Paolo Falcone
Paolo Falcone is Associate Professor in the Mechatronics research group. His research focuses on constrained optimal control and verification methods, applied to autonomous and semi-autonomous mobile systems, cooperative driving and intelligent vehicles. He is involved in a range of projects, in cooperation with industry, focusing on autonomous driving, cooperative driving and vehicle dynamics control. His teaching subjects include Model predictive control, Vehicle dynamics control and Modeling and simulation of dynamical systems.

Showing 148 publications
Scenario-Tree Model Predictive Control for Vehicle Interactions in Highway Setting
Repulsive Markovian Models for Opinion Dynamics
LSTM-Based Virtual Load Sensor for Heavy-Duty Vehicles
Feedback Control in Multi-Agent Markovian networks
Mixed Learning- and Model-Based Mass Estimation of Heavy Vehicles
Simultaneously Stabilizing Networked Systems with Minimal Communication
Experimental Validation of Safe MPC for Autonomous Driving in Uncertain Environments
Modelling Traffic Scenarios via Markovian Opinion Dynamics
A Sensitivity-based Heuristic for Vehicle Priority Assignment at Intersections
Longitudinal Position Prediction of Vehicles at Intersections with a Weighted Average Model
Model Predictive Control for Safe Autonomous Driving Applications
Computation of Parameter Dependent Robust Invariant Sets for LPV Models with Guaranteed Performance
Communication Demand Minimization for Perturbed Networked Control Systems with Coupled Constraints
Safe Trajectory Tracking in Uncertain Environments
Model-based selective image downsampling in remote driving applications
Scheduling and Robust Invariance in Networked Control Systems
Robust Control Invariance for Networked Control Systems with Output Feedback
Optimal scheduling and control for constrained multi-agent networked control systems
Prediction of a Road User's Most Likely Future Positions via Simple Kernel Density Estimation
Collective Decision Making using Attractive and Repulsive Forces in Markovian Opinion Dynamics
Decision Modeling in Markovian Multi-Agent Systems
A Robust Scenario MPC Approach for Uncertain Multi-Modal Obstacles
Computation of Robust Control Invariant Sets with Predefined Complexity for Uncertain Systems
Optimal Control Design for Perturbed Constrained Networked Control Systems
Reinforcement Learning as an Alternative to Reachability Analysis for Falsification of AD Functions
Modelling and Control of Test-Scenarios for Validation of Autonomous Driving Functions
Cooperative Intersection Crossing Over 5G
ParkPredict: Motion and Intent Prediction of Vehicles in Parking Lots
Platoon Control based on Predecessor and Delayed Leader Information via Minimized Headway Times
Tree-Structured Polyhedral Invariant Set Calculations
Optimisation-based coordination of connected, automated vehicles at intersections
Admissible sets for polytopic linear systems subject to slowly-varying unobservable disturbances
A Data-driven Markovian Framework for Multi-agent Pedestrian Collision Risk Prediction
Computation of low-complexity control-invariant sets for systems with uncertain parameter dependence
Receding-horizon robust online communication scheduling for constrained networked control systems
Optimal Coordination of Automated Vehicles at Intersections: Theory and Experiments
Optimal Coordination of Automated Vehicles at Intersections with Turns
An Interior Point Algorithm for Optimal Coordination of Automated Vehicles at Intersections
A Framework for Vehicle Lateral Motion Control With Guaranteed Tracking and Performance
Measurement Scheduling for Control Invariance in Networked Control Systems
Experimental Validation of Distributed Optimal Vehicle Coordination
Low-Complexity Explicit MPC Controller for Vehicle Lateral Motion Control
A Computationally Efficient Model for Pedestrian Motion Prediction
How to stop disagreeing and start cooperating in the presence of asymmetric packet loss
An MIQP-based heuristic for Optimal Coordination of Vehicles at Intersections
Collision-Aware Communication for Intersection Management of Automated Vehicles
Energy-Optimal Coordination of Autonomous Vehicles at Intersections
Robust static output feedback synthesis for platoons under leader and predecessor feedback
On the Resource Allocation Problem in Wireless Networked Control Systems
An Asynchronous Algorithm for Optimal Vehicle Coordination at Traffic Intersections
Guaranteeing persistent feasibility of model predictive motion planning for autonomous vehicles
Platoon Control based on Predecessor and Delayed Leader Information
Coordination of Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles: Toward safer and more efficient road transportation
Coordination of motion actuators in heavy vehicles using Model Predictive Control Allocation
Primal decomposition of the optimal coordination of vehicles at traffic intersections
Vehicle Lateral Motion Control with Performance and Safety Guarantees
An approximate solution to the optimal coordination problem for autonomous vehicles at intersections
Model predictive path planning with time-varying safety constraints for highway autonomous driving
