Tom Adawi
Visar 105 publikationer
En hybrid miljö – interaktion, lärarstöd och fördjupat lärande
Authenticity work in higher education learning environments: a double-edged sword?
Challenge Episodes and Coping Strategies in Undergraduate Engineering Research
Flipping an online module in computational physics
WORKSHOP: When emotions are NOT outlawed: Using emotional scaffolding to enhance student learning
The polarizing effect of the online flipped classroom
Emotions in engineering education: Towards a research agenda
Entrepreneurial Engineering Pedagogy: Models, Tradeoffs and Discourses
Involving Undergraduates in Research: Practices, Promises and Pointers
Knowing how and knowing when: unpacking public understanding of atmospheric CO2 accumulation
Investigating the Dynamics of Authentic Learning in a Project-based Engineering Course
Omvänt klassrum på distans i kärnreaktormodellering
The reflective diary as a method for the formative assessment of self-regulated learning
Does participation affect performance in a flipped online course?
Flipped Classroom Research: From “Black Box” to “White Box” Evaluation
Entry points when undergraduate research mentors reflect on their role: a qualitative case study
Can the SOLO-taxonomy be used in characterizing engineering students' systems thinking skills?
How Entrepreneurial are Project-based Courses in Engineering Education?
Setting up a room to cater to online learners’ needs
Teaching sustainability: Running a MOOC on “Sustainability in everyday life”
Linking teaching and research in an undergraduate course and exploring student learning experiences
"Time is the bottleneck": a qualitative study exploring why learners drop out of MOOCs
The Babushka concept – An instructional sequence to enhance laboratory learning in science education
Learners engagement with recorded lectures in MOOC’s – results from interviews with participants.
Evaluating the design of a course in mathematical modelling and problem solving
Innovation in mathematics education - A synthesis of the debate
Reflective Diaries – A Tool for Promoting and Probing Student Learning
Comparing Student Activity and Performance in the Classroom and a Virtual Learning Environment
Measuring g using a rotating liquid mirror: Enhancing laboratory learning
Warming up for PBL: a course in mathematical modelling and problem solving
Investigating and developing engineering students’ mathematical modelling and problem-solving skills
Applied Mathematical Problem Solving: Principles for Designing Small Realistic Problems
Reasons for Engaging in MOOC Development: Management, Faculty and Support Perspectives
Getting at the learning in active learning
Challenges in implementing PBL: Chalmers Formula Student as a case
Designing and Evaluating a Flipped Signals and Systems Course
Implementing interdisciplinary projects in engineering education – challenges and opportunities
Using learning analytics in virtual learning environments
Mastering model-driven engineering
From values and beliefs to teaching practice – a case study of novice tutors
Naturvetenskapligt och tekniskt lärande: Samordning av ämnesdidaktik för tre ämnen
Teaching and learning mathematical modelling and problem solving: A case study
Tasting genuine research in a course on tissue engineering
Pair Lecturing Model-Driven Software Development
Methodological analysis of SEFI EER papers
Educational development at universities regarding open innovation
Pair Lecturing - Catching that teachable moment
Developing a methodological taxonomy of EER papers
Developing a taxonomy of EER papers
Pair lecturing to model modeling and encourage active learning
Pair lecturing to enhance reflective practice and teacher development
Comparing group and individual problem solving: A case study from Newtonian mechanics.
Bridging theory and practice: An inquiry-based course in mathematical modeling and problem solving.
Assessing individuals in team projects: A case study from computer science
Students’ and Teachers’ Views on Fair Grades - Is it Possible to Reach a Shared Understanding?
How do engineering physics students view the relation between science and technology?
The impact of academic development courses on quality learning in higher education
Creative ways of developing teaching competencies at the university level
Cross disciplinary research in engineering and educational sciences. A Swedish case study
Innovation and improvement in the training of postgraduate engineering students
Learning from critical incidents in the supervision of research
Promoting constructive aligment in engineering education at Chalmers
A model for the supervision of PhD students
The role of computer simulations in university students’ reasoning about physics
Working and teaching method for learning experience: tested in analogue circuit design
Phenomenography for physicists
How mathematical is conceptual understanding?
Teknik – en lovsång till naturens sinnrikhet och sinnenas rike
The constructive alignment of aims,methods and assessment in engineering education
On context in phenomenographic research on understanding heat and temperature
Exploring the public understanding of science: A case study from thermal physics
Superembeddings, nonlinear supersymmetry and five-branes
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Visar 3 forskningsprojekt
Research on Interdisciplinary PBL in the Nordic Region
Public Understanding of Climate Physics: CO2 Accumulation & Earth's Energy Balance