Eva Albers
Eva Albers är utbildningssekreterare för civilingenjör- och masterprogrammen i bioteknik samt masterprogrammet i kemiteknik samt masterprogrammet och den kompletterande pedagogiska utbildningen i lärande och ledarskap.
Hon har tidigare forskat i industriell bioteknik, se ”publikationer” nedan.

Visar 117 publikationer
Cultivation conditions affect the monosaccharide composition in Ulva fenestrata
Biochemical composition of red, green and brown seaweeds on the Swedish west coast
Composition and structure of cell wall ulvans recovered from Ulva spp. along the Swedish west coast
Enzymatic depolymerization of ulvan and its potential applications in Ulva biorefinery
Composition and processing of Ulva intestinalis from 8 different sites along the Swedish coast
Combustion of seaweed - A fuel design strategy
Composition and processing of Ulva intestinalis from 8 different sites along the Swedish coast
Seaweeds for biorefinery on the Swedish west coast
Integrating microalgae cultivation with industrial activities
Ensiling of Saccharina latissima and Laminaria digitata with organic acid additives
Co-combustion of miscanthus and calcium rich brown macroalgae
Biochemical composition of red, green and brown seaweeds common at the Swedish west coast
Seafarm at Chalmers University of Technology
Sufficient CO2 concentration is crucial for high biomass formation of marine microalgae
Seaweed preservation work – Connecting the harvesting process with the biorefinery
Microalgae research at Chalmers
Mannitol-metabolising yeasts for conversion of algal biomass
Alternative marine algal biomasses for bioprocessing
Imaging of Lipids in Microalgae with Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Microscopy
Effects of nitrogen on growth and carbohydrate formation in Porphyridium cruentum
Novel process strategies lead towards efficient bioethanol production at high solid loadings
Algal Biotechnology and Life-Cycle assessment within the BioBuF-project
Extraction and hydrolysis of algal laminarin for ethanol fermentation
Pilot plant microalgae farming on waste resources from a Swedish pulp and paper mill
Bioprospecting for novel laminarases in marine microorganisms
Seafarm at Chalmers University of Technology
Brown seaweed biorefinery for food/feed ingredients, green materials, and bioenergy production
Compatible extraction of cellular components from brown seaweed
State of the art of algal biomass as raw material for biofuel production
Imaging lipids in live microalgae
The challenging path to take biology into industrial production
The Seaweed Biorefinery - Towards a Bio-Based Society
Challenges of strain development and clone selection for bioethanol production from lignocellulose
Imaging of lipids in live microalgae
Bioethanol production using algal biomass produced on waste material as substrate
Imaging lipids in live microalgae
Culture optimality, phylogenetic analysis and bioethanol production from Tetraselmis spp using yeast
Comparison of industrial xylose fermentation with yeast performed at different process scale
Mechanisms of autoflocculation in the marine microalgae Tetraselmis suecica
Bioethanol production from biomass of marine microalgae with yeast
Bioethanol production from carbohydrate-rich biomass of marine microalgae
Development and large scale performance of efficient xylose fermenting yeast strains
Screening microalgae for carbohydrate production
Fermentation of Biorefinery Streams
Flux balance analysis for ethylene formation in genetically engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Screening microalgae for carbohydrate production
Industrial verification of pentose fermenting yeast
Studies of glycolytic flux regulation/control using permeabilised yeast cells
Ethylene production by metabolic engineering of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Implementation of ethene formation in yeast studied in silico and experimentally
A complete inventory of all enzymes in the eukaryotic methionine salvage pathway
Competitive intra- and extracellular nutrient sensing by transporter homologue
Role of hexose transport in control of glycolytic flux in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Modeling response of glycolysis in S. cerevisiae cells harvested at diauxic shift
Anaerobic redox balance and nitrogen metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Influence of the Nitrogen Source on Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Anaerobic Growth and Product Formation
Use of the inlet gas composition to control the respiratory quotient in microaerobic bioprocesses.
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Visar 13 forskningsprojekt
Biorefining of brown seaweed biomass - use of the laminarin and mannitol fraction
Produktionssystem för alger med högvärdiga tillämpningar (Sweaweed)
Makroalger för ett biobaserat samhälle - odling, bioraffinering och energiutvinning (SEAFARM)
Utvärdering av metoder för att producera biomassa av makroalger vid den svenska växtkusten
Algodling hos massa- och pappersbruk för hållbar produktion av bioolja
Flockulering som skördemetod av mikroalger - kartläggning av molekylära mekanismer
Integrering av algodling och andra biotekniska processer i ett bioraffinaderiskoncept
Användning av albiomassa producerad på avfallsmaterial som substrat för bioetanolproduktion med jäst