Anders Palmqvist
Anders Palmqvist är Chalmers vicerektor för forskning och hållbar utveckling sedan maj 2018.
Anders Palmqvist är Tekn. Dr. i Oorganisk kemi och Professor i Materialkemi på avdelningen för Tillämpad kemi. Anders Palmqvist leder en forskargrupp med fokus på utveckling av nya material och syntesmetoder för nanostrukturerade material. Såväl fastfasmetoder som våtkemiska metoder med självassocierande, strukturstyrande ytaktiva komponenter utvecklas. Strukturell karakterisering av materialens olika längdskalor är en annan viktig del av verksamheten och omfattar bland annat diffraktion, ljus- och röntgenspridning, röntgen absorptionsspektroskopi, gasadsorption, elektronmikroskopi, NMR och EPR.
Forskningen tillämpas bland annat inom teknologier för energiomvandling, såsom bränslecells- och fotokatalys, och termoelektrisk återvinning av spillvärme. Andra studier inom gruppen rör utveckling av ytaktiva nanopartiklar och enzymatisk omvandling av CO2 till metanol. Gruppen är utrustad för utvärdering av materialens egenskaper i dessa tillämpningar.

Visar 174 publikationer
Advanced materials provide solutions towards a sustainable world
Strategic Optimization of the Electronic Transport Properties of Pseudo-Ternary Clathrates
First-Principles Study of Order-Disorder Transitions in Pseudobinary Clathrates
Investigating the Chemical Ordering in Quaternary Clathrate Ba₈AlₓGa₁₆₋ₓGe₃₀
Order-Disorder Transition in Inorganic Clathrates Controls Electrical Transport Properties
Effect of Nitrogen Doping on the Performance of Mesoporous CMK-8 Carbon Anodes for Li-Ion Batteries
Influence of Phase Separation and Spinodal Decomposition on Microstructure of Mg₂Si₁₋ₓSnₓ Alloys
Thermal conductivity in intermetallic clathrates: A first-principles perspective
Clouding observed for surface active, mPEG-grafted silica nanoparticles
Spatial Distribution of Enzymes Immobilized in Mesoporous Silicas for Biocatalysis
Measuring viscosity inside mesoporous silica using protein-bound molecular rotor probe
Influence of iron precursor hydration state on performance of non-precious metal fuel cell catalysts
Hydrophilic and hydrophobic modifications of colloidal silica particles for Pickering emulsions
Formation of titanium dioxide core-shell microcapsules through a binary-phase spray technique
Relating phase transition heat capacity to thermal conductivity and effusivity in Cu2Se
An integrated system for energy-efficient exhaust aftertreatment for heavy-duty vehicles
A facile low-temperature synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles with excellent polymorph control
High-entropy alloys as high-temperature thermoelectric materials
High temperature energy harvester for wireless sensors
An integrated system for energy efficient exhaust after-treatment for heavy-duty vehicles
Analytic modeling of a high temperature thermoelectric module for wireless sensors
Transition Metal Ion-Chelating Ordered Mesoporous Carbons as Noble Metal-Free Fuel Cell Catalysts
Fabrication of High Temperature Thermoelectric Energy Harvesters for Wireless Sensors
Silica/alkali ratio dependence of the microscopic structure of sodium silicate solutions
Composite thermoelectric materials with embedded nanoparticles
Enhanced thermoelectric properties of Mg2Si by addition of TiO2 nanoparticles
Promoting Effect of Triglyme on Lean NOx Reduction Over Ag/Al2O3
Alumina-supported In2O3, Ga2O3 and B2O3 catalysts for lean NOx reduction with dimethyl ether
Low-Cost High-Performance Zinc Antimonide Thin Films for Thermoelectric Applications
Thermoelectric properties of Ba8Ga16Ge30 with TiO2 nanoinclusions
Influence of Gas Phase Reactions on DME-SCR over gamma-alumina
Influence of the reducing agent for lean NOx reduction over Cu-ZSM-5
Concentration- and pH-dependence of highly alkaline sodium silicate solutions
Decoupling particle formation from intraparticle ordering in mesostructured silica colloids
How the Anatase-to-Rutile Ratio Influences the Photoreactivity of TiO2
Lean NOx Reduction with Various Bio-Diesels as Reducing Agents
Special characteristics of dimethyl ether as reducing agent in continuous lean NOx reduction
On the Formation Mechanism of Pluronic-Templated Mesostructured Silica
A mechanistic study of electrodeposition of bismuth telluride on stainless steel substrates
Reversible sorption in the crystalline microporous semiconductor Rb-CTH-1
Reversible sorption of water in the crystalline microporous semiconductor K-SBC-1
Thermoelectric properties of partly Sb- and Zn-substituted Ba8Ga16Ge30 clathrates
Thermal stability and thermoelectric properties of p-type Ba8Ga16Ge30 clathrates
Thermoelectric Properties of YMn4+xAl8-x, -2 ≤ x ≤ 2.5
Influence of Synthesis Conditions for ZSM-5 on the Hydrothermal Stability of Cu-ZSM-5
Differences Between Al2O3 and Ag/Al2O3 for Lean Reduction of NOx with Dimethyl Ether
Use of Self-Assembled Surfactants for Nanomaterials Synthesis
Structural analysis of the microporous semiconductor K-SBC-1 during its reversible sorption of water
The importance of zeolite synthesis on the stability of Cu-ZSM-5
