Per Delsing
Per Delsing är sedan 1997 professor på Chalmers tekniska högskola.

Visar 133 publikationer
Correlated frequency noise in a multimode acoustic resonator
Extended quantum process tomography of logical operations on an encoded bosonic qubit
Mitigation of interfacial dielectric loss in aluminum-on-silicon superconducting qubits
Implementation of a coherent real-time noise radar system
Universal control of a bosonic mode via drive-activated native cubic interactions
Peripheral circuits for ideal performance of a traveling-wave parametric amplifier
Fast generation of Schrödinger cat states using a Kerr-tunable superconducting resonator
High-Gain Traveling-Wave Parametric Amplifier Based on Three-Wave Mixing
Experimental Analysis of a Clutter Suppression Algorithm for High Time-Bandwidth Noise Radar
Resolving Fock states near the Kerr-free point of a superconducting resonator
Experimental Evaluation of Moving Target Compensation in High Time-Bandwidth Noise Radar
Bistatic noise radar: Demonstration of correlation noise suppression
Quantum process tomography of continuous-variable gates using coherent states
Controlling Atom-Photon Bound States in an Array of Josephson-Junction Resonators
Robust Preparation of Wigner-Negative States with Optimized SNAP-Displacement Sequences
Squeezing and Multimode Entanglement of Surface Acoustic Wave Phonons
Deterministic Loading of Microwaves onto an Artificial Atom Using a Time-Reversed Waveform
Ultimate quantum limit for amplification: A single atom in front of a mirror
Characterizing decoherence rates of a superconducting qubit by direct microwave scattering
Acoustic spectral hole-burning in a two-level system ensemble
Quantum efficiency, purity and stability of a tunable, narrowband microwave single-photon source
Phononic loss in superconducting resonators on piezoelectric substrates
High quality three-dimensional aluminum microwave cavities
Electromagnetically Induced Acoustic Transparency with a Superconducting Circuit
Primary Thermometry of Propagating Microwaves in the Quantum Regime
Non-exponential decay of a giant artificial atom
The 2019 surface acoustic waves roadmap
Large Collective Lamb Shift of Two Distant Superconducting Artificial Atoms
Cavity-free vacuum-Rabi splitting in circuit quantum acoustodynamics
Decoherence benchmarking of superconducting qubits
Towards phonon routing: controlling propagating acoustic waves in the quantum regime
Resonant and off-resonant microwave signal manipulation in coupled superconducting resonators
Microwave photon generation in a doubly tunable superconducting resonator
Period multiplication in a parametrically driven superconducting resonator
Nondegenerate parametric oscillations in a tunable superconducting resonator
Period-tripling subharmonic oscillations in a driven superconducting resonator
Surface acoustic wave unidirectional transducers for quantum applications
Towards universal quantum computation through relativistic motion
Simple, robust, and on-demand generation of single and correlated photons
Experimental Test of the Entanglement of Radiation Generated by the Dynamical Casimir Effect
Single-shot read-out of a superconducting qubit using a Josephson parametric oscillator
Quantum Acoustics with Surface Acoustic Waves
Characterization of a multimode coplanar waveguide parametric amplifier
Probing the quantum vacuum with an artificial atom in front of a mirror
Charge transport in InAs nanowire Josephson junctions
Designing frequency-dependent relaxation rates and Lamb shifts for a giant artificial atom
Dynamical Casimir Effect Entangles Artificial Atoms
Propagating phonons coupled to an artificial atom
Twin paradox with macroscopic clocks in superconducting circuits
Storage and on-demand release of microwaves using superconducting resonators with tunable coupling
Fabrication of large dimension aluminum air-bridges for superconducting quantum circuits
Giant Cross–Kerr Effect for Propagating Microwaves Induced by an Artificial Atom
Nonclassical microwave radiation from the dynamical Casimir effect
Scattering of coherent states on a single artificial atom
Breakdown of the Cross-Kerr Scheme for Photon Counting
Microwave quantum optics with an artificial atom in one-dimensional open space
Thermal properties of charge noise sources