Traffic safety at intersections: a priority based approach for cooperative collision avoidance
Receding horizon maneuver generation for automated highway driving
A control matching model predictive control approach to string stable vehicle platooning
Robust Static Output Feedback Synthesis under an Integral Quadratic Constraint on the States
Safe Transitions From Automated to Manual Driving Using Driver Controllability Estimation
Cooperation with disagreement correction in the presence of communication failures
State Feedback Synthesis for Homogenous Platoons under the Leader and Predecessor Following Scheme
A Control Matching-based Predictive Approach to String Stable Vehicle Platooning
Joint Synthesis of Dynamic Feed-Forward and Static State Feedback for Platoon Control
Communication analysis for centralized intersection crossing coordination
Cooperative receding horizon conflict resolution at traffic intersections
A reference governor approach for constrained piecewise affine systems
New LMI Conditions for Static Output Feedback Synthesis with Multiple Performance Objectives
Controller Synthesis for a Homogenous Platoon under Leader and Predecessor Following Scheme
Online driver behavior classification using probabilistic ARX models
Autonomous cooperative driving: a velocity-based negotiation approach for intersection crossing
Predictive manoeuvre generation for automated driving
Low speed maneuvering assistance for long vehicle combinations
Safety Verification of Automated Driving Systems
Predictive Prevention of Loss of Vehicle Control for Roadway Departure Avoidance
Reachability Analysis of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Controller
Energy Recuperation in Fully Electric Vehicles Subject to Stability and Drivability Requirements
Threat assessment design under driver parameter uncertainty
Model-Based Threat Assessment for Lane Guidance Systems
Predictive Threat Assessment via Reachability Analysis and Set Invariance Theory
A Receding Horizon Approach for Designing String Stable Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
Model-Based Threat Assessment in Semi-Autonomous Vehicles with Model Parameter Uncertainties
Predictive Yaw and Lateral Control in Long Heavy Vehicles Combinations
Set-Based Threat Assessment in Semi-Autonomous Vehicles
On Low Complexity Predictive Approaches to Control of Autonomous Vehicles
Driver models to increase the potential of automotive active safety functions
Regenerative Braking and Yaw Dynamics Optimal Control in Hybrid Vehicles
On Low Complexity Predictive Approaches to Control of Autonomous Vehicles
Predictive Approaches to Rear Axle Regenerative Braking Control in Hybrid Vehicles
A Reference Governor Approach for Constrained Piecewise Affine Systems
Reference Governor for Constrained Piecewise Affine Systems. A Vehicle Dynamics Control Application
Reference Governor for Constrained Piecewise Affine Systems
Experimental Validation of Integrated Steering and Braking Model Predictive Control
Yaw Control via Combined Braking and Steering
Effects of Roll Dynamics in Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Vehicles
MPC-Based Yaw and Lateral Stabilization Via Active Front Steering and Braking
A Hierarchical Model Predictive Control Framework for Autonomous Ground Vehicles
A brief paper on improving active safety systems via HMI and dependability analysis
Low Complexity MPC Schemes for Integrated Vehicle Dynamics Control Problems
Adaptive Output-Feedback Control of MIMO Plants with Unknown, Time-Varying State Delay
Event-Based Receding Horizon Control for Two-Stages Multi-Product Production Plants
Predictive Active Steering Control for Autonomous Vehicle Systems
Integrated Braking and Steering Model Predictive Control Approach in Autonomous Vehicles
A Model Predictive Control Approach for Combined Braking and Steering in Autonomous Vehicles
Predictive Active Steering Control for Autonomous Vehicle Systems
Event-Based Receding Horizon Control for Two-Stages Multi-Product Production Plants
Predictive Control Approach to Autonomous Vehicle Steering
Towards Real-Time Model Predictive Control Approach for Autonomous Active Steering
Event-Based Receding Horizon Control for Two-Stages Multi-Product Production Plants
A Real-Time Model Predictive Control Approach for Autonomous Active Steering
Nicely Nonlinear Engine Torque Estimator
MPC-Based Approach to Active Steering for Autonomous Vehicle Systems
Receding horizon control for two-stages multi-product production plants
MPC-based approach to active steering for autonomous vehicle systems
New Strategy for Torque Estimators
Optimal Control for Large Scale Systems via Parametric Programming
Non-linear Net Engine Torque Estimator for Internal Combustion Engine
A Model of Torque Generation Process in Direct Injection Diesel Engines
Torque Generation Model for Diesel Engine
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Showing 6 research projects
5G for Connected Autonomous Vehicles in Complex Urban Environments
Vehicle motion control with performance and safety guarantees
Distribuerad koordinering av mobila nätverks system i okända miljöer