Nikolce Murgovski
Nikolce Murgovski är Biträdande Professor i forskargruppen Mekatronik.

Visar 121 publikationer
Multi-train eco-driving and safety-tracking cooperative optimization by nonlinear programming
Autonomous Bus Docking for Optimal Ride Comfort of Standing Passengers
Energy-Optimal Trajectory Planning for Electric Vehicles using Model Predictive Control
Exact Obstacle Avoidance for Autonomous Vehicles in Polygonal Domains
Efficient collision avoidance for autonomous vehicles in polygonal domains
Maximizing the Energy-Saving Potential of Declutchable Bev Powertrains Via Eco-Driving
Optimal Conflict Resolution for Vehicles With Intersecting and Overlapping Paths
Control-oriented Model for Thermal Energy Management of Battery Electric Vehicles
Distributed Cooperative Control of Two Electric Vehicles in Hilly Terrain
Integrated Charging Scheduling and Operational Control for an Electric Bus Network
Efficient Optimization-Based Trajectory Planning for Unmanned Systems in Confined Environments
Maximizing the energy-saving potential of declutchable BEV powertrains via Eco-driving
Predictive Cruise Controller for Electric Vehicle to Save Energy and Extend Battery Lifetime
Conflict-free Charging and Real-time Control for an Electric Bus Network
Optimal Thermal Management, Charging, and Eco-driving of Battery Electric Vehicles
Predictive energy management with engine switching control for hybrid electric vehicle via ADMM
Energy-Efficient and Safe-Separation Operation for Successive Trains
Real-Time Mixed-Integer Energy Management Strategy for Multi-Motor Electric Vehicles
Novel Results on Output-Feedback LQR Design
Charge Planning and Thermal Management of Battery Electric Vehicles
Stochastic Model Predictive Energy Management of Electric Trucks in Connected Traffic
Eco-Driving for Metro Trains: A Computationally Efficient Approach Using Convex Programming
Distributed eco-driving control of a platoon of electric vehicles through Riccati recursion
Online Learning for Chance-Constrained Observer of Leading Heavy-Duty Vehicle Power Capability
Computationally Efficient Algorithm for Eco-Driving Over Long Look-Ahead Horizons
Chance-constrained robust co-design optimization for fuel cell hybrid electric trucks
A unified framework for online trip destination prediction
Bilevel optimization for bunching mitigation and eco-driving of electric bus lines
Joint Component Sizing and Energy Management for Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Trucks
Integrated Propulsion and Cabin-Cooling Management for Electric Vehicles
Modeling of the Thermal Energy Management System for Battery Electric Vehicles
Predictive energy management of hybrid electric vehicles via multi-layer control
Road Boundary Modeling for Autonomous Bus Docking Subject to Rectangular Geometry Constraints
Real-time Predictive Energy Management of Hybrid Electric Heavy Vehicles by Sequential Programming
Supervisory Control for NOx Emission Compliance of Heavy-Duty Vehicles
Optimal eco-driving of a heavy-duty vehicle behind a leading heavy-duty vehicle
Design and comparative analyses of optimal feedback controllers for hybrid electric vehicles
Electric Vehicle Eco-driving under Wind Uncertainty
Optimisation of a Catenary-Free Tramline Equipped with Stationary Energy Storage Systems
Computationally efficient autonomous overtaking on highways
Stochastic optimization of a stationary energy storage system for a catenary-free tramline
Hierarchical Control of Electric Bus Lines
Effect of engine dynamics on optimal power-split control strategies in hybrid electric vehicles
Identification of aggressive driving from naturalistic data in car-following situations
Time Optimal and Eco-Driving Mission Planning under Traffic Constraints
Predictive cruise control behind a stationary or slow moving object
Predictive Energy Management for Electric Variable Transmission HEV
Air-management and fueling strategy for diesel engines from multi-layer control perspective
Optimal Trajectory Planning and Decision Making in Lane Change Maneuvers Near a Highway Exit
Comprehensive Analysis and Optimal Configurations of the EVT Powertrain
A Two-Level MPC for Energy Management Including Velocity Control of Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Predictive velocity control in a hilly terrain over a long look-ahead horizon
Optimal energy management and velocity control of hybrid electric vehicles
Predictive engine and aftertreatment control concepts for a heavy-duty long-haul truck
Cooperative energy management of electrified vehicles on hilly roads
Comparison between mixed-integer and second order cone programming for autonomous overtaking
Supervisory Framework and Model-based Control of Engine and Exhaust Aftertreatment System
Supervisory Control for Real-Driving Emission Compliance of Heavy-Duty Vehicles
Intersection crossing with reduced number of conflicts
Closed-loop design for hybrid powertrains
Safe autonomous lane changes in dense traffic
Flexible teaching content can improve learning Mechatronics
Effect of Driving, Charging, and Pricing Scenarios on Optimal Component Sizing of a PHEV
Computationally efficient energy optimization of multiple robots
Computationally efficient velocity and power split control of hybrid electric vehicles
Adaptive forward collision warning algorithm for automotive applications
Cooperative energy management of automated vehicles
Review of optimization strategies for system-level design in hybrid electric vehicles
Convex modeling and sizing of electrically supercharged internal combustion engine powertrain
Temporal vs. spatial formulation of autonomous overtaking algorithms
Supervisory control of a heavy-duty diesel engine with an electrified waste heat recovery system
Centralized MPC for Autonomous Intersection Crossing
Convex relaxations in the optimal control of electrified vehicles
Convex modeling of conflict resolution at traffic intersections
Optimal Dimensioning and Power Management of a Fuel Cell/Battery Hybrid Bus via Convex Programming
Combined platooning and energy management with high integrity
Powertrain sizing of electrically supercharged internal combustion engine vehicles
Predictive cruise control with autonomous overtaking
Look-ahead vehicle energy management with traffic predictions
Combined design and control optimization of hybrid vehicles
Predictive energy management of hybrid long-haul trucks
Automated engine calibration of hybrid electric vehicles
Computationally efficient energy management of a planetary gear hybrid electric vehicle
Optimal battery dimensioning and control of a CVT PHEV powertrain
Engine on/off control for dimensioning hybrid electric powertrains via convex optimization
Optimal sizing of a parallel PHEV powertrain
Filtering driving cycles for assessment of electrified vehicles
Including a Battery State of Health model in the HEV component sizing and optimal control problem
Component sizing of a plug-in hybrid electric powertrain via convex optimization
Optimal Powertrain Dimensioning and Potential Assessment of Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Dimensioning and Control of a Thermally Constrained Double Buffer Plug-in HEV Powertrain
Convex modeling of energy buffers in power control applications
A methodology and a tool for evaluating hybrid electric powertrain configurations
A tool for generating optimal control laws for hybrid electric powertrains
Automatic Simplification of Hybrid Powertrain Models for Use in Optimization
Hybrid powertrain concept evaluation using optimization
Vehicle Modelling and Washout Filter Tuning for the Chalmers Vehicle Simulator
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Visar 20 forskningsprojekt
Collaborative Approach to Sensor Perception Modelling (SENSI)
Charging and trip planning of electric vehicles (CHARGE)
Efficient human-centered safety systems (EFFECT)
Energy-efficient autopilot (EcoPilot)
Torque vectoring for energy-efficient and safe electric vehicles (ToVe)
Modelling and control of complex AWD BEV architectures
HEFE - Energieffektivare elfordon
IRIS: Inverse förstärkning-lärande och intelligenta svarmalgoritmer för elastiska transportnät
Modellering och optimering av energi-styrsystem för plugin hybridfordon
Övergång till framtidens transportsystem: Planering av flera nivåer för autonoma fordon
Multi-level energy management system of hybrid electric vehicles, part 2
Optimal energihantering för nätverk av elektrifierade bussar (OPNET)
En ny generation algoritmer för modern drivlinereglering
Optimal energihantering och samspel med omgivande trafikanter
Automatisering av stadsbussar, busståg, hållplatsdockning och depåprocesser
Robusta styrsystem för integrerad energihantering i fordon
MultiMEC - Multivariabla metoder för energieffektiv motorstyrning
Multi-fuel Range Extender with high efficiency and ultra low emissions (FUEREX)