Lyudmyla Turowska
Jag arbetar inom Funktionalanalys, speciellt Banach och operator algebror och deras samband med abstrakt harmonisk analys, representationsteori och operatorteori.

Visar 75 publikationer
Beurling-Fourier Algebras and Complexification
Quantum No-signalling Correlations and Non-local Games
Quantum no-signalling bicorrelations
Coupling capacity in C*-algebras
Synchronicity for quantum non-local games
Central and convolution Herz-Schur multipliers
Completely Compact Herz-Schur Multipliers of Dynamical Systems
Classification of irrational Θ-deformed CAR C*-algebras
Exactness and SOAP of Crossed Products via Herz-Schur multipliers
Beurling-Fourier algebras on Lie groups and their spectra
Bilinear operator multipliers into the trace class
Completely bounded maps and invariant subspaces
Reduced spectral synthesis and compact operator synthesis
Maximum modulus principle for “holomorphic functions” on the quantum matrix ball
Transference and preservation of uniqueness
On the spectrum of multiplication operators
Herz–Schur multipliers of dynamical systems
Positive Herz-Schur multipliers and approximation properties of crossed products
Completely bounded bimodule maps and spectral synthesis
On well-behaved representations of λ-deformed CCR
Schur multipliers of Cartan pairs
Reduced synthesis in harmonic analysis and compact synthesis in operator theory
Maximum modulus principle for "holomorphic functions" on the quantum matrix ball
Herz-Schur multipliers of dynamical systems
Essential synthesis in harmonic analysis and compact synthesis in operator theory
Sets of multiplicity and closable multipliers on group algebras
Shilov Boundary for "Holomorphic Functions" on a Quantum Matrix Ball
Sets of p-multiplicity in locally compact groups
Algebraic Methods in Functional Analysis
Local operator multipliers and positivity
Beurling-Fourier algebras on compact groups: Spectral theory
On structure of homogenenous Wick ideals in Wick *-algebras with braided coefficients
Fixed points of holomorphic transformations of operator balls
Beurling-Fourier algebras on compact groups: spectral theory
The C*-algebras of the Heisenberg group and of thread-like Lie groups
An Elementary Approach to Elementary Operators on B(H)
Multipliers of Multidimensional Fourier Algebras
Schur and Operator multipliers
Compactness properties of operator multipliers
Multidimensional operator multipliers
The C*-algebras of the Heisenberg Group and of thread-like Lie groups
Unbounded representations of q-deformation of Cuntz algebra
Compactness properties of operator multipliers
Extension of operator Lipschitz and commutator bounded functions.
On C*-algebra of a semigroup of partial isometries
Beurling-Pollard type theorems
Workshop: Algebraic Methods in Functional Analysis
Multidimensional Operator Multipliers
Multidimensional Operator Multipliers
On C*-algebra of a semigroup of partial isometries
Operator synthesis. II. Individual synthesis and linear operator equations
Growth and smooth spectral synthesis in the Fourier algebras of Lie groups
On *-representations of a deformation of a Wick analogue of the CAR algebra
On C *-algebras generated by some deformations of CAR relations.
Radical *-doubles of finite-dimensional algebras
Radical *-doubles of finite-dimensional algebras
Operator synthesis II. Individual synthesis and linear operator equations
*-Representation type of *-doubles of finite-dimensional algebras
Operator synthesis I. Synthetic sets, bilattices and tensor algebras
On bounded and unbounded idempotents whose sum is a multiple of the identity
Spectral synthesis and operator synthesis for compact groups
Existence and unicity of sigma-forms on finite-dimensional modules
On the complexity of the description of representations of *-algebras by unbounded operators
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Visar 5 forskningsprojekt
Fasövergångar i gaugeteorier på lattice
Icke-kommutativanalys för kvantberäkningar
The interface of operator spaces, non-commutative graphs and groups
Representations of algebras and related topics