Fredrik Larsson

Full Professor at Material and Computational Mechanics

Fredrik Larsson’s main topic has been the development of the finite element method with respect to accuracy control, accounting for model and discretization errors.

Image of Fredrik Larsson

Showing 267 publications


A time step-size computing arc-length method for the phase-field hydraulic fracture model

Ritukesh Bharali, F.P. van der Meer, Fredrik Larsson et al
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Vol. 436
Journal article

Prediction of evolving plasticity in rails under steady state rolling contact based on Reduced-Order Modeling

Caroline Ansin, Fredrik Larsson, Ragnar Larsson
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Vol. 438
Journal article

Finite element analyses of rail head cracks: Predicting direction and rate of rolling contact fatigue crack growth

Mohammad Salahi Nezhad, Fredrik Larsson, Elena Kabo et al
Engineering Fracture Mechanics. Vol. 310
Journal article

A micromorphic phase-field model for brittle and quasi-brittle fracture

Ritukesh Bharali, Fredrik Larsson, Ralf Jaenicke
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 73 (3), p. 579-598
Journal article

Proceedings - Swedish Mechanics Days 2024

Fredrik Larsson, Niklas Andersson, Lars Davidson et al
Proceedings (editor)

Upscaling of chemo-mechanical properties of battery electrode material

D. R. Rollin, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson et al
International Journal of Solids and Structures. Vol. 281
Journal article

Variationally consistent homogenisation of plates

Elias Börjesson, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson et al
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Vol. 413
Journal article

Multiphysics Modelling of Structural Battery Composites, Half-cell Representation of a Coated Carbon Fibre Positive Electrode

Carl Larsson, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson et al
ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials
Conference poster

Variationally consistent homogenization of electrochemical ion transport in a porous structural battery electrolyte

Vinh Tu, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson et al
European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids. Vol. 98
Journal article

Fast simulation of 3D elastic response for wheel–rail contact loading using Proper Generalized Decomposition

Caroline Ansin, Fredrik Larsson, Ragnar Larsson
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Vol. 417
Journal article

Effects of lithium insertion induced swelling of a structural battery negative electrode

Carl Larsson, Fredrik Larsson, Johanna Xu et al
Composites Science and Technology. Vol. 244
Journal article

Numerical prediction of railhead rolling contact fatigue crack growth

Mohammad Salahi Nezhad, Fredrik Larsson, Elena Kabo et al
Wear. Vol. 530-531
Journal article

Textile reinforced concrete members subjected to tension, bending, and in-plane loads: Experimental study and numerical analyses

Adam Sciegaj, Sebastian Almfeldt, Fredrik Larsson et al
Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 408
Journal article

Variationally consistent modeling of a sensor-actuator based on shape-morphing from electro-chemical–mechanical interactions

David Carlstedt, Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson et al
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. Vol. 179
Journal article

Experimental and computational characterization of carbon fibre based structural battery electrode laminae

David Carlstedt, Florian Rittweger, Kenneth Runesson et al
Composites Science and Technology. Vol. 220
Journal article


Mohammad Salahi Nezhad, Fredrik Larsson, Elena Kabo et al
CM 2022 - 12th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems, Conference Proceedings, p. 428-435
Paper in proceeding

On the coupled thermo–electro–chemo–mechanical performance of structural batteries with emphasis on thermal effects

David Carlstedt, Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson et al
European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids. Vol. 94
Journal article

An FE-based orientation averaging model for elasto-plastic behavior of short fiber composites

Mohsen Mirkhalaf, Tom van Beurden, Magnus Ekh et al
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. Vol. 219
Journal article

A computationally efficient coupled multi-scale model for short fiber reinforced composites

B. A. Castricum, Martin Fagerström, Magnus Ekh et al
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. Vol. 163
Journal article

Combining spectral and POD modes to improve error estimation of numerical model reduction for porous media

Fredrik Ekre, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson et al
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 69 (3), p. 767-786
Journal article

Efficient Two-Scale Modeling of Porous Media Using NumericalModel Reduction with Fully Computable Error Bounds

Fredrik Ekre, Ralf Jänicke, Fredrik Larsson et al
Current Trends and Open Problems in Computational Mechanics, p. 121-129
Book chapter

Numerical Model Reduction with error estimation for computational homogenization of non-linear consolidation

Fredrik Ekre, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson et al
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Vol. 389
Journal article

Computational modelling of structural batteries accounting for stress-assisted convection in the electrolyte

David Carlstedt, Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson et al
International Journal of Solids and Structures. Vol. 238
Journal article

Numerical predictions of crack growth direction in a railhead under contact, bending and thermal loads

Mohammad Salahi Nezhad, Dimosthenis Floros, Fredrik Larsson et al
Engineering Fracture Mechanics. Vol. 261
Journal article

Experiments and calibration of a bond-slip relation and efficiency factors for textile reinforcement in concrete

A. Sciegaj, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren
Cement and Concrete Composites. Vol. 134
Journal article

Elastic-viscoplastic self-consistent modeling for finite deformation of polycrystalline materials

Hongjia Li, Fredrik Larsson, Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander et al
Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. Vol. 799
Journal article

Multi-scale phase-field fracture model: Selective homogenization and macroscopic bounds

Ritukesh Bharali, Fredrik Larsson, Ralf Jänicke
Other conference contribution

Variationally consistent computational homogenization of chemomechanical problems with stabilized weakly periodic boundary conditions

Stefan Kaessmair, Kenneth Runesson, Paul Steinmann et al
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Vol. 122 (22), p. 6429-6454
Journal article

Modeling and computational homogenization of chloride diffusion in three-phase meso-scale concrete

Nele Pollmann, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson et al
Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 271
Journal article

Computational homogenization of the electro-chemically coupled multi-scale transport of Li-ions in structural battery electrolytes

Vinh Tu, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson et al
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM). Vol. 20 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Computational aspects of the weak micro‐periodicity saddle point problem

Ritukesh Bharali, Fredrik Larsson, Ralf Jänicke
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Vol. 20 (1)
Journal article

Computational homogenisation of phase-field fracture

Ritukesh Bharali, Fredrik Larsson, Ralf Jänicke
European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids. Vol. 88
Journal article

A hierarchical coupled multi-scale model for short fiber reinforced composites

Brian Castricum, Mohsen Mirkhalaf, Martin Fagerström et al
World Congress in Computational Mechanics and ECCOMAS Congress. Vol. 300
Paper in proceeding

Performance of Bicontinuous Structural Electrolytes

Vinh Tu, Leif Asp, Natasha Shirshova et al
Multifunctional Materials. Vol. 3 (2)
Journal article


Kristoffer Carlsson, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering. Vol. 18 (6), p. 651-675
Journal article

Grain boundary interaction based on gradient crystal inelasticity and decohesion

Lucie Spannraft, Magnus Ekh, Fredrik Larsson et al
Computational Materials Science. Vol. 178
Journal article

Diffuse interface modeling and variationally consistent homogenization of fluid transport in fractured porous media

Nele Pollmann, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson et al
European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids. Vol. 84
Journal article

What can we do with multiscale modelling of reinforced concrete structures?

