Jonas Sjöberg
Jonas Sjöberg är professor i Mekatronik och ledare för forskargruppen Mekatronik.

Visar 142 publikationer
Autonomous Bus Docking for Optimal Ride Comfort of Standing Passengers
Iterative learning trajectory tracking control of an autonomous bicycle
Optimal braking and steering control under split friction on curved roads
In Search for Better Road Surface Condition Estimation - Using Non-Road Image Region
Welcome Message from Program Chair
Gain-scheduled bicycle balance controller based on system identification
Optimal Conflict Resolution for Vehicles With Intersecting and Overlapping Paths
Varying Road Surface Condition Estimation in Ego and Adjacent Lanes
Longitudinal Position Prediction of Vehicles at Intersections with a Weighted Average Model
Bayesian Integrity Monitoring for Cellular Positioning - A Simplified Case Study
Lateral Control of a Self-driving Bike
Prediction of a Road User's Most Likely Future Positions via Simple Kernel Density Estimation
Road Boundary Modeling for Autonomous Bus Docking Subject to Rectangular Geometry Constraints
Optimal eco-driving of a heavy-duty vehicle behind a leading heavy-duty vehicle
FuSSI-Net: Fusion of Spatio-temporal Skeletons for Intention Prediction Network
Optimisation of a Catenary-Free Tramline Equipped with Stationary Energy Storage Systems
Computationally efficient autonomous overtaking on highways
Human grasp position estimation for human–robot cooperative object manipulation
Reinforcement Learning with Uncertainty Estimation for Tactical Decision-Making in Intersections
Collision Avoidance by Utilizing Dynamic Road Friction Information
Air-management and fueling strategy for diesel engines from multi-layer control perspective
Optimal Trajectory Planning and Decision Making in Lane Change Maneuvers Near a Highway Exit
A Data-driven Markovian Framework for Multi-agent Pedestrian Collision Risk Prediction
A Two-Level MPC for Energy Management Including Velocity Control of Hybrid Electric Vehicles
An improved method for Wiener–Hammerstein system identification based on the Fractional Approach
Remote Control of Automated Vehicles over Unreliable Channels
Comparison between mixed-integer and second order cone programming for autonomous overtaking
Learning Negotiating Behavior Between Cars in Intersections using Deep Q-Learning
Physical Human-Robot Interaction through a Jointly-held Object based on Kinesthetic Perception
Model-Based Lithium-Ion Battery Resistance Estimation From Electric Vehicle Operating Data
Maximum Likelihood identification of Wiener-Hammerstein system with process noise
Black- and white-box approaches for cascaded tanks benchmark system identification
Impact of Communication Frequency on Remote Control of Automated Vehicles
Intersection crossing with reduced number of conflicts
Adaptive forward collision warning algorithm for automotive applications
Estimation of parameters and delay in driver models using L1-regularization
Consistency aspects of Wiener-Hammerstein model identification in presence of process noise
Temporal vs. spatial formulation of autonomous overtaking algorithms
Centralized MPC for Autonomous Intersection Crossing
Convex relaxations in the optimal control of electrified vehicles
A Time-Domain Fractional Approach for Wiener-Hammerstein Systems Identification
Receding horizon maneuver generation for automated highway driving
On threat assessment and collision avoidance for articulated machinery in low-speed scenarios
Convex modeling of conflict resolution at traffic intersections
Traffic safety at intersections: a priority based approach for cooperative collision avoidance
Powertrain sizing of electrically supercharged internal combustion engine vehicles
Predictive cruise control with autonomous overtaking
A study of appropriate model complexity for estimation of car-following behavior
Improved Initialization for Nonlinear State-Space Modeling
Cooperative receding horizon conflict resolution at traffic intersections
Decision-making on when to brake and when to steer to avoid a collision
Online driver behavior classification using probabilistic ARX models
Automotive Threat Assessment Design for Combined Braking and Steering Maneuvers
Autonomous cooperative driving: a velocity-based negotiation approach for intersection crossing
Engine on/off control for dimensioning hybrid electric powertrains via convex optimization
Predictive manoeuvre generation for automated driving
Predictive Prevention of Loss of Vehicle Control for Roadway Departure Avoidance
Component sizing of a plug-in hybrid electric powertrain via convex optimization
Identification of the Silverbox Benchmark Using Nonlinear State-Space Models
Dimensioning and Control of a Thermally Constrained Double Buffer Plug-in HEV Powertrain
Initialization of nonlinear state-space models applied to the Wiener–Hammerstein benchmark
Separate initialization of dynamics and nonlinearities in nonlinear state-space models
Initializing Wiener–Hammerstein models based on partitioning of the best linear approximation
Threat assessment design under driver parameter uncertainty
Convex modeling of energy buffers in power control applications
A Mathematica Toolbox for Signals, Systems and Identification System Identification
Model-Based Threat Assessment for Lane Guidance Systems
Predictive Threat Assessment via Reachability Analysis and Set Invariance Theory
