Mikael Persson
Mikael Persson är avdelningschef för Signalbehandling och medicinsk teknik, med tonvikt på medicinska tillämpningar av elektromagnetiska fält. Han är också en av initiativtagarna till MedTech West - ett nätverk och en samarbetsplattform för forskning, utbildning, utveckling och utvärdering av nya biomedicinska begrepp och tekniker.

Visar 255 publikationer
Asymmetry Detection in a Noisy Microwave-Based Biomedical Diagnosis
Microwave and Antenna Systems in Medical Applications
Reducing Waves on the Body Surface in Near-Field Medical Diagnostics by a Dielectric Rod Antenna
Analysis of the 2D Guided Mode Propagation in a 3D Dielectric Rod Antenna
Fast Jacobian Matrix Formulation for Microwave Tomography Applications
Discrete Dipole Approximation-Based Microwave Tomography for Fast Breast Cancer Imaging
Investigation of an ultra wideband noise sensor for health monitoring
Application of the discrete dipole approximation in microwave breast imaging
Simulation Study of a Haemorrhagic Stroke Detector and Its Performance
Optimization of a microwave tomography algorithm using the DDA as a fast forward solver
3D Simulations of Intracerebral Hemorrhage Detection Using Broadband Microwave Technology
Self-calibration algorithms for microwave hyperthermia antenna arrays
Comparing a time-domain and frequency-domain based algorithm in microwave tomography
Integrating the discrete dipole approximation forward solver with a microwave tomography algorithm
FDTD based simulation study of a classification based hemorrhagic stroke detector
On the electric field of microwave imaging systems using discrete dipole approximation
Prediction of tumor heatability in microwave hyperthermia applicators
Effects of the Plastic of the Realistic GeePS-L2S-Breast Phantom
Performance Evaluation of Hyperthermia Applicators to Heat Deep-Seated Brain Tumors
Investigation of a Time Domain Microwave System for Biomedical Applications
Microwave Diagnostics Ahead: Saving Time and the Lives of Trauma and Stroke Patients
A computational study using time reversal focusing for hyperthermia treatment planning
Asymmetric cationic liposomes designed for heat-activated association with cells
Clinical Evaluation of a Microwave-Based Device for Detection of Traumatic Intracranial Hemorrhage
A First Evaluation of the Realistic Supelec-Breast Phantom
Experimental evaluation of UWB applicator prototype for head and neck hyperthermia
Conformal mesh and two-step tomographic imaging of the Supelec breast phantom
Comparison of Two Forward Models For Electric Field of Microwave Imaging Systems
Performance evaluation of helmet-like hyperthermia applicators for brain tumors
Compact self-grounded Bow-Tie antenna design for an UWB phased-array hyperthermia applicator
Time domain microwave imaging system for biomedical applications
Numerical study on image reconstructions of breast models in different matching liquids
Performance evaluation of 2 hyperthermia applicators for deep-seated brain tumors
Investigation of stimulus signals for a time domain microwave imaging system
Microwave tomographic image improvement by fitting to a Cole-Cole relaxation model
Designation of optimal frequency for multi-frequency phased array
Matching Medium for Biomedical Microwave Imaging
Microwave System Development for Medical Diagnostics
Heat-activated liposome targeting to streptavidin-coated surfaces
MRBrainS Challenge: Online Evaluation Framework for Brain Image Segmentation in 3T MRI Scans
Microwave technology in medical diagnostics and treatment
Performance evaluation of dipole versus modified bow-tie in annular phased array applicators
Detection of wood decay by microwaves
Pre-hospital care for stroke and trauma
EP-1271: Development of focused microwave hyperthermia of pediatric brain cancer
Improvements in hyperthermia applicator design for heating head tumors
Pre-hospital diagnosis for stroke and trauma patients using microwave technology
On the use of microwave based thermal monitoring in hyperthermia
Unsupervised Segmentation of Head Tissues from Multi-modal MR Images for EEG Source Localization
A wearable microwave detector for diagnosing thoracic injuries-test on a porcine pneumothorax model
Development of a Time Domain Microwave System for Medical Diagnostics
Applicator for head and neck tumor treatment: effect of frequency variation and patient positioning
3-D time-reversal method in microwave hyperthermia
Particle Swarm Optimization Applied to EEG Source Localization of Somatosensory Evoked Potentials
Microwave hyperthermia treatment of head and neck tumors
A fully automatic unsupervised segmentation framework for the brain tissues in MR images
Hyperthermia treatment of children with brain cancer
Microwave-Based Stroke Diagnosis Making Global Prehospital Thrombolytic Treatment Possible
On the use of different polarization measurements in microwave imaging of breast cancer tumors
Antenna Applicator for Microwave Hyperthermia Treatment of Pediatric Brain Cancer
Application of particle swarm optimization in epileptic spike EEG source localization
Design and Performance Evaluation of a Time Domain Microwave Imaging System
A compact wideband antenna for microwave hyperthermia system
Antenna configurations of microwave breast imaging
On the Fully Automatic Construction of a Realistic Head Model for EEG Source Localization
Microwave based diagnostics and treatment
Multi-modal MR Brain Segmentation Using Bayesian-based Adaptive MeanShift (BAMS)
Microwave technology shows potential for detecting traumatic intracranial bleedings
Influence of Different Sources of Noise on Epileptic Spike EEG Source Localization
Stroke diagnostics with a microwave helmet
A compact wideband antenna for deep hyperthermia applicator
Microwave based diagnostics and treatment in practice
A novel Bayesian approach to adaptive mean shift segmentation of brain images
Evolution of an UWB antenna for hyperthermia array applicator
Design of a wideband multi-channel system for time reversal hyperthermia
On the Forward Scattering of Microwave Breast Imaging
Stroke detection and diagnosis with a microwave helmet
Non-invasive EEG source localization using particle swarm optimization: A clinical experiment
Investigation of brain tissue segmentation error and its effect on EEG source localization
An ultrawideband microwave medical diagnostic system: Design considerations and system performance
Microwave Breast Imaging using Different Data Sets
Preliminary Investigations of Three-Dimensional Microwave Tomography using Different Data Sets
Frequency dependent focusing with UWB hyperthermia applicator for H&N cancer treatment
Source Modeling using Phaseless Low-Frequency Near-Field Measurements
Using microwave technology for detecting traumatic intracranial bleedings – tests on a brain phantom
A System for THz Imaging of Low-Contrast Targets Using the Born Approximation
Joint Time-Frequency Analysis of Transient Electromagnetic Scattering from a Subsurface Target
Modeling and reconstruction in a 3D microwave imaging system
Electromagnetic Source Modeling using Phase Retrieval Methods
Accuracy Evaluation of Ultrawideband Time Domain Systems for Microwave Imaging
Accuracy investigation of an ultra-wideband time domain microwave imaging system
A THz imaging system for biomedical applications
Characterization of Radar Targets Based on Ultra Wideband Polarimetric Transient Signatures
A microwave measurement system for stroke detection
Microwave Breast Cancer Detection using Wideband Polarimetric Responses
UWB in medical diagnostics and treatment
A single-channel THz imaging system for biomedical applications
Effects of noise on tomographic breast imaging
Experimental verification of time-reversal microwave hyperthermia system
Influence of noise on breast tumor detection using microwave tomography
Comparison between Two Phase Retrieval Methods for Electromagnetic Source Modeling
Analysis of Forward Scattering Data for Microwave Breast Imaging
Progress in clinical diagnostics and treatment with electromagnetic fields
Optimal measurements in magnetic tracking for organ-positioning during radiotherapy
Monolithic Multi-Scale Modeling of MR-Induced Pacemaker Lead Heating
Microwave imaging for medical applications
Microwave Tomography based Thermometry: a Feasibility Study
Modeling Complex Sources Using Measured Phaseless Near-field Data
Stroke Detection Using a Broad Band Microwave Antenna System
A 340 GHz CW non-linear imaging system
An Efficient Algorithm for Non-Rigid Image Registration
Preliminary Investigations of Mutual Coupling Effect on Near-Field Beam Focusing
A 3D microwave tomographic system for breast cancer detection
A Compact 340 GHz Heterodyne Imaging System
Towards a clinical prototype for microwave tomography applied for breast cancer detection
MR-induced heating of pacemaker leads: Modeling and simulations
Time-reversal focusing in microwave hyperthermia for deep-seated tumors
3D FDTD modeling of a clinical system for microwave imaging
Comparison between a time domain and a frequency domain system for microwave tomography
Evaluations of Brain Tissue Segmentation from the Widely-Used Software Packages
Antenna System for Clinical Microwave Tomography
Evaluation of a patch antenna applicator for time reversal hyperthemia
Development of Patient-Specific Electromagnetic Model (PSEM) based on Breast MR images
Hot spot management in time reversal hyperthermia
Clinical Diagnostics and Treatment with Electromagnetic Fields
Time-reversal system for microwave hyperthermia
Optimization of sensor placement in magnetic tracking
Simulation of MRI-induced heating of implanted pacemaker leads
Investigations on the system measurement uncertainty for microwave tomography
Patient Specific Electromagnetic Model for Clinical Application
An improved method for dipole modeling in EEG-based source localization
TR-Hyperthermia: a system prototype
Accuracy evaluation of time domain measurement systems for microwave tomography
TR-Hyperthermia system prototype: first phantom experiments
Monitoring Subsurface Target Changes based on Cross-Polarized Wideband Scattering
Work exposure to electromagnetic fields
Collisionless trapped electron and ion temperature gradient modes in an advanced tokamak equilibrium
Histology-based oral lesion discrimination
Performance Evaluation of Phase Retrieval Method based on Amplitude-Only Near-Field Data
Design of the Time-Reversal Hyperthermia System
Broadband microwave based diagnostics and treatment
TR-Hyperthermia system: Preclinical experiments
Numerical calculations of fields in humans exposed to electromagnetic sources
Phase-Retrieval from Amplitude-Only Field Measurements
Microwave Helmet for Stroke Detection
Behandling av djupt liggande tumörer med Mikrovågshypertermi
Resistive edge mode instability in stellarator and tokamak geometries
A Systematic Approach to Robust Preconditioning for Gradient Based Inverse Scattering Algorithms
Time domain system for microwave tomography
On the use of a priori data in microwave tomography
Time reversal in hyperthermia planning: on the way from 2D to 3D
Phase-retrieval from phaseless measured E-field data
Modeling of electromagnetic sources for numerical dosimetry
Computational methods for modeling of complex sources
Study of collisionless TE and ITG modes in an ITER-like equilibrium
Antenna Array Design for Brain Monitoring
Antenna Array Design for Stroke Detection
A prototype of TR-Hyperthermia system
Using a priori data to improve the reconstruction of small objects in microwave tomography
A Fisher Information Based Gradient Scaling for Microwave Tomography
Microwave Time-Reversal Hyperthermia
A Statistically Based Preconditioner for Two-Dimensional Microwave Tomography
Calculating the activating function in the human brain by transcranial magnetic stimulation
Near Field Modeling with Huygens Principle
Patch Antenna Array for Microwave Time-Reversal Hyperthermia
Study of resistive edge modes in an ITER-like geometry
Modeling of Electromagnetic Sources with Huygens Principle
Flerantennapplikator och tidsreversering för mikrovågshypertermi
Heating of Deep Seated Tumours using Microwaves Radiation
Optimization Algorithms for Modeling of Electromagnetic Sources
Resistive edge modes in stellarator and tokamak geometries
Methods for Dielectric Reconstruction in Microwave Tomography
A statistical approach to gradient scaling microwave tomography
Patch Antenna Array for the Time Reversal Microwave Hyperthermia
Near Field Modeling with Optimization Algorithms
Drift waves in an ITER-like geometry
Transmission characteristics of dielectric loaded double trapezoidal-ridge waveguide
Potential benefits of using a priori data in reconstruction algorithms for microwave tomography
Electron drift waves in an advanced tokamak plasma
Reconstruction Quality and Spectral Content of an Electromagnetic Time-Domain Inversion Algorithm
Modeling of complex sources for dosimetry applications
Hyperthermia treatment of deep seated tumours using time reversal cavities
Exposure of Cultured Astroglial and Microglial Brain Cells to 900 MHz Microwave Radiation
Near Field Modeling of Complex Sources
Computation of Electric Fields in Human Head by Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation
Time-domain Image Reconstruction in an Experimental Prototype for Breast Cancer Detection
Unstable ion-temperature-gradient modes in an advanced tokamak plasma
Experimental Investigation of an Optimization Approach to Microwave Tomography
Study of absorption in the inner ear and the vestibulo-cochlear nerve from mobile phone exposure
Study of subgridding in SAR Computation for the Cochlea
Imaging of metal prosteses in the human body experiments and simulations
On The Cutoff Wavelength of V-shaped Microshield Line by Edge-based Finite Element Method
Unstable Ion-Temperature-Gradient Modes in ITER Geometry
Dissipative Trapped Electron Modes in a Heliac
Comparison of two image reconstruction algorithms for microwave tomography
Comparison of electron drift waves in numerical and analytical tokamak equilibria
Towards a mammographic microwave imaging experiment
Dissipative trapped electron modes in low shear stellarator plasmas
Dosimetry for anti theft devices, A comparison between detailed modelling and simpler extimates
Geometrical effects on drift wave stability in low shear stellarator plasmas
Magnetic Field From Spot Welding Equipment - Is the Basic Restriction Exceeded?
Study of ITG Modes in ITER geometry
Modelling of Mobile Phone Exposure to the Human Head
Dosimetry of a typical anti theft device
Comparison of two algorithms for image reconstruction in microwave tomography
A comparison of drift wave stability in stellarator and tokamak geometry
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Visar 4 forskningsprojekt
Online-laboratorium för medicinsk bildanalys
Mikrovågsbaserad behandling för att motverka sena effekter för överlevande barn med CNS-tumörer
Modellbaserad rekonstruktion och klassificering baserat på mikrovågsmätningar i närfält
Mikrovågsteknik för kvalitetskontroll i skogsindustrin (Skogsprojektet)