Generation of Nonclassical Microwave States Using an Artificial Atom in 1D Open Space
Coupling of an erbium spin ensemble to a superconducting resonator
Parametric oscillators based on superconducting circuits
High Critical-Current Superconductor-InAs Nanowire-Superconductor Junctions
Local probing of propagating acoustic waves in a gigahertz echo chamber
Demonstration of a Single-Photon Router in the Microwave Regime
Andreev tunneling in charge pumping with SINIS turnstiles
Observation of the dynamical Casimir effect in a superconducting circuit
An On-Chip Mach-Zehnder Interferometer in the Microwave Regime
Fast readout of a single Cooper-pair box using its quantum capacitance
Photon Generation in an Electromagnetic Cavity with a Time-Dependent Boundary
Dressed relaxation and dephasing in a strongly driven two-level system
Excess Dissipation in a Single-Electron Box: The Sisyphus Resistance
Measurement of the shot noise in a single-electron transistor
Progress in the development of a single Cooper-pair box qubit
Improvement of chip design to reduce resonances in subgap regime of Josephson junctions
Exploring circuit quantum electrodynamics using a widely tunable superconducting resonator
Charge noise in single-electron transistors and charge qubits may be caused by metallic grains
Tuning the field in a microwave resonator faster than the photon lifetime
Kinetics of nonequilibrium quasiparticle tunneling in superconducting charge qubits
Fast tuning of superconducting microwave cavities
A Radio Frequency Single-Electron Transistor Based on an InAs/InP Heterostructure Nanowire
Crossover from time-correlated single-electron tunneling to that of Cooper pairs
Energy level quantization in a YBa2Cu3O7-x Josephson junction
Experimental realization of a differential charge qubit
Acousto-electric single-photon detector
Electrons go surfing one by one
Coherence times of dressed states of a superconducting qubit under extreme driving
Line Widths of Single-Electron Tunneling Oscillations: Experiment and Numerical Simulations
Macroscopic Quantum Phenomena in High Critical Temperature Superconducting Josephson Junctions
Characterization of a differential radio-frequency single-electron transistor
An ultrasensitive radio-frequency single-electron transistor working up to 4.2K
A single electron transistor on an atomic force microscope probe
Cryogenic amplifier for intermediate source impedance with gigahertz bandwidth
Experimental Realization of a Differential Radio-Frequency Single-Electron Transistor
Quasiparticle Poisoning in a Single Cooper-Pair Box
Quantum dynamics of a d-wave Josephson junction
Observation of quantum capacitance in the cooper-pair transistor
The single Cooper-pair box as a charge qubit
Collapse of thermal activation in moderately damped Josephson junctions
Current measurement by real-time counting of single electrons
Planar S-F-S Josephson junctions made by focused ion beam etching
Single-electron transistor backaction on the single-electron box
Direct observation of time correlated single-electron tunneling
Backaction effects of a SSET measuring a qubit spectroscopy and ground state measurement
Macroscopic quantum tunneling in d-wave YBa2Cu3O7-delta josephson junctions
Correlated quantization of supercurrent and conductance in a superconducting quantum point contact
Vesicle and bi-layer kinetics at surfaces measured by electrical transmission
Experimental test of the correction terms for Coulomb blockade thermometry
Tunability of a 2e periodic single Cooper pair box
Micromachining of Silicon for Thermal and Position-Sensitive Nuclear-Detector Applications
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Visar 13 forskningsprojekt
Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology (WACQT)
Kvantljud: Generering och kontroll av fononer på kvantnivå
Fotonkondensat och relativistisk fysik på ett mikrochip
Propagerande fononer och fotoner och deras växelverkan med kvantbitar
Using the dynamical Casimir effect to generate entanglement
Scalable Superconducting Processors for Entangled Quantum Information Technology (ScaleQIT)
Studier av propagerande akustiska vågor på en-fonon-nivå
Ecosystems Technology and Design for Nanoeletronics (NANO-TEC)
Solid State Systems for Quantum Information Processing
Single Cooper Pair Electronics (SCOPE)