Ann-Brith Strömberg
Jag leder forskargruppen inom matematisk optimering. Min forskning rör modellering, analys och algoritmutveckling för optimeringsproblem, inklusive diskret, kombinatorisk, konvex, icke-differentierbar, storskalig strukturerad och flermåls-optimering. En stor del av min forskning bedrivs i samarbete med akademi och industri, med tillämpningar inom bl a schemaläggning av underhåll och produktion, planering av transporter och variabel elproduktion.

Visar 82 publikationer
A criterion space decomposition approach to generalized tri-objective tactical resource allocation
Spatial–temporal load balancing and coordination of multi-robot stations
Data Driven Maintenance: A Promising Way of Action for Future Industrial Services Management
Replacement and Repair of Common Components in Systems Subject to Operations Planning
Continuous collision detection of pairs of robot motions under velocity uncertainty
Exact makespan minimization of unrelated parallel machines
Mathematical optimization models for long-term maintenance scheduling of wind power systems
The stochastic opportunistic replacement problem, part III: improved bounding procedures
Simultaneous scheduling of preventive system maintenance and of the maintenance workshop
A splitting algorithm for simulation-based optimization problems with categorical variables
Integration of expert knowledge into radial basis function surrogate models
Primal convergence from dual subgradient methods for convex optimization
Optimal redundancy and maintenance strategy decisions for offshore wind power converters
Editorial: Optimization of Maintenance Activities—Models, Methods, and Applications
The stochastic opportunistic replacement problem, part II: a two-stage solution approach
Modeling and solving vehicle routing problems with many available vehicle types
Färdplan för ökad forskning och innovation inom underhåll av järnvägsfordon
Preventive maintenance scheduling of multi-component systems with interval costs
An optimization model for truck tyres selection
A Redundancy Optimization Model Applied to Offshore Wind Turbine Power Converters
An efficient algorithm for solving the flexible job shop scheduling problem
Optimization models for improving periodic maintenance schedules by utilizing opportunities
Primal convergence from dual subgradient methods for convex optimization
The opportunistic replacement problem: theoretical analyses and numerical tests
The preventive maintenance scheduling problem with interval costs
Preventive maintenance scheduling of multi-component systems with deterioration costs
A Time-indexed Formulation of a Flexible Job Shop Problem with a Limited Number of Fixtures
A stochastic model for opportunistic maintenance planning of offshore wind farms
A new robustness index for multi-objective optimization based on a user perspective
A model for optimization of process integration investments under uncertainty
The opportunistic replacement problem with individual component lives
Mathematical modelling of a real flexible job shop in aero engine component manufacturing
A minimax strategy for global optimization
The opportunistic replacement problem: analysis and case studies
The stochastic opportunistic replacement problem: A two-stage solution approach
Multi-objective design of a combinatorial structure
An evaluation approach for opportunistic maintenance optimization models for nuclear power plants
Approximating the Pareto Optimal Set using a Reduced Set of Objective Functions
Optimization of schedules for a multitask production cell
An optimization framework for opportunistic maintenance of offshore wind power system
The replacement problem: A polyhedral and complexity analysis
The replacement problem: A polyhedral and complexity analysis. The complete version
An optimization methodology for identifying robust process integration investments under uncertainty
Optimering av underhållsplaner leder till strategier för utvecklingsprojekt
Optimization of opportunistic replacement activities: A case study in the aircraft industry
Optimization of opportunistic replacement activities: A case study in the aircraft industry
Ergodic, primal convergence in dual subgradient schemes for convex programming
Ergodic convergence in subgradient optimization
Conditional Subgradient Methods and Ergodic Convergence in Nonsmooth Optimization
Ergodic results in subgradient optimization
Ergodic results and bounds on the optimal value in subgradient optimization
Conditional subgradient optimization - theory and applications
Applications of Subgradient Optimization and an Extension
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Visar 13 forskningsprojekt
Collaborative Approach to Sensor Perception Modelling (SENSI)
Nya förutsättningar för optimerade godstransportlösningar
Effektbaserad underhållsplanering och support för framtidens flygsystem
Taktisk resursallokering för effektivt kapacitetsutnyttjande
Future Industrial Services Management
Bränslebesparing med hjälp av däcksenergiförlustoptimering
Produktionsplanering genom optimal schemaläggning av en multi-taskproduktionscell
Produktkonfigurering med hänsyn till multipla kriterier i en heterogen och dynamisk omgivning
Icke-differentierbar konvex optimering - teori och lösningsmetodik