Differences between dimethyl ether and methanol as the reducing agent in lean NOx reduction
DME as reductant for continuous Lean Reduction of NOx over ZSM-5 Catalysts
H-ZSM-5 as promising catalyst for selective catalytic reduction of NOx with dimethyl ether
The importance of zeolite synthesis on the stability of Cu-ZSM-5
Catalytic Oxidation of CO over Ordered Mesoporous Platinum
Particle Size Control in Colloidal Suspensions of Mesostructured Silica
Surfactant Inhibition of Aluminium Pigments for Waterborne Printing Inks
Continuous Lean Reduction of NO with Dimethyl Ether over an H-ZSM-5 Catalyst
Synthesis of Nanosized Zn2PtO4
On the different roles of NCO and CN in propene-SCR over silver/alumina
Ageing Effects on Lean NOx Reactions over Cu-ZSM-5 Influenced by Zeolite Synthesis
Improved lean deNOx performance of Cu-ZSM-5 through alternative synthesis conditions for ZSM-5
A Crystalline Large Pore Microporous Semiconductor
Differences in catalytic properties between mesoporous and nanoparticulate platinum
Mechanistic Considerations of Propane Activation for HC-SCR using Isotope Labelled Oxygen
On the influence of Pt particle size on the PEMFC cathode performance
Incorporation of platinum nanoparticles in ordered mesoporous carbon
NOx Reduction Performance of Lean NOx Catalyst and Lean NOx Adsorber Using DME as Reducing Agent
Mechanistic aspects of lean NO2 reduction by propane over H-ZSM-5
Surface modification for aluminum pigment inhibition
Large thermoelectric figure of merit at high temperature in Czochralski-grown clathrate Ba8Ga16Ge30
Effects of oxidation and redox properties on the selectivity of Ag/Al2O3 catalysts for HC-SCR of NOx
Mechanistic Aspects of Lean NO2 Reduction by Propane over HZSM-5
Catalytic and mechanistic study of lean NO2 reduction by isobutane and propane over HZSM-5.
Improved lean deNOx performance of Cu-ZSM-5 through alternative synthesis conditions for ZSM-5
Alternative catalysts and carbon support materials for PEMFC
Large Thermoelectric Figure of Merit at High Temperature in Czochralski-Grown Clathrate Ba8Ga16Ge30
The effect of platinum distribution in monolithic catalysts on the oxidation of CO and hydrocarbons
Silver Nanoparticle Formation in Microemulsions Acting Both as Template and Reducing Agent
Oxidation of CO over Pt/Al2O3 catalysts - A transient in-situ FTIR and XANES study
Lean Reduction of NO2 by Saturated Hydrocarbons over Acidic Zeolite Mordenite
Lean hydrocarbon selective catalytic reduction over dual pore system zeolite mixtures
Surfactant-templated mesostructured materials from inorganic silica
Mechanistic Study of the Influence of the Surface Acidity on Lean NO2 Reduction by Propane in HZSM-5
CO oxidation over Pt/Al2O3 - A transient in-situ FTIR and XANES study
Ag/AgCl Loaded Ordered Mesoporous Anatase for Photocatalysis
LOTUS: A co-operation for low temperature urea-based selective catalytic reduction of NOx
A transient in situ FTIR and XANES study of CO oxidation over Pt/Al2O3 catalysts
Preparation of Mn, Fe and Co based perovskite catalysts using microemulsions
CO oxidation over Pt/Al2O3 - A transient in-situ FTIR and XANES study
Selective catalytic reduction of NOx over H-ZSM-5 under lean conditions using transient NH3 supply
Selective catalytic reduction of NOx over H-ZSM-5 under lean conditions using transient NH3 supply
A crystalline microporous narrow-bandgap semiconductor
Continuous lean NOx reduction with hydrocarbons over dual pore system catalysts
Influence of transient ammonia supply on selective catalytic reduction of NOx over zeolite H-ZSM-5
Synthesis of ordered mesoporous materials using surfactant liquid crystals or micellar solutions
Formation of Calcium Carbonate in Liquid Crystalline Phases
Selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3 over H-ZSM-5: Influence of transient ammonia supply
Lean NOx reduction over H-ZSM-5 using transient NH3 supply
On the Catalytic Activity of Co3O4 in Low-Temperature CO Oxidation
Macroscopic Alignment of Silver Nanoparticles in Liquid Crystalline Templates
Continuous lean NOx reduction with isobutane over dual pore system catalyst
Synthesis of Pt Nanoparticles in Microemulsions and their Deposition on g -Al2O3
Kinetics of the formation of nano-sized platinum particles in water-in-oil microemulsions
Dual pore zeolite system for NOx reduction in lean exhausts
Kinetic Study of the Formation of Nano Sized Platinum Particles in Microemulsion
Selective oxidation of NO and iso-buthane in zeolites
Kinetics of Nanoparticle Formation in Microemulsion
Kinetic Study of the Formation of Nano Sized Platinum Particles in Microemulsion
Preparation and characterization of collodial suspensions of ZSM-5 type zeolites
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Visar 7 forskningsprojekt
A multiscale approach towards mesostructured porous material design (MULTIMAT)
Energi OCH Effekt: Hybridsuperkondensatorer
Nästa generation batterier för hybrid- och elfordon
Karaktärisering och utvärdering av ytaktiva silica nanopartiklar
Energieffektiv reduktion av emissioner från fordon: E4 Mistra
Energieffektiv reduktion av emissioner från fordon: E4 Mistra