Bo Egardt
Bo Egardt är professor emeritus i forskargruppen Reglerteknik. Han har ett brett forskningsintresse inom reglertekniken, från teoretiska aspekter på adaptiv reglering och hybrida dynamiska system till tillämpningar inom processindustri och fordonsteknik. Hans forskning sker ofta i samverkan med industrin, och syftar till att förbättra energieffektivitet eller produktkvalitet, som i hans projekt i energihantering för hybrid- och laddhybridsfordon. Bo Egardt är ledamot av Kungliga Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien och Fellow i IEEE, och undervisar reglerteknik på kandidat-, masters- och doktorandnivå.

Visar 158 publikationer
Supervisory Control for NOx Emission Compliance of Heavy-Duty Vehicles
Energy consumption estimation integrated into the Electric Vehicle Routing Problem
Comprehensive Analysis and Optimal Configurations of the EVT Powertrain
Electrochemical estimation and control for lithium-ion battery health-aware fast charging
Supervisory Framework and Model-based Control of Engine and Exhaust Aftertreatment System
Supervisory Control for Real-Driving Emission Compliance of Heavy-Duty Vehicles
Electric vehicle routing problem – a nested two level approach
Effect of Driving, Charging, and Pricing Scenarios on Optimal Component Sizing of a PHEV
Traffic aware electric vehicle routing
Cooperative energy management of automated vehicles
Gain-Scheduled Control of Modular Battery for Thermal and SOC Balancing
Convex relaxations in the optimal control of electrified vehicles
Multi-objective Optimal Sizing and Control of Fuel Cell Systems for Hybrid Vehicle Applications
Optimal Dimensioning and Power Management of a Fuel Cell/Battery Hybrid Bus via Convex Programming
Electro-thermal Control of Modular Battery using Model Predictive Control with Control Projections
Advanced Power-Source Integration in Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Multicriteria Optimization Approach
Analytic Solutions to the Dynamic Programming sub-problem in Hybrid Vehicle Energy Management
Combined design and control optimization of hybrid vehicles
Predictive energy management of hybrid long-haul trucks
Closed-loop diesel engine combustion phasing control based on crankshaft torque measurements
Commuter Route Optimized Energy Management of Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Enhanced Sample Entropy-based Health Management of Li-ion Battery for Electrified Vehicles
Computationally efficient energy management of a planetary gear hybrid electric vehicle
Simultaneous Thermal and State-of-Charge Balancing of Batteries: A Review
Cubic Spline Approximations of the Dynamic Programming Cost-to-go in HEV Energy Management Problems
Optimal battery dimensioning and control of a CVT PHEV powertrain
Optimal Selection of Driving Modes along a Commuter Route for a Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Data-driven estimation of the inertia moment of wind turbines: A new ice-detection algorithm
Optimal sizing of a parallel PHEV powertrain
Filtering driving cycles for assessment of electrified vehicles
On Thermal and State-of-Charge Balancing using Cascaded Multi-level Converters
Control of wind turbines: A tutorial on proactive perspectives
Individual pitch control of wind turbines: Model-based approach
An overview of proactive wind turbine control
Including a Battery State of Health model in the HEV component sizing and optimal control problem
Robust Proactive Control of Wind Turbines with Reduced Blade Pitch Actuation
Comparing Two Approaches to Precompute Discharge Strategies for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Effect of Driving patterns on Components sizing of a Series PHEV
Model-based control of wind turbines: look-ahead approach
Component sizing of a plug-in hybrid electric powertrain via convex optimization
PHEV Energy Management: A Comparison of Two Levels of Trip Information
Parameterized Diesel Engine Combustion Modeling for Torque Based Combustion Property Estimation
Proactive control of wind turbine with blade load constraints
Benefit of Route Recognition in Energy Management of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Adaptive Tracking for Linear Plants under Fixed Feedback
Performance Evaluation of Multilevel Converter based Cell Balancer with Reciprocating Air Flow
Model based control of wind turbines: Look-ahead approach
Trajectory Extension Methods for Model Predictive Direct Torque Control
A Powertrain LQR Torque Compensator with Backlash Handling
Estimation of Combustion Phasing Using the Combustion Net Torque Method
Comparing Recursive Estimators in the Presence of Unmodeled Dynamics
Impact of Trip Length Uncertainty on Optimal Discharging Strategies for PHEVs
Predictive energy management of a 4QT series-parallel hybrid electric bus
Adaptive control of a first-order system with large normalized dead time
An LQR torque compensator for driveline oscillation damping
Experimental Results for a Powertrain LQR-torque Compensator with Backlash Handling
A clarifying analysis of feedback error learning in an LTI framework
Adaptive Tracking Control with Application to a Flexible Transmission System
Approximate Dynamic Programming Applied to Parallel Hybrid Powertrains
Backlash estimation with application to automotive powertrains
A Novel Algorithm for Predictive Control of Parallel Hybrid Powertrains based on Dynamic Programming
Nonlinear Adaptive Feedforward in a Two-Degrees-of-Freedom Controller
A comparison of stochastic optimal control laws for a parallel hybrid vehicle
On Powertrain Oscillation Damping using Feedforward and LQ Feedback Control
On a Parameter Adaptive Extremum Controller
Model Predictive Control of Automotive Powertrains with Backlash
SI-Engine Spark Advance Control Using Torque Sensors
Constrained Optimal Control of Automotive Powertrains with Backlash
Estimation of Backlash in Automotive Powertrains, An Experimental Validation
SI-Engine Spark Advance Control Using Torque Sensors
Estimation of Backlash with Application to Automotive Powertrains
Backlash Gap Position Estimation in Automotive Powertrains
Active Engine Control for Gearshifting in Automated Manual Transmissions
Estimation of Backlash in Automotive Powertrains, Theory and Experiments
Local Optimal Backstepping Control with Integral Action applied to Air-to-Fuel Control
Estimating Exhaust Manifold Pressure in a Turbocharged Diesel Engine
Control of Backlash in Automotive Powertrains
Powertrain Control for Active Damping of Driveline Oscillations
Backstepping Control with local LQ performance applied to a Turbocharged Diesel
Nonlinear Control of a Turbocharged Diesel Engine for Powertrain Control Applications
Nonlinear Control applied to Gearshifting in Automated Manual Transmissions
Variable Structure Control of Engine Idle Speed with Estimation of Unmeasurable Disturbances
Variable structure control of engine idle speed with estimation of unmeasurable disturbances
A Web-Based Course in Automatic Control for Engineers in Industry
En multimedia-baserad grundkurs i reglerteknik för ingenjörer i industrin
Control Design for Integrator Hybrid Systems
A web-based course in automatic control for engineers in industry
On the role of noise models for approximate closed-loop identification
On the Use of Multiple Models and Formal Control Synthesis in Batch Control
Model-based control system structuring applied to a gas phase polyethylene plant
Hybrid Systems in Process Control
Plant and Product Models for Batch Processes
Control-law Synthesis for Integrator Hybrid Systems
Control-Law Synthesis for Linear Hybrid Systems
Controllability and Control-Law Synthesis of Linear Hybrid Systems
Modelling Objects as Hybrid Automata
Hybrid Systems in Process Control
Hybrida system - modeller för analys och syntes (Hybrid systems - models for analysis and synthesis)
Controllability and Control-Law Synthesis of Linear Hybrid Systems
Identification for adaptive control - algorithm design from a frequency domain perspective
Frequency-domain bias decomposition for LMS and LS adaptive filters
Identification for adaptive control - a frequency domain viewpoint
Applying Object-Oriented Principles in Control-System Design
On frequency domain properties of adaptive algorithms
An Object-Oriented Approach for Control-System Design
Adaptive systems performance in the frequency domain
Frequency domain performance of LMS
An Object Oriented Framework for Control System Design
Self-Tuning and Model Reference Adaptive Systems: Interrelation
Convergence analysis of ladder algorithms for AR and ARMA models
Adaptive Control in an Instrumentation Environment
Experiences with Self-Tuning Control in the Process Industry
Ett optimerande, adaptivt reglersystem (An optimizing, adaptive control system)
Experiences with Self-Tuning Control in the Process Industry
The ASEA Novatune Adaptive Control System
High-resolution spectral analysis using multiple interval adaptive prediction
Design and convergence analysis of stochastic model reference adaptive controllers
On-line Optimization of the Combustion Process
Stable adaptive control of non-minimum phase systems
Least-squares type algorithm for adaptive implementation of Pisarenko's harmonic retrieval method
Optimized lattice-form adaptive line enhancer for a sinusoidal signal in broad-band noise
Stability analysis of discrete time adaptive control schemes
Stochastic Convergence Analysis of Model Reference Adaptive Controllers
Unification of some discrete time adaptive control schemes
Stability analysis of continuous time adaptive control systems
Global Stability Analysis of Adaptive Control Systems with Disturbances
Unification of some continuous time adaptive control schemes
Stability of Adaptive Controllers
Root-loci for positive real transfer matrices
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Visar 6 forskningsprojekt
MultiMEC - Multivariabla metoder för energieffektiv motorstyrning
Energistyrning för hybridfordon/plug-in hybridfordon och optimering av räckviddsförlängare
Energistyrning för hybridfordon/plug-in hybridfordon och optimering av räckviddsförlängare.
BatMan - förberedelse för förbättrad återanvändning av batterisystem
Systemoptimering och styrstrategier för hybridfordon
Integrerad fordonsdesign och styrning – med fokus på energihanteringsmetoder för industrin