Fredrik Bruzelius
Fredrik Bruzelius arbetar som senior forskare i fordonsdynamikgruppen. Fredrik har ett fokus på modellering och reglering av fordons rörelse. Tillämpningarna spänner från cyklar till lastbilar och mellan aktuatorer och sensor i fordon till beteende och använding.

Visar 102 publikationer
Effects of External Tire Heating on Rolling Resistance Energy Consumption
Estimation of Accurate Path Length with Geospatial Data Analysis
Iterative learning trajectory tracking control of an autonomous bicycle
Motion resistance modelling and validation in winter conditions with varying air drag
Research on Prediction of Tire Camber-Sideslip Combined Mechanical Characteristics
Long Combination Vehicles Reverse Strategies Based on Articulation Angle Gradient
A propulsion energy estimator for road vehicles
Transient tire slip losses using the brush theory
Gain-scheduled bicycle balance controller based on system identification
A Stochastic Theory of Longitudinal Dynamics and Energy Consumption of Road Vehicles
Steer-by-wire -- The challenge of angles and torque
Transient tyre models with a flexible carcass
All-season tires – investigation of braking performance in summer and winter conditions
2023 SVEA Vehicle Dynamics seminar
Development of the Västra Götaland operating cycle for long-haul heavy-duty vehicles
An effective Tyre to Road Friction Estimation Applied to Heavy Vehicles
Modelling Braking and Steering Avoidance Maneuvers for Micromobility
Development and analysis of the two-regime transient tyre model for combined slip
Benefit Analysis of introducing electric Propulsion on Converter Dollies
Research on Prediction of Tire Camber-Sideslip Com-bined Mechanical Characteristics
A method to build energy-metric-optimal (EMO) classification systems for road transport missions
An extended LuGre-brush tyre model for large camber angles and turning speeds
Stochastic modeling of mission stops and variable cargo weight for heavy-duty trucks
Compendium in Vehicle Motion Engineering
Brush tyre models for large camber angles and steering speeds
Steering Feedback Transparency Using Rack Force Observer
Rolling, tilting and spinning spherical wheels: Analytical results using the brush theory
Compendium in Vehicle Motion Engineering
A classification method of road transport missions and applications using the operating cycle format
Model based closed-loop position control for vehicle steering systems
Automated Comfortable Docking at Bus Stops
Robust H-infinity Position Control for Vehicle Steering
Low speed performance based standards for the Nordic countries
A Brush Tyre Model with Standstill Handler for Energy Efficiency Studies
An enhanced stochastic operating cycle description including weather and traffic models
Musculoskeletal Driver Model for the Steering Feedback Controller
A Method to Improve Stability and Transparency for Mechanical Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation
Intrinsic differences between backward and forward vehicle simulation models
Method and apparatus for operating a haptic system
Path Control in Limits of Vehicle Handling: A Sensitivity Analysis
Friction estimation and wheel slip control arrangement by gradient seeking method
Enhanced Sliding Mode Wheel Slip Controller for Heavy Goods Vehicles
An Investigation of Longitudinal Tyre Force Observation for Slip Control System Development
Driver behavior in mixed and virtual reality – A comparative study
A statistical operating cycle description for prediction of road vehicles' energy consumption
Tire Lateral Vibration Considerations in Vehicle-Based Tire Testing
Validation of vehicle-based tyre testing methods
Evaluation of vehicle-based tyre testing methods
A double interaction brush model for snow conditions
Tyre Models for Online Identification in ADAS Applications
Exploring the suitability of virtual reality for driving simulation
Required Friction Utilization for Friction Estimation on Wet Asphalt, an Experimental Study
Scaling tire models to different road surfaces using an external IMU and K&C measurements
Comparison of Steering Feel Control Strategies in Electric Power Assisted Steering
Design of Haptic Feedback Control for Steer-by-Wire
Design of tyre force excitation for tyre–road friction estimation
Friction estimation and wheel slip control arrangement by gradient seeking method
Friction utilization for tyre-road friction estimation on snow: an experimental study
Identification of tyre characteristics using active force excitation
Model and Road Surface Sensitivity of Longitudinal Performance Based Standards
The Importance of Yaw Motion Feedback in Driving Simulators
Driver behavior in mixed- and virtual reality - a comparative study
Estimation of the inertial parameters of vehicles with electric propulsion
Perception of Tire Characteristics in a Motion Base Driving Simulator
Effects of visual latency on vehicle driving behavior
The Importance of Yaw Rotation Centre on the Driver Behaviour
Prepositioning of driving simulator motion systems
A theoretical justification of the sine with dwell manoeuvre
A Technical Platform using Augmented Reality for Active Safety Testing
A basic vehicle dynamics model for driving simulators
Augmented and Mixed Reality as a tool for evaluation of Vehicle Active Safety Systems
A simple real-time aerodynamic model for vehicles in overtaking situations
Realism of overtaking situations in motion based driving simulators
Velocity Planning for a Racing Driver Model
Evaluation of Tire to Road Friction Estimators, Test Methods and Metrics
Experimental Validation of the Brush Tire Model
Linear Parameter-Varying Systems - an approach to gain scheduling
Linear parameter-varying descriptions of nonlinear systems
Region of attraction estimates for LPV-Gain scheduled control systems
Induced L2 -gain domain for LPV-Gain scheduled control systems
LPV-Based Gain Scheduling Technique applied to a Turbo Fan Engine Model
Gain Scheduling using Linear Parameter-varying Systems and H-inf synthesis
Gain scheduling via affine linear parameter-varying systems and H-infinity synthesis
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Visar 15 forskningsprojekt
MicroITS - Beräkningsmodeller för säker integrering av mikromobilitet i transportsystemet
Nytta och förtroende för elektriska fordon (U-FEEL)
AUTOFREIGHT 2 - Effektiva transportsystem för regionala containertransporter
High Capacity Vehicles with ELectrically PropellEd Dolly (HELPED)
Undersökning av säkerheten och användarvänligheten av nya eldrivna enpersonsfordon i urban miljö
Modelling Interaction between Cyclists and Automobiles 2
Performance Based Standards II
Steer by wire Opportunities, performance and system safety (SWOPPS)
COVER – Bedömning av CO2 och energieffektivitet hos fordon i verklig användning
Intelligent, högprestanda färdbromsmodul för tunga fordon
Development of Virtual Steering Control and Steering Feel Model Reference
Tyre Sensing for Tyre Model Parametrization (TyreSens)
Estimering av fordonshastighet och väglutning i hybridfordon
Torque Sensing for Vehicle State Estimation