mounted on airfoil
Stealth design by means of shape and materials optimization
Reduction of Total Scattering From Antenna Struts Using Shape Optimization
Stability, accuracy and application of an FDTD-TDFEM algorithm
FEM-FDTD Hybrid Simulation of a PIFA on a Car - Compared to Measurements
FEM Analysis of Corrugated Waveguides
Stable Coaxial Waveguide Port Algorithm for the Time Domain Finite Element Method
FEM-FDTD Hybrid Simulation of a PIFA inside a Car – Compared to Measurements
Perfectly Matched Layers in Three Dimensions for the Time-Domain Finite Element Method
Application of Gradient Method to Shape Optimization in 3D
Stability and Accuracy of Coaxial Waveguide Port Algorithm for the Time-Domain Finite Element Method
Perfectly Matched Layer for the Time Domain Finite Element Method
Estimation of Resonance Frequencies and Quality Factors for Driven Electromagnetic Systems
Estimation of Resonant Frequencies and Quality Factors from Time Domain Computations
FEM-FDTD hybrid simulation of antennas in vehicles
Accurate extrapolation to zero cell size by Pade approximation
Application of Stable FEM-FDTD Hybrid to Scattering Problems
Patch antennas on inhomogeneous substrates
Stability of explicit-implicit hybrid time-stepping schemes for Maxwell's equations
Optimization of broadband transition from waveguide to microstrip
Patch Antennas on Inhomogeneous Substrates
Iterative solution of global electromagnetic wavefields with finite elements
Adaptive mesh techniques for the FEM-FDTD hybrid solver
Application of Stable FEM-FDTD Hybrid to Scattering and Antenna Problems
Stable FEM-FDTD hybrid method for Maxwell's equations
Iterative Solution of Maxwell's Equation with Finite Elements
Hybrid Method Combining FDTD and FEM for Maxwell's Equations
FEM algorithms for Maxwell's equations
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Visar 3 forskningsprojekt
Säker induktiv energiöverföring för elfordon (FFI SAWE)
Modellbaserad rekonstruktion och klassificering baserat på mikrovågsmätningar i närfält