Decision Making on when to Brake and when to Steer to Avoid a Collision
Model-Based Threat Assessment in Semi-Autonomous Vehicles with Model Parameter Uncertainties
A Real-time Implementation of an Intersection Collision Avoidance System
Initializing Wiener-Hammerstein Models Based on Partitioning of the Best Linear Approximation
Real-time Implementation of a Novel Safety Function for Prevention of Loss of Vehicle Control
Output-Feedback MRAC with Reference Model Tolerance of Nonlinearly Perturbed Delayed Plants
Threat assessment for driver assistance systems using interval-based techniques
A methodology and a tool for evaluating hybrid electric powertrain configurations
On Initialization of Iterative Algorithms for Nonlinear ARX Models
Model-Based Threat Assessment for Avoiding Arbitrary Vehicle Collisions
A tool for generating optimal control laws for hybrid electric powertrains
Estimating Surrounding Vehicles' Pose using Computer Vision
Set-Based Threat Assessment in Semi-Autonomous Vehicles
Fast and Good Initialization of RBF Networks
Hybrid powertrain concept evaluation using optimization
Automatic Simplification of Hybrid Powertrain Models for Use in Optimization
Driver models to increase the potential of automotive active safety functions
Threat assessment for avoiding collisions with turning vehicles
Estimates of an Upper Limit of the Number of Parameters in Nonlinear Model Structures
A System, Signals and Identification Toolbox in Mathematica with Symbolic Capabilities
Towards Predictive Yaw Stability Control
Nonlinear controller tuning based on a sequence of identifications of linearized time-varying models
Impact of Different Vehicle Models on Threat Assessment in Critical Curve Situations
A situation and threat assessment algorithm for a rear-end collision avoidance system
A brief paper on improving active safety systems via HMI and dependability analysis
Vehicle simulation studies on active safety systems performed on Chalmers Vehicle Simulator
Erfarenheter från kandidatarbetesprojekt i mekatronik
Evaluating hybrid electric and fuel cell vehicles using the capsim simulation environment
Sensor Fusion for Vehicle Positioning in Intersection Active Safety Applications
Briefly on passive railway car suspension - force, power, deflection, roll and comfort
Passive Railway Car Secondary Suspension - Force, Power, Deflections, Roll and Comfort
Modeling and Validation of an Automatic Transmission Model for Improving Gear-shift Properties
Sliding Mode Control for Traction Control by Brake Intervention
Nonlinear instrument variable methods based on local linear models
Internal Model Control for Traction Control by Fuel Injection Intervention
Iterative controller optimization for nonlinear systems
Gaussian processes framework for validation of linear and nonlinear models
Estimating Parameters in Physical Models using MathModelica
A Nonlinear Grey-Box Example Using a Stepwise System Identification Approach
Nonlinear Identification of the Position Sled Dynamics of a CD Player
On a Nonlinear Controller Tuning Strategy
Using cascaded neural net filter in non-linear identification of acoustic echo path
Some aspects of neural nets and related model structures for nonlinear system identification
Adaptive neural nets filter using a recursive Levenberg-Marquardt search direction
Nonlinear acoustic echo cancelation using a Hammerstein model
Separable Non-linear Least-Squares Minimization -- Possible Improvements for Neural Net Fitting
Nonlinear System Identification: a Software Concept and Examples
On Estimation of Nonlinear Black-Box Models: How to Obtain a Good Initialization
Nonlinear Controller Tuning Based on Linearized Time-Variant Model
Insufficiency of Traditional Statistical Model Validation for Models with Many Tentative Regressors
Nonlinear Black-Box Structures -- Some Approaches and Some Examples
Model-free Repetitive Control Design for Nonlinear Systems
Parameterization and Conditioning of Hinging Hyperplane Models
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Visar 28 forskningsprojekt
MicroITS - Beräkningsmodeller för säker integrering av mikromobilitet i transportsystemet
Addressing challenges toward the deployment of higher automation (Hi-Drive)
Fordonsrörelsereglering med hjälp av datadriven varierande vägfriktionskarta
Självkörande cyklar för mer realistisk urveckling och testning av system för cykelsäkerhet
Cyclist Interaction with Automated Vehicles – CI-AV
Improving road safety by high-frequency 5G localization and sensing
Intelligent agents that learn from their past experiences
Learning & Understanding Human-Centered Robotic Manipulation Strategies
Högintegritetssystem för att säkra säkerheten för automatiserade körsystem
Optimal energihantering och samspel med omgivande trafikanter
Automatisering av stadsbussar, busståg, hållplatsdockning och depåprocesser
Automatiserade busståg - forskning kring styrsystem.
Avtagare för strömupptagning vid dynamisk laddning på elväg
Automated Driving Applications and Technologies for Intelligent Vehicles (AdaptIVe)
Slide In-teknik för kontinuerlig överföring av energi till elektriska fordon, Fas2
Optimised Modular Range Extender for every day customer usage (OPTIMORE)
Integrerad reglering av drivning, bromsning och styrning hos långa modulära lastbilskombinationer
Multi-fuel Range Extender with high efficiency and ultra low emissions (FUEREX)