Alf Samuelsson
Visar 76 publikationer
History of the stiffness method
Chalmers tekniska högskola 1937-67, Del I 1937-46 Manuskript
Structural Mechanics at Chalmers, 1954 - 2002
Further discussion on four-node isoparametric quadrilateral elements in plane bending
Finite Element Analysis of Geometrically Non-Linear Structures Using Translational Variables
Adaptive modelling of plates in bending and shear
On application of differential geometry to computational mechanics
The Constant Strain Method in Finite element Plasticity
On Probabilistic Buckling Load Prediction of Cylindrical Shells with Geometrical Imperfections.
Implicit and dynamic solutions of blade forging using the finite element method
The Effectivity of the Zienkiewicz-Zhu Error Estimate and two 2D Adaptive Mesh Generators
The Effectivity of the Zienkiewicz-Zhu Error Estimate and two 2D Adaptive Mesh Generators
An Evaluation of a Dynamic Approach for Sheet Metal Forming Simulation
A note on the effectivity of the Zienkiewicz-Zhu error estimate and two 2D adaptive mesh generators
Numerical Simulation of Plastic Localization using FE-mesh Realignment
Finite element adaptivity in dynamicsand elastoplasticity.
Finite element adaptivity in dynamics and elastoplasticity
Verksamheten vid byggnadsmekanik CTH
Finite element adaptivity in dynamics and elastoplasticity.
Numerical simulation of sheet metal forming with DYNA3D, a progress for meeting in Rome 1991-02-18
Sheet Metal Forming Modelled as a Quasi-Dynamic Process
Elastic-Viscoplastic formulation for finite element simulation of complex sheet forming processes
A high-precision adaptive procedure for solving Kirchhoff plates
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Deep Drawing of Metal Sheets
Computational and Experimental Modeling of Stretch Forming Operations
On adaptive calculation of Kirchhoff plates with mixed method
Stress analysis and heat transfer using finite element program - students computer lab
On the practical use of standard and higher order patchtests for plate bending problems
On the use of the boundary element method for elastoplastic large deformation problems
Adaptive computer methods in structural mechanics
NUMIFORM 86 - Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes
A study of the efficiency of iterative methods for linear problems in structural mechanics
A study of the efficiency of iterative methods for linear problems in structural mechanics
Numerical technique in plasticity including solution advancement control
Boundary element method for the injection-molding filling process of thin cavities
A study of the hierarchical p-version of the finite element method for static problems
Some aspects on non-conforming plate bending elements
On the improvement of the numerical accuracy of FEM-solutions
A variational finite strip method with mixed variables
Finite element method for sheet metal stretching
A study of numerical solutions to Navier-Stokes equations
Modee konstytutywne i metody wariacyjne w plastycznosci metali, glin i betonu
Numerical methods in elastoplasticity. A comparative study
Aspects on the solution of large scale structures
The global constant strain condition and the patch test
The global constant strain condition and the patch test
The buckling of longitudinally reinforced web plates loaded by a central in-plane patch load
Finite element analysis of elastic-plastic materials displaying mixed hardening
Finite Elements in Nonlinear Mechanics
Non-conventional finite element methods
Variational inequalities in plasticity, recent developments
Projection and non-projection finite element methods. A survey of different approaches
The rectangular plate stress element by Turner, Pian and Wilson
Linear analysis of frame structures by use of algebraic topology
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