Marie Alminger
Marie Almingers research is focused on bioactive compounds in foods and involve characterization of plant raw materials, and studies of relationships between different processing techniques, food matrix, physical-chemical reactions and health. The research includes valorization of residues from the agricultural food chain for sustainable use of raw materials and bilateral research projects aiming to enhance food safety in low-income countries in Eastern Africa.
Showing 88 publications
Plant-based co-products and seaweeds stabilize protein isolates recovered from herring co-products
Tailoring bilberry powder functionality through preprocessing and drying
INFOGEST static in vitro simulation of gastrointestinal food digestion
Barley products of different fibre composition selectively change microbiota composition in rats
Impact of food processing on rye product properties and their in vitro digestion
Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Berry Seeds: Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity
Berries: Cultivation and environmental factors, effects on the phenolic compounds content
Effects of variety and steeping conditions on some barley components associated with colonic health
Deficits in our comprehension on bioavailability aspects of phytochemicals - a position paper
In Vitro Models for Studying Secondary Plant Metabolite Digestion and Bioaccessibility
A standardised static in vitro digestion method suitable for food - an international consensus
Oxidation of Cod Liver Oil during Gastrointestinal in Vitro Digestion
Starch microstructure and starch hydrolysis in barley and oat tempe during in vitro digestion
Starch Microstructure and Starch Hydrolysis in Barley and Oat Tempe During In Vitro Digestion.
Structural design of natural plant based foods to promote nutritional quality
In vitro digestive stability of complexes between gliadin and synthetic blocking peptides
Visualization of β-carotene and starch granules in plant cells using CARS and SHG microscopy
Processing of tomato: Impact on in vitro bioaccessibility of lycopene and textural properties
In vitro bioaccessibility of beta-carotene from heat-processed orange-fleshed sweet potato
Can coca leaves contribute to improving the nutritional status of the Andean population?
Impaired uptake of beta-carotene by Caco-2 human intestinal cells in the presence of iron
Blocking peptides decrease tissue transglutaminase processing of gliadin in vitro
Reduction of phytate content while preserving minerals during whole grain cereal tempe fermentation
Phytate and phytate-degrading enzymes in oats
Microstructure control for ingredient processing
Effects of malting on betaglucanase and phytase activity in barley grain
Phytate content and phytate degradation by endogenous phytase in pea (Pisum sativum)
Stereospecificty of myo-insotitol hexakisphosphate dephosphorylation by phytases of cereals
Purification and charaterization of a phytate-degrading enzyme from germinated oat
Identification of properties of a phytate-degrading enzyme from barley (Hordeum vulgare)
Phytate reduction in whole grains of wheat, rye, barley and oats during hydrothermal treatment
Improved zinc and iron absorption from malted oats with reduced phytate content
Iron deficiency among pregnant Pakistanis in Norway and the content of phytic acid in their diet
Bioprocessing of Oats Influence on Phytate Hydrolysis and Mineral Bioavailability
Phytate reduction in oats during malting
Phytate reduction in bread containing oat flour, oat bran or rye bran
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Showing 16 research projects
Yeast - the protein source of the future; Part 2
Växtbaserade proteiner för hälsa och välmående - PAN Sverige
Healthy and sustainable snacks
Valorization and nutritional assessment of three native Mozambican fruits in Mozambique
Utvinning av högvärdiga komponenter ur svenska naturresurser
Towards a new generation sustainable seafood products–a cross-process approach (CROSS)
LED-belysning för ökad kvalitet hos växter
Webbportal med aktuellt kunskapsläge om mat och hälsa
Nya lösningar för ökad tillgång till ekologiska vegetabiliska råvaror och proukter
Tasty and healthy bake-off sourdough bread, baked with innovative technologies
Evaluation of acute metabolic and satiety effects of whole grain rye products
Innovative berry products with beneficial health effects and market potential
Healthy sourdough bread made of frozen dough by new yeast culture and new efficient processes