Stefan Bengtsson
Since September 2023, Stefan Bengtsson is employed at the Chalmers University of Technology Foundation as Strategic fundraising director. Stefan Bengtsson is also chairman of the Board of Directors of Chalmers University of Technology. He is professor of solid-state electronics, with a research interest in micro- and nano-electronics, primarily silicon-based materials and devices. He has published more than 100 scientific articles in international journals and conference proceedings. In his academic career he has held positions at Chalmers University of Technology and Malmö University and he has spent a period as guest professor at Institute National Polytechnique in Grenoble, France. Stefan Bengtsson has academic leadership experience from being President and CEO of Chalmers University of Technology (2015–2023), vice-chancellor at Malmö University (2011–2015), first vice president/pro-rector (2007–2011) and deputy CEO (2009–2011) at Chalmers and from being department head at Chalmers. He is lifetime member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) and since 2021 on the Board of Directors of IVA.

Showing 115 publications
Vertically aligned carbon based varactors
Carbon-based nanoelectromechanical devices
Wafer bonding: A retrospective
Carbon-based nanoelectromechanical devices
CMOS considerations in nanoelectromechanical carbon nanotube-based switches
CMOS considerations in nanoelectromechanical carbon nanotube-based switches
Sensors and actuators based on SOI materials
Monolayers and nanoparticles on nickel silicide for molecular electronics
Applications of SOI materials to quantum devices and Microsystems
Low-frequency noise in silicon nanogaps
Plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition growth of carbon nanotubes on different metal underlayers
Electrical Properties of Si-SiO2-Si Nanogaps
Process optimization for SiGe pMOSFETs using low temperature oxides on ultra-thin cap layers
Selective growth of individual multiwalled carbon nanotubes
Wafer bonding: A flexible way to manufacture SOI materials for high performance applications
A study on integration of molecular devices into CMOS compatible technology
Hydrophobic low temperature wafer bonding; void formation in the oxide free interface
HfO2 gate dielectrics on strained-Si and strained-SiGe layers
Plasma assisted low temperature wafer bonding: void formation in the oxide free interface
HfO2 for strained-Si and strained-SiGe MOSFETs
Applications of plasma assisted wafer bonding
A novel depleted semi-insulating silicon material for high frequency applications
ZrO2 gate dielectrics prepared by e-beam deposition of Zr and YSZ films and post annealing processes
Analysis of CV characterisitcs of plasma bonded wafers
A silicon-oxide-silicon nanogap device structure
ZrO2 and ZrO2/Y2O3 gate dielectrics prepared by evaporation and annealing processes
Electrical characterization of low thermal budget gate oxides on Si/Si0.8Ge0.2/Si substrates
Self heating effects of high power SOI vertical DMOS transistor with lateral drain contacts
Semiconductor nanogaps for the fabrication of molecular electronic devices
Semiconductor Wafer Bonding: Science Technology, and Applications VI
Plasma assisted room temperature bonding for MST
A Si/SiO2/Si heterostructure barrier varactor diode made by wafer bonding
Leakage current and capacitance characteristics of Si/SiO2/Si single-barrier varactor
High frequency properties of silicon-on-insulator and novel depleted silicon materials
Formation of silicon structures by plasma activated wafer bonding
A silicon structure for electrical characterisation of nanoscale elements
Can molecular resonant tunneling diodes be used for local refresh of DRAM memory cells?
Wafer bonding using oxygen plasma treatment in RIE and ICP RIE
Depleted semi-insulating silicon/silicon material formed by wafer bonding
Simulation of SOI MOSFETs at GHz frequencies
Depleted semi-insulating silicon/silicon material formed by wafer bonding
Diamond based silicon-on-insulator materials and devices
Formation of silicon structures by plasma-activated wafer bonding
Can molecular resonant tunneling diodes be used for local refresh of DRAM memory cells?
Room temperature wafer bonding of silicon, oxidized silicon, and crystalline quartz
n-Si/SiO2/Si heterostructure barrier varactor diode design
Integration of silicon and diamond, aluminum nitride or aluminum oxide for electronic materials
Electroluminescence from silicon p-n junctions prepared by wafer bonding
Bonded Al2O3-covered Si-wafers for highly thermally conductive SOI-materials
Ultra-clean Si/Si interface formation by surface preparation and direct bonding in ultra-high vacuum
Ultraclean Si/Si interface formation by surface preparation and direct bonding in ultrahigh vacuum
Wafer bonding and smartcut for formation of silicon-on-insulator materials
Proceedings of the 1997 10th Biennial Conference on Insulating Films on Semiconductor (INFOS)
Steady-state and transient current transport in undoped polycrystalline diamond films
SPFM pre-cleaning for formation of silicon interfaces by wafer bonding
Oxygen partial pressure influence on internal oxidation of SIMOX wafers
Formation of directly bonded Si/Si interfaces in ultra-high vacuum
Properties of Al2O3-films deposited on silicon by atomic layer epitaxy
Formation of directly bonded Si/Si interfaces in ultra-high vacuum
Modification of silicon surfaces with H2SO4:H2O2:HF and HNO3:HF for wafer bonding applications
Optimized cleaning processes for silicon wafer bonding
Influence of SC-1/SC-2 cleaning on wafer-bonded silicon dioxide structures
The influence of wafer dimensions on the contact wave velocity in silicon wafer bonding
Electrical properties of undoped polycrystalline diamond thin films on silicon
Modification of silicon surfaces with H2SO4:H2O2:HF and HNO3:HF for wafer bonding applications
Evaluation of silicon device processes aimed for silicon-on-diamond material
The influence of surface micro-roughness on bondability
Wafer Bonding Induced Degradation Of Thermal Silicon Dioxide Layers On Silicon
The Effects Of Hf Cleaning Prior To Silicon-Wafer Bonding
Characterization of thin SOI layers
Charge-Carrier Injection Into The Buried Oxide Of Wafer-Bonded Silicon-On-Insulator Materials
Characterization Of Spontaneously Bonded Hydrophobic Silicon Surfaces
Silicon on aluminum nitride structures formed by wafer bonding
Low temperature oxides deposited by remote plasma enhanced CVD
Microroughness characterisation using 2D fourier transform of AFM images
Thermal and electrical instabilities in wafer bonded SiO2 layers
Charge carrier injection into the buried oxide of wafer bonded silicon-on-insulator materials
Charge transport in polycrystalline diamond thin films on silicon
Spontaneity of hydrophobic Si-Si bonding and properties of the bonded interfaces
Photoinjection in SiO2-SiO2/Si structures formed by wafer bonding
Electrical Characterization Of Bonding Interfaces
Electrical characterization of bonding interfaces
The Bonded Unipolar Silicon-Silicon Junction
Oxide degradation of wafer bonded MOS capacitors following Fowler-Nordheim electron injection
Semiconductor Wafer Bonding - A Review Of Interfacial Properties And Applications
Charge Trapping In Wafer Bonded Mos Structures
Charge trapping in wafer bonded structures
Electrical Methods For Characterizing Directly Bonded Silicon Silicon Interfaces
Preparation and electrical characterization of silicon structures formed by wafer bonding
Charge densities at silicon interfaces prepared by wafer bonding
Interface Charge Control Of Directly Bonded Silicon Structures
Electronic-Properties Of Silicon Interfaces Prepared By Direct Bonding
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