Mats Johansson
Mats Johansson är professor i Logistik och Supply Chain Management vid avdelningen Supply and Operations Management. Han är också för vice föreståndare för forskningscentrat Northern LEAD och aktiv inom Centre for Healthcare Improvement (CHI).

Visar 142 publikationer
Future scenarios and driving forces for circular electric vehicle batteries: a Delphi-study
Circular construction logistics for retaining value of waste material in new build projects
Hinders for circular supply chains of plastics
Downstream Supply Chain Effects of Direct Digital Kitting in the Construction Industry
Automated Loading and Unloading Operations: A Systematic Review
Conditions for achieving high levels of automation in loading and unloading of autonomous trucks
Hybrid digital manufacturing: Capturing the value of digitalization
Circular electric vehicle battery supply chains and their performance
Challenges and requirements in the introduction of automated loading and unloading
Supporting flexibility of kit preparation for mixed_model assembly
Links between kit quality and kit preparation design
Metal and Plastic Recycling Flows in a Circular Value Chain
Requirements Affecting the Design of Automated Guided Vehicle Systems
Effects on logistics of increased on-site sorting
Digital Tools and Information Needs Assessment for Efficient Deviation Handling in SMEs
Gripper types and components in robotic bin picking
Effektivitet i insamlingen av byggavfall
Considerations when Modelling EV Battery Circularity Systems
Challenges for lean thinking in food waste recycling management in a Swedish supply chain
Kit preparation for mixed model assembly – efficiency impact of the picking information system
Managing the dynamic needs of engineering resources through sales and operations planning
Supply Chain Management - en nyckel till effektiva cirkulära flöden
Robot based compact storage and retrieval systems performance in order picking applications
Performance Characteristics of Robotic Mobile Fulfilment Systems in Order Picking Applications
Increasing the efficiency of circular material flows by sharing planning information
The Battery Life Cycle of an Autonomous Road Transport System
Options for sustainable battery recycling systems
Order picking in dense areas – productivity impact of confirmation methods
Cost and value drivers in circular material flow logistics
Towards a balanced supply and demand within construction contracting
Automated order picking: A literature review
Picking from pallet and picking from boxes: a time and ergonomic study
Taktisk planering inom återvinningsbranschen – en fallstudie hos Ragn-Sells
Transport service procurement – initial findings and a research agenda
Performance effects of using external warehouses in materials supply to assembly
Order batching and time efficiency in kit preparation
Increasing transport efficiency through actions in shippers’ delivery and transportation processes
Safety stock determination during production transfer
Flexibility of materials preparation processes in production systems
A structured procedure for materials planning during production transfer
Quality problems in materials kit preparation
Kit preparation using batching – quantitative results from two experiments
Returnable vs. one-way packaging – variables affecting supply chain cost and CO2 emissions
Influence of context on the purchasing process for freight transport services
Sales and operations planning: responding to the needs of industrial food producers
Sales and operations planning: challenges and opportunities for industrial food producers
Environmental considerations when buying transport services - a review of empirical evidence
Forecasting demand of elective surgery at hospital department level to support production planning
In-plant materials supply by kitting – location of kit preparation
Sustainability and cost efficiency in Supply Chains
Environmental considerations when buying transport services - a review of empirical evidence
Manufacturing flexibility and Materials Supply Systems
Swedish Production System (SwePS) – ett kompetenslyft för fordonsindustrin inom Lean Produktion
Materials planning activities during production transfer and start-up
Sustainable freight transport purchasing
Reducing throughput time in a service organisation by introducing cross-functional teams
Implementing production planning processes in health care – a case study of a surgery clinic
Context influence on freight purchasing
Themes, research methods and papers at the EurOMA 2009 conference
Location of kit preparation – Impact on in - plant materials supply performance
Applicability of pull control principles in non-typical pull environments
On the choice of approach for materials supply to mass customised line assembly
Changes in the Planning and Control system during Implementation of Lean Production
Health Care Planning – a case study of a surgery clinic
Evaluation of materials supply systems during product development projects
Materials supply systems design in product development projects
The information gap between design engineering and materials supply systems design
Evaluation of materials supply systems during product development projects
The information gap between design engineering and materials supply system design
Sammanhållen informationsmodell för inbyggda system
Engineering Change in the Supply Chain
Engineering Change from a Logistics Perspective
Integrating the Reconfiguration Mechanism into the Manufacturing Planning and Control System
Influence of shipment size on logistics costs in the ordering company
Influences of process location on materials handling: cases from the automotive industry
Reconfiguration of Supply Chain Systems
Efficiency in order picking and kitting systems
Aspects on input to material flow analyses
Materials handling analysis in supply chain reengineering
Storage location assignment: Using the product structure to reduce order picking times
Packaging as a Carrier of Materials Flow Effectiveness.
Design and performance of kitting and order picking systems
Två utvecklingslinjer för integrerade materialflöden
A Method to Determining the Work Load Dose within Materials Handling
Materials flow effectiveness in press operations
Information Accessibility and in Partitioned Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
Finns det en skandinavisk produktionsmodell?
Unit load size as a function of the degree of overtaking
Produktionssystem som tar människan till utgångspunkt vid förnyelse av teknik
Storage Location Assignment: Using the Product Structure to Reduce Order Picking Times
Mechanical Aids in Manual Materials Handling - Technical Context and Attitudes
A Methodology for Design and Evaluation of Picking Systems
Produktionssystem som tar människan till utgångspunkt vid förnyelse av teknik
Efficiency Losses in Production Systems Having Utilities Shared Between Workstations
Fault tolerance strategies in an existing FMS installation
Work load and efficiency when loose-loading parcels in road transport carriers
Unit Load Size as a Function of the Degree of Overtaking
Causes of Ergonomic Problems in Materials Handling and Transportation
Information Accessibility and Reliability Improvement in an Automated Kitting System
Design and Performance of Materials Kitting Systems
Workload when stowing parcels in trailers
A Methodology for the Design and Evaluation of Picking Systems
Reflective Production in the Final Assembly of Motor Vehicles - An Emerging Swedish Challenge
Produktionsteknisk, psykosocial och belastningsergonomisk studie av Produktionsarbetsplatser
Kitting systems for small size parts in manual assembly systems
High automated kitting systems for small parts: a case study from the Uddevalla plant
Equipment Needs in Material Flow Systems - A Study of Load Modules in Integrated Transport Systems
Consequences of High Variety Products on Jit Systems' Performance
Effectiveness of Production Systems - A Problem Concerning Information to the Design Department
Möjligheter till produktions- och arbetsorganisation inom konfektionsindustrin
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Visar 28 forskningsprojekt
BÖRjA (Bygglogistik för ökad resurshushållning och transporteffektivitet genom aktörssamverkan )
Livscykelhantering av batterier i laddnätverk
SCALE - Supply Chain-Automation med fokus på Lastning/lossning för ökad Effektivitet
Högpresterande cirkulära batteriflöden
ELISTAFT: Efficient Logistics Interfaces Supporting a Transition to Autonomous Freight Transport
FAKTA - Flexibel automation av kitting, internlogistik och montering
Effektiva materialflöden hos installatörer via samordnat informationsflöde
Hållbar plastanvändning genom sänkta trösklar för marknadens aktörer
New technology and digitalization as enablers of supply chain visibility innovations
Challenges and needs in future circular material systems for electric and autonomous vehicles
ASPIRE - Automationslösningar för hantering av produktionsavvikelser
Understanding food value chains and network dynamics (VALUMICS)
AKTA - Automatisering av Kitting, Transport och Montering
Resurseffektiv planering för konkurrenskraftiga produktionsnätverk (RePlan) - Steg B
Hållbar insamling, eftermarknad och återvinning av litiumbaserade bilbatterier
Resurseffektiv planering för konkurrenskraftiga produktionsnätverk (RePlan)
Utformning av processer för effektiv materialkonfigurering
Ökad transporteffektivitet genom bättre utnyttjande av lastkapacitet
Minskat svinn genom samverkan - en innovativ kedja från råvara till konsument
Utvärderingsmodell för förpackningssystem utifrån ett hållbarhetsperspektiv inom fordonsinustrin
Hållbara strategier för logistik- och produktionsnätverk
Strategier för hållbara produktions- och försörjningsnätverk i turbulenta miljöer
Den nya svenska produktionsmodellen
LogiNord - Logistics in Nordic Fresh Food Supply Chains
LENS - Logistics and Environment Research Network of Sweden