Adam Sciegaj, Karin Lundgren, Fredrik Larsson et al
Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2020: Concrete Structures for Resilient Society, p. 917-924
Paper in proceeding

On a volume averaged measure of macroscopic reinforcement slip in two-scale modeling of reinforced concrete

Adam Sciegaj, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Vol. 121 (8), p. 1822-1846
Journal article

Upscaling of three-dimensional reinforced concrete representative volume elements to effective beam and plate models

Adam Sciegaj, Peter Grassl, Fredrik Larsson et al
International Journal of Solids and Structures. Vol. 202, p. 835-853
Journal article

A finite element based orientation averaging method for predicting elastic properties of short fiber reinforced composites

Mohsen Mirkhalaf, Eva Eggels, Tom van Beurden et al
Composites Part B: Engineering. Vol. 202
Journal article

Evaluation of mixed-mode crack growth direction criteria under rolling contact conditions

Dimosthenis Floros, Anders Ekberg, Fredrik Larsson
Wear. Vol. 448-449
Journal article

A posteriori error estimation for numerical model reduction in computational homogenization of porous media

Fredrik Ekre, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson et al
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Vol. 121 (23), p. 5350-5380
Journal article

A poro-viscoelastic substitute model of fine-scale poroelasticity obtained from homogenization and numerical model reduction

Ralf Jänicke, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 65 (4), p. 1063-1083
Journal article

Electro-chemo-mechanically coupled computational modelling of structural batteries

David Carlstedt, Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson et al
Multifunctional Materials. Vol. 3 (4)
Journal article

On periodic boundary conditions in Variationally Consistent Homogenisation of beams and plates

Adam Sciegaj, Peter Grassl, Fredrik Larsson et al
Proceedings of the 32nd Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics
Paper in proceeding

Isogeometric analysis and form finding for thin elastic shells

Joel Hilmersson, Jens Olsson, Mats Ander et al
IASS Symposium 2019 - 60th Anniversary Symposium of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures; Structural Membranes 2019 - 9th International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures, FORM and FORCE, p. 153-160
Paper in proceeding

Micromechanics-based modelling of elastic and elastoplastic behaviour of short fibre composites

Mohsen Mirkhalaf, Eva Eggels, Tom van Beurden et al
Other conference contribution

Identification of viscoelastic properties from numerical model reduction of pressure diffusion in fluid-saturated porous rock with fractures

Ralf Jänicke, Beatriz Quintal, Fredrik Larsson et al
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 63 (1), p. 49-67
Journal article

On-the-Fly Adaptivity for Nonlinear Twoscale Simulations Using Artificial Neural Networks and Reduced Order Modeling

Felix Fritzen, Mauricio Fernandez, Fredrik Larsson
Frontiers in Materials. Vol. 6
Journal article

Viscoelastic substitute models for seismic attenuation caused by squirt flow and fracture leak off

Ralf Jänicke, Beatriz Quintal, Fredrik Larsson et al
Geophysics. Vol. 84 (4), p. WA183-WA189
Journal article

Finite Element Simulation of the Performance of a Structural Electrolyte

Vinh Tu, Leif Asp, Natasha Shirshova et al
Other conference contribution

Finite element simulations of thermal residual stresses in realistic 3D WC-Co microstructures

Mikael Öhman, Magnus Ekh, Fredrik Larsson et al
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. Vol. 85
Journal article

On the micro-to-macro transition of reinforcement slip in two-scale modelling

Adam Sciegaj, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Other conference contribution

Bounds on the effective response for gradient crystal inelasticity based on homogenization and virtual testing

Kristoffer Carlsson, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Vol. 119 (4), p. 281-304
Journal article

A multiscale model for reinforced concrete with macroscopic variation of reinforcement slip

Adam Sciegaj, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 63 (2), p. 139-158
Journal article

Evaluation of crack growth direction criteria on mixed-mode fatigue crack growth experiments

Dimosthenis Floros, Anders Ekberg, Fredrik Larsson
International Journal of Fatigue. Vol. 129
Journal article

Short fiber composites: Computational homogenization vs orientation averaging

Mohsen Mirkhalaf, Eva Eggels, Abhijith Anantharanga et al
ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials. Vol. 2019-August
Paper in proceeding

A two-scale modeling framework for strain localization in solids: XFEM procedures and computational aspects

Erik Svenning, Fredrik Larsson, Martin Fagerström
Computers and Structures. Vol. 211, p. 43-54
Journal article

On error controlled numerical model reduction in FE2-analysis of transient heat flow

Fredrik Ekre, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Vol. 119 (1), p. 38-73
Journal article

Construction of macroscale yield surfaces for ductile composites based on a virtual testing strategy

Ali Esmaeili, Saeed Asadi, Fredrik Larsson et al
European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids. Vol. 77
Journal article

Unit cells for multiphysics modelling of structural battery composites

David Carlstedt, Johanna Xu, Kenneth Runesson et al
ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials. Vol. 2019-August
Paper in proceeding

Evaluation of stress intensity factors under multiaxial and compressive conditions using low order displacement or stress field fitting

Robin Andersson, Fredrik Larsson, Elena Kabo
Engineering Fracture Mechanics. Vol. 189, p. 204-220
Journal article

Ny metod för sprickmodellering i armerad betong

Adam Sciegaj, Karin Lundgren, Fredrik Larsson et al
Bygg & teknik. Vol. 110 (7), p. 46-48
Magazine article

Two-scale finite element modelling of reinforced concrete structures: Effective response and subscale fracture development

Adam Sciegaj, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Vol. 114 (10), p. 1074-1102
Journal article

Evaluation of mixed-mode crack growth criteria under rolling contact conditions

Dimosthenis Floros, Anders Ekberg, Fredrik Larsson
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/wheel Systems, CM 2018, p. 253-260
Paper in proceeding

Numerical investigation of crack initiation in rails and wheels affected by martensite spots

Robin Andersson, Johan Ahlström, Elena Kabo et al
International Journal of Fatigue. Vol. 114, p. 238-251
Journal article

On configurational forces for gradient-enhanced inelasticity

Dimosthenis Floros, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 61 (4), p. 409-432
Journal article

Accounting for lattice coherency in a two-phase elastic-plastic self-consistent model for nickel-based superalloys

Hongjia Li, Magnus Ekh, Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander et al
International Journal of Plasticity. Vol. 110, p. 248-271
Journal article

Numerical model reduction with error control in computational homogenization of transient heat flow

Emil Aggestam, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson et al
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Vol. 326, p. 193-222
Journal article

Constructive allignment by use of project assignments in solid mechanics courses

Mats Ander, Jim Brouzoulis, Fredrik Larsson
Svenska mekanikdagar 2017, Uppsala 12-13 juni
Paper in proceeding

Localization aligned weakly periodic boundary conditions

Erik Svenning, Martin Fagerström, Fredrik Larsson
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Vol. 111 (5), p. 493-500
Journal article

On Variationally Consistent Homogenisation for Composite Structural Elements

Carolyn Oddy, Roeland Bisschop, Martin Fagerström et al
Proceedings of VI ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on the Mechanical Response of Composites
Paper in proceeding

Computational Homogenization of Seismic Attenuation in Fractured Rock

Ralf Jänicke, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Poromechanics 2017 - Proceedings of the 6th Biot Conference on Poromechanics, p. 1573-1580
Paper in proceeding

A comparison of the primal and semi-dual variational formats of gradient-extended crystal inelasticity

Kristoffer Carlsson, Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson et al
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 60 (4), p. 531-548
Journal article

Stress intensity factor evaluation for rolling contact fatigue cracks

Robin Andersson, Fredrik Larsson, Elena Kabo et al
Proceedings of NSCM 30: The 30th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics 25-27 October 2017, p. 231-
Other conference contribution

On bounded approximations of periodicity for computational homogenization of Stokes flow in porous media

Carl Sandström, Fredrik Larsson
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Vol. 109 (3), p. 307-325
Journal article

Two-scale modeling of fracturing solids using a smeared macro-to-micro discontinuity transition

Erik Svenning, Fredrik Larsson, Martin Fagerström
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 60 (4), p. 627-641
Journal article

A multiscale model for fracturing solids

Erik Svenning, Fredrik Larsson, Martin Fagerström
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures
Paper in proceeding

Computational homogenization of mesoscale gradient viscoplasticity

Kenneth Runesson, Magnus Ekh, Fredrik Larsson
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Vol. 317, p. 927-951
Journal article

On the implementation of isogeometric analysis for thin shells

Puria Safari Hesari, Sara Almstedt, Fredrik Larsson et al
J. Hölsberg, N.L. Pedersen (Eds.), 30th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, NSCM-30, 2017
Paper in proceeding

The nonconforming linear strain tetrahedron for a large deformation elasticity problem

Peter F G Hansbo, Fredrik Larsson
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 58 (6), p. 929-935
Journal article

Numerical identification of a viscoelastic substitute model for heterogeneous poroelastic media by a reduced order homogenization approach

R. Janicke, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson et al
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Vol. 298, p. 108-120
Journal article


Kristoffer Carlsson, Magnus Ekh, Kenneth Runesson et al
NSCM, 26 - 28 October, Göteborg, 2016 4 page extended abstract
Paper in proceeding

A Comparison of Computational Formats of Gradient-Extended Crystal Viscoplasticity in the Context of Selective Homogenization

Kristoffer Carlsson, Magnus Ekh, Fredrik Larsson et al
Eccomas, 5-10 juni, Kreta, 2016 (1 page abstract)
Paper in proceeding

On computational homogenization of microscale crack propagation

Erik Svenning, Martin Fagerström, Fredrik Larsson
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Vol. 108 (1), p. 76-90
Journal article

Computational homogenization of microfractured continua using weakly periodic boundary conditions

Erik Svenning, Martin Fagerström, Fredrik Larsson
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Vol. 299, p. 1-21
Journal article

Computational homogenization of liquid-phase sintering based on a mixed variational format

Mikael Öhman, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
GAMM Mitteilungen. Vol. 39 (2), p. 189-209
Journal article

Homogenization of coupled flow and deformation in a porous material

Carl Sandström, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Vol. 308, p. 535-551
Journal article

Two-scale modelling of reinforced concrete

Adam Sciegaj, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Other conference contribution


Emil Aggestam, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Proceedings of 29th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics – NSCM29
Other conference contribution

Computation of material forces based on a gradient-enhanced mixed variational formulation

Dimosthenis Floros, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Proceedings of 29th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics – NSCM29
Paper in proceeding

Integrated analysis of dynamic vehicle–track interaction and plasticity induced damage in the presence of squat defects

Robin Andersson, Peter Torstensson, Elena Kabo et al
Wear. Vol. 366-367 (SI), p. 139-145
Journal article

A remedy for traction oscillations in interface elements

Erik Svenning, Martin Fagerström, Fredrik Larsson
Proceedings of the VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering
Paper in proceeding

Mesoscale modelling of crack-induced diffusivity in concrete

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 55 (2), p. 359-370
Journal article

Error Controlled Use of the Taylor Assumption in Adaptive Hierarchial Modeling of DSS

R. Lillbacka, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering. Vol. 13 (2), p. 163-180
Journal article

Integrated analysis of dynamic vehicle-track interaction and plasticity induced damage in the presence of squat defects

Robin Andersson, Peter T Torstensson, Elena Kabo et al
Proceedings of the 10th International International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems, Colorado Springs, USA, August-September 2015
Paper in proceeding

On statistical strain and stress energy bounds from homogenization and virtual testing

S. Saroukhani, R. Vafadari, Robin Andersson et al
European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids. Vol. 51, p. 77-95
Journal article

FE2 Method for Coupled Transient Diffusion Phenomena in Concrete

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE. Vol. 141 (2), p. Art. no. 04014110-
Journal article

Computational homogenization of fracturing continua using weakly periodic boundary conditions

Erik Svenning, Martin Fagerström, Fredrik Larsson
Proceedings of the IV International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures, 3-5 June 2015, Cachan, France, p. 172-173
Paper in proceeding

Finite element modelling of frictional thermomechanical rolling/sliding contact using an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation

Andreas Draganis, Fredrik Larsson, Anders Ekberg
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology. Vol. 229 (7), p. 870-880
Journal article

Computational modeling issues of gradient-extended viscoplasticity

Kristoffer Carlsson, Magnus Ekh, Fredrik Larsson et al
Svenska Mekanikdagar, 10-12 juni, Linköping, 2015 (1 page abstract)
Paper in proceeding

On the variationally consistent computational homogenization of elasticity in the incompressible limit

Mikael Öhman, Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson
Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences. Vol. 2 (1)
Journal article

A goal-oriented adaptive procedure for the quasi-continuum method with cluster approximation

Arash Memarnahavandi, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 55 (4), p. 617-642
Journal article

A sequential-adaptive strategy in space-time with application to consolidation of porous media

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Vol. 288, p. 146-171
Journal article

Transformational cloaking from seismic surface waves by micropolar metamaterials with finite couple stiffness

Alexey Khlopotin, Peter Olsson, Fredrik Larsson
Wave Motion. Vol. 58, p. 53-67
Journal article

The influence of rail surface irregularities on contact forces and local stresses

Robin Andersson, Peter Torstensson, Elena Kabo et al
Vehicle System Dynamics. Vol. 53 (1), p. 68-87
Journal article

An efficient approach to the analysis of rail surface irregularities accounting for dynamic train–track interaction and inelastic deformations

Robin Andersson, Peter Torstensson, Elena Kabo et al
Vehicle System Dynamics. Vol. 53 (11), p. 1667-1685
Journal article

Tangential differential calculus and the finite element modeling of a large deformation elastic membrane problem

Peter F G Hansbo, M. G. Larson, Fredrik Larsson
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 56 (1), p. 87-95
Journal article

Modeling microcracks using weak periodic boundary conditions and xfem

Erik Svenning, Martin Fagerström, Fredrik Larsson
Proceedings of NSCM-27: the 27th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, p. 156-159
Paper in proceeding

Finite element analysis of transient thermomechanical rolling contact using an efficient arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian description

Andreas Draganis, Fredrik Larsson, Anders Ekberg
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 54 (2), p. 389-405
Journal article

On the evaluation of material forces in fracture mechanics

Dimosthenis Floros, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Proceedings of NSCM-27: the 27th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, p. 196-199
Paper in proceeding

Computational homogenization of cracked microstructures

Erik Svenning, Martin Fagerström, Fredrik Larsson
Proceedings of 14th European Mechanics of Materials Conference - EMMC14
Paper in proceeding

Identification of wheel–rail contact forces based on strain measurements, an inverse scheme and a finite-element model of the wheel

Hamed Ronasi, Håkan Johansson, Fredrik Larsson
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. Vol. 228 (4), p. 343-354
Journal article

Elastodynamic cloaking for earthquake protection - The importance of the inner boundary condition

Alexey Khlopotin, Peter Olsson, Fredrik Larsson
21st International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2014, ICSV 2014; Beijing; China; 13 July 2014 through 17 July 2014. Vol. 6, p. 4797-4803
Paper in proceeding

Computational homogenization of diffusion in three-phase mesoscale concrete

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 54 (2), p. 461-472
Journal article

Weakly periodic boundary conditions for the homogenization of flow in porous media

Carl Sandström, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences. Vol. 1
Journal article

Computational homogenization of liquid-phase sintering with seamless transition from macroscopic compressibility to incompressibility

Mikael Öhman, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Vol. 266, p. 219-228
Journal article

A two-scale finite element formulation of Stokes flow in porous media

Carl Sandström, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson et al
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Vol. 261-262, p. 96-104
Journal article

Tredimensionell modellering av betongens heterogena sammansättning

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Bygg & Teknik. Vol. 105 (7), p. 56-59
Magazine article

A 3D/2D comparison between heterogeneous mesoscale models of concrete

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
RILEM Bookseries. Vol. 8, p. 249-259
Paper in proceeding

On the formulation of a computational homogenization scheme with seamless transition from compressible to incompressible microstructures

Mikael Öhman, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
CMM 2013, 20th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics 2013
Other conference contribution

Goal - Oriented Error Control for the Quasi Continuum Method

Fredrik Larsson, Arash Memarnahavandi, Kenneth Runesson
Proceedings of the International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation, ADMOS 2013, p. 108-109
Other conference contribution


Carl Sandström, Fredrik Larsson
International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering. Vol. 11 (2), p. 117-138
Journal article

Macroscopic diffusivity in concrete determined by computationalhomogenization

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. Vol. 37 (11), p. 1535-1551
Journal article

Numerical evaluation of the transient response due to non-smooth rolling contact using an arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian formulation

Andreas Draganis, Fredrik Larsson, Anders Ekberg
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology. Vol. 226 (J1), p. 36-45
Journal article

Goal-oriented adaptivity for the Quasi-Continuum method

Arash Memarnahavandi, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Proceedings of the 25th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, NSCM25, K. Persson, J. Revsted, G. Sandberg and M. Wallin (eds.), p. 59-62
Paper in proceeding

A Simple Anisotropic Mesh-Refinement Strategy for Triangular Elements in 2D

Fredrik Larsson
ISRN Applied Mathematics. Vol. 2012, p. Article ID 134097, 14 pages-
Journal article

Multiscale Modeling of Porous Media

Carl Sandström, Fredrik Larsson
Proceeding of the 25th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, p. 137-140
Other conference contribution

Homogenization of Stokes Flow in Porous Media

Carl Sandström, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson et al
ECCOMAS 2012, European Congress on Computational Methods in Science and Engineering, (1 p. abstract)
Other conference contribution

Identification of wheel-rail contact forces based on strain measurement and finite element model of the rolling wheel

Hamed Ronasi, Håkan Johansson, Fredrik Larsson
Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. Vol. 6, p. 169-177
Paper in proceeding

Computational mesoscale modeling and homogenization of liquid-phase sintering of particle agglomerates

Mikael Öhman, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Technische Mechanik. Vol. 32 (2), p. 463-483
Journal article

Determining effective diffusion properties of concrete through mesoscale analysis

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Microstructural-related Durability of Cementitious Composites: Second international conference (2), p. 214-
Paper in proceeding

On the adaptive use of the Quasi Continuum method in the context of atomistic-to-continuum modeling of graphene

Arash Memarnahavandi, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
ECCOMAS 2012, European Congress on Computational Methods in Science and Engineering, (1 p. abstract)
Other conference contribution

Modelling the thermomechanical wheel–rail interface during rolling contact

Andreas Draganis, Fredrik Larsson, Anders Ekberg
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems (CM2012)
Paper in proceeding

Multiscale modeling of porous media

Carl Sandström, Fredrik Larsson
Proceedings of the 25th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, NSCM25, K. Persson, J. Revsted, G. Sandberg and M. Wallin (eds.), p. 137-140
Paper in proceeding

FE2 for liquid-phase sintering with seamless transition from macroscopic compressibility to incompressibility

Mikael Öhman, Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson
ECCOMAS 2012, European Congress on Computational Methods in Science and Engineering, (1 p. abstract)
Other conference contribution

Load identification for a rolling disc: finite element discretization and virtual calibration

Hamed Ronasi, Håkan Johansson, Fredrik Larsson
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 49 (2), p. 137-147
Review article

On the computational homogenization of mesoscale gradient viscoplasticity

Kenneth Runesson, Magnus Ekh, Fredrik Larsson
Proceedings of the 25th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, NSCM25, K. Persson, J. Revsted, G. Sandberg and M. Wallin (eds.), p. 147-148
Paper in proceeding

a posteriori error estimation and adaptivity for optimal steering of mechanical systems

Håkan Johansson, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Adaptive Modeling and Simulation 2011 (Edited by D. Aubry, P. Díez, B. Tie and N. Parés), p. 309-310
Other conference contribution

Computational homogenization of uncoupled consolidation in micro-heterogeneous porous media

Fang Su, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Proceedings för Svenska Mekanikdagar SMD2011, p. 29-
Other conference contribution

A numerical framework for load identification and regularization with application to rolling disc problem

Hamed Ronasi, Håkan Johansson, Fredrik Larsson
Computers and Structures. Vol. 89 (1-2), p. 38-47
Journal article

A comparison of variational formats for porous media subjected to dynamic loading

Bernd Lenhof, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. Vol. 35 (7), p. 807-823
Journal article

Variationally consistent computational homogenization - Selected issues and applications

Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson
Proceedings of NSCM-24, the 24th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, p. 25-26
Paper in proceeding

Assessment of homogenization errors in transient problems

Kenneth Runesson, Fang Su, Fredrik Larsson
Recent Developments and Innovtive Applications in Computational Mechanics, D. Mueller-Hoeppe, S. Loehnert and S. Reese (eds.), p. 207-214
Paper in proceeding

Chloride transport in concrete modeled by the FE^2-method

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Proceedings of NSCM-24, the 24th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics. Vol. 24, p. 107-110
Other conference contribution

A multi-scale method for modeling of moisture and chloride ion transport in concrete

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Nordic Concrete Research. Vol. XXI
Other conference contribution

On two-scale adaptive FE analysis of micro-heterogeneous media with seamless scale-bridging

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Vol. 200 (37-40), p. 2662-2674
Journal article

Application-specific error control for parameter identification problems

Håkan Johansson, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering. Vol. 27 (4), p. 608-618
Journal article

Model-Adaptive Variationally Consistent Homogenization of Transient Heat Flow

Fang Su, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
11th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM 11), Minneapolis MN, (1 p. abstract), p. 1 pp.-
Other conference contribution

Computational homogenization of coupled consolidation problems in micro-heterogeneous porous media

Fang Su, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Vol. 88 (11), p. 1198-1218
Journal article

Multiscale modeling of porous media

Carl Sandström, Fredrik Larsson, Håkan Johansson et al
Proceedings of NSCM-24, the 24th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, p. 111-114
Paper in proceeding

Strategies for planar crack propagation based on the concept of material forces

Jim Brouzoulis, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 47 (3), p. 295-304
Journal article

Computational homogenization based on a weak format of micro-periodicity for RVE-problems

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson, S. Saroukhani et al
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Vol. 200 (1-4), p. 11-26
Journal article

On adaptive control the of fine-scale accuracy in two-scale finite element analysis.

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Adaptive Modeling and Simulation 2011 (Edited by D. Aubry, P. Díez, B. Tie and N. Parés), p. 309-310
Other conference contribution

Variationally consistent homogenization of seepage in porous media

Carl Sandström, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson et al
11th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM 11), Minneapolis MN, (1 p. abstract), p. 1 pp-
Other conference contribution

Modeling of mass transfer in the micro-structure of concrete: Towards computational homogenization within a FE2-strategy

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Proceedings of NSCM-23: the 23rd Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics (Number: 23), p. 322-325
Other conference contribution

Computational homogenization of uncoupled consolidation in micro-heterogeneous porous media

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson, Fang Su
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. Vol. 34 (14), p. 1431-1458
Journal article

Modellering och simulering av fukt- och kloridjonstransport i betongens mikrostruktur

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Bygg & Teknik. Vol. 102 (7), p. 50-54
Magazine article

A flux-free a posteriori error estimator for the incompressible Stokes problem using a mixed FE formulation

Fredrik Larsson, P. Diez, A. Huerta
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Vol. 199 (37-40), p. 2383-2402
Journal article

Multiscale Modeling of Sintering of Hard Metal

Mikael Öhman, Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson
23rd Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics. A. Eriksson, G. Tibert. KTH, Stockholm 2010, p. 334-336
Paper in proceeding


Carl Sandström, Fredrik Larsson, Håkan Johansson et al
Proceedings of NSCM-23, Anders Eriksson och Gunnar Tibert, Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, Sockholm, 21-22 October 2010. Vol. 2010, p. 177-180
Paper in proceeding

An Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian Formulation For Simulation Of Wheel-Rail Contact

Andreas Draganis, Fredrik Larsson, Anders Ekberg
Proceedings of NSCM-23: the 23rd Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, Anders Eriksson, Gunnar Tibert, 21-22 Oktober, 2010, KTH, Stockholm. Vol. 2010, p. 173-176
Paper in proceeding

On the role of material dissipation for the crack-driving force

Johan Tillberg, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
International Journal of Plasticity. Vol. 26 (7), p. 992-1012
Journal article

Variationally consistent computational homogenization of transient heat flow

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson, Fang Su
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Vol. 81 (13), p. 1659-1686
Journal article

Propagation of a single crack under RCF conditions using the concept of material forces

Jim Brouzoulis, Johan Tillberg, Fredrik Larsson et al
Proceedings of the Twenty Second Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, p. 277-279
Paper in proceeding

Adaptive error control for the stokes problem based on a flux-free a posteriori error estimator

Fredrik Larsson, Pere Alfaras, Pedro Díez et al
Adaptive Modeling and Simulation 2009 (ADMOS 09), (Edited by Ph. Bouillard and P. Díez), p. 123-124
Paper in proceeding

On the sensitivity of the rate of global energy dissipation due to configurational changes

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson, Johan Tillberg
European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids. Vol. 28, p. 1035-1050
Journal article

On adaptive bridging in two-scale finite element analysis of micro-plasticity

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
10th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM X, chair Somnath Ghosh), s. 1p abstract
Paper in proceeding

A posteriori error computation for optimal control of mechanical systems

Håkan Johansson, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
10th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM X, chair Somnath Ghosh), p. 1p abstract-
Other conference contribution

On the Computation of the Crack-Driving Force in Elastic-Plastic solids

Johan Tillberg, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
10th International Conference on Computational Plasticity, COMPLAS X; Barcelona; Spain; 2 September 2009 through 4 September 2009
Paper in proceeding

A posteriori error estimation and adaptivity for target control problems

Håkan Johansson, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Adaptive Modeling and Simulation 2009 (ADMOS 09), (Edited by Ph. Bouillard and P. Díez), p. 117-118
Other conference contribution

Adaptive bridging of scales in material modeling based on model and discretization error control

Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson
Adaptive Modeling and Simulation 2009 (ADMOS 09), (Edited by Ph. Bouillard and P. Díez),, p. 25-26
Paper in proceeding

On a time-sequential adaptive strategy in FE-analysis for the visco-plasticity problem

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Conference on the Mathematics of Finite Elements and Applications (MAFELAP 2009), June 9-12, 2009, Uxbrige, UK (1p abstract), p. 162-
Paper in proceeding

A study of multiple crack interaction at rolling contact fatigue loading of rails

Johan Tillberg, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. Vol. 223 (4), p. 319-330
Journal article

Configurational Forces Derived from the Total Variation of the Rate of Global Dissipation

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson, Johan Tillberg
Solid Mechanics and its Applications. Vol. 17, p. 47-59
Journal article

On energetic changes due to configurational motion of standard continua

Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson, Paul Steinmann
International Journal of Solids and Structures. Vol. 46 (16), p. 1464-1475
Journal article


Hamed Ronasi, Håkan Johansson, Fredrik Larsson
ECCOMAS International Symposium IPM 2009
Paper in proceeding

On the adaptive use of the taylor assumption in computational homogenization of thin sheets

Fredrik Larsson, Robert Lillbacka, Kenneth Runesson
International Journal of Material Forming. Vol. 2 / Supp 1, p. 903-906
Paper in proceeding

On the fine-scale accuracy in adaptive two-scale computations

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Africomp '09, 1st African Conference on ComputationalMechanics - An International Conference, January 7 to January 11, 2009, Sun City, South Africa (1p abstract)
Paper in proceeding

On an adaptive scale-bridging finite element approach in the presence of micro-plasticity

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering (MARINE 2009). T. Kvamsdal, B. Pettersen, P. Bergan, E. Oñate and J. García (Eds.), p. 215-216
Paper in proceeding

Efficient formulation of RVE-problems with application to nodular cast iron

Andreas Holmström, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Proceedings of the Twenty Second Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics. L. Damkilde, L. Andersen, A.S. Kristensen and E Lund (Eds.), p. 63-66
Paper in proceeding

Multiscale modeling of fatigue in nodular cast iron

Andreas Holmström, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson et al
Computational Plasticity X Fundamentals and Applications, Barcelona, Spain, 2-4 September
Other conference contribution

Computational homogenization for quasistatic poromechanics problems

Fang Su, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering III, E Oñate, M Papadrakakis and B Schrefler (eds), (CD-ROM), p. 3pp-
Paper in proceeding

Simulation of internal erosion in road structures

Bernd Lenhof, Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson
Svenska Mekanikdagarna Södertälje 2009, p. 54-
Other conference contribution

Adaptive multiscale modeling of quasistatic poromechanics problems based on scale separation

Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson
Inaugural International Conference of the Engineering Mechanics Institute EM08, May 19-21, 2008, Minneapolis, Minesota, USA, (1p. abstract), p. 62-
Paper in proceeding

Remarks on the thermodynamics of configurational changes

Kenneth Runesson, Paul Steinmann, Fredrik Larsson
GAMM 2008 (Gesellshaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik) Annual meeting, Bremen, Germany
Other conference contribution

Computational Homogenization of Transient Heat Conduction

Fang Su, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
21st Nordic Seminar on Compuational Mechanics (T. Kvamsdal, K.M. Mathisen and B. Pettersen Eds.), p. 156-158
Other conference contribution

Application-Specific Error Control in Inverse Identification

Håkan Johansson, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
8th World Concress on Computational Mechanics WCCM8, 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ECCOMAS 2008 (Edited by B.A. Schrefler and U. Perego) (CD), p. 1p abstract-
Other conference contribution

On modeling and discretization errors in multiscale problems: A two-scale adaptive FE-discretization of a heterogeneous structure

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
8th World Concress on Computational Mechanics WCCM8, 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ECCOMAS 2008 (Edited by B.A. Schrefler and U. Perego), ( CD ) s. 1p abstract
Paper in proceeding

Error control for the coupled identification-simulation problem

Håkan Johansson, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
21st Nordic Seminar on Compuational Mechanics (T. Kvamsdal, K.M. Mathisen and B. Pettersen Eds.), p. 199-202
Other conference contribution

Estimation of model errors in the calibration of viscoelastic material models

Håkan Johansson, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Vol. 76 (10), p. 1568-1582
Journal article

Adaptive Bridging of Scales in Continuum Modeling Based on Error Control

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering. Vol. 6 (4), p. 371-392
Journal article

Optimization strategy in the development process with application to cast components

Andreas Holmström, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson et al
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. Vol. 35 (1), p. 69-77
Journal article

On the link between discretization and higher order homogenization of elastic-plastic composites

Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson
XXII International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM2008), CD-ROM; Proceedings, p. 2 pp-
Paper in proceeding

Identification of viscoelastic relaxation spectra with error control

Håkan Johansson, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
9th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics. Vol. CD, p. 1p abstract-
Other conference contribution

On the seamless bridging of scales in material modeling of a composite

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Proceedings of the 20th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics NSCM 20 R. Larsson and K. Runesson (eds.), 2p abstract
Other conference contribution

A strategy for input estimation with sensitivity analysis

Lars Nordström, Håkan Johansson, Fredrik Larsson
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Vol. 69 (11), p. 2219-2246
Journal article

The seamless bridging of scales in material modeling of a composite based on adaptive error control

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Adaptive Modeling and Simulation 2007 (ADMOS 07), Edited by K. Runesson and P. Díez, p. 146-149
Other conference contribution

Error-Controlled Identification of Viscoelastic Relaxation Spectra

Håkan Johansson, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Proceedings of the 20th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics NSCM 20 R. Larsson and K. Runesson (eds.), p. 2p abstract-
Other conference contribution

Calibration of a porous visco(hyper)elastic model applied to brain tissue

Håkan Johansson, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering II (Edited by E. Onate, M. Papadrakakis and B. Schrefler)., p. 364-366
Other conference contribution

On the Role of Material Dissipation for the Crack-Driving Force

Johan Tillberg, Fredrik Larsson
20th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, 23-24 November, Göteborg
Other conference contribution

Multi-scale modeling of elastic composites with seamless bridging of the scales based on error control

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Proceedings of APCOM'07 - EPMESC XI, December 3-6, 2007, Kyoto, Japan (CD-ROM), p. 4 pages-
Paper in proceeding

Parameter identification with sensitivity assessment and error computation

Håkan Johansson, Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson
GAMM Mitteilungen. Vol. 30 (2), p. 430-457
Journal article

Space-time finite elements for a simplified thermo-metallurgical problem relevant to casting

Andreas Holmström, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 40 (2), p. 341-353
Journal article

Crack Propagation in Linear Elasticity Based on the Concept of Material Forces

Jim Brouzoulis, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson et al
Proceedings of the 20th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, 23-24 November, Gothenburg, Sweden
Other conference contribution

The seamless bridging of scales in material modeling based on adaptive error control

Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson
In ICCE-15, 15th Annual Int. Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering, Hainan Island (Haikuo), China, p. 2-
Other conference contribution

Time-sequential adaptive technique for the visco-plasticity problem

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Svenska Mekanikdagar, 13-15 juni, Luleå, 2007 , s. 27 (1 page abstract)
Other conference contribution

Calibration of a class of non-linear viscoelasticity models with adaptive error control

Håkan Johansson, Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 41 (1), p. 107-119
Journal article

Error control and time-sequential adaptive technique for the visco-plasticity problem

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Computational Plasticity IX, fundamentals and Applications, Part 2 (Edited by E. Onate, D.R.J Owen and B. Suárez),, p. 927-930
Other conference contribution

Calibration of a large strain poro-viscoelastic model for brain tissue

Kenneth Runesson, Håkan Johansson, Fredrik Larsson
Computational Plasticity IX, fundamentals and Applications (Edited by E. Onate, D.R.J Owen and B. Suárez) (1), p. 236-239
Other conference contribution

Calibration of a biphasic model relevant to human brain tissue

Håkan Johansson, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
EUROMEC Colloquium 489 - Modelling Multiphase Materials (Edited by R. Larsson), p. 1p abstract-
Other conference contribution

The seamless bridging of scales in continuum modeling based on error control

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
9th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, CD s. 1p abstract
Other conference contribution

Modeling and Calibration of Brain Tissue as Biphasic Porous Medium

Håkan Johansson, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Second International Conference on Mechanics of Biomaterials & Tissues (December 9-13, 2007 Lihue, Kaua'i, Hawai'i, USA), p. O45 (1p abstract)-
Other conference contribution

Identification of viscoelastic relaxation spectra from quasi-static test data

Håkan Johansson, Fredrik Larsson
Svenska Mekanikdagar, 13-15 juni, Luleå, 2007, p. 28 (1 page abstract)-
Other conference contribution

RVE computations with error control and adaptivity: the power of duality

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 39 (5), p. 647-661
Journal article

Elastoplastic fracture mechanics with application to fatigue crack propagation in rails

Johan Tillberg, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Svenska Mekanikdagar, 2007, 13-15 juni, Luleå, p. 4:20-
Other conference contribution

Error control and adaptivity in space-time for poromechanics problems

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
WCCM VII, 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Los Angeles, CA USA, July 16-22, 2006, CD-rom
Other conference contribution

Aspects on error controlled concurrent multiscale modeling based on rve computations - The power of duality

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Proceedings of the 19th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, p. 68-71
Other conference contribution

Estimation of model and discretization errors in parameter identification problems

Håkan Johansson, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Proceedings of the 19th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics Lund, 20-21 October 2006, p. 73-76
Other conference contribution

On the implementation of plane stress in computational multiscale modeling

Robert Lillbacka, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering. Vol. 5-6, p. 771-790
Journal article

On the implementation of plane stress in computational multiscale modeling

Robert Lillbacka, Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson
Proceedings of the 19th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, p. 91-94
Other conference contribution

Time-sequential error control and adaptivity in space-time for poro-mechanics problems

Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson
Proceedings of the 19th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, p. 81-82
Other conference contribution

On the algorithmic tangent stifness for error-controlled computational homogenization

Kenneth Runesson, Robert Lillbacka, Fredrik Larsson
WCCM VII - 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Los Angeles, CA USA, July 16-22, 2006, CD-rom
Other conference contribution

Adaptive computational meso-macro-scale modeling of elastic composites

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Vol. 195 (4-6), p. 324-338
Journal article

Adaptive meso-scale modeling with application to dissipative material behavior

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
8th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 25-27, 2005, Austin TX, USA, CD-Rom
Other conference contribution

Optimization of Cast Components in the Development Process

Andreas Holmström, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson et al
WCSMO6- 6th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Rio de Janeiro, 30 May-3 June, 2005, p. 26-
Other conference contribution

Adaptive Finite Elements for Parameter Identification: Application to Viscoelasticity

Håkan Johansson, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
ADMOS 05, Adaptive Modeling and Simulation, September 8-10, 2005, Barcelona, Spain, p. 79-80
Other conference contribution

Combined Discretization and Model Errors in Computational Meso-Macro-Scale Material Modeling

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Compilation of Abstracts for theThird M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, p. 220-
Other conference contribution

Calibration of a Nonlinear Elastic Composite With Goal-Oriented Error Control

Håkan Johansson, Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson
International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering. Vol. 3 (3), p. 363-378
Journal article

Adaptive meso-macro-scale modeling in solid mechanics

Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson
South-American Conference on Computational Mechanics
Other conference contribution

Modeling and discretization errors in computational plasticity

Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson
11th International Symposium on Plasticity and its Current Applications, eds A.S. Khan and A.R. Khoei, Januari 3-8, 2005, Kauai, HI USA, CD-rom.
Other conference contribution

Consistent time-cycle approximation for cyclic material deformation

Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson
8th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 25-27, 2005, Austin TX, USA, CD-Rom
Other conference contribution

A strategy for load identification with sensitivity analysis

Lars Nordström, Håkan Johansson, Fredrik Larsson
8th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 25-27, 2005, Austin TX, USA, CD-Rom
Other conference contribution

Efficient Space-time FE for a Simplified Thermo-metallurgical Problem Relevent to Casting

Andreas Holmström, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson et al
Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, COUPLED PROBLEMS 2005 Santorini Island, Greece, May 25-27, 2005, p. 227-
Other conference contribution

Consistent time-cycle approximation for cyclic plasticity coupled to damage

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Computational Plasticity VIII, Fundamentals and Applications, Part 2, p. 1103-1105
Paper in proceeding

Adaptive meso-macro-scale elastic-plastic material modeling

Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson
International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation
Other conference contribution

Error control and adaptivity in space-time of poromechanics problems

Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson
Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering
Other conference contribution

Calibration of a Nonlinear Elastic Composite with Goal-Oriented Error Control Using a Sub-Scale Modeling Approach

Håkan Johansson, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Proc. of Second International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, MMM-2, October 11-15, 2004. Vol. 1 (1), p. 466-468
Other conference contribution

Meso-macro-scale constitutive modeling with error control

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Proceedings CDROM of the Sixth World Congress on Computational Mechanics in conjunction with the Second Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics
Paper in proceeding

Error controlled meso-macro-scale material modeling and computation

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
4th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering. Vol. 2
Paper in proceeding

Modeling and discretization errors in hyperelasto-(visco-)plasticity with a view to hierarchical modeling

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Vol. 193 (48-51), p. 5283-5300
Journal article

Adaptive strategies and error control for computing material forces in fracture mechanics

Per Heintz, Fredrik Larsson, Peter F G Hansbo et al
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Vol. 60 (7), p. 1287-1299
Journal article

Aspects on Computational Meso-Macro-Scale Constitutive Modeling

Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson, Magnus Ekh et al
Eccomas 2004 Book of Abstracts. Vol. 1, p. 11-
Other conference contribution

Space-time finite elements and an adaptive strategy for the coupled thermoelasticity problem

Fredrik Larsson, Peter F G Hansbo, Kenneth Runesson
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Vol. 56 (2), p. 261-293
Journal article

A mixed variational formulation for rve-computations

Fredrik Larsson, R. Lillbacka, Magnus Ekh et al
5th Euromech Solid Mechanics Conference(5th ESMC)
Other conference contribution

A Simple Anisotropic Mesh.-Refinement Strategy for Triangular Elements in 2D

Fredrik Larsson
Svenska mekanikdagarna 2003, p. 68-
Other conference contribution

A Hierarchical Goal-Oriented a Posteriori Error Estimator in Nearly Incompressible Finite Hyperelasticity

Marcus Rüter, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson et al
Adaptive Modeling and Simulation, p. 80-81
Other conference contribution

Modeling and Discretization Errors in Computational Mechanics of Materials with a View to Hierarchical Modeling

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
303. WE-Heraeus-Seminar. Adaptivity in Finite Element Analysis: Models, Meshes and Polynomial Order.
Conference poster

Time finite elements and error computation for (visco)plasticity with hardening or softening

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson, Peter F G Hansbo
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Vol. 56 (14), p. 2213-2232
Journal article

Goal-oriented error control for large strain viscoplasticity

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson, Peter F G Hansbo
IUTAM Symposium on Computational Mechanics of Solid Materials at Large Strains, p. 385-394
Paper in proceeding

Model Errors and Adaptivity in Constitutive Modeling

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
Adaptive Modeling and Simulation., p. 40-41
Other conference contribution

Model errors in computational meso-macro-scale constitutive modeling

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
7th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 27-31, 2003, Albuquerque NM, USA, CD-Rom
Other conference contribution

Strategies for goal-oriented a posteriori error estimation in elastic fracture mechanics

Marcus Rüter, Erwin Stein, Per Heintz et al
Proceedings of the 15th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, p. 43-46
Other conference contribution

Strategies for computing goal-oriented a posteriori error measures in non-linear elasticity

Fredrik Larsson, Peter F G Hansbo, Kenneth Runesson
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Vol. 55 (8), p. 879-894
Journal article

Goal-oriented error control in space-time for (visco)plasticity with damage

Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson
Plasticity, Damage and Fracture at Macro, Micro and Nano Scales, p. 600-602
Other conference contribution

On error control and adaptivity for computing material forces in fracture mechanics

Per Heintz, Fredrik Larsson, Peter F G Hansbo et al
Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Computational Mechanics
Paper in proceeding

Space-time finite elements and adaptive strategy for the coupled poroelasticity problem

Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson, Peter F G Hansbo
IUTAM Symposium on Theoretical and Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics of Porous Materials, p. 67-72
Paper in proceeding

Strategier för generell felkontroll i FEM tillämpat på hyperelasticitet

Fredrik Larsson, Peter F G Hansbo, Kenneth Runesson
Svenska mekanikdagar 2001, p. 71-71
Other conference contribution

Strategies for goal-oriented a posteriori error measures in nonlinear elasticity

Marcus Rüter, Erwin Stein, Fredrik Larsson et al
Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Computational Mechanics
Paper in proceeding

Goal-oriented error control in time for (visco)plasticity with damage

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
6th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, August 1-4, 2001, Dearborn MI, USA
Other conference contribution

Computation of goal-oriented error measures in space-time finite elements for viscoplasticity

Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson, Peter F G Hansbo
Trends in Computational Structural Mechanics, p. 499-510
Paper in proceeding

Space-time finite elements and adaptive strategy for the coupled poroelasticity problem

Kenneth Runesson, Fredrik Larsson, Peter F G Hansbo
Developments in Theoretical Geomechanics - The John Booker Memorial Symposium, p. 193-213
Paper in proceeding

Adaptive Strategy for the Coupled Thermoelasticity Problem Using Space-Time Finite Elements

Fredrik Larsson, Peter F G Hansbo, Kenneth Runesson
Svenska mekanikdagarna
Other conference contribution

Adaptive strategy for the coupled thermoelasticity problem using space-time finite elements

Peter F G Hansbo, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson
5th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, August 4-6, 1999, Boulder CO, USA. Book of Abstracts, p. 366-
Other conference contribution

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Showing 15 research projects


On computational modeling of multi-physics interphases with application to positive electrode material in structural batteries

Leif Asp Material and Computational Mechanics
Fredrik Larsson Material and Computational Mechanics
Swedish Research Council (VR)


Multiscale design of textile reinforced concrete structures

Karin Lundgren Structural Engineering
Fredrik Larsson Material and Computational Mechanics
Gabriel Edefors Structural Engineering
Swedish Research Council (VR)


Sprickinitiering i anisotropa hjul- och rälmaterial

Nasrin Talebi Material and Computational Mechanics
Knut Andreas Meyer Material and Computational Mechanics
Magnus Ekh Material and Computational Mechanics
Johan Ahlström Engineering Materials
Fredrik Larsson Material and Computational Mechanics
Chalmers Railway Mechanics (CHARMEC)
European Commission (EC)

1 publication exists

Driving research and innovation to push Europe's rail system forward (IN2TRACK3)

Anders Ekberg Dynamics
Elena Kabo Dynamics
Jens Nielsen Dynamics
Magnus Ekh Material and Computational Mechanics
Johan Ahlström Engineering Materials
Astrid Pieringer Applied Acoustics
Fredrik Larsson Material and Computational Mechanics
Jannik Theyssen Applied Acoustics
Michele Maglio Dynamics
Daniel Gren Engineering Materials
Erika Steyn Engineering Materials
Björn Pålsson Dynamics
Caroline Ansin Material and Computational Mechanics
Björn Andersson Material and Computational Mechanics
Mohammad Salahi Nezhad Material and Computational Mechanics
Nasrin Talebi Material and Computational Mechanics
Henrik Vilhelmson Dynamics
Tore V Vernersson Dynamics
Eric Landström Voortman Dynamics
Kourosh Nasrollahi Dynamics
Swedish Transport Administration
European Commission (EC)

28 publications exist

Numerical model reduction for computational homogenization of polycrystals

Fredrik Larsson Material and Computational Mechanics
Kenneth Runesson Material and Computational Mechanics
Magnus Ekh Material and Computational Mechanics
Swedish Research Council (VR)

3 publications exist

Growth of rolling contact fatigue cracks (CHARMEC MU38)

Elena Kabo Dynamics
Mohammad Salahi Nezhad Material and Computational Mechanics
Anders Ekberg Dynamics
Fredrik Larsson Material and Computational Mechanics
Chalmers Railway Mechanics (CHARMEC)

3 publications exist

Multiscale modelling of textile reinforced concrete structure

Karin Lundgren Structural Engineering
Fredrik Larsson Material and Computational Mechanics
Adam Sciegaj Structural Engineering
Swedish Research Council (VR)

4 publications exist

Multiscale modelling of failure in thin-ply textile composites using Isogeometric Analysis

Martin Fagerström Material and Computational Mechanics
Fredrik Larsson Material and Computational Mechanics
Joris Remmers Unknown organization
Swedish Research Council (VR)

4 publications exist

Modeling of desiccation cracking in soils due to climate change

Ralf Jänicke Material and Computational Mechanics
Jelke Dijkstra Geology and Geotechnics
Fredrik Larsson Material and Computational Mechanics
Minna Karstunen Geology and Geotechnics
Ritukesh Bharali Material and Computational Mechanics

5 publications exist

Research into enhanced track and switch and crossing system 2 (In2Track-2)

Elena Kabo Dynamics
Fredrik Larsson Material and Computational Mechanics
Dimosthenis Floros Material and Computational Mechanics
Astrid Pieringer Applied Acoustics
Casey Jessop Engineering Materials
Wolfgang Kropp Applied Acoustics
Johan Ahlström Engineering Materials
Xin Li Dynamics
Magnus Ekh Material and Computational Mechanics
Michele Maglio Dynamics
Daniel Gren Engineering Materials
Björn Pålsson Dynamics
Roger Lundén Dynamics
Marko Milosevic Dynamics
Lennart Josefson Material and Computational Mechanics
Emil Aggestam Dynamics
Anders Ekberg Dynamics
Jens Nielsen Dynamics
Tore V Vernersson Dynamics
Rostyslav Skrypnyk Dynamics
Erika Steyn Engineering Materials
Christer Persson Engineering Materials
Björn Andersson Material and Computational Mechanics
Knut Andreas Meyer Material and Computational Mechanics
Mohammad Salahi Nezhad Material and Computational Mechanics
Jannik Theyssen Applied Acoustics
Swedish Transport Administration
European Commission (EC)

50 publications exist

Analysis and Modelling Service for Engineering Materials Studied with Neutrons

Paul Erhart Materials and Surface Theory
Magnus Ekh Material and Computational Mechanics
Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander Materials Microstructure
Fredrik Larsson Material and Computational Mechanics
Swedish Research Council (VR)

31 publications exist

Numerisk modellreduktion vid beräkningsbaserad homogenisering av deformation och strömning i porösa medier

Fredrik Larsson Material and Computational Mechanics
Swedish Research Council (VR)

9 publications exist

Multiscale modelling of reinforced concrete structures

Karin Lundgren Civil and Environmental Engineering
Filip Nilenius Structural Engineering
Fredrik Larsson Material and Computational Mechanics
Kenneth Runesson Material and Computational Mechanics
Adam Sciegaj Structural Engineering
Swedish Research Council (VR)

11 publications exist

Simulation of rolling contact fatigue crack growth in rails

Dimosthenis Floros Material and Computational Mechanics
Fredrik Larsson Material and Computational Mechanics
Anders Ekberg Dynamics
Chalmers Railway Mechanics (CHARMEC)
Swedish Transport Administration


Computational Multiscale Modeling of Seepage and Deformation in Fluid-Filled Porous Media

Fredrik Larsson Material and Computational Mechanics
Swedish Research Council (VR)

There might be more projects where Fredrik Larsson participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.