Göran Berndes
Läs om Göran och hans forskning på vår engelska webbplats.

Visar 195 publikationer
Diversity of biomass usage pathways to achieve emissions targets in the European energy system
Biomass exclusion must be weighed against benefits of carbon supply in European energy system
Large-scale deployment of grass in crop rotations as a multifunctional climate mitigation strategy
Co-recycling of natural and synthetic carbon materials for a sustainable circular economy
On the role of forests and the forest sector for climate change mitigation in Sweden
Land use for bioenergy: Synergies and trade-offs between sustainable development goals
Land sector impacts of early climate action
Bioenergy for climate change mitigation: Scale and sustainability
Concerns about reported harvests in European forests
A techno-economic assessment of biomass co-firing in Czech Republic, France, Germany and Poland
Potential increase of legal deforestation in Brazilian Amazon after Forest Act revision
How to Analyse Ecosystem Services in Landscapes
Energy and land use - contribution to the UNCCD Global Land Outlook
Geospatial supply-demand modeling of biomass residues for co-firing in European coal power plants
Who owns the Brazilian carbon?
Forests and the climate: manage for maximum wood production or leave the forest as a carbon sink?
Is energy from woody biomass positive for the climate?
Bioenergy systems in Sweden – Climate impacts, market implications, and overall sustainability
Biomass production in plantations: Land constraints increase dependency on irrigation water
Legal protection over the Brazilian carbon stocks
1<sup>st</sup> International Conference on Negative CO2 Emissions - Summary and Highlights
Energy analysis of poplar production for bioenergy in Sweden
Energy analysis of willow production for bioenergy in Sweden
Forests, bioenergy and climate change mitigation: are the worries justified?
Status and prospects for renewable energy using wood pellets from the southeastern United States
Opportunities to encourage mobilization of sustainable bioenergy supply chains
Carbon footprints and land use of conventional and organic diets in Germany
Skoglig bioenergi central i klimatarbetet
Future demand for forest-based biomass for energy purposes in Sweden
Bioenergy production and sustainable development: science base for policy-making remains limited
A new high-resolution nationwide aboveground carbon map for Brazil
Sustainability of bioenergy supply chains Summary report from an inter-Task workshop, 18-19 May 2017
How to analyse ecosystem services in landscapes—A systematic review
The Roles of Public and Private Governance in Promoting Sustainable Bioenergy
Forest biomass, carbon neutrality and climate change mitigation. From Science to Policy 3
May we have some more land use change, please?
The Role of Swedish Forest to Achieve the Climate Neutrality Target in the Energy Sector by 2050
Mobilisation of Forest Bioenergy in the Boreal and Temperate Biomes
Forest biomass, carbon neutrality and climate change mitigation
Policy institutions and forest carbon
Bioenergy feedstock production on grasslands and pastures: Brazilian experiences and global outlook
How do Sustainability Standards Consider Biodiversity?
Oil palm for biodiesel in Brazil — risks and opportunities
How do sustainability standards consider biodiversity?
Estimating the EU biogas potential from manure and crop residues — A spatial analysis
The Climate Benefit of Swedish Ethanol: Present and Prospective Performance
Bioenergy and climate change mitigation: an assessment
Advances in Bioenergy: The Sustainability Challenge
Bioenergipotentialer - geografisk fördelning och påverkan av hållbarhetskrav inom EU
Bioenergy and Land Use Change-State of the Art
Effects of Governance on Availability of Land for Agriculture and Conservation in Brazil
Can India’s wasteland be used for biomass plantations?
Oil Palm for Biodiesel in Brazil: Potentials and Trade-offs
The Role of National Legislation in Bioenergy Governance
The role of sustainability requirements in international bioenergy markets
Hur mycket biomassa finns det?
The prospects of cost reductions in willow production in Sweden
Betande djur kan inte rädda klimatet
Bioenergy and land use change-state of the art
Integration of bioenergy systems into UK agriculture-New options for management of nitrogen flows
How much biomass is available?
Determining factor for the development of CDM biomass power projects
Jatropha cultivation in southern India: Assessing farmers' experiences
The climate benefit of Swedish ethanol: Present and prospective performance
Bioenergy's contribution to climate change mitigation - a matter of perspectives
Environmental Impact Assessments: Suitable for supporting assessments of biofuel sustainability?
Evaluation of water use for bioenergy at different scales
Sustainability indicators - A review of the literature
Producing Feedstock for Biofuels: Land-Use and Local Environmental Impacts
Impact assessment at the bioenergy-water nexus
Biodiversity considerations in certified biomass production
Water quality assessment of bioenergy production
Bioenergy and water: risks and opportunities
Is it possible to avoid bad impacts by using good fuel ethanol?
’Expansion of sugarcane ethanol in the state of São Paulo, Brazil
Brazilian Agriculture and Environmental Legislation: Status and Future Challenges
Sustainability certification of bioethanol: how is it perceived by Brazilian stakeholders?
The impact of Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) cultivation on the environment
Co-firing biomass with coal for electricity generation-An assessment of the potential in EU27
Environmental, land-use and economic implications of Brazilian sugarcane expansion 1996-2006
Future bioenergy trade in the EU: modelling trading options from a cost-effectiveness perspective
Co-firing biomass with coal for electricity generation—An assessment of the potential in EU27
On the possibilities for co-firing biomass with coal for power generation in the EU
Future Biomass Energy Supply: The Consumptive Water Use Perspective
Eyes on the track, mind on the horizon: The REFUEL EU Road Map for biofuels
Cogeneration of biofuels and heat in the European district heating systems
The potential for biomass co-firing with coal in EU27
Looking beyond land use change issues
Brazilian Ethanol has the Edge.
REFUEL: an EU road map for biofuels
The modelling of cost-effective bioenergy trade options in the EU
Biomass for heat or as transportation fuel? - a comparison between two model based studies
Biomassa - en knapp resurs i globalt perspektiv
Biomass for heat or as transportation fuel? A comparison between two model-based studies
On Brazilian ethanol and the ecological footprint
The prospects for willow plantations for wastewater treatment in Sweden
Cost-effective use of biomass - A comparison between two model based studies
The prospects for large-scale import of biomass and biofuels to Sweden a review of critical issues
Future bioenergy options in the EU
Cost-effective bioenergy use for climate change mitigation - a model based analysis for Europe
Cost-effective bioenergy use for climate change mitigation - a model based analysis for Europe
Future bioenergy production and trade flows in Europe - an energy-economy model based assessment
The contribution of renewables in society
Cadmium accumulation and salix based phytoextraction on arable land in Sweden
Cadmium accumulation and Salix-based phytoextraction on arable land in Sweden
Bioenergy for climate stabilization
The contribution of biomass in the future global energy supply: A review of 17 studies.
Exploration of the ranges of the global potential of biomass for energy
The contribution of biomass in the future global energy supply: A review of 17 studies
Bioenergy and water - the implications of large-scale bioenergy production for water use and supply.
Bioenergy and water - The implications of large-scale bioenergy production for water use and supply
The feasibility of Large-scale Wood-based Biofuel Production - A reassessment of Giampietro et al.
Biomass in the energy system : resource requirements and competition for land
The feasibility of large-scale lignocellulose-based bioenergy production
Carbon sinks and the CDM: could a bioenergy linkage offer a constructive compromise?
The feasibility of large-scale lignocellulose-based bioenergy production
Implikationer av klimatrelaterade åtgärder för markanvändingen på landsbygden i tredje världen
On societal utilization of biomass for food, energy, and materials
Biomass for energy, food and materials in an industrial society of 10 billion people
Global biomass requirement. Sustainable use of lead?
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Visar 24 forskningsprojekt
Synergier och kompromisser på väg mot framtidens skogsbaserade lösningar
Klimatpåverkan av koleffektiva skogsbaserade värdekedjor
Concrete action in the cement industry and the cement and concrete supply chain
Biltrafikens klimatpåverkan på väg mot klimatneutralitet
Biomass production and conversion in sustainably managed landscapes, part 2
Minskade negativa miljöeffekter av biomassaproduktion genom produktion av mer biomassa
Advancing biofuel pathways with regional climate change implications (BIOPATH)
Ett analytiskt ramverk till stöd för skoglig bioenergiutveckling
Möjligheter för minskade klimatutsläpp och hållbar utveckling
Biomass production and conversion in sustainably managed landscapes, part 1
Climate Change Effects of Biomass and Bioenergy Systems
Biogas från jordbrukets restflöden
Bioenergi och markanvändningsförändringar, del 2
Bioenergipotentialer - geografisk fördelning och påverkan av hållbarhetskrav inom EU
Göteborg Action for Management of the Environment (GAME)
Uthålliga europeiska energisystem