Yifeng Fu
Showing 104 publications
Toward ultrahigh thermal conductivity graphene films
A Critical Assessment of Nano Enhanced Vapor Chamber Wick Structures for Electronics Cooling
Graphene based thermal management system for battery cooling in electric vehicles
Multiple growth of graphene from a pre-dissolved carbon source
Synthesis of graphene quantum dots and their applications in drug delivery
Graphene related materials for thermal management
A portable micro glucose sensor based on copper-based nanocomposite structure
Reliability investigation of a carbon nanotube array thermal interface material
Thermal Characterization of Low-Dimensional Materials by Resistance Thermometers
Improving Thermal Transport at Carbon Hybrid Interfaces by Covalent Bonds
Thermal Reliability Study of Polymer Bonded Carbon Nanotube Array Thermal Interface Materials
Understanding noninvasive charge transfer doping of graphene: a comparative study
A flexible and stackable 3D interconnect system using growth-engineered carbon nanotube scaffolds
An overview of carbon nanotubes based interconnects for microelectronic packaging
Graphene-CNT hybrid material as potential thermal solution in electronics applications
Synthesis Methods of Two-Dimensional MoS2: A Brief Review
Chemical vapor deposition grown graphene on Cu-Pt alloys
Embedded Fin-Like Metal/CNT Hybrid Structures for Flexible and Transparent Conductors
9. Carbon nanotube growth on different substrates for thermal interface material application
Carbon nanotube growth on different underlayers for thermal interface material application
The Effects of Graphene-Based Films as Heat Spreaders for Thermal Management in Electronic Packaging
Application of two-dimensional layered hexagonal boron nitride in chip cooling
Post-Growth Processing of Carbon Nanotubes for Interconnect Applications - A Review
Vertically aligned CNT-Cu nano-composite material for stacked through-silicon-via interconnects
Graphene Fibres: Towards high mechanical, thermal and electrical properties state of art
Functionalization mediates heat transport in graphene nanoflakes
Heat dissipation of a hybrid CNT/Graphene based heat spreader
Enhanced Cold Wall CVD Reactor Growth of Horizontally Aligned Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes
Synthesis and Applications of Two-Dimensional Hexagonal Boron Nitride in Electronics Manufacturing
Large area and uniform monolayer graphene CVD growth on oxidized copper in a cold wall reactor
Liquid Phase Exfoliated Graphene for Thermal Management in Electronic Packaging
Reliability of Graphene-based Films Used for High Power Electronics Packaging
Cooling hot spots by hexagonal boron nitride heat spreaders
Flexible Multifunctionalized Carbon Nanotubes-Based Hybrid Nanowires
Chemically enhanced carbon nanotubes based Thermal Interface Materials
Vertically stacked carbon nanotube-based interconnects for through silicon via application
Tape-Assisted Transfer of Carbon Nanotube Bundles for Through-Silicon-Via Applications
Carbon nanotube/solder hybrid structure for interconnect applications
Use of graphene-based films for hot spot cooling
Reliability of carbon nanotube bumps for chip on glass application
1. Thermal Characterization of Power Devices Using Graphene-based Film
Effect of substrates and underlayer on CNT synthesis by plasma enhanced CVD
Experimental study of Electrical properties and stability of CNT bumps in high density interconnects
Controlling the Density of CNTs by Different UnderlayerMaterials in PECVD Growth
Graphene Based Heat Spreader for High Power Chip Cooling Using Flip-chip Technology
Graphene Heat Spreader for Thermal Management of Hot Spots
Reliability of Carbon Nanotube Bumps for Chip on Film Application
Characterization for Graphene as Heat Spreader Using Thermal Imaging Method
Carbon Nanotubes for Electronics Manufacturing and Packaging: From Growth to Integration
Room Temperature Transfer of Carbon Nanotubes on Flexible Substrate
Selective growth of double-walled carbon nanotubes on gold films
Carbon Nanotubes for Electronic Packaging: Growth, Novel Devices and 3D Networks
A complete carbon-nanotube-based on-chip cooling solution with very high heat dissipation capacity
Thick film patterning by lift-off process using double-coated single photoresists
Graphene Heat Spreader for Thermal Management of Hot Spots in Electronic Packaging
Experimental investigation of gas flow in copper channel carbon nanotubes coated micro coolers
3D computational fluid dynamics simulation of carbon nanotube based microchannel on-chip cooler
Future Emerging Packaging Technology Using Carbon Nanotubes
Use of carbon nanotubes in potential electronics packaging applications
A Study of the Heat Transfer Characteristics of the Micro-channel Heat Sink
Development of a test platform for thermal characterisation using a Through-Hole Via Technoloyg
Development of a test platform for thermal characterization using through-silicon-via technology
Carbon Nanotubes as Cooling Fins in Microelectronic Systems
A Study of Fluid Coolant with Carbon Nanotube Suspension for Microchannel Coolers
Nanostructured Polymer-metal Composite for Thermal Interface Material Applications
A study of fluid coolant with carbon nanotube suspension for MicroChannel coolers
Heat Removal of Microchannel Coolers with Carbon Nanotube Suspension as the Coolant
Recent Progress of Carbon Nanotubes as Cooling Fins in Electronic Packaging
Estimation of Moisture Variations on Paper Machines
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