Michael Christie
Visar 97 publikationer
The impact of academic development courses on quality learning in higher education
Training Teachers In E-Learning Without Internet Access
Creative ways of developing teaching competencies at the university level
Transformative learning - in action
PBL and collaborative knowledge building in Engineering Education
The quality of human relationships at the University and its impact on learning
Barriers to innovation in online education
Cross disciplinary research in engineering and educational sciences. A Swedish case study
The good guide: identifying and engendering generic skills in the training of tourist guides
Barriers to innovation in online pedagogy
Using research to activate university teacher training
SimChemistry as an active learning tool in chemical education
Using action research to improve engineering education
Innovation and improvement in the training of postgraduate engineering students
A CDIO approach to training supervisors of research
Lärares attityder till användningen av lärplattformar i högre utbildning
Developing creative researchers
Problem solving in research supervision using critical incidents and role play
UKeU and Sweden's Net University: A comperative study
Learning from critical incidents in the supervision of research
Learning from critical incidents in the supervision of research
Using critical incident technique to improve the supervision of PhD students
Promoting constructive aligment in engineering education at Chalmers
Assessing group-work projects in higher education:some pedagogical and ethical considerations
Becoming a doctoral student. Why students decide to do a PhD
Involving teachers and learners in quality assurance in higher education
Gender bias in engineering education
Gender equity in higher education: why and how? A case study of gender issues in a science faculty
A model for the supervision of PhD students
Supervising PhD students. A comparative study
The need for a pedagogy of online learning in engineering education
The supervision of PhD students A comperative study
Driving online education. The Swedish Net University a case study in purpose and pedagogy
Some issues in online assessment
Assessing group-work projects in higher education: some pedagogical and ethical considerations
Improving ICT literacy: some suggestions
The task takes over: assuming too much in online collaborative learning
The pedagogical implications of using MatLab in integrated chemistry and matehamatics courses
Using a MATLAB Exercise to Improve the Teaching and Learning of Heat Conduction During Welding
Online collaborative learning; a case study
The Mutual Impact of Educational and Information Technologies: Building a Pedagogy of E-learning
The constructive alignment of aims,methods and assessment in engineering education
Engendering good learning in group-work
How to prepare master students in chemical and bioengineering for the unknown future
Tour guides as critically reflective pratitioners
Tranformative tour guiding: Training tour guides to be critically reflective practitioners
Integration of mathematics/numeric analysis with chemistry/chemcial engineering.
The social construction of higher education
Towards a pedagogy of e-learning
Transformative and transferable learning in Engineering Education
Appropriate ways of assessing learning at Chalmers
Changing assessment practice in a technical university:A Swedish case study
Identifying,implementing and assessing the generic capabilities of the good engineer
Evaluating the use of ITC in engineering education
Integrating maths and chemistry/chemical engineering.How do we measure its success?
Personal and professional values. Their place and importance in transformative learning
The defining qualities of good assessment
Greeks in the Northern Territory
Asking the right questions about assessment
Evaluating the use of ICT in a distance engineering course
The Australian People,Angus and Robertsson North Ryde Second Edition 2001
The quality of teaching is not strained
Assesing for understanding in Engineering education-a Swedish case study
A Alternative forms of learning and contemporary trends in hospitality and tourism training
Namitjira and the burden of citizenship
Innovative ways of involving tertiary teachers in quality assurance, a Swedish case study
Greek migration to Darwin, Australia 1914-1921
Critical moments in college teaching
Critical Incidents: Their use as a research tool in adult and vocational teacher education
Whose web? Cultural factors in the delivery of online courses
Australia 's immigration policy: a can of soup
Diversity and Innovation in Adult and Vocational Education
Encouraging critical awareness of one's assumptions and values in adult and vocational education
Training Tourist guides: a comparative study
Cooperation in preparing trainers in the broadcast industries in the Asia Pacific region
Why should I feel guilty about what happened to the Aborigines: A response in Harris, S and Malin M.
Adult Education: a guestion